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particles with cement, which has the capacity ofhardening into a rocklike mass. These materials form very important elements in all masonry structures. Common building brick is made of clay containing a considerable proportion of fine sand. The material is mixed with water, and the mass is pressed througha rectangular opening and cut crosswise with wires. The presence of sand lowers the plasticity of the raw material, but decreases its tendency to crack, twistor shrink during drying. The fully dried material is heated until it begins to vitrify. This means that the temperature is fully reached, at which the more fusible components of the mixture begin to melt to a liquid, which flows around the unfused particles, cementing them firmly together. When it has been carried, the ceramic material is said to be completely vitrified. The most important building materials now are structuralsteel andconcrete. The outer walls and the roofhave lost their old importance. They are no longer structural. The walls, which no longer to support the structure, can be made of any kind of material. The roofs may be flat. With glass and ferro-concrete as construction materials and with modern synthetic materials for interior decoration, architects and construction workerserect structures which represent a harmonious blend of national and modern style. Notes: 1. cutcrosswisewithwires – резать поперек с помощью проволоки Pre-textexercises 1. Выпишите из текста выделенные слова и найдите их значения в англо-русском словаре. 2. Переведите словосочетания: а) N.B! more – более, больше;most - самый most widely used in building construction stone, brick and constituents of wall plaster masonry units, masonry structures the most important component of concrete artificial conglomerate of stone, gravel or similar inert materialstone a mixture of sand, screening or similar inert particles a rectangular opening the plasticity of raw material tendency to crack, twist or shrinkto melt to a liquidsynthetic materials for interior decoration the more fusible components of the mixturerepresent a harmonious blend of national and modern style b) Переведите предложения: N.B! Слова с ing-окончанием могут представлять разные части речи: существительные (что?), причастия (какой?), деепричастия (как), герундий (что? что делать?) 1. Lime, gypsum and cement are used in building construction for the purpose of bending together masonry units. 2 Mortar is a mixture of sand, screening or similar inert particles with cement. 3. Cement has a capacity of hardening into a rocklike mass. 4. Brick is made of clay containing a considerable proportion of fine sand. 5. The presence of sand decreases its tendency to crack during drying. 6. A liquid flows around the unfused particles cementing them together. 3. Словообразование.Переведите производные слова: Tomix (смешивать) – mixture; hard (твердый) – toharden; low (низкий) – tolower = to decrease; todry (высыхать) – drying – driedmaterial; tofuse (плавиться) – fusible – unfused;tovitrify (превращаться в стекловидное вещество) – completelyvitrified; tocrash(крошить) – crashedstone. After – textexercises 4. Ответьте на вопросы, используя текст: 1.What are the most important building materials? 2. What are they used for? 3. What is concrete made of? 4. Is cement the most important component of concrete? 5. What is mortar? 6. What are building bricks made of? 7. How does the presence of fine sand affect the raw material? 8. What new and modern building materials are in usenowadays? Text 8: Cement Прочитайте текст, выпишите из текста предложения, в которых раскрываются следующие утверждения: 1. название цемента связано с местом, где он был найден; 2. цемент представляет собой смесь определённых ингредиентов; 3. белоснежный цемент используется для архитектурных эффектов; 4. обогащённый воздухом цемент защищает от холода. An English patent grantedin 1824 toJoseph Aspdinmarkedtheformalentry of Portlandcement intotheconstructiontrades. Aspdin called it “Portlandcement”, because its color was identicalwith a certain kind of stone found near Portland, England. The cement is made of a powered mixture derive from limestone, cement rock, oyster shells, clay, iron ore, shale, sand and marl. Other ingredients are often added to make special types of cement for certain conditions. One beautiful type is white porcelain cement – a snowy white substance used for striking architectural effects. A type important to northern builders is air – entrained Portland cement which has the ability to from millions of tiny bubbles of air in the concrete or mortal mass, making it more flexible in freeze – thaw conditions. Air – entrained concrete and mortal are resistant to the salt and chemicals used for melting snow and ice, and they are easier to work with a towel. If you live in the north, air – entrained cement is the only kind to use. Text 9: Construction and New Steel Products Прочитайте тексты и расскажите, какие новые технологии появились в строительстве зданий и сооружений. White the trend toward structures of increasing size, the construction industry is emphasizing high strength and low cost when specifying materials, along with effectiveness in shortening the construction term. The