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1.Переведите производные слова: To found –основать – founder? - was founded? Population – население – to populate - populated? To express – выражать -expressive? To establish – устанавливать -establishment? To develop - development?
Participle II = Ved/V3, be + Participle II, Participle I = Ving, be + Ving
After-text exercises
5. Подберите окончания предложений:
rate hotels, restaurants, theatres, exhibition halls, shops and gigantic transport arteries.
and cathedrals were made of… Borovitsky hill, where the Kremlin stands.
with ceramics.
of transport in Moscow is… Text 3: Moscow, theCapitalofRussia Города всегда были центрами промышленности ,торговли , культуры и образования. Москва, являясь столицей большого государства, играет важную роль в жизни страны.
В соответствии с письменными источниками Москва была основана в 1147 году князем Юрием Долгоруким и вскоре стала столицей Россию. Крепости, мосты, церкви и соборы были первыми памятниками русской архитектуры, на которую оказала влияние западная архитектура в период правления Екатерины Великой. Масштабное строительство развернулось после пожара Москвы в эпоху нашествия Наполеона. В настоящее время развитие промышленности и рост населения определяют дальнейшее развитие города. Несмотря на развитие полицентричной системы города, исторический центр сохраняет свое значение как политический и культурный центр. 1. In the early 19th century the prominent Russian historian NikolayKaramzin said: «If you want to know Russia, go to Moscow». By the end of the 20th century we have every reason to repeat these words. It is the city where every stone breathes history. Moscow was founded in 1147 by the Prince of Suzdal, JuryDolgoruky. Although there were settlements on the site of modern city long before 1147, this was the year when Moscow was first mentioned in the written records. Moscow has the priority right to be the capital of the Russia State. Its wise founder built it in the middle of a densely populated country. It is protected by rivers and a fortress. In the opinion of many scientists the city will never lose its significance and the leading role in the development of the country. Moscow, like ancient Rome, stands on seven hills. The principle is the Borovitsky, the hill on which the Kremlin stands. ![]() 2. Moscow’s early architecture was simple but expressive. The larger part of the city was occupied by private houses made of wood. But such city’s structures as fortress walls, bridges, churches and cathedrals were made of brick and white stone decorated with ceramic. Eventually these buildings crested Moscow’s architectural image of a city of white stone. Large-scale stone construction was performed during the reign of Catherine the Great. Several first-class foreign architects were invited to build a number of architectural monuments in Western style. Some of them have survived to our days and are carefully preserved by the city authorities. 3. In 1812 during Napoleon’s invasion a terrible fire raged in the city for several days. It was calculated that more than 7,000 buildings were destroyed and the city’s central area was completely gone. This disaster, however, prompted a real housing boom. Standard projects had to be used to facilitate rapid restoration of the city and preserve the city’s architectural uniformity. This task was successfully carried out. As a result a great number of stone houses with much better facilities appeared in the city. They were completely different from those of the previous years. As the time passed, the city’s boundaries expanded considerably. New dwelling districts and industrial enterprises were built on the outskirts of the city. ![]() 4. A major feature of Moscow’s present development is the establishment of the industries requiring highly-skilled labour, and the branches producing high-quality apparatus, as well as the development of new technologies and know-how. Alongside industrial development much attention is paid by the city administration to the construction of cultural, educational institutions and sports facilities. 5. In recent years the population of Moscow reached 10 million and it is still growing. This resulted in large-scale migration of people. Muscovites move from one district to another, when they get new flats and for other reasons. All that calls for further development and improvement of the city’s transport services. Transport is a serious problem for all large cities of the world. The capitals of major states are often unable to solve it. Moscow also has a transport problem. The most convenient means of transport in Moscow is, of course, the Metro. Besides it there are buses, trolley-buses and trams. The total length of their routes is constantly increasing. But nevertheless there is permanent need for new and more comfortable means of transport. ![]() 6. Roads constitute another aspect of the transport problem. Having reconstructed many of the existing streets and roads the city authorizes started to build new roads which are to link several city districts between the Moscow Circular Highway and the Sadovoye Ring Road. So instead of the traditional monocentric system the city gets polycentric planning to which Moscow complex zones are united by a system of general city centre. ![]() 7 .The territory within Sadovoye Ring Road will retain its significance as a historical, cultural, educational and administrative public centre, the seat of the Government and the Parliament. All the valuable architectural monuments as well as parks and old streets with their unique buildings will remain untouched. Moscow today is an enormous city whose infrastructure is traditional for every megapolis with first-rate hotels, restaurants, theatres, exhibition halls, shops and gigantic transport arteries. But in sprit Moscow remains its old self, open, hospitable and festive, and, consequently, has the right, as ever, to be called the heart of Russia. Задания к тексту:
б) Скажите:
The building When Builder/architect
In 1878 Bari organized in Russia an engineering firm. Since 1880 Shukhnov was the main engineer of the firm. In November of 1989 at John Hopkins University in Washington D.C. at the conference «Reconstruction of Russia» (1880-1940) Shukhov was called «the Edison of Russia: a great engineer».
