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Participle 1. 1. Speaking of residential construction we must say that the apartment houses are mostly built to suit urban conditions. 2. Natural stone is used for footing and foundations for external walls carrying the load. 3. Being brittle concrete can`t withstand tensile stresses, and it can`t therefore be used in structures subjected to tensile stresses under load. II. Перепишите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на перевод Participle 2. 1. The design adopted for the new bridge simplified the fabrication of steelwork. 2. Large – panel construction consists of reinforced concrete panels one or two storeys high, sometimes made of light – weight insulating concrete. 3. When reconstructed the station looked more beautiful than before. III. Перепишите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на перевод независимого причастного оборота. 1. The ancient houses being built without cement, the remains of only a few of them still exist. 2. The Conference building contains a wide range of facilities: three large council chambers, each containing about 400 public and 120 press seats. 3. The country was rich in hard and durable ( прочный ) stone, but poor in timber and metal, the main material used for construction being granite. Text 2: The House Man has always been a builder. The kind of house he built depended upon the climate, upon his enemies, and upon the building materials at hand. The first houses in many parts of the world were made of wood, for in those days the greater part of the earth was covered with forests. Man tied together the tops of several trees and covered them with the skins of animals or with leaves and grass. So a tent or hut was the first house of the primitive people. In other regions the most convenient building material was stone. Man began building houses out of stone very long ago. Although they were built without cement, the remains of a few of them still exist. It appears that the most ancient homes on the territory of Russia were earthen houses. One such home was discovered near Voronezh in 1927. It consisted of a shallow hole of oval shape. The floor was covered with limestone slabs. The roof was conical and stood on poles covered with branches or animal skins. Such dwellings existed in that part of the country in the Upper Paleolithic Period(from 40,000 to 12,000 years ago). The ancient Egyptians built very simple houses, by present standards. Having dried the bricks in the sun, they put up four walls, and above these they placed a flat roof. The roof was flat because there was very little rain in Egypt. Although their buildings were simple in construction, the Egyptian art of building was very beautiful. Their pyramids and monuments, sphynxes and palaces arose our admiration to this day. An important part in the history of building has been played by the column, and it was ancient Egypt that gave the world its first lesson in the art of making columns. The Greeks learned much from Egypt. But they did not borrow the flat roof. They built a slanting roof because there was much rain in their country. The Greeks made the roof slant in two directions from the middle. They also improved on Egypt’ s columns and soon became the teachers of the world in column making. The Romans, in turn, learned much from the Greeks. First of all they borrowed the slanting roof and the columns. But they added the arch, thus adding much strength and beauty to their buildings. ![]() In Ancient Russia architecture flourished for the first time in Kiev Russ. Unfortunately only a few of the church buildings of that period have remained, among them the famous Cathedral of St Sophia , the Pechenegs. The churches of that time were strong buildings with thick walls and small windows. They often served as fortress against enemy invasions. ![]() In the Middle Ages in Europe numerous wars between different nations caused great damages to the houses of crowded Medieval towns. Therefore many monarchs and nobles built castles as a form ofdefence. Those castles had very strong walls, narrow windows and projecting fortifications. The Renaissance, which was a European movement, lasted from the 14th up to 17th century. During this period, arts and sciences underwent great changes. In architecture these changes were marked by a return to classical forms and proportions of Roman buildings. Buildings of the 19th century are characterized by the use of new materials and by a diversity of architectural styles. From the end of the 18th century iron and steel became widely used as alternatives of wood, for by this time many countries experienced shortage of this material. Later, the Industrial Revolutionbrought mass-production of building parts which were manufactured at a factory and then simply assembled at a site. The 20th century is notable for widespread use of steel-reinforced concrete. Huge reinforced units manufactured in heated factory premises are brought to the site which becomes something like an assembly shop. This technique has many advantages over other building methods. First of all it cuts the labourneeded for building by 60-70 per centand extends the building season what is very important for the countries where winter lasts for many months. Furthermore, the duration of building is greatly cut. All this makes the building process less expensive and less much labourous. Architecture of the 20th century is characterized by very high buildings-particularly skyscrapers-and by great diversity of styles which