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Participle 1. 1. The framework is intended for safety carrying the loads imposed. 2. Having taken into account aerodynamic stability engineers started to erect economic and graceful bridges. 3. When observing the physical structure we are struck by the complexity of elements. II. Перепишите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на перевод Participle 2. 1. Parts of a building made at the plant are called prefabricated parts. 2. The coarse stones used in the mixture give the concrete its strength. Text 11: FlatsintheClouds Переведите текст по специальности: Blocks of “ high rise” flats have been erected in large numbers in London and in many other big cities. Just after the Second World War there immense twenty – to – thirty storeys building, hundreds of feet in height were thought to be the ideal solution to the dual problem of acute housing shortage and lack of space in urban areas. At first, the ultra – modern apartments were must sought after by city – dwellers, and hundreds of the vast blocks had been built before anyone began to doubt that they were suitable places for people, children especially, to live in. A well known British architect, who personally designed many of these buildings, now believes that they may well have inflicted a great deal of suffering on those people who have been housed in them, and evidence has been amassed by sociologists which suggests that sever loneliness and deep depression are brought about by life within these great towers. Some psychologists even maintain that unduly large proportion of their inhabitants suffer from mental disorders and develop criminal tendencies. As a result of the recent studies, plans for new high – rise brocks are being scrapped. They are going to be replaced by so – called “ low – rise” blocks, at most six – storeys high. ![]() Grammarexercises I. Перепишите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на перевод Participle. 1. When making the design of a town we should bear in mind future development. 2. An estimate depending upon the design of the building must be calculated after which work on the building can start. 3. We know that the main reason of the Tacoma Bridge failure was its extreme flexibility, resulting from aerodynamic instability. II. Перепишите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на перевод Participle 1. 1. Later, people found out that bricks made of mud and dried in the hot sunshine became almost as hard as stone. 2. When mixed with water and sand, clay is molded into bricks, which are then dried and baked. 3. Frequently, the conditioning air systems installed in office building provide control during winter and summer. III. Перепишите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на перевод независимого причастного оборота. 1. The larger building has an area of 300 m and the smaller – 250 m, width being the same for both. 2. The bricks having been dried in the sun, they put up four walls, and above these they placed a flat roof. 3. The buildings are similar in outward appearance, the difference in size being due to the needs of the Signal and Telecommunication Department for more or less space. Text 12: BritishHomes Переведите текст по специальности: The majority of the British population live in small houses built close together. A typical house of this kind is built with two floors. ![]() The front door, which faces the street, opens into a hall with two rooms, one on each side of the hall. One of them is the dining – room; the other may be called the sitting – room or the living – room. The most modern name for this room is the lounge. The rooms upstairs are bedrooms; they are often very small. Often the dining – room is the most comfortable room in the house, and the one that is used all the time. The other members of the family bring their hobbies and games to the table. But when the television set is turned on, no one can do anything in the dining – room. Very many houses of this type were built in British cities in the 19th and early 20th centuries. Today the land on which they stand has become very valuable and the owners either sell it or pull down the old houses and build large blocks of flats. In this way the owners make more money. Exercises 1.Выпишите из текста ответы на следующие вопросы: a) Where do the majority of the British population live in? b) What are the other names of the room called “ lounge”? c) When were many British houses built? 2.Кратко расскажите, что вы узнали об английском жилом доме. Text 13: Ottawa – Canada`s Capital City Ottawa is the capital city of Canada. It is located on the southern bank of the Ottawa River. Many interesting historical and cultural building are found in Ottawa, such as the Museum of Natural History, Museum of Man, National Gallery and the National Arts Centre. However, the most important buildings in Ottawa are the Parliament Buildings. Here the Canadian federal government discusses and makes laws for Canada. Red stripes and a red maple leaf on a white-the state flag of Canada- is always above the buildings when the Parliament is in session. Ottawa has been called the Tulip City, because every spring the city comes alive with thousands of tulips from the Netherlands. Queen Juliana started sending 15,000 tulips a year to Ottawa in 1946 as a way of thanking