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Exercise 1: Read and translate the following letters: 1) Wilson & Co Ltd., 15 Leadenhall Street London, E.C.3 England Dear Sirs: Further to our conversation with your Sales Manager during the Exhibition of electronic equipment at Olympia in London we shall be obliged if you send us your quotation for the Model R800 computer. Please let us know if you can supply us with three computers and quote your best prices. Delivery will be required within two months after we place the order. If you can guarantee prompt delivery and quote really competitive prices we shall be able to place an order with your company. We would also like to know when our specialists could be sent to your country to be trained as operators and programmers. We are looking forward to hearing from you soon and hope that our future relations will be of mutual benefit. Yours sincerely, ABC Reply to above: ABC 32 Smolenskaya Street, Moscow 119034, Russia Dear Sirs: Thank you for your enquiry of March 20, 19... in which you inform us that you are interested in purchasing the Model R 800 computers from us. We enclosed with this letter all particulars concerning technical characteristics of this model. We are happy to inform you that we are able to meet your quantity requirements and offer you three computers at the price of ... per unit. The price includes packing. We can promise delivery in two months if you place your order immediately. We hope you will be able to accept our offer. Yours sincerely, Wilson & Co Ltd. Vocabulary:
Exercise 2: Insert the missing prepositions where necessary and translate the sentences: 1) This firm has been dealing ... timber ... twenty years. 2) Please let us know ... what price you could sell ... us 300 tons ... rubber. 3) We shall be obliged if you will make ... us an offer ... these goods. 4) We are sending ... you some samples ... the goods you are interested ... . 5) We shall be glad to know ... what terms we could buy ... you the following goods required ... us. 6) We have no publications ... the types ... machines ... which you refer ... your enquiry. 7) We are sending you ... your information a copy ... a letter which we have written ... Messrs. Smith & Co. 8) Please send ... us ... duplicate all publications you have ... this question. 9) ... compliance ... your request we are sending you our new catalogue ... Compressors. 10) We are indebted ... the Russian Chamber ... Commerce ... your name and address. 11) We have pleasure ... sending you ... triplicate our Brochure No. 126 containing a description ... our range ... Gas Turbines. 12) ... reference ... your letter ... the 15th May we are sending you, ... separate cover, the shipping documents relating ... the m.v. “Krasnovodsk”. 13) We regret to advise you that ... present these instruments are not available ... sale. 14) We have marked ... X the types ... machines which may be ... interest ... us and would like to receive ... you their description ... duplicate. Exercise 3: Fill in the missing words and translate the letter: We have been ... your name ... our associates ... Howard & Co. ... Carlisle, who ... us that you have been ... them with stationery .. a number of years. There is a ... demand here ... Edinburgh ... the qualities you ... , and we believe we could ... large orders ... you if your ... are competitive. ... you please send us your illustrated ... together with your ... list and details of your ... of business. We look forward to ... ... you. Exercise 4: a) Your firm is a manufacturing company and is in urgent need of certain metal fittings which cannot be obtained quickly enough from the normal suppliers. Write an enquiry to a British maker of these fittings. b) Translate the letter into Russian. Exercise 5: Act as an interpreter: Smith: Good morning, Mr Ivanov. Here’s my card. Иванов: Доброе утро, господин Смит. Рад Вас видеть. Smith: I’d like to know if you can supply us with the Model LR 87 machine-tool. Иванов: Это зависит от того, в какое время Вы хотели бы получить эти станки. Smith: The machine-tools must be shipped in the first half of October. Иванов: К сожалению, мы не сможем поставить их до конца года. Smith: Well, in this case we’ll have to accept your time of delivery. And now I’d like to hear your price. Иванов: Цена составляет 5000 фунтов стерлингов за один станок, сиф Лондон. Цена включает упаковку. Smith: I’m sorry to say the price doesn’t seem attractive. We know that prices of other companies for similar models are lower. Иванов: Но Вы должны принять во внимание высокое качество и надежность наших станков. Smith: Mr. Ivanov, can you give us a discount if we increase our order? Иванов: Думаю, что сможем. Я обещаю рассмотреть этот вопрос и завтра дам вам ответ. Vocabulary:
Exercise 6: Make up a dialogue with your partner imitating negotiations concerning price, terms and time of delivery between Russian and American businessmen.