completely differ from those of the past. Text 3: The Artof Building Прочитайте текст, найдите значения выделенных слов в словаре. Man’s earliest structures protected him from the weather, from wild animals or from the attacks of other men. Since that time the art of building has changed greatly, but its main object remains protection. Now we are living in the age of machinery, of scientific achievements, of the discovery of new sourcesof power and new materials. ![]() ![]() The three main materials are concrete, together with ferro– concrete (or reinforced concrete), steel and new kinds of glass. Constructions that were not possible before can now bepermitted with the help of these new materials. Modern architecture is mainly the architecture of steel and concrete. The outer walls and the roof have lost their old importance. They are no longer structural. In the modern building it is the floor and its supports that are structural. The use of a steel framework has made it possible to construct tall buildings. The walls which no longer have to support the structure, can be of any kind of material. It is possible to build a factory in which the walls are made of any shape we like. The roofs may be flat. Changes in the interiors of building have also been made. Electric light, centralheating, air – conditioning and refrigeration and all kinds of labour –saving devices have been installed. And our modern homes have become much more comfortable that the homes of the past. Text 4: HousingConstruction Прочитайте следующую информацию о жилищной ситуации в нашей стране People get apartments for an unlimited period of time. The size of an apartment depends on the size of a family. ![]() The standard amount of housing space is 21 square metres per person. The housing commission decide who is to get the apartment first. As a rule, families with less than 5 square m of housing space per family member get the new apartment first. A family of three has the right to receive a two-room apartment, a family of four – a three-room apartment, and a family of five – a four-room apartment. Every month people have to pay their rent and utility bills – for gas, electricity, telephone service, running water, central heating. Some 30 per cent of the population have more housing space than average level. And about the same number of people live in apartments with housing space below average. Some ten million people live in shared apartments. One out of every four unmarried adults lives in a hostel or rents a room from a private owner. ![]() Not long ago the government decided to sell state-owned flats to citizens as personal property. After a citizen buy a flat, he may sell it or give it as a gift: but no one may own more than one flat at a time. Many people prefer to buy apartments or to build individual houses. Do you know how to build a house? Some preparations have to be made before one starts building a house. The architect in cooperation with the future owner draws up a plan. They bear the following in the mind: the size of the site, the purpose of the building, how the rooms are going to be furnished, what materials are to be used and how much money can be spent. The supervisor plans and controls the various activities of the workers who build the house. The supervisor also sees to it that the materials are at the site when needed. The following craftsmen are active when building is under construction: bricklayers, plumbers, carpenters, heating-mechanics, electricians, painters, paper-hangers and plasterers. What is needed before you can start building? Firstly, one looks into the finances. Secondly, one finds a suitable building-site. In the third place, you need a building-permit. In the fourth place, you find the workers and get building materials: bricks, wood, glass, cement, lead, paint, wall-paper, insulation materials so on. Pre-textexercises 1. Изучите слова к тексту: apartment - квартира sharedapartment – коммунальная квартира amount - количество housingspace – жилая площадь utilitybill – счет для оплаты коммунальных услуг runningwater - водопровод centralheating – центральное отопление average - средний hostel - общежитие privateowner – частный собственник citizen – гражданин personalproperty – личная собственность supervisor – руководитель activities – деятельность craftsman – мастер bricklayer – каменщик carpenter – плотник heating-mechanic – механик отопительной системы electrician – электрик painter – маляр paper-hanger – обойщик plasterer – штукатур building-permit – разрешение на строительство brick – кирпич wood – дерево glass – стекло lead – свинец paint – краска wall-paper – обои insulation – изоляция to depend ( on) – зависеть ( от) toreceive – получать torent – снимать ( квартиру), арендовать toown – владеть, быть владельцем tobuy – покупать todrawup – составлять ( план) tobearinmind – помнить tobefurnished – бытьобставленным ( мебелью) tospend ( spent) – тратить ( деньги) toseetosmth – проследить за чем-либо to be under construction – строиться to look into smth – зд. подуматьо suitable – подходящий 2. Найдите в тексте и выпишите следующие предложения: 1. В России существует государственное строительство жилья, кооперативное и индивидуальное. 2. Норма (стандартное количество) жилой площади в стране составляет 21 кв. м на человека. 3. Есть (имеются) люди (30% населения), имеющие больше жилой площади, чем позволяет средняя норма. 4. И есть люди (30% населения), которые имеют жилую площадь меньше средней нормы. After-textsection 3. Ответьте на вопросы, используя текст: 1) Do people get the apartments for an unlimited period of time? 2) Does the size of an apartment depend on the size of the family? 