the Canadian people for the time she spent in Canada with her daughters during World War II. Juliana stayed in Ottawa with her family from 1940 to 1945 after the Netherlands was invaded by the fascist Germany. Discussion.I all cities of the world there are some very old buildings. Sooner or later they have to be pulled down or reconstructed. In Moscow and St. Petersburg and other towns some parts of the old town are reconstructed and carefully preserved. In some others all old buildings are pulled down and modern comfortable structures of concrete and glass are being built. In Warsaw, for example, many buildings destroyed during the World War II were reconstructed and now they look as they did before the war. Do you thing it is necessary to reconstruct old buildings or pull them down? Прочитайте список утверждений «за» и «против» и обсудите каждый, затем выскажите окончательное решение. Is it necessary to reconstruct old buildings? Pros (for)Cons (against) 1. Old buildings are historic monuments. 1. Old buildings are not comfortable, they have no necessary conveniences. 2. It is much cheaper to reconstruct old 2. The process of reconstruction takes buildings than to build new ones. a lot of time and needs qualified workers. 3. The architecture of old buildings is much 3. There is no place to build new more beautiful than that of modern buildings. houses. Unit 4 ECOLOGICAL PROBLEMS OF BIG CITIES ![]() Text 1: Air pollution and smog are the problems of modern cities Of the greatest problems of all modern cities is the environmental pollution. The word smog comes from smoke and fog. Smog is a sort of fog mixed with other substances. Smog has been here a long time. Billions of years ago, volcanoes sent millions of tons of ash and smoke into the air. Winds whipped up dust clouds. Animal and vegetable matter decayed, adding polluting gases. When people came along, they began to produce their own kind of air pollution. They discovered fire. In the Middle Ages people in cities such as London used soft coal to heat their homes. The smoke from these fires, combined with moisture in the air, produced dense layers of smog. The smog would blanket the city for days, particularly in winter. The heat generated in large cities tends to circulate air within a dome-like shape. This traps the smog and holds it over the city. Smog, and the chemicals and other substances in it, can be harmful, even deadly. Smog blurs vision. It irritates the eyes, the throat, and the lungs. Eyes water, throats get sore, people cough. Smog can make people ill. And it can make sick people sicker. Air pollution has been linked to eczema, asthma, emphysema, cardiovascular difficulties, and lung and stomach cancer. It also has a harmful effect on the environment. Food crops and animals suffer. Paint may peel from houses. It is obvious that we must do everything possible to reduce man-made atmospheric pollutants and smog. Smog, along with smoke, is the most visible evidence of atmospheric pollution. But some atmospheric pollution is not visible and may not become visible until it is mixed with moisture. Lead compounds from leaded gasoline, hydrocarbons (unburned gasoline), carbon monoxide, and other gases may pollute the air without being seen. All air is polluted to some extent. That is, all air carries have some polluting substances. Much of it is natural: smoke and ash from volcanoes, dust stirred up by the wind, compound given off by rotting animal and vegetable matter, salt particles from the oceans, and so on. Man adds to these pollutants by burning coal, oil gas, gasoline and many other things. Text 2: The Role of Automobile in Air Pollution Before we get to the automobile, however, let us review what we know about combustion. Most fuels, such as coal, gasoline, and wood, contain hydrogen and carbon in various chemical combinations. During combustion, oxygen unites with the hydrogen and carbon to form water (H2O), carbon monoxide (CO), and carbon dioxide (CO2). In addition, many fuels contain sulfur, this burns to produce sulfur oxides. Also, in the heat of combustion, some of the nitrogen in the air combines with oxygen to from nitrogen oxides (NOx). Some of the fuel may not burn completely, so that smoke and ash are formed. Smoke is simply particles of unburned fuel and soot, called particulates, mixed with air. Altogether, it is estimated that 200 million tons of man-made pollutants enter the air every year in the United States alone. This is about a ton for every man, woman, and child in the country! This man-made pollution is what clean-air laws are aimed at. Text 3: Ecological Problems of Los Angeles Consider Los Angeles, a large city set in a basin, with about 7,000,000 inhabitants. It is surrounded on three sides by mountains, and on the fourth by the Pacific Ocean. When the wind blows out over the ocean, it sweeps away pollutants. But at other times, the air is stagnant. Smoke and other pollutants from industry and automobiles do not blow away. They just build up into a thick, smelly, foggy layer of smog. The location of Los Angeles, plus all the people and industry there, make it one the biggest «smog centers» in the country. And it is Los Angeles which has led in measures to reduce smog. Los Angeles has banned unrestricted burning, for example, burning trash. Incinerators without pollution controls were outlawed. Industry