He was one of the authors of the project of Moscow reconstruction. In 1920-1930 he designed new types of public building: clubs, palaces. He designed the monument to Christopher Columbus in Santo-Domingo. Melmikov’s house, the house he owned, can still be seen in Krivoarbatskypereulok in Moscow. All his buildings are famous for unusual architectural decisions. It was a great and gifted master. Along the Cities of the United States of America Text 4: Washington – the Capital of the USA The White House The White House is the residence of the president of the United States off America. It is situated in Washington. The White House was the first public building which was built in the capital of the USA. Its cornerstone was laid in 1792 nearly one year before George Washington laid the cornerstone for the Capitol Building. ![]() Architect James Hoban submitted plans for the building and received a 500 dollar prize for his work. In 1800 President John Adams and his wife moved into the building. At the beginning of the 19th century it was a light-grey structure made of sandstone. The construction of the building hadn’t been completed by that time. There were almost no conveniences in the house. There were no bathrooms and water was carried by hand into the house from a spring which was five blocks away. Work continued on the structure when Thomas Jefferson was elected President. In 1814 the building caught on fire. The interior was reduced to ashes, part f outer walls were destroyed and the remaining walls were blackened. Later the building was reconstructed in 1818. Its light-grey sandstone exterior was painted white to cover the effects of fire. It has been white ever since. Some people think it was from its white walls that the home of the president of the USA got its name. Other people believe that it got its name earlier, when it was still grey. Even then its grey sandstone walls looked white next to the red brick walls of other public buildings. Nevertheless the president’s home was officially named the White House in 1902. In designing a building, a bridge or any other structure the choice of construction materials is of vital importance. There are some structures in the world that got their names from the material they are made of. The White House in Washington is one of them. 1. Проверьте понимание текста, ответив на следующие вопросы: 1. When was the cornerstone of the White House layed? 2. What did the White House look like before the fire? 3. What happened to the building during the fire? 4. How was the building reconstructed after the fire 5. How did the White House get its name? 6. When was the President’s home named theWhite House officially? 7. What do you thick of the architecture of this building? 2. Перескажите кратко текст 3. Ситуация: вы – гид, который ведет экскурсию к Белому дому. Расскажите историю постройки Белого дома. Text 5: NewYork SightseeingofNewYork ![]() New York is a city where all the languages of the world are spoken and where people live on the ground, travel under the ground and work in the sky. New York makes a great impression on all visitors because of its many high buildings, its theatres, museums and hotels, its beautiful bridges, and its expensive shops with their fabulous (баснословный) prices. The first permanent white settlers (поселенцы) came to New York from Holland in 1626. These Dutch settlers all of Manhattan Island (остров)from the Indians for the equivalent of twenty-five dollars, while today some of this land costs a million dollars an acre. This island is the heart of the city. It is on Manhattan Island that most of the skyscrapers are located. This island is connected by six long bridges, as well as by tunnels and ferries (паром), with the other four districts that constitute New York City. New York is the largest city in the United States. Today there are more people living in the New York City than in Australia, Peru or Sweden. ![]() For transportation New York depends(зависеть) mainly on buses, the subway, taxis and ferries. The buses are slow because of the crowded streets, whereas the subway train can go as fast as trains, sometimes stopping only at the most important stations. We may go all day by the subway for the same fare, if we only change trains but do not go out of the stations. ![]() New York moves vertically as well as horizontally, taking its people by elevator to their offices on the fortieth, sixtieth, and eightieth floor. New York is the richest and the poorest, the most modern and the most old-fashioned (старомодный) of cities. It is the home of expensive hotels and cheap boarding houses, the home of symphonies and popular jazz, of cathedrals (собор) and night clubs; the home of the famous Metropolitan Opera and the Metropolitan Museum of the Art; the home of most of the largest publishing houses (издательство) of the United States and the biggest newspapers. On the Fifth Avenue there are many expensive stores of international fame, but around the corner one may find little shops where imitation diamonds and cheap souvenirs are sold.