3) The standard amount of housing space is 21 square metres per person, isn’t it? 4) The housing commissions decide who is to get the apartment first, don’n they? 5) Who gets the new apartment first? 6) What are the rights of a family of three ( four, five) members? 7) Do people pay their rent and utility bills every week or every month? 8) How many per cent of the population have more housing space than average level and how many have less? 9) Do ten or twenty million people live in shared apartments? 10) Where does one out of every four unmarried adults live? 11) May a citizen buy a state-owned flat?Onwhatconditions? 4. Расскажите о жилищной ситуации в России 5. Ситуация: ваш друг хочет построить дом для своей семьи. Дайте ему несколько советов, например, что нужно сделать сначала до того, как приступить к строительству; какие материалы необходимы для строительства и каких специалистов необходимо привлечь к строительству? It’s interesting to know… Американский дом Америку не воспринимают иначе как страну небоскребов и монополий. Действительно, первое, что бросается в глаза – громады из светлого бетона и темного стекла в деловых квартирах. Однако основа промышленности средне и мелкие фирмы, сельского хозяйства – семейные фермы, а живут большинство американцев в домах не выше двух этажей, преимущественно за городской чертой. Можно купить готовый дом или построить по индивидуальному заказу. В среднем обходится он в 90 тысяч долларов, но в конечном итоге цена зависит от района, его престижности и конъюнктуры рынка: 200тысяч и значительно выше на юге Калифорнии, менее 60 тысяч, скажем, в штате Огайо. Так или иначе, сумма не малая и внести ее полностью способны немногие. Приходиться залезать в долги, брать ссуду в банке и взваливать на свои плечи выплату десятилетиями процентов по займу, что в среднем забирает до трети семейного бюджета. Но каждый, кто может себе это позволить, покидает город без всякого сожаления. Более 60 миллионов семей, или почти 180 миллионов человек, живут в своих домах. Потому, что в небоскребах американцы трудятся, а жить предпочитают подальше от места работы, поближе к земле. Отнюдь не ради того, чтобы сажать картошку или выращивать яблоки. Подобное занятие никому и в голову не придет при отлично налаженной торговле и разумных ценах. Максимум сельскохозяйственных усилий владельца частного дома – забота о традиционном газоне и цветах. Для строительства дома требуются только деньги, т.е. приличный заработок. И американцы трудятся с полной отдачей, чисто по-американски. Только в его собственном доме с американцем можно поговорить по душам. Только в своем доме он полностью раскрывается, задумывается и размышляет, отдыхает и работает в удовольствие. В выходные дни играет с детьми, лениво почитывает пухлые воскресные газеты, кости траву на газоне, возится в гараже или моет, а точнее, вылизывает свою машину. Перед домом у края газона, на столбике обычно выставлен почтовый ящик с указанием адреса и имени хозяина. На первом этаже, как правило, гостиная, столовая и кухня, иногда – рабочий кабинет, а спальни этажом выше. Редкий американский дом обходится без пристройки. Там оборудуют гараж, оранжерею или мастерскую. Это отнюдь не сарай, куда складывают все, что жалко просто выбросить. Такая пристройка или, на худой конец, нужны потому, что и на отдыхе хозяева не могут долго бездельничать. Американский дом – не роскошь и не загородная резиденция, не дача и не садово-огородный участок. Это как раз то, что называют семейным очагом, место рождения нового и прощание с уходящим поколением. Дом – это вечная забота и законная гордость, вклад капитала и частица своего труда, переходящая детям. Самая благоустроенная квартира в высотном здании – это, что ни говори, часть общего, а дом – свое, близкое и родное. Строится и оборудуется продуманно, прочно, со вкусом, на поколения. TimeforFun Переведите текст на английский язык Риелтор пытается продать очередному покупателю загородный дом “Да, у него есть недостатки. На севере располагается колбасный цех. На востоке – сыроварня, на юге – бензоколонка. Но есть и бесспорные преимущества. Например, вы всегда будете знать, откуда дует ветер”. Notes: 1. риелтор- arealestateagent; 2. продавать-sell; 3. недостаток-disadvantage; 4. Колбасный цех-sausageshop; 5. сыроварня-cheese-making: 6. бензоколонка-gasolinestation;7. преимущества-advantages; 8. Дует ветер-thewindisblowing . Text 5: The Use of Concrete
Прочитайте текст и расскажите все, что вы узнали о бетоне. Concrete is a most necessary material in modern architecture. This very old material was used by the ancient Romans.¹ They knew the art of building huge concrete roofs supported only by walls, but this art was lost in the Middle Ages.² And now concrete again plays an important part the history of architecture. Concrete is a mixture of a powder called cement, made from clay and chalk, water, sand and broken brick or gravel. When mixed and left for a time, this mass becomes as hard as stone. A concrete beam, like stone, can crack if heavily weighted, but we know a way – unknown to the ancient Romans – of strengthening concrete. Before pouring the mixture, one can place long steel rods or a steel mesh into the trough. We call this ferro – concrete, and we can mould it into any shape.