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When a buyer wants to know at what price and on what terms he could buy the goods required by him, he usually sends out enquiries to firms, companies or organizations manufacturing such goods or dealing in them. Most letters of enquiry are short and simple, so much so that many firms have adopted the practice of sending printed enquiry forms, thereby eliminating the need for a letter. As a prospective buyer, the writer of an enquiry states briefly and clearly what he is interested in, and this is all the receiver of the letter needs to know. Often the buyer asks the seller to send him illustrated catalogues, price lists or other publications and, if possible, samples or patterns of the goods he is interested in. When asking the seller to send him a quotation, the buyer gives as far as possible a detailed description of the goods required by him. A first enquiry - a letter sent to a supplier with whom you have not previously done business - should include: a) A brief mention of how you obtained your potential supplier’s name. Your source may be an embassy, consulate, or chamber of commerce; you may have seen the goods in question at an exhibition or trade fair; you may be writing as the result of a recommendation from a business associate, or on the basis of an advertisement in the daily, weekly or trade press. b) Some indications of the demand in your area for the goods which the supplier deals in. c) Details of what you would like your prospective supplier to send you. Normally you will be interested in a catalogue, a price list, discounts, methods of payment, delivery times, and, where appropriate, samples. d) A closing sentence to round off the enquiry. Expressions used in enquiries: Opening lines 1) Your name has been given us by the Btitish Chamber of Commerce in Hamburg... 2) The British Embassy has advised us to get in touch with you concerning... 3) We saw your products demonstrated at the Hanover Fair earlier this year, and would like to know whether... 4) Messrs. Rawlingson and Townsend of Bletchley, who we understand have been doing business with you for some years, inform us that you may be able to supply us with... 5) We have seen your advertisement in last Sunday’s Observer, and would be grateful if you would let us have details of... 6) Your advertisement in this month’s issue of The Shoemaker states that you can offer... Indicating the state of the market 1) There is a brisk demand here for high-guality sports shirts of the type you manufacture. 2) Demand for this type of machine is not high, but sales this year will probably exceed $25,000. 3) These fancy goods are in demand during the tourist season, but for the rest of the year sales are moderate, and often rather low. 4) There is no market here for articles of this type in the higher price ranges, but less expensive models sell very well throughout the year. 5) You can count on a brisk turnover if prices are competitive and deliveries prompt. Asking for information 1) Will you please send us your catalogue in duplicate and price list for... 2) We would be glad to receive specifications of your new SE11 typewriter, together with your current export prices and details of trade discounts. 3) We are also interested in your terms of payment and in discounts offered for regular purchases and large orders. 4) We would appreciate a sample of each of the items listed above. Vocabulary:
Exercises Exercise 1. Read and translate the following letters from English into Russian: 1) W.JONES AND SONS LTD. 285 Queen Street London, E.C. 4 10 th January 19... ABC, Moscow, Russia Dear Sirs: We learn from your representative that you are producing for export woolen hand-made carpets. There is a steady demand here for high class goods of this type. Will you please send us your catalogue and full details of your export prices and terms of payment. We look forward to hearing from you. Yours faithfully, W.Jones 2) May 29, 19... Glaston Menswear Ltd. 54-59 Riverside Cardiff CF1 IJV Attention: Sales Manager Dear Sirs: We are interested in the sweaters that we have seen here on your stand at the “Menswear Exhibition”. We are big importers of menswear and we are looking for a manufacturer who can supply us with a wide range of sweaters for men. As we usually place large orders, we expect a quantity discount, and our terms of payment are for collection. If you agree to these conditions and you can meet orders of over 1000 sweaters at one time, please send us your current catalogue and price-list. We hope to hear from you soon. Yours sincerely, L.Sidorov, General Director, “ABC import” Vocabulary:
Exercise 2: Translate into English: 1) Мы будем признательны, если Вы пришлете нам список фирм, торгующих этими товарами. 2) Нас интересует ассортимент свитеров, которые мы видели на ярмарке в Нижнем Новгороде. 3) Просим прислать нам подробное описание товаров, которыми Вы заинтересовались. 4) Мы являемся крупными импортерами станков. 5) Мы ищем производителя, который сможет поставить нам широкий ассортимент зимней обуви. 6) Поскольку мы обычно размещаем крупные заказы, мы надеемся на получение скидки за количество. 7) Мы получили образцы тканей (textiles), посланных Вами отдельным пакетом, и просим прислать нам Ваш прейскурант на эти товары. 8) Прилагаемый каталог содержит подробное описание интересующих Вас товаров. 9) Сообщите, пожалуйста, сможете ли Вы поставить нам необходимое количество товара и принять платеж в форме инкассо. 10) Мы хотели бы знать, по какой цене и на каких условиях Вы могли бы поставить нам 1000 тонн пшеницы. 11) Сообщите нам, можете ли Вы выполнять заказы на количество свыше 1000 изделий в каждой партии. 12) Согласно Вашей просьбе, посылаем наш иллюстрированный каталог, содержащий подробное описание требующихся Вам машин. 13) Мы признательны Манчестерской торговой палате за сообщение Вашего адреса и были бы благодарны, если бы Вы прислали нам Ваш каталог насосов (pumps). 14) В ответ на Ваше письмо от 15 мая, адресованное Торговому представительству России в Англии, мы с удовольствием посылаем Вам три экземпляра нашего каталога станков. Мы надеемся, что каталог окажется полезным для Вас. 15) Мы просим Вас сообщить нам, по какой цене, в какой срок и на каких условиях Вы могли бы поставить нам 2000 тонн сахара. Exercise 3: Act as an interpreter: After Mr. Borisov had closely studied the price for the Model 800 computer he found that it was somewhat higher than the prices of other companies for similar types of computers. That’s why he invited Mr. Adams to discuss the matter. Борисов: Господин Адамс, к сожалению, мы не можем подписать контракт с Вашей фирмой, так как цена на предлагаемые Вами компьютеры чрезмерно высока. Нам известно, что Ваши конкуренты предлагают компьютеры по более низким ценам. Adams: You are partly right. It’s true, the price is high, but you should take into consideration the fact that this model is the latest word in electronic industry. It is designed on the most modern lines and we can guarantee its reliability. Борисов: Нам это известно. Но тем не менее, цена не кажется нам приемлемой. Господин Адамс, зависит ли окончательная цена от количества компьютеров, приобретаемых нами? Adams: Right. If you increase your order to five computers we’ll be able to give you a 2% discount on the price. Борисов: Боюсь, что скидка слишком мала. Мы бы хотели получить скидку по крайней мере в 4 %. Adams: Let me make some calculations. Well, Mr. Borisov, 3% and not more as this concession leaves only a very small profit to ourselves. Борисов: В таком случае я хотел бы обсудить этот вопрос со своим руководством и только потом смогу дать Вам окончательный ответ. Vocabulary:
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М. П. Ивашкин, В. В. Сдобников, А. В. Селяев М. П. Ивашкин, В. В. Сдобников, А. В. Селяев. Практикум по стилистике английского языка. Изд. 2-е. Нижний Новгород: нглу им. Н. А.... |
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Секция "Перевод и межкультурная коммуникация" Р е д а к ц и о н н а я к о л л е г и я: канд филол наук, доц. В. В. Сдобников (отв редактор), кнд филол наук, доц. Л. А. Аверкина,... |
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