A reply to an enquiry from a regular customer is normally fairly brief, and does not need to be more than polite and direct. Provided the supplier is in a position to meet his correspondent's requirements, his reply will generally: a) thank the writer of the letter of enquiry for the letter in question; b) supply all the information requested, and refer both to enclosures and to samples, catalogues and other items being sent by separate post; c) provide additional information, not specifically requested by the customer, so long as it is relevant; d) conclude with one or two lines encouraging the customer to place orders and assuring him of good service. In many types of business it is the practice of the seller to offer goods to regular customers and to others who may be interested, without waiting for an enquiry. Similarly, suppliers regularly make special offers of goods when prices are particularly favourable. In these cases the customer's interest has to be aroused. Offers made in writing usually state the nature and description of the goods offered, the quantity, the price, the terms of payment and the time and place of delivery. Offers may be firm (or binding) or without engagement. A firm offer is made by a seller to one potential buyer only and usually indicates the time during which it will remain open for acceptance. If the buyer accepts the offer in full within the stipulated time, the goods are considered to have been sold to him at the price and on the terms stated in the offer. According to English and American law, a person making a firm offer has the right to revoke it at any time before it has been accepted. According to Russian law, a person making an offer is bound by it until the expiration of the time stated in the offer. When no time for acceptance is stipulated in the offer, the acceptance must be made within a reasonable time. An offer without engagement does not bind the seller and therefore may be made to several potential buyers. If the buyer accepts such an offer, the goods are considered to have been sold to him only when the seller, after receipt of the buyer's acceptance, confirms having sold him the goods at the price and on the terms indicated in the offer. Expressions used in offers: General opening lines 1) We have pleasure in offering you the following goods... 2) You will be interested to hear that... 3) You will find enclosed with this letter a sample of ... 4) As a result of the favourable supply situation we are able to offer you ... Expressions used in firm offers 1) We have pleasure in offering you, subject to your acceptance by cable... 2) This offer is made subject to an immediate reply... 3) We offer you the goods subject to receiving your confirmation within ... days of the date of this letter. 4) We are holding this offer open for your acceptance until the 15th May. Expressions used in offers without engagement 1) We have pleasure in offering you, without obligation... 2) This offer is made without any engagement on our part. 3) This offer is subject to the goods being unsold on receipt of your reply. 4) This offer is made subject to prior sale. Prices and terms 1) Our prices are quoted c.i.f. London. 2) Our prices include packing and carriage. 3) Price includes delivery to nearest railhead. 4) Prices are subject to variation without notice, in accordance with market fluctuations. 5) Prices for the quality you mention range from 75c to $ 5. Supply and demand 1) In view of the heavy demand for this line, we advise you to order at once. 2) The exceptional demand this season has nearly cleared our stocks of... 3) This article is in great demand. 4) Owing to the increased demand for this type of car, our stocks have run very low. 5) As we have a good supply of these machines we can effect shipment within 5 days. 6) The model you ask for is out of production, but we can supply ... instead. 