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Exercise 4. Translate the letter into Russian: Dear Sirs: We acknowledge your letter of November 1 regarding the shortage of wolfram your customer advise you on the parcels ex vessel "Stabrovsky". We regret we must decline your claim as the material was delivered on board FOB in the condition as described in the Bills of Lading, which stated that the bags had been repaired. If, in fact, any bags were damaged in loading this would have been noted by the ship's captain and the Bills of Lading would have been claused accordingly. This was not the case and therefore any loss or damage could only have occurred during the voyage or in discharge in Russian port or in transit to final destination. We accordingly return your debit note and supporting documents in order that you can lodge this claim with the shipping company or your insurers. Yours sincerely Vocabulary:
Exercise 5. Translate the following: Dear Sirs, We refer to our Order No 134/A of March 19 for 10/20 litres tins of "Olive Green Synthetic Enamel". The goods have only just been received, after a delay of 7 days, for which no explanation have been given. Further, one of the tins contains a dark green shade though this is unsuitable, we shall retain it in order to save you inconvenience and expense, but we must insist that in future you devote more care to the execution of our orders. Yours faithfully Reply to above: Dear Sirs, We have your letter of April 1 and note with regret that you are dissatisfied with the execution of your Order No 134/A of March 19. We apologize for the delay and trust that no serious inconvenience has resulted. Your order was unfortunately overlooked in the pressure of business, but we assure you that every effort will be made in future to guarantee delivery in accordance with your requirements. We appreciate the indulgence you have shown in having the unsuitable colour tin, but trust that you will give us an opportunity to supply you with further goods. Yours sincerely Exercise 6. Translate the sentences from Russian into English: 1) Если Вы не можете гарантировать поставку товара в конце июля, мы будем вынуждены аннулировать заказ. 2) Мы снова вынуждены жаловаться на задержку в выполнении наших заказов, которая причиняет нам значительные неудобства. 3) Мы получили Ваше письмо от 15 мая и очень сожалеем, что Вам приходится жаловаться на задержку в поставке машин по контракту № 1215. 4) Просим Вас принять наши извинения за задержку и заверения, что мы делаем все возможное, чтобы ускорить выполнение Вашего заказа. 5) Подтверждаем получение Вашего письма от 5 мая, в котором вы жалуетесь на задержку поставки машин по Exercise 7. Translate the letter from Russian into English: Уважаемые господа! Кас. Вашей рекламации от 7 марта Мы тщательно изучили Вашу претензию и вынуждены отклонить ее по следующим причинам. Перед отгрузкой из Одессы товар был осмотрен Вашим представителем, который установил, что качество товара полностью соответствует описанию и спецификации, приложенным к контракту, о чем свидетельствует прилагаемый к настоящему письму акт осмотра, подписанный Вашим представителем. В виду этого мы не можем признать Вашу претензию о предоставлении Вам 50% скидки со стоимости товара на том основании, что качество его якобы ниже качества образца, на основании которого был заключен контракт. По всей вероятности товар был поврежден в пути или во время выгрузки. Поэтому рекомендуем Вам обратиться с претензией к Страховому обществу. С уважением, "Интертрейд Лтд." Vocabulary:
Exercise 8. Make up a text of a claim in English and in Russian for the following situation: Вами была получена партия книг по заказу № 436 с задержкой в 15 дней. Осмотр упаковок, выбранных наугад, показал, что большая часть партии повреждена морской водой. Исходя из этого, вы требуете предоставления вам скидки со стоимости партии в 30%, которая составила бы достаточную компенсацию. Вы предупреждаете, что в случае непредоставления вам скидки дело будет передано в арбитраж.
Contract is an agreement, enforceable by law, between two or more competent parties (legal entities) to perform or not to perform a specific act or acts for a consideration. A contract may be verbal or written. An offer released by a party becomes a contract, when accepted by the other party. Acceptance may be either in writing or by performance, unless the purchase order requires acceptance thereof to be in writing, in which case it must be thus accepted. Contracts financed with public funds are generally made in writing. In foreign trade transactions a contract is drawn up to give legal expression to the intentions of the partners and to guarantee that the obligations contained in the contract will be fulfilled. According to the purpose and contents, contracts can cover: goods, services, licenses, patents, technology and know-how. Example: CONTRACT No... January 15, 19... London "Machexport Ltd.", Moscow, hereinafter referred to as the Seller, and British Asbestos Ltd., hereinafter referred to as the Buyer, hereby agree as follows: 1. The Seller has sold and the Buyer has bought asbestos of Russian origin on FOB terms from one of the Baltic ports at the Seller's option. The grades, price and quantity are stated below:
The price of the goods is understood to be per metric ton, packing included, FOB one of the Russian ports. The quantity is understood to be up to 5% more or less, at the Seller’s option. 2. Within 5 days after the receipt of the Seller's notification by cable that the goods are ready for shipment the Buyer shall open by cable with the Bank for Foreign Trade, Moscow, an irrevocable, confirmed and divisible Letter of Credit in favour of the Seller for the full value of the goods. The Letter of Credit is to be valid for 90 days, with the right of extension if required by the Seller. The payment for the goods is to be made in US dollars for 100% of the invoice value of Asbestos on presentation to the Bank for Foreign Trade, Moscow, of the following documents: Invoice in 3 copies, Seller's Certificate of Weight, Set of Bills of Lading. In the event of devaluation of the US dollar on or before the date of payment under the present Contract both parties have the right to renegotiate the price of the goods. SELLER BUYER Vocabulary:
Exercises Exercise 1. Translate the Contract from English into Russian. Exercise 2. Translate from Russian into English: 1) Продавец и Покупатель заключили настоящий Контракт о нижеследующем... 2) Продавец продал и Покупатель купил... 3) Сорта товара, цена и количество указаны ниже. 4) Срок поставки: двумя-тремя партиями в течение второго и третьего кварталов 19... г., начиная со второй половины мая. 5) Цена товара понимается за англотонну (long ton), включая упаковку, поставка на условиях фоб из одного из российских портов по выбору Продавца. 6) Оплата полной стоимости товара производится в долларах США. 7) В случае девальвации доллара США обе стороны имеют право повторно обсудить цену на товар. 8) Безотзывный и подтвержденный аккредитив открывается на полную стоимость товара. 9) Аккредитив открывается в течение 5 дней после получения Покупателем телеграфного уведомления Продавца о готовности товара к отгрузке. 10) Аккредитив действителен в течение 90 дней, с правом продления по требованию Продавца. Exercise 3. Translate the Contract into Russian: CONTRACT No 5/32 London March 20, 19... "Machexport Ltd.", Moscow, Russian Federation, hereinafter referred to as the "Buyer", on the one side, and Brown & Co, hereinafter referred to as the "Seller", on the other side, have concluded the present Contract on the following: CLAUSE 1. Subject The Seller has sold and the Buyer has bought on f.o.b. terms 20 pumps model MP-3. CLAUSE 2. Price and Total Amount of the Contract The price is ... per unit and the total amount of the Contract is ... . The price is understood to be f.o.b. London including seaworthy packing, marking, loading on board the ship and stowing. The price is firm and not subject to any alterations. CLAUSE 3. Delivery Dates The equipment indicated in Clause 1 of the present Contract is to be delivered on the following dates:... By the specified dates the equipment is to be manufactured in accordance with the Contract conditions, tested, packed, marked and delivered to the port of London. The Seller may deliver the equipment prior to the stipulated dates only if there is a written consent of the Buyer. The date of the clean on board Bill of Lading issued in the name of the Buyer is considered to be the date of delivery. CLAUSE 4. Terms of Payment Payment is to be made for collection in US dollars. The following documents are to be presented to the Bank: 1. Invoice, 2. Clean on board Bill of lading, 3. Test Certificate, 4. Insurance Policy, 5. Packing List, 6. Export License. Exercise 4. Using the text of ex. 3 give the English for: маркировка; предмет контракта; оговаривать; чистый бортовой коносамент; упаковочный лист; платеж в форме инкассо; страховой полис; акт испытаний; изменениям не подлежит; погрузка и штивка; дата коносамента считается датой поставки; выписанный на имя; пригодный для морской перевозки; статья (раздел); письменное согласие Покупателя; экспортная лицензия; общая стоимость Контракта.
Example General Conditions and Terms of Delivery and Payment 1. The goods are considered delivered by the Seller and accepted by the Buyer: in respect of quality - as per the quality stipulated in the Quality Certificate issued by the manufacturer; in respect of quantity - as per the quantity of packages and the weight indicated in the Bill of Lading. 2. The date of the Bill of Lading is considered as the date of delivery. 3. The Seller undertakes to insure the goods to the full value of the invoice against all risks. The terms of the transport insurance can be extended only at the Buyer's request and for his account. 4. The Seller should advise the Buyer of the shipments effected by cable or airmail. 5. Payment for the delivered goods is to be effected by an Irrevocable Confirmed Letter of Credit opened by the Buyer in the Seller's favour with a bank correspondent to Vnesheconombank. The Letter of Credit is to be opened within 10 days upon receipt of the Seller's notification of the readiness of the goods for shipment, to be valid for 90 days and to cover full value of the goods ready for shipment. The Letter of Credit should fully conform to the terms of the present Contract and stipulate partial shipments. Payment against the Letter of Credit should be made against the following documents submitted by the Seller to Vnesheconombank of the Russian Federation: a) Invoice in triplicate; b) Full set of Bills of Lading; c) Specification in triplicate. All expenses connected with the opening and eventual prolongation of the Letter of Credit as well as all banking charges relevant to the opening and use of the Letter of Credit are to be borne by the Buyer. In case of delay in the opening of the Letter of Credit the Seller has the right to refrain from shipment or cancel the Contract. Vocabulary:
Exercises Exercise 1. In part B find equivalent Russian expressions for the English expressions given in part A: |
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М. П. Ивашкин, В. В. Сдобников, А. В. Селяев М. П. Ивашкин, В. В. Сдобников, А. В. Селяев. Практикум по стилистике английского языка. Изд. 2-е. Нижний Новгород: нглу им. Н. А.... |
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Секция "Перевод и межкультурная коммуникация" Р е д а к ц и о н н а я к о л л е г и я: канд филол наук, доц. В. В. Сдобников (отв редактор), кнд филол наук, доц. Л. А. Аверкина,... |
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