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II.Перепишите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на перевод Participle 2.
III. Перепишите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на перевод независимого причастного оборота.
Text 6:The Story of a Statue If you ever come to London you will surely go to Trafalgar Square. The main feature of the Square is Nelson`s Column with the figure of the great seaman on the top. Just behind it is the National Gallery where there is one of the finest collections of pictures in the world. In the middle of the road there is an interesting statue which is one of the finest in Great Britain. It is made in bronze and represents Charles I on horseback. The Statue of Charles I has a very amusing history. After the English Civil War (1642 – 1646) it was taken down and sold to a cutler. He immediately made great numbers of knives and forks with bronze handles. He told everybody that they were the best knives and that he had made them from the metal of the statue. They were rapidly bought, both by the friends and the enemies of the late monarch. The cutler soon made a lot of money and retired from business. Some time after the Restoration the government wanted to put up a new statue to the memory of Charles I. When the cutler heard of this he told the government that he had hidden the old statue and that he would sell it to them at a moderate price. They agreed and the monument was put up again in the place where it stands now. WORDLIST Trafalgar Square – Трафальгарская площадь Nelson`sColumn – Колонна Нельсона EnglishCivilWar - Гражданская война в Англии NationalGallery – Национальная картинная галерея The Statue of Charles I – СтатуяЧарльза I Restoration - Реставрация Text 7: The State Tretyakov Gallery The building standing opposite the southern walls of the Kremlin, beyond the Moskva River, was built at the beginning of the 20th century from a design by the famous Russian artist Viktor Vasnetsov, a connoisseur of old Moscow. It looks like an illustration to an old Russian tale. The façade is decorated with the ancient coat of arms of Moscow. An inscription on both sides says. «The Moscow city art gallery named after PavelMikhailovich and Sergei MikhailovichTretyakov. Founded by P.M. Tretyakov in 1856 and presented to Moscow in 1892, together with the collection which S.M. Tretyakov had bequtathed to the city.» PavelTretyakov, a merchant by birth and an outstanding patron of Russia art, dedicated 40 years of his life to his main calling – the establishment of a national art museum. ![]() From the beginning he sought to build up a collection of realistic, poetic paintings by Russian artists who loved their country. Tretyakov purchased paintings that have become part of the golden treasury of Russian art and are regarded as milestones in its history. He supported many Russian painters and commissioned numerous paintings. He was particularly fond of Repin. Many of Repin’s paintings can be seen in the gallery, including his masterpiece, «Ivan Grozny and His Son, Ivan». Another giant of Russian art, Surikov, owed a great deal to Tretyakov. His painting «The Execution of the Streltsi», «BoyarinyaMorozova» and other famous canvases hold pride of place in the gallery. Some people think that it is as beautiful and important as the Art Theatre, the St. Basil’s Cathedral and everything that is best in Moscow. The gallery has tens of thousands of paintings, drawings, sculptures and icons. Among the icons are some world-famous masterpieces by Andrei Rublyov. A new huge building for the gallery is on the bank of the MoskvaRiver. Wordlist artist – художник masterpiece – шедевр bequeath – завещать merchant – купец, торговец beyond – по ту сторону milestone – веха calling – призвание numerous – многочисленный coatofarms – герб outstandingpatron – выдающийся покровитель collection – коллекция owe (to) – быть обязанным commission – заказывать particularly – особенно connoisseur – знаток poetic – поэтический dedicate – посвящать purchase – покупать establishment – создание realistic – реалистичный execution – казнь regard – считаться facade – фасад seek – стремиться (к) fromadesign – по эскизу southern – южный giant – титан support – поддерживать, помогать illustration – иллюстрация tale – сказка including – включая treasury – сокровищница inscription – надпись Text 8: SightseeingoftheKremlin Прочитайте текст и расскажите о достопримечательностях Кремля Let us travel about our capital. It is difficult to describe Moscow in a few words. And it is very difficult to see all the places of interest. The first place the tourists go to in Moscow is the Kremlin. One can’t imagine Moscow without the Kremlin, which is the heart of the city. ![]() The Kremlin is known for its splendid buildings, among which are many wonderful cathedrals. You can also see there the Bell-Tower of Ivan the Great, the Tsar Cannon and the Tsar Bell. Thousands of people from all over the world visit Red Square. Red Square is famous for St. Basil’s Cathedral and the Monument to Mininand Pozharsky. This monument was erected in 1818 in memory of the liberation of the Russian land from foreign invaders. AnotherfamousbuildingistheHistorical Museum Building. Проверьте понимание текста, ответив на следующие вопросы: Выберите из текста ответы на следующие вопросы: a) What is the Kremlin know for? b) What places in Moscow do thousands of people usually visit? c) What monument was erected in Moscow in 1818 and why? Расскажите, что интересного вы узнали о Кремле. Text 9: The Borodino Battle Panorama Переведите текст с помощью словаря: As one rides along Moscow’s Kutuzov Avenue one notices