7) We cannot promise delivery before 1st January unless your order reaches us within 5 days. Asking for instructions 1) Will you kindly let us have an early decision. 2) Please send us your instructions by fax. 3) Kindly confirm your order at the price quoted. 4) We await your instructions by return. 5) Please let us know your wishes by Friday without fail. 6) Kindly use the enclosed order form when you make out your order as this will facilitate prompt and accurate execution. 7) If our proposal is acceptable to you, please confirm by return. Concluding sentences 1) Our whole experience is at your service. We hope you will make use of it. 2) We should appreciate the opportunity of showing you how efficiently we can serve you. 3) Words alone will not prove what we claim for our products: only a trial can do that, and a trial will convince you. 4) You may rely on us to give your requirements immediate attention. 5) We will hold a quantity in reserve for you, as we feel sure you would not wish to miss such an opportunity. 6) If you think our offer meets your requirements, please let us have your order at an early date, as supplies are limited. 7) As we execute all orders in strict rotation, we strongly advise you to order early. Vocabulary:
Exercises Exercise 1: Translate the phrases used in offers. Exercise 2: Read and translate the offer: December 25, 19... ABC, Moscow Attention: Mr. Borisov Dear Sirs: We thank you for your enquiry of August 27, 19... concerning the supply of pumps and now are pleased to submit our offer. With this offer we enclose drawings and specifications together with our leaflet. Price: The total price of a pump is $... which includes packing and delivery Russian port. Delivery: Delivery of the pumps will begin three months after the contract is signed and will be completed within a period of four months. Validity: This offer is valid 90 days from the date of this letter. Payment: Payment is to be made in cash within 30 days of receipt of the following shipping documents: an Invoice, a Bill of Lading, an Insurance Policy and a Packing List. We have quoted for the majority of spare parts in accordance with the details of your enquiry. But we cannot guarantee the supply of all items as in some cases our stocks of spares are limited. We recommend you therefore to place an order as soon as possible to obtain the items you require. I would personally very much like to visit you at your office in Moscow and discuss our possible future business relations. Perhaps you will be kind enough to advise me of a suitable date and time for such a meeting. Yours faithfully, on behalf of Black & Co G.E.Fox, Overseas Sales Manager Vocabulary:
Exercise 3: Translate into English: 1) Мы рады направить Вам наше предложение на новую модель компьютера. 2) Наше предложение действительно в течение 60 дней от даты данного письма. 3) В соответствии с Вашим запросом мы прилагаем к письму каталог, в котором содержится дополнительная информация о нашем оборудовании. 4) Платеж производится в течение 10 дней после получения следующих отгрузочных документов: счета, коносамента, страхового полиса и упаковочного листа. 5) Продавец сообщил, что у них имеется очень небольшой резерв запасных частей, и поэтому они рекомендуют нам разместить заказ как можно быстрее. 6) Не будете ли Вы любезны сообщить нам удобное для Вас время нашей встречи? 7)Мы предлагаем Вам этот товар, при условии получения Вашего подтверждения не позже 15 марта. 8) Все цены, указанные в этом каталоге, могут подлежать изменению без предупреждения. 9) Это предложение действительно лишь в том случае, если машина еще не будет продана по получении Вашего ответа. 10) Мы согласны, чтобы наша оферта от 10 марта оставалась открытой для акцепта до 25 марта, как самый поздний срок.