importance of corrosion resistance has risen with the increase in construction project in coastal district and offshore and good weathering performance is in great demand for all construction materials. In this field, durability takes priority over low initial cost. A variety ofsteel materials have been developed to satisfy today’s construction needs. In many cities building construction plants have mastered production of perlite- concrete blocks. Perlite is an excellent building material, which is especially valuable as a thermo- insulating filter. It is obtained from natural rock. Notes: trend –тенденция, направление; toemphasize–делать упор на; toshorten –укорачивать, уменьшать; coastal –прибрежный; toweather –выдерживать погодные условия; totakepriority –быть более важным; perlite-перлит. Steel Fiber Steel fiber for reinforcing concrete is another recent innovation. Its flat shape gives this fiber a large effective surface for good adhesion to concrete. Mixed into concrete in a ratio of 1-2 per cent by volume, it remarkably improves the bending strength, tensile strength and impact strength of the concrete. It has already proved its usefulness in the construction of roads, runways, and floor slabs for bridges and tunnels. Specialists have designed a block of flats which is earthquake – proof. It consists of a reinforced concrete prefabricated frame and panels with metal cores. The designers have found an original method of assembling the components so that the finished structure can withstand seismic shocks. Such a block weighs only two-fifth of a brick one. Notes:fiber – волокно;toreinforce– армировать, укреплять;recent –недавний;adhesion –сцепление;inaratio –в соотношении; floorslabs- плиты покрытия Unit 6 Check Yourself Вариант 1
History of the Houses History of the houses can be divided into some stages, such as primitive houses, Egypt period, Greek period, Roman period, etc. First people lived in caves, tents, huts or earthen houses. Basic building materials were wood and stone. An important peculiarity of Egyptian houses was a flat roof. Egyptians built many monuments, sphinxes, pyramids and columns. Construction required many workers, large expenses and a lot of time. Greek improved Egypt’s architecture. The roofs of their houses were slanting. Romans made architecture more various and beautiful. They decorated their houses improving columns and arches. In the Middle Ages in Europe many castled and fortresses were built. They defended population from enemy. In the Renaissance many beautiful houses, especially palaces and cathedrals were built. Classic forms returned into architecture. In the 19-th century new materials, such as steel and iron began to be used. In the 20-th century appeared new techniques, materials and building methods. Many high beautiful buildings were built. Check Yourself Вариант 2
Egyptian pyramids There were many different styles or kinds of architecture in the past and there are many different styles today in various parts of the world. The older monuments which are met within architecture are the colossal pyramids of Egуpt most of which were constructed about 6000 years ago. The pyramids are large triangular buildings which were placed over the tombs of Egyptian kinds. The pyramids tell us about the advanced civilization of ancient Egypt which is much spoken about even in our days. It was a country which had expert mathematicians and engineers, where astronomy and philosophy were known and studied. The country was rich in hard and durable stone, but poor in timber and metal, so that the main material used for construction was granite, and this was the reason for the durability of the pyramids. Large blocks of stone were transported over long distances by land and water, and placed into position with the help of the most primitive equipment. That was done by slaves working for thirty or forty years. All this great amount of work was done, masses of material and a large territory sometimes of about 52000 square meters were used, only for protecting the body of a dead king and constructing a dwelling place for his happy life in the «other world». Check Yourself Вариант 3
Rome The Romans took nearly all the architectural ideas and decorative motifs of Greek buildings. As builders and creators of great arches and domes, the Romans developed their own distinctive style. As constructional engineers they surpassed the Greeks. Greek domestic architecture was based on the simples: a square room with a fireplace in the middle, a smaller undecorated structure in front, a colonnaded courtyard leading off to rooms without windows. Roman architects had a considerable range of building types to erect: temples, huge meeting halls, theatres, palaces, aqueducts and baths. The arch was the universal motif used for the most insignificant doorway and for great triumphal arches commemorating major political events alike. In Roman times, any large-scale public building – public concourse, covered market or warehouse was called a basilica. Today the work is used only for a certain kind of church, the interior of which is split into three of five naves with rows of supporting columns. The side naves are always lower than the main central ones. |
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