Text 6: Rockefeller Centre Everyone who visits New York City today wants to see Rockefeller Centre. It is one of the most popular places of interest. But what is Rockefeller Centre? Rockefeller Centre is really a small city with thousands of offices, all kinds of stores, restaurants and small shops. The buildings are very large, very high. The style of the buildings is modern. There is little decoration. The architects who planned them tried to do two things. First they tried to make the buildings look like one group. Second they tried at the same time to make each building a little different in from the others. There are many facts and stories Rockefeller Centre. Here is one of them about John Rockefeller, who together with some other companions began work on Rockefeller Centre in 1930. It took about ten years to complete all of the original buildings. One day he was walking along the street where the construction had just begun. He wanted to see the work which was going on. There was a high fence around the construction site. He tried to look through the fence site. He tried to look through the fence but could see nothing. Just then a policeman came along. «Move along», said the policeman. «You can’t stand here.» «I was just trying to watch the work», said Mr. Rockefeller. «Move along», repeated the policeman. «I am John Rockefeller», said Mr. Rockefeller. «Sure, and I am President Roosevelt», said the policeman. «Now move along, mister. And don’t give me any more trouble». Mr. Rockefeller went to his office and gave an order to cut holes in all the fences at the level of a man’s eyes. Today this is the general custom in New York City. These holes are for the convenience of anyone who wants to stop and watch the work as long as he likes. It’s interesting to know… Нью-Йорк Когда-то корпорации творили в Нью-Йорке все, что хотели. Об этих временах напоминает здание штаб-квартиры крупнейшей в США авиатранспортной корпорации «Пан-Америкэн», перегородившей самую широкую на Манхэттене Парк-авеню. Лишь узким ручейком сквозь чрево небоскреба просачиваются автомобили. Это один из эпизодов биографии Нью-Йорка. А вот основные ее вехи. В 1626 году голландские колонисты купили остров Манхэттен у индейцев и основали первое поселение, дав ему имя Новый Амстердам. Сделка была уникально выгодная – 60 гульденов за весь остров. (Ныне цена одного квадратного фута земли на Манхэттене в сотни раз превышает эту сумму.) В 1664 году в ходе англо-голландской войны гарнизон Нового Амстердама капитулировал перед королевскими войсками, и вскоре городу дано было имя Нью-Йорк. В 1785- 1790 годах Нью-Йорк был временной столицей США. Здесь в 1789 году Джордж Вашингтон был провозглашен первым президентом страны. Потеряв титул столицы, ньюйоркцы не предались унынию. Благодаря удобному естественному порту и глубоководной реке Гудзон стала процветать торговля. Приток иммигрантов способствовал быстрому росту населения – значительная часть переселенцев из Старого Света, добравшись до «земли обетованной», оседала в Нью-Йорке. Дешевая рабочая сила стала катализатором роста промышленности. Нью-Йорк становился городом-космополитом. Стремясь сохранить национальные обычаи, нравы, праздники, иммигранты создавали свои территориальные общины – гетто. Но потребности рынка определяли необходимость в общении, в коммуникациях. Через Гудзон и Ист-ривер были переброшены гигантские мосты. В 1883 году завершилось строительство крупнейшего тогда из них – Бруклинского, набирал силу финансовый капитал. Земля становилась все дороже, город стал быстро расти вверх. Нью-Йорк не заканчивается, а начинается великолепными в своем ве-личии зданиями и монументами, архитектурными ансамблями и центрами культуры, тесными площадями и улочками. Все это еще не дает представления о том, как бьется его пульс, мало что говорит о его темпераменте. Город – прежде всего люди. Впервые попадавшему в оживленные городские кварталы может показаться, что весь Нью-Йорк живет на улице. Наверное, во времена великого