an unusual round building rising above the trees of a park. This building was erected as a museum to house a panorama of the Borodino battle. The structure is very impressive; it is nearly 30 metres high, and is faced with glass, marble and ceramics. Some of the guns used in the 1812 battle are installed around the building. The most important part of this museum is its central hall where the famous panorama of the Borodino battle painted by the Russian artist F. Rubo is displayed. It is a huge canvas depicting one of the decisive moments of the battle. It was painted before the Great October Revolution, but there was no building then in Moscow to house a canvas 115 metres long and 15 metres high. Unit 3 ArchitectureandConstruction Text 1: Impressions of modern architecture Стили современной архитектуры. Прочитайте текст и скажите, какие из упомянутых в тексте стилей типичны для вашего города. Переведите текст на русский язык. ![]() The styles of modern architecture are similar in most countries today. This is because now architects have no opportunities they had in the past. They are seldom asked to design buildings like wonderful churches and cathedrals of the Middle Ages. Architects today have to design schools, hospitals and huge blocks of flatsand offices. Boxes – that’s what a good deal of modern architecture reminds of. The blocks of flats in our big towns are huge boxes, whether the fronts and sides are square or oblong. ![]() Architects have done some very good deal work in designing schools. Many of these are prefabricated, which means that as much of the building work as possible is done not on the building site, but in factories where mass production methods can be used. The parts are taken to a site and put together there. The classrooms are light and big, and children have a fine large assembly hall. There is a dining-hall completed with modern kitchen. Many modern buildings, especially the blocks of flats and business offices, look like big boxes. They do look like boxes from the outside, but when we go inside, we find them very well planned for their purposes. An architect today has to be an engineer too. The best modern buildings help us to live and work in comfort. They save plenty of unnecessary work. ![]() You may know the work of the American architect Frank Lloyd Wright. He designed the Imperial Hotel in Tokyo. It was designed to resist earthquakes and it proved so strong that it did. It was one of the few buildings in Tokyo that did not fall in the terrible earthquake of 1923. Переведите предложения:
Text 2: Moscow From the History of Moscow Moscow was founded in 1147 by the Prince of Suzdal, Jury Dolgoruky. Its wise founder built it in the middle of a densely populated country. It is protected by rivers and a fortress. The city had and has now its significance and the leading role in the development of the country. Moscow stands on seven hills. The main is the Borovitsky hill on which the Kremlin stands. ![]() Moscow’s early architecture was simple but expressive. The larger part of the city was occupied by private houses made of wood. But such city’s structures as fortress walls, bridges, churches and cathedrals were made of brick and white stone decorated with ceramic. These buildings crested Moscow’s architectural image of a city of white stone. A major feature of Moscow’s present development is the establishment of the industries requiring highly-skilled labour, and the branches producing high-quality apparatus, as well as the development of new technologies and know-how.In recent years the population of Moscow reached 10 million. ![]() Transport is a serious problem for all large cities of the world. Moscow also has a transport problem. The most convenient means of transport in Moscow is, the Metro. Besides it there are buses, trolley-buses and trams. Roads are another aspect of the transport problem. The city authorities started to build new roads which are to link several city districts between the Moscow Circular Highway and the Sadovoye Ring Road. So instead of the traditional monocentric system the city gets polycentric planning according to which Moscow complex zones are united by a system of general city centre. The territory within Sadovoye Ring Road retains its significance as a historical, cultural, educational and administrative public centre, the seat of the Government and the Parliament. All the valuable architectural monuments as well as parks and old streets with their unique buildings will remain untouched. Moscow today is an enormous city whose infrastructure is traditional for every megapolis with first-rate hotels, restaurants, theatres, exhibition halls, shops and gigantic transport arteries. Notes: prince of Suzdal – князь суздальский build (built) – строить fortress – крепость significance – важность principle – главный occupy– занимать structure – сооружение church– церковь cathedral– собор brick– кирпич stone – камень decorate – украшать skilllabour – квалифицированные рабочие quality– качество convenientmeans – удобное средство authority – власть link– связывать unite– объединять seat– место government – правительство valuable– ценный as well as – также unique– уникальный enormous – огромный Pre-text exercises 1.Прочитайте следующие слова и догадайтесь об их значении, не прибегая к помощи словаря. roleinindustry transport problem the Kremlin apparatus traditional monocentric system architecturetechnologies polycentric ceramicnow-how architectural monument image transport administrative public centre architectural image infrastructure of megapolis gigantic transport arteries |
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