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Example 1
Exercises Exercise 1. Read the text of the Contract and give the English for: стороны заключили настоящий Контракт о нижеследующем; являться неотъемлемой частью настоящего Контракта; датой поставки считается дата бортового коносамента; конвенциональный штраф; штраф в размере; погрузочно-разгрузочные работы; завод-изготовитель; технические нормы; гарантийное письмо Продавца; нейтральная компетентная организация; документы, подтверждающие претензию; возмещение недостающего количества; замена некачественных товаров бесплатно; возмещение стоимости товаров; обстоятельства непреодолимой силы; урегулировать спор дружественным путем; споры или разногласия, вытекающие из настоящего Контракта или связанные с ним; подлежать рассмотрению и окончательному решению; третье лицо; передавать права и обязанности по Контракту; банковские расходы; полномочные представители сторон; терять силу (быть недействительным); юридический адрес. Exercise 2. Translate the sentences into English: 1) В случае задержки поставки товара Продавец выплачивает конвенциональный штраф, если при этом исключены нарушения других прав Покупателя, связанные с задержкой поставки. 2) В случае обнаружения недовеса в поставленных товарах или несоответствия качества товаров техническим условиям Контракта Покупатель имеет право предъявить претензию Продавцу. 3) Если претензия окажется обоснованной, Продавец компенсирует недопоставленные либо некачественные товары. 4) При возникновении обстоятельств, которые мешают выполнению обязательств по Контракту одной из сторон, срок выполнения обязательств переносится на соответствующее время. 5) Если сторона не сообщит или несвоевременно сообщит об обстоятельствах форс-мажор, это лишает ее права ссылаться на них. 6) В случае возникновения споров или разногласий, вытекающих из настоящего Контракта или связанных с ним, стороны примут все меры к урегулированию такого спора или разногласия дружественным путем. Exercise 3. Translate the following into Russian using a dictionary, if necessary: 1) The Seller is to insure the goods for his account against all usual marine risks with Ingosstrakh of Russia for the amount of the invoice value of the goods plus 10 per cent. The goods may be insured against war and other risks upon special request of the Buyer and for the Buyer's account. The Insurance Policy or Certificate of Ingosstrakh of Russia is to be made out in the name of the Buyer or another person according to his instructions and is to be sent together with the other shipping documents. 2) Should any circumstances arise which prevent the complete or partial fulfilment by any of the parties of their respective obligations under this Contract, namely: fire, ice conditions or any other acts of the elements, war, military operations of any character, blockade, prohibition of export or import or any other circumstances beyond the control of the parties, the time stipulated for the fulfilment of the obligations shall be extended for a period equal to that during which such circumstances last. 3) Any dispute or difference which may arise out of or in connection with the present Contract shall be settled, without recourse to courts of law, by the Foreign Trade Arbitration Commission of the Russian Chamber of Commerce in Moscow in accordance with the Rules for Procedure of the said Commission. The awards of this Arbitration shall be considered final and binding upon both parties. 4) All taxes, customs and other dues connected with the conclusion and fulfilment of the present Contract, levied within Russia, except those connected with the Letter of Credit, to be paid by the Seller, and those levied outside Russia to be paid by the Buyer. 5) The Supplier guarantees that the goods are in all respects in accordance with the description, technical conditions and specifications of the order, that they are free from defects in material, design and workmanship and they conform to the Supplier's highest standards. Should the goods prove defective during the period of 12 months from the date of putting the machine, equipment or instruments into operation but not more than 18 months from the date of shipment, the Supplier undertakes to remedy the defects or to replace the faulty goods delivering them c.i.f. Baltic or Black Sea port at the Buyer's option, free of charge, or to refund the value of the goods paid by the Buyer.