was forced to change combustion processes and add controls to reduce pollutants coming from their chimneys. Laws were passed that required the addition of emission controls on automobiles. All these measures have significantly reduced atmospheric pollution in the Los Angeles area. If not controlled, the automobile can give off pollutants from four places. Pollutants can come from the fuel tank, the carburetor, the crank-case, and the tail pipe. Pollutants from the fuel tank and carburetor consist of gasoline vapors. Pollutants from the crankcase consist of partly burned air-fuel mixture that has blown by the piston rings. Pollutants from the tail pipe consist of partly burned gasoline (HC), carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxide (NOx), and – if there is sulfur in the gasoline – sulfur oxides (SOx). Задания к тексту: a) Прочитайте все 3 текста и скажите о чем в них идет речь:
Text 4: Ecological Problems of Big Cities. Экологические проблемы больших городов. Pre-text exercises I.Изучите лексику к теме: environment to run dirty pollution dust acid rain nature to protect plant dangerous to take care of to plant chemical clean to pollute pure ruination waste to cause to throw out II.Дискуссия на тему «Protection of nature» 1. Why do people worry about ecological situation on our planet?(need of energy, pollution of air, ground, water, ruination of the ozone layer appearance of new diseases). 2. What are the most dangerous substances (вещества) for man and living beings? (human waste, waste from plants, factories and power-stations, pesticides and chemicals, oil from tankers, acid rains). 3. What measures must be taken by all of us not to ruin balance between man and nature (not to throw dust in rivers, in forest, be careful in the forest, not to kill birds and animals). 4. Where do you feel (чувствовать) better: in the forest or in town? Why? (can breathe fresh air, enjoy green trees and flowers, listen to birds twitter and murmur of leaves). III. Чтение Задание 1. Прочитайте газетные статьи и выпишите из них предложения для обсуждения следующих положений: а) почему опасно жить в мегаполисах; б) что загрязняет воздух в больших городах и какие меры должны предпринять власти, чтобы остановить растущее загрязнение; в) какие меры предпринимаются, чтобы уменьшить расход чистой воды для промышленного потребления. Ecological problems of big cities Text 1. There are 150 super cities in the word with population from one to 15 million people and more. Tokyo, New York, London, Mexico, Rio de Janeiro are just a few cities which have grown into giant urban agglomerations. People in the super cities complain more often about bad water and bad air, noise and absence of greenery. A new term – urban climate – was born in the monster cities. It means higher temperatures, oppressive atmosphere, intensive precipitation and smog. Some Western experts claim that it is practically impossible to protect big cities from pollution. But are they right? Notes: giant-гигантский, urban-городской, complain-жаловаться, noise-шум, greenery-зелень, monster-огромный, precipitation-испарение, claim-приходить к выводу. Text: 2. There are also 230 rather large cities with a population between 100,000 to one million. So the problem of an ecologically balanced urban environment is becoming extremely topical. Keeping the air and water clean is not enough to make all cities in the country a good place to live in. Cities must be build in a way that people and natural environment co-exist in perfect harmony with nature. Public transport should be switched over to electrically driven vehicles or moved underground. Fountains and artificial lakes in the center of big cities create a pleasant microclimate in the city. Notes: extremely-особенно, чрезвычайно, build-строить, in a way-таким образом, co-exist-сосуществовать, should be switched over-должен быть переведен, vehicles-средства передвижения, artificial-искусственный, create-создавать. Text: 3 «Moscow and Moscovites» Measure to keep Moscow’s air clean is an important component of the ecological program. The question is tackled from many angles simultaneously. Today practically all city factories have gas washers and dust traps, which prevent toxic substances from getting into the air. Auto-exhaust pollution control is done in different ways, including rigid technical specifications, partial use of gas, an ecologically pure fuel and the wide introduction of exhaust control devices. Moscow has almost 30.000 hectares of lush greenery which helps keep the air clean. Notes: is tackled from many angles simultaneously-рассматривается со всех точек зрения одновременно, prevent-предотвращать, gas washers and dust traps-газоочистители и пылеуловители, auto-exhaust pollution control-контроль за загрязнением окружающей среды, rigid-строгие, fuel-горючее, introduction-введение, lush-пышный. Text: 4 «High ozone concentration in London» Photo-chemical smog measurements in London showed ozone concentration higher than 100parts per billion. There is evidence that the pollution is spreading from London into countryside. Ozone can be formed by sunlight from oxygen under certain conditions. But high concentrations are usually the result of sunlight breaking down nitrogen oxides and hydrocarbons. Both these components are put into the air by automobiles. Notes: measurements-измерения, higher-выше