американского поэта Уолта Уитмена здесь не было нынешнего столпотворения, но и он писал о ньюйоркцах, как о «вечно спешащей, лихорадочной, наэлектризованной толпе». Каков же демографический портрет населения мегаполиса, поражающей своей жизнерадостностью, оптимизмом, несмотря на негативные стороны процесса урбанизации, на высокую влажность и отравленный воздух? В пределах городской черты проживают около 90 млн. человек, из которых – 2,5 миллиона черных американцев, 2,0 миллиона испаноговорящих, в основном выходцев из стран Латинской Америки, около четверти миллиона лиц азиатского, главным образом китайского, происхождения, 1,5 тысяч индейцев. С 1970 года город «потерял» около 600 тысяч жителей, а вот население «Большого Нью-Йорка», города с пригородами, выросло, составив 18 миллионов. Причин, заставляющих многих жителей «изменять» городу, немало. Это и дороговизна жилья, и высокие налоги, установленные городскими властями и администрацией штата, и рост преступности, и неблагополучная экологическая ситуация. И все же подавляющее большинство ньюйоркцев остаются верными своему городу. Может быть, потому, что здесь их дом, работа, друзья. Или потому, что бешеный темп его жизни как нельзя лучше олицетворяет сумасшедший ритм нашего века, созвучен с их собственными биоритмами. А теперь о «знаменитостях» города, без которых трудно себе представить Нью-Йорк. Статуя Свободы, автор монумента – французский скульптор Фредерик Огюст Бартольди. Памятник был открыт 28 октября 1886 года. 225-тонная Статуя Свободы возвышается на 91,3 метра над уровнем моря. Статую Свободы, в голове которой свободно помещаются 30 человек, а в факеле – 12, ежегодно посещают примерно 2 миллиона туристов со всех концов света. Ветераном среди знаменитостей Нью-Йорка по праву считается фон-довая биржа, основанная в 1792 году. Но, пожалуй, самой известной, хотя и очень грустной датой в ее жизни стало 29 октября 1929 года. В этот «черный понедельник» финансовый крах на бирже возвестил о начале самого крупного в истории США экономического кризиса. Дата рождения 102-этажного, 381-метрового «Эмпайрстейтбилдинг» - 1 мая 1931 года. Здесь снималось более 150 кинофильмов. «Эмпайр» установил среди высотных собратьев трагический рекорд – по числу людей, решивших свести счеты с жизнью, бросившись вниз со смотровой площадки, расположенной на 86-м этаже. В 1947 году на площадке было установлено металлическое ограждение. Но рекорд пока держится. GreatBritain Text 7: London Прочитайте текст и дайте письменные ответы на вопросы, стоящие перед абзацем
Thousands of visitors come to Great Britain every year. Some come on business, others simply as tourists, but none misses the opportunity to see the capital of Great Britain. London is grand and attractive. It is certainly very old and full of historic associations. It has strong links with the past. Its old customs and traditions have survived. They are a strange mixture of past and present, of old-fashioned and very modern. London consists of many parts and they are all very different from each other. There is the West End and the East End, Westminster and the City. The City is not only the centre of business, it is the birthplace of London.
In 43 A. D. the Romans conquered Britain and for 400 years it remained a Roman province. The Romans built long straight roads along which the Roman soldiers marched. Many of them met at the point where London bridge now stands. The Romans made London, which they calledLondinium, a large and rich city with good streets, beautiful palaces, shops and villas. Trade was growing. A lot of goods:skins, copper and iron ore, silver and gold were sent to Rome. And many strong blue-eyed boys were sent to Rome, too, to be sold as slaves. In the 5th century the Romans left Britain, but other invaders came to the British shores. They almost ruined the city and it remained in this poor state for almost 400 years. Only in the 9th century the Saxon kings rebuilt the city. They started the building of Westminster Abbey.