³ Concrete is as plastic as clay, and it is much easier to get unusual shapes from concrete than from stone or brick. One can use concrete to model a building into different forms as readily as a child uses plasticine to do the same thing. Notes 1. was used by the . . . Romans – использовался . . . римлянами 2. was lost in the Middle Ages – былоутраченовсредниевека 3. we can mould it into any shape - мыможемпридатьемулюбуюформу Exercises 1. Ответьте на вопросы: a) 1. Where do we use concrete and brick? 2. Who was the first to use concrete? 3.What kind of roofs did the ancient Romans make? 4. How do we make concrete? 5. How can we strengthen concrete? 6. What shapes can we give to concrete? 2. Образуйте наречия от следующих прилагательных и переведите их. slow, good, bad, easy, careful, quiet, near, quick, hard, cold, sudden, scientific 3. Из двух слов, данных в скобках, выберите нужное по смыслу 1. Drive (slow, slowly) near schools and nurseries. 2. You are very (slow, slowly). 3. Peter plays chess (good, well). 4. This is a (good, well) picture. 5. Be (careful, carefully) when you cross the street. 6. My brother does his work (careful, carefully). 7. You must be (quick, quickly) if you want to come in time. 8. She smiled (happy, happily). 9. My sister looks very (happy, happily). 10. TheAgeofSciencedidnotcome (sudden, suddenly). 4. Употребите в каждом предложении одно из приведенных ниже наречий Carefully, often, well, yesterday, seldom, usually, always, never, ever, tomorrow 1. He goes to St. Petersburg. 2. He stays there for more than two days. 3. She plays the piano. 4. Tom prepares his lessons. 5. We go for a walk to the park on Sunday. 6. Ann came to her lessons late. 7. I saw brother in the dining-room. 8. Do you work on Sundays? 9. Why are you late? 10. She is so kind to me. 5. Переведите предложения. Обратите внимание на употребление глаголов tosay, totell, tospeak в значении говорить 1. He always says what he thinks. 2. Parents must teach children to tell the truth. 3. Can you tell me the way to the central square? 4. Speak louder, I can`t hear what youare saying. 5. He says he is very busy now. 6. Let us speak about the new play. 7. Don`t tell him the sad news. 8. Firstthinkandthenspeak. 6. Напишите и переведите основные формы следующих глаголов.
7. Переведите следующие словосочетания: a badly written story, a snow – covered mountain, a well – dressed woman, hard – earned money, low – paid work, a well – done experiment, a kind – hearted girl, prepared and preserved food, electrically lighted and steam heated homes. 8. Переведите данные в скобках причастия на английский язык. 1. The food (приготовленный) by this cook was very tasteful (to cook). 2. Our electrically (освещенные) and steam (отапливаемые) homes are the results of scientific progress (to light, to heat). 3. The (полученный) mixture is called concrete (to obtain). 4. The (горящий) match fell on the floor (to burn). 5. The messages (полученный) by us are very important (to get, got, got). 6. The material (названный) concrete is used in architecture (to call). 7. When (оставленный) for a time concrete becomes as hard as a stone (to leave, left, left). 8. The students (изучающий) English must work regularly (to study). 9. The man (читающий) the order to the students is our college principle (to read). 9. Переведите словa, данные в скобках, и прочтите предложения: 1. We know a way of strengthening (бетона) 2. The worker took (глину), (гравий), (бетон) and (смешал) them. 3. I heard a (треск) and a big (балка) fell down. 4. Is lead a (смесь)? No, it is not. 5. It was raining all day long yesterday. It is (грязно) in the street now. 6. What is the diameter of this (стержня)? 7. He put a steel (стержень) into the (смесь). 8. We can mouldferro – concrete into any (форму). 9. (Научные и сследования) of the laboratory are very important for our industry. 10. When a chemist makes a (синтетический) product, he puts chemical parts into new combinations. Text 6: MiraclesofScience Переведите текст с помощью словаря. We are living in the Age of Science. Our electrically lighted and steam – heated homes, our prepared and preserved food, our synthetic clothing are all the results of patient scientific research. We travel across vast lands in fast electric trains. We ride across bridges. We fly in huge airplanes over great distances of land and water. We send and receive massages by means of telephone, radio, and television. We know what is happening around the world by reading our newspapers and by listening to radios and by watching TV. Our doctors now cure many diseases which resulted in death only a few years ago. This Age of Science did not come suddenly. It has taken centuries of scientific research and invention to develop the civilization of the modern type. 2. Переведите предложения, укажите, чем являются выделенные слова: сказуемым или причастием. 1. He left for Moscow yesterday. The book left on the table is mine. 2. The workers built many houses in this street last year. The houses built by the workers are of modern design. 3. Pierre and Mary Curie discovered a new element. They called the discovered element radium. 4. He used many interesting facts in his report. When used for building concrete is very important. Text 7: The Most Important Building Materials Lime, gypsum and cement are the three materials most widelyused in building construction for the purpose of binding together masonry units, such as stone,brick and constituents of wall plaster. Cement is the most important component of concrete. Concrete is an artificial conglomerate of crushed stone, gravel or similar inert material with a mortar. Mortar is a mixture of sand, screening or similar inert |
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