Exercises Exercise 1: Insert the missing prepositions where necessary and translate the sentences into Russian: 1) Please inform us ... cable ... what price you could offer us 200 tons ... Copper. 2) ... ... the information received ... us, the vessel will arrive ... St. Petersburg ... the 15th September. 3) We are quoting you the price ... $5 ... ton subject ... your accepting the offer ... full ... five days ... today. 4) The goods were offered ... engagement ... the part ... the Sellers. 5) We request you to indicate the time ... which your offer will remain open ... acceptance. 6) We regret to state that our clients are not satisfied ... the quality ... the samples sent ... you. 7) We shall be obliged if you will quote us ... 100 tons of Rubber. 8) Please cable ... us your price ... a cargo ... 8,000 tons ... Manganese Ore. 9) We would ask you to make ... us an offer ... 500 bales ... Cotton ... immediate shipment. 10) Shipment will be made ... Odessa ... five weeks ... receipt ... your order. 11) Our representative will call ... you ... five o'clock to-morrow. 12) The goods could be shipped ... October or November ... our option. 13) We can supply you ... these goods ... the price ... $25 ... ton ... 1,016 kilograms c.i.f. Manchester. 14) ... ... our contract you are to pay ... the goods ... cash ... shipping documents. 15) The goods are to be shipped ... the 31st May ... the latest. Exercise 2: Fill in the missing words and translate the letter: Thank you ... your ... ... 16 November, ... which you enquire ... toys imported ... Hong Kong. We are ... to hear that there is a ... for goods ... this type ... Northern Ireland. We are ... our price list and terms of ..., and our catalogue has already been ... ... separate post. As you will notice, our prices are extremely ..., and since we hold large ... of all models ... all times, we can promise delivery ... a week ... receipt ... orders. We hope to ... from you soon, and ... forward ... ... business ... you. Exercise 3: Translate into Russian: 1) All quotations are made without engagement, and contracts based thereon are subject to our General Conditions of Sale. 2) All quotations are subject to alteration without notice. 3) The prices quoted may be subject to revision on receipt of information as to the actual quantities required. 3) The prices are for prompt acceptance only and subject to change without notice. 4) The machine could be dispatched not later than 30th September, subject to our receiving your order within 20 days from this date. 5) The goods will be shipped in the second half of November subject to navigation being opened. 6) We have a wide selection of sweaters that will appeal to all ages, and in particular the teenage market which you specified. 7) We can supply from stock and will have no trouble in meeting your delivery date. 8) We think you have made an excellent choice in selecting this line, and once you have seen the samples we are sure you will agree that this is unique both in texture and colour. 9) We no longer manufacture pure cotton shirts as their retail prices tend only to attract the upper end of the market. All our garments are now poly-cotton, which is stronger, needs little ironing, and allows variations in patterns. However, if you are still set on pure cotton garments, we advise you to contact ... 10) We have sent you our summer catalogue which unfortunately is only printed in English. However, we have enclosed a Russian translation for the relevant pages (41-45) and hope this will prove helpful. 11) The prices quoted above are provisional, since we may be compelled by increased costs of raw materials to increase our prices to customers. I will inform you immediately if this happens. 12) As there are regular sailings from Liverpool to New York, we are sure that the consignment will reach you well within the time specified. 13) All list prices are quoted f.o.b. Southampton and are subject to a 25% trade discount with payment by letter of credit. 14) Once again we would like to thank you for writing to us and would welcome any further points you would like us to answer. 15) We hope to hear from you again, soon, and can assure you that your order will be dealt with promptly. Exercise 4: Translate into English: 1) Мы можем предложить Вам этот товар по цене 50 долл. США за английскую тонну сиф Копенгаген. 2) Посылаем Вам с этим письмом 2 экземпляра наших Общих условий поставки, в которых изложены наши условия платежа. 3) Мы удовлетворены качеством товара и готовы разместить у Вас заказ, если Ваши цены и условия платежа будут приемлемы. 4) Мы можем отгрузить этот товар из Одессы в течение шести недель по получении Вашего заказа. 5) Согласно условиям договора, Вы должны уплатить за товар наличными против отгрузочных документов. 6) Все запасные части перечислены в спецификации, посланной с нашим письмом от 19 августа. 7) Отгрузка может быть произведена в мае или июне 19... по нашему выбору. 8) До настоящего времени мы не получили от Вас подтверждения нашего предложения от 25 мая и должны поэтому отозвать нашу оферту. 9) Мы держим это предложение открытым до получения от Вас акцепта до 1 сентября текущего года. 10) Подтверждаем получение Вашего письма от 20 мая, в котором Вы акцептируете нашу оферту от 10 мая на 10000 фунтов икры. С сожалением сообщаем Вам, что этот товар продан другому покупателю, поскольку наша оферта была действительна лишь до 16 мая. Exercise 5: Translate the letter into English: Москва, 29 марта 19...г . Подтверждаем с благодарностью получение Вашего письма от 25 марта. Мы посылаем Вам сегодня почтовой посылкой образцы требующихся Вам химикатов и надеемся, что Вы будете удовлетворены их качеством. Посылаем Вам наш прейскурант химикатов. Химикаты, помеченные буквой Д, имеются на складе. Они могут быть отправлены в порт погрузки немедленно по получении Вашего заказа и отгружены первым подходящим (available) пароходом. Остальные химикаты могут быть отгружены во второй половине мая, при условии, что мы получим Ваш заказ в течение 10 дней от даты этого письма. С цены химикатов, помеченных буквой А, предоставляется скидка 10%, остальные цены - строго без скидки. Все цены понимаются фоб С.Петербург и включают стоимость упаковки. Exercise 6: Compose a letter for your firm, who are producers of tinned food products, to an importer overseas. Offer your standard lines and one new product.