In 1066 came William the Duke of Normandy or William the Conqueror who settled in London which became the capital of Norman Britain. For 500 years the Normans were masters of Britain. They brought with them Latin and French civilization, the laws and the organization of the land. They did their best to make the city beautiful. The Westminster Abbey was finished and William was the first king to be crowned there. Since then, all English kings have been crowned in the Abbey. At that time the Tower of London was built on the Thames and it stands there still unchanged. Commerce and trade grew very quickly, but the population grew even faster. London became a busy, rich and crowded city. The old city looked very picturesque with its tall houses of wood and plaster and its narrow streets.
But then London suffered two awful tragedies, at first – the Great Plague and then the Great Fire. In a few months nearly 100,000 people, that is 1/5th of the population died because of the Plague. Sorrow and sadness sat upon every Londoner. And only winter and its cold saved the city and the people. ![]() The Great Fire happened through carelessness of a young baker who left a small bundle of wood near a very hot oven. In a few hours all the houses made of wood were burning like paper. This fire destroyed 3000 houses and at least 97 churches. Fortunately, the wind soon stopped and then heavy rain fell. Thus London was saved.
Bit by bit London was being reconstructed until it has become the city which is now one of the most beautiful and attractive places of the word. The oldest part of it is the City which is the business and financial centre of London. During the day it is full of people, but at the end of the day businessmen, clerks and secretaries go home and it becomes silent and almost empty. Besides the City there are many other attractions such as Trafalgar Square with the Nelson column in the centre, the Houses of Parliament with the famous Big Ben, a lot of beautiful parks and gardens among which is Hyde Park well known all over the world. Text 8: Barbican Centre Barbican is a district of the City of London. It was greatly destroyed by bombing during the Second World War. Great construction has started since the end of the war. Nowadays Barbican is one of the most beautiful districts of London. It is also famous for the Barbican Centre. The Barbican Centre is an enormous complex which contains two theatres, an art gallery, a library, three cinemas, two restaurants and two exhibition halls. The building itself is very interesting. It is built on eight levels. Four of these levels are underground. On the 5th level there is a lake, decorated with 45 fountains, and air terrace where you can have coffee. There are two resident companies who are now based in the Barbican Centre. They are the London Symphony Orchestra and the Royal Shakespeare Company. It is these two companies which are providing a good part of the cultural programme for the public. At the same time there is a variety of exhibitions, musical and other entertainment. Text 9: The Great Fire of London Прочитайте текст и дайте краткий письменный пересказ. The London of the middle of the 17th century was a city of narrow, dirty streets. Indeed, the streets were so narrow that it was often possible for a person at a window on one side of the street to shake hands with a neighbour on the other side. There was little light and air. Rubbish lay piled up in dark corners. It is no wonder that epidemics were common. The greatest epidemic of the plague broke out in 1665. It was a sad time for London. The streets were empty, shops were closed and there were few boats on the Thames. Every house in which there were sick people was shut up, and no one was allowed to go in or out, and the door of the house was marked with a red cross. The following year the Great Fire took place. It broke out late on a Saturday night in a street not far from London Bridge. The summer was dry, a hot east wind blew and the fire spread quickly. This is what we read in the diary of John Evelyn, who saw the terrible fire with his own eyes.” The Thames was covered with boats full of people. On the other side one could see carts carrying out the saved goods out into the fields and people putting up tents. At night the fire could be seen ten miles away.” The fire burned for five days and destroyed the greater part of the city. But it did the city good, as it cleared away the old wooden houses and dirty, narrow streets. A monument near London Bridge still marks the spot where the fire broke out. Sir Christopher Wren, the famous architect of that day, took part in rebuilding the city. The greater part of it was made of wood, but after the fire wider streets and brick houses were built. The old church of St. Paul was among the buildings destroyed by the fire. In its place Wren built the present St. Paul`s Cathedral. He lies buried under the roof of his own great work. These words are written on his grave : “Reader, if you want to see his monument, look around.” Grammarexercises 1.Прочитайте текст и выпишите из текста перевод следующих словосочетаний: там было мало света и воздуха; это было печальное время для Лондона; улицы были пусты; пожар был виден за десять миль от города; известный в те дни архитектор; он лежит под крышей своего собственного творения. 