чем, evidence-ясно, очевидно, spreading-распространяется, sunlight-солнечный свет, oxygen-кислород, breaking-преломляет, разрушает, oxides-окись азота, hydrocarbons-углеводород. Text: 5. Every day Moscow consumes about 6 million cubic metres of water. This amounts to about 700 litres per capita. As far as bacteriological standards are concerned Moscow water is ozonized and tastes like pure spring water. What do Moscow factories consume? Most Moscow factories now have a water technology employing used water. But to replenish the stock fresh water is still being consumed. Notes: consumes-потребляют, capita-составляет…на человека, concerned-касается, employing used water-применяющую использованную водуreplenish the stock-чтобы пополнить запасы. After-text exercises Задание 2. a) Say what pollutes the air in big cities and measures which must be taken by authorities to prevent the growing pollution. b) Say why it is dangerous nowadays to live in super cities. c) Say what new technologies are used in big cities for industrial consumption of water. d) Draw the conclusion. Сделайтевывод. Задание 3. Расскажите об экологических проблемах вашего города. Use the following words: Coal-Preparation plant – обогатительная фабрика theNeryungri coal field – Нерюнгринский угольный разрез machinery – механизмы, техника crater – кратер mutilated soil – разрушенная почва Задание 4. Посмотрите на картинку и скажите, какие экологические ошибки допустил архитектор при планировке данного микрорайона города. living space=houses, blocks of flats work space=factories, plants recreation space=stadiums, sports-grounds wildlife space=forest, parks, animals Задание 5. Переведите на английский язык: Природные комплексы Южной Якутии находятся в особо сложных климатических условиях. Они легко поддаются разрушению и особенно чувствительны к воздействию человека. Леса растут здесь крайне медленно. Кедровый стланик, заросли которого покрывают горные склоны, почти не возобновляется после пожаров. Огонь – один из самых страшных врагов природы. Ресурсы живого мира в регионе довольно ограничены. Охота и рыболовство, как и всякий спорт, благородна, и для настоящего охотника и рыболова и недопустимы безжалостные способы лова и добычи. Природа – великое богатство нашей Родины, и нам хранить и преумножать ее богатства и красоту. Unit 5 THEARTOFBUILDING Text 1: What We Demand of Modern Architecture Переведите текст по специальности: ![]() Apart from professional skill, an architect must have an extensive knowledge of all spheres of the cultural life of the people. He must know all kinds of building materials and technology provided by the building industry of today. Modern building technologies offer perlite – concrete blocks. Perlite is an excellent building material, which is especially valuable as a thermo – insulating filter. It is obtained chiefly from natural rock. It can also be used in house construction. With glass and ferro – concrete as their construction materials and with modern synthetic materials at their disposal for interior decoration, architects and construction workers have to erect structures which must represent a harmonious blend of national and modern style. Architects and building workers realize that the fruits of their labour will serve not only the present generations but future ones as well, and that their talent and creative skills will have to develop the progressive architecture of society. Exercises 1. Поставьтеглаголы в скобках в Present Passive или в Perfect Passive 1. Many new stadiums (to build) in our country lately. 2. New methods of building (to develop) by Russian engineers. 3. This book (to return) already to the library by me. 4. The old houses (to replace) by new buildings. 5. This paper (to receive) today. 2. Ответьтенаследующиевопросы: 1. Have all kinds of labour – saving devices been used before? 2. Has the art of building been changed greatly in the last few years? 3. What new materials have been used in modern construction lately? 4. How have our modern houses been made more comfortable? 3. Заменитеслова в скобкахнаанглийскиеэквиваленты: sources, art, modern, architecture, major, freezing, devices, conditioning, labour, labour-saving devices, flat, building materials, served to defend. 1. There are different styles in (архитектуре). 2. The use of prefabricated panels has brought great changes in the (искусстве) of building. 3. New (источники) of power have been discovered in the 20th century. 4. Power and heat are the (главный) factors in (современный) industry. 5. (кондиционирование воздуха) is used for the processing of materials in industry and for human comfort. 6. The chemical gas freon is used in (замораживании). 7. The roof of that new building is (плоская). 8. By using these new (приспособления) we can save much (труда). 9. Now we are living in the age of machinery, of scientific (достижений), of the discovery of new (источников) of power and new materials. 10. Man`s earliest structures (служили для того, чтобы защищать) him from the weather and from wild animals. 11. All kinds of (строительных материалов) are used in (современной) architecture. 12. What (приспособления, дающие экономию в труде) haveappearedrecently? Grammarexercises I. Перепишите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на перевод |
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