The following articles may be included into a contract: Packing and Marking 1. The equipment is to be shipped in export packing corresponding to the nature of each particular type of the equipment. 2. The packing is to secure the full safety of the goods from any kind of damage and corrosion during its transportation. The goods are to be packed so as not to allow for their free movement inside the package when it changes its position. 3. The Seller shall be responsible to the Buyer for any damage to the goods owing to the improper packing. 4. Should separate parts of equipment exceed the overall dimensions, permitted for the transportation by railway, the Seller is to agree upon such dimensions of the cases with the Buyer before manufacturing the equipment. 5. The cases in which the equipment is packed are to be marked on three sides - on two opposite sides and on the top of the case. 6. The marking shall be clearly made with indelible paint both in ___________________ and in the Russian languages, stating as follows: Contract No Trans No Case No Net weight Gross weight Dimensions of the case in cm (length, width, height) 7. The packages for which special handling is required shall have additional marking: "Handle with care", "Top", "Do not turn over". 8. On oversize and heavy packages as well as on the cases the height of which exceeds one meter and/or the weight exceeds 500 kg three must be shown the center of gravity on each package with the indelible paint by the mark + and the letters ЦТ. 9. The Seller is responsible for additional transport and storage charges incurred due to the dispatch to a wrong address caused by improper or incorrect marking. Export Licence 1.The Seller will take care of and bear all the expenses connected with obtaining the necessary licence for the exportation of the goods under the present Contract to the RF. Not later than the signing of the Contract the Seller is to advise the Buyer if the export licence is granted. 2. In case the Seller is unable to obtain the export licence or the export licence is revoked by the appropriate authorities of the Seller’s country before the end of deliveries or should its validity expire, the Buyer has the right to cancel the Contract wholly or partially. 3. Should the Contract be cancelled the rights and the obligations of the Parties are to be defined in conformity with Clause... Insurance 1. The Buyer shall take care of and cover expenses for insurance of the goods with Ingosstrakh RF from the moment of their dispatch from the Seller’s works up to the moment of arrival of the same at the Buyer’s works. 2. The expenses for insurance from the Seller’s works up to the moment of loading at the rate of ___% of the insurance amount are to be charged to the Seller’s account and deducted from the Seller’s invoices at the time payments are effected. 3. Insurance within the whole period of transportation and transhipment will be effected on the conditions of «Responsibility for Particular Average» according to item 2, paragraph 2 of the «Rules of Transport Insurance of the Goods», Ingosstrakh, including damages to the goods caused by cranes, oil, fresh water (excluding moistening) and by other cargo, breakage, theft of the whole cases or their parts and non-delivery of cases in all the above mentioned circumstances independent of a degree of the damage. 4. Within _______ months upon signing the Contract the Buyer is to send to the Seller the Insurance Policy issued in the name of the Seller covering insurance of the goods from the Seller’s works up to f.o.b. port of ____________________ . Vocabulary:
Exercises Exercise 1. Read the text above and give the English for: экспортная упаковка; обеспечивать полную сохранность груза; повреждение вследствие ненадлежащей упаковки; габаритные размеры; аннулировать экспортную лицензию; компетентные органы; страховая сумма; удерживаться при оплате счетов; процент повреждения. Exercise 2. Translate the sentences from Russian into English: 1. Упаковка должна обеспечивать полную сохранность груза от всякого рода повреждений и коррозии. 2. Ящики, в которых упаковано оборудование, маркируются с трех сторон - на двух противоположных боковых сторонах и сверху ящика. 3. Маркировка наносится четко, несмываемой краской. 4. Места, требующие специального обращения, имеют дополнительную маркировку «Осторожно» и «Не кантовать». 5. На каждом грузовом месте расположение центра тяжести указывается знаком + и буквами ЦТ. 6. Продавец возмещает дополнительные складские расходы, возникшие в связи с поставкой оборудования по неправильному адресу. 7. Если до окончания поставки экспортная лицензия аннулируется компетентными органами, Покупатель имеет право расторгнуть контракт полностью или частично. 8. Покупатель принимает на себя заботы и расходы по страхованию товара в Управлении иностранного страхования РФ (Ингосстрах). 9. ___% страховой суммы относятся на счет Продавца и удерживаются Покупателем при оплате счетов за оборудование. 10. Страхование распространяется на случаи повреждения грузов кранами, маслом, пресной водой (исключая отпотевание) и другими грузами. Exercise 3: Translate the text above into Russian. Exercise 4: Translate the following into English: Продавец осуществляет страхование товаров, поставляемых на условиях СИФ, Болгарский порт, против обычных морских рисков с Ингосстрахе, в соответствии с «Правилами транспортного страхования». Страхование производится на всю стоимость товара на условиях «от всех рисков». Все претензии, которые могут возникнуть в связи с утратой и повреждением товара во время транспортировки, должны разрешаться Продавцом непосредственно с Ингосстрахом. Любой риск утраты или повреждения товара переходит с Продавца на Покупателя с момента погрузки товара на борт судна в порту погрузки.