2. Вставьте в предложенияследующиеслова: youth, war, among, peace, celebrate, anniversary, competition, scientist, success, honour, progress : 1. Oleg has many friends . . . the classmates. 2. The film was a . . . , all the villagers saw it. 3. Ann is going to . . . . her birthday next Saturday. 4. We all took part in swimming . . . . 5. On April 23rd English people . . . the . . . of Shakespeare`s birth.6.We have had two world . . . in this century. 7. The peoples of our country want to live in . . . with other countries. 8. The Russian . . . take part in international festivals. 9. Newton is a great English . . . . 10. The teacher of English was pleased with the . . . of the pupils. 3.Подберите антонимы к следующим словам: Finish, thin, forget, peace, buy, early, remember, war, thick, sell, late, start. Text 10: BritishHouses Переведите текст по специальности: Most houses in Britain are still built with bricks but house building is very much more mechanized that it used to be. Contemporary bricklayers, plasters, tillers, glaziers, painters, electricians and plumbers use modern techniques, and work with new kinds of materials and standardized components. The unit-construction of blocks of flats, using large prefabricated concrete panels, is not yet widespread in Britain, however. ![]() The outer walls of most houses and ever many blocks of flats are built of brick; stone and wood are used chiefly for decorative purposes. The facades of houses and flats are mostly not cement – rendered, or, if they are, only partly. Some flats and the great majority of houses – even those being built today – are heated wholly or partly by means of open fireplaces, in which large amounts of coal are burnt. The open coal – fire is not a very efficient way of heating a house, and it is hardly surprising to find that British people employ a wide variety of auxiliary heaters, such as electric fires, space heaters, and night storage heaters. As a rule British bedrooms remain unheated, and in winter are notoriously cold. For this reason hot – water bottles and electric blankets are standard equipment in most homes. 25 years ago central heating was virtually unknown in ordinary dwelling houses, but today it is becoming more common. ![]() Grammarexercises I. Перепишите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на перевод |
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Учебно-методический комплекс «Внеаудиторная самостоятельная работа... Методические рекомендации разработаны на основании фгос по специальности по 270802 «Строительство и эксплуатация зданий и сооружений»,... |
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Рабочая программа производственной практики пм 04. Организация видов... Рабочая программа производственной практики является частью основной профессиональной образовательной программы в соответствии с... |
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Рабочая программа учебной дисциплины Основы геодезии специальность Программа учебной дисциплины Основы геодезии разработана на основе Федерального государственного образовательного стандарта (далее... |
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Контрольная работа по дисциплине «Английский язык» Контрольная работа предназначена для студентов специальности: 08. 02. 01 «Строительство и эксплуатация зданий и сооружений», 4 курс... |
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Контрольная работа по дисциплине «Английский язык» Контрольная работа предназначена для студентов специальности: 08. 02. 01 «Строительство и эксплуатация зданий и сооружений», 4 курс... |
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Контрольная работа по дисциплине «Английский язык» Контрольная работа предназначена для студентов специальности: 08. 02. 01 «Строительство и эксплуатация зданий и сооружений», 4 курс... |
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English for Law Students: University Course Английский язык для студентов-юристов. На английском языке. Ed by T. Tarasova М.: Статут |
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Образовательная программа программа подготовки квалифицированных... Профессия 08. 01. 26 Мастер по ремонту и обслуживанию инженерных систем жилищно-коммунального хозяйства |
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Программа. Английский язык. 5-9 классы: учебно-методическое пособие... Рабочая программа предназначена для учителей, работающих по умк «Английский язык» серии «Rainbow English» для 5-9 классов авторов... |
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Рабочая программа по учебному предмету «Иностранный язык (английский)» Е. В. Солововой для общеобразовательных организаций «Английский язык. English Favourite» 2-9 классы, и обеспечена умк по английскому... |
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И жилищно-коммунального хозяйства Исполнитель – Акционерное общество «Центральный научно-исследовательский и проектно-экспериментальный институт промышленных зданий... |
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Пособие для подготовки студентов к Государственной итоговой аттестации.... |
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Учебное пособие для самостоятельной работы студентов заочного отделения... Учебное пособие предназначено для для самостоятельной работы студентов заочного отделения неязыков специальностей вузов, ранее изучавших... |
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