If the seller's offer is right, an order may be expected to follow. The really difficult part of the business is now over and the remaining correspondence is largely routine. In placing of an order, first of all, accuracy is essential. An error in quoting a catalogue number, or a mistyped figure in the quantity column can cause trouble which it may be impossible to put right later. All this is very elementary, but such errors are known to occur; a double check at all stages is the only prudent course. Clarity is also essential. The buyer must make clear to the seller exactly what he wants. Most firms will agree that there is room for improvement here. In the export business there are also other things needed besides an accurate description of the goods: for example, method of transport, packing, delivery and insurance, or possibly method of payment, if this has not been settled already. Then the buyer may require some special documents for his own use or to satisfy import regulations. These must be asked for - the exporter cannot always know what the buyer requires in this respect. Large firms will most probably use an export order form for ordering; the special requirements are printed on this form, and possibly also the details of terms and conditions of purchase. When ordering goods, a customer will generally include the following in his letter: a) A reference to a visit by the supplier's representative, or to an advertisement or catalogue, or to a sample, or to previous correspondence. This applies particularly to a first order. In subsequent orders the buyer may begin his letter with: b) Details of the goods required: quantity, quality, catalogue number, packing, etc. c) Conditions and qualifications. d) Alternatives which are acceptable if the goods ordered are not available. e) A closing sentence, perhaps encouraging the supplier to execute the order promptly and with care. Expressions used in orders Opening lines: 1) Thank you for your offer of 1 July, which we accept on the terms quoted. 2) We enclose our order No. 47791 for ... 3) We have pleasure in ordering the following articles from your winter catalogue: 4) Thank you for letting us have samples of ... . We would be glad if you would supply us with ... 5) Will you please arrange immediate dispatch of ... Referring to quality: 1) The quality must be up to sample... 2) Weight and colour must be as sample supplied... 3) A medium quality would be suitable... 4) Only fruit packed so as to be in fresh condition on arrival can be accepted. 5) There is no market here for the higher-priced cameras. Please send only models in the medium price-range. 6) We enclose a trial order. If the quality is up to our expectations, we shall send further orders in the near future. 7) The material supplied must be absolutely waterproof and we place our order subject to this guarantee. Alternative goods: 1) If pattern No 63A is not available please send 64, 65 or 66A instead. 2) Please supply the nearest you have to the enclosed sample. 3) We leave it to your discertion to supply a suitable substitute, should you not have what we want, but the price must not exceed $1.75 per kg. 4) If you have a similar article but of better quality, please supply it instead, provided the price is not more than 10% higher. Rejecting an offer: 1) Many thanks for your offer of 3 March. We are sorry to have to tell you that we cannot make use of it at present. 2) We thank you for your offer and will bear it in mind, should we have need of such equipment at any time. 3) Thank you for your quotation for the supply of ... but we have been obliged to place our order elsewhere in this instance. 4) Many thanks for your reply to our enquiry for steel furniture. We will keep your catalogue for further reference, but think your products too highly priced for this market. 5) We appreciate your offer of a reduced price, but are of the opinion that the market would not stand an article of this quality at all. Cancellation, Warning of Cancellation: 1) Please delete from the order any goods which you (cannot supply ex-stock) (cannot ship within 14 days) (cannot supply exactly to sample). 2) We must insist on the observance of our terms and conditions. If you cannot do this, we regret that we shall have to cancel the order. 3) As you have failed to deliver within the specified time, we have no alternative but to cancel our order. 4) The recent slump in the market here makes it unavoidable for us to cancel the remainder of our order. 5) We regret having to cancel our order for the two further machines, but the worsening of the trading position here gives us no alternative. Vocabulary:
Exercises: Exercise 1: Read and translate the expressions used in orders. Exercise 2: Translate the following letters: Dear Sirs: We are in receipt of your letter of May 14, and shall be glad if you will buy for our account the quantity B.O.P. Darjeeling Tea mentioned by you at Rs. 3 per kg payable at 30 days, and send us about one third of it by rail and the rest you keep in godown on our behalf. Please effect insurance against fire at purchase rates plus 20% and retain the same at our disposal. Yours sincerely, Reply to above: Dear Sirs: We are glad to receive your acceptance of our offer, and note that you have decided to buy this parcel of B.O.P. Darjeeling Tea. We hope you will be satisfied with the quality in consideration of the price, and assure you that in any future business it will be our endeavour to give the best possible service and the quality goods. This day we have dispatched 25 cartons of tea at your account and risk through passenger train. The remaining cartons have been kept in the godown as per your instructions. We have also taken out the insurance of the goods and the policy is with us to be forwarded to you if you wish so. Enclosed here is our account for this bargain. Yours sincerely, Encl. Vocabulary:
Exercise 3: Insert the missing prepositions where necessary and translate into Russian: 1) The price ... which the equipment was ordered ... was fixed and not subject ... any alterations. 2) As the goods were bought ... f.o.b. terms, the Suppliers placed them ... board ... steamer ... their expence. They also had to pay the port and dock dues ... the cargo. 3) According ... the contract, payment is to be made ... cash ... London ... 45 days ... the dispatch ... Rossimport ... all the shipping and technical documents. 4) As you had not delivered the goods ... the 1st July, you are to pay us agreed and liquidated damages ... delay ... delivery. 5) The damages were calculated ... the rate ... 0.5 per cent ... week ... the value ... the equipment. 6) The Buyers informed the Sellers that they would reject ... the goods if the delay ... delivery should last ... twelve weeks. 7) We shall be obliged if you will inform us ... the readiness ... the equipment ... inspection ... least ten days ... advance. 8) Rossimport informed the Suppliers that the damage ... the goods was due ... inadequate packing. 9) Taking ... account your client's requirements, we agree to prepare the goods ... your final inspection ... our works ... August. 10) We shall be glad to hear whether the changes ... the specification proposed ... us are acceptable ... you. Exercise 4. Fill in the missing words and translate the letter: Our order ... 50 "Marie" dresses ... various colours and sizes is ... with this letter. You will see ... the order that ... is required ... 1 May ... the latest. Will you please quote us ... 1000 "Audrey" dressing gowns, and ... us know whether you have these models ... stock. Exercise 5: Write a letter based on these notes: thanks for order (No., date) - goods dispatched (ship, date due) - invoice enclosed - goods carefully selected - packed crates - safe arrival - excellent value - hope good sales - rely on us - at your service.
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М. П. Ивашкин, В. В. Сдобников, А. В. Селяев М. П. Ивашкин, В. В. Сдобников, А. В. Селяев. Практикум по стилистике английского языка. Изд. 2-е. Нижний Новгород: нглу им. Н. А.... |
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Секция "Перевод и межкультурная коммуникация" Р е д а к ц и о н н а я к о л л е г и я: канд филол наук, доц. В. В. Сдобников (отв редактор), кнд филол наук, доц. Л. А. Аверкина,... |
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