Example 2 C O N T R A C T This Contract has been made and entered into at New Delhi (India) on the 3rd September, 1990, BETWEEN OIS-OM INTER SERV PVT LTD W-499 Greater Kailash Road, New Delhi - 110048 India, represented by its Chairman, Mr. Mohan SHAH, hereinafter called the "PURCHASER", AND R.A.M.A., 18 Rue Jean Goujon, 25008 PARIS (France), represented by its Managing Director, Mr. Philippe DURAND, hereinafter called the "SELLER". WHEREAS: (1) The Government of India is planning the implementation of a program involving the design, the engineering, the supply, the construction, the installation and the commissioning of various educational TV rural schemes. (2) The PURCHASER has been selected and appointed by the GOI to execute and carry out work in relation to this project and awarded an open general import license No 90/KL/M/72309 G on 19.07.1990. (3) The SELLER has submitted an offer to the PURCHASER on 27.02.1990 for supply of miscellaneous equipment (hereinafter referred to as the "EQUIPMENT") in relation to this project. NOW THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH AS FOLLOWS: (1) In this Contract words and expressions shall have meanings assigned to them, except where the context otherwise requires. (2) The PURCHASER and the SELLER when intended to be referred to together are hereinafter called the "Parties". (3) In consideration of the payment to be made by the PURCHASER to the SELLER as hereinafter mentioned, the SELLER covenants with the PURCHASER to supply the EQUIPMENT in conformity in all respects with the provisions of his offer dated 27.02.1990. (4) The PURCHASER hereby covenants to pay the SELLER in consideration of the supply of the EQUIPMENT the Contract price at the times and in the manner prescribed hereinafter. (5) The present Contract will come into force when all of the following conditions shall be complied with by the PARTIES: - Signature of the present Contract by the PARTIES, - Receipt by the SELLER of the Letter of Credit opened by the PURCHASER in accordance with clause 5 hereafter. AGREED: (1) THE EQUIPMENT 1,350 - (One thousand three hundred and fifty) - Black and White Receivers adapted and tuned to Indian standards (5,5 MHZ), as per technical specifications, operating procedures and drawings attached hereto, which shall be deemed to form and read and construe as part of this Contract. Individual packing for airshipment, including 2 silica gel bags (200 grs. each). Spare parts as per list attached hereto, which shall be deemed to form and read and construe as part of this Contract. The SELLER guarantees that all the EQUIPMENT (including spare parts) supplied under this Contract is free from defects. Such a guarantee is limited to a period (hereinafter called the "THE DEFECT LIABILITY PERIOD") of 18 months as from the date of dispatch from France or 12 months as from the date of commissioning on site, whichever is the earliest. If any such defect shall appear during the DEFECT LIABILITY PERIOD, the PURCHASER shall forthwith inform the SELLER, stating in writing the nature of the defect. The SELLER undertakes to make good such defect by repairing or replacing at his own option and cost the defective part(s). The PARTIES agree that the DEFECT LIABILITY PERIOD will not be extended by a period equal to the period during which the EQUIPMENT cannot be used by reason of that defect, nor will the repair and/or replacement of defective parts give rise to an extension of the DEFECT LIABILITY PERIOD for said parts. The SELLER will not be liable to replacing and/or repairing any defective part(s) of the EQUIPMENT, resulting from causes such as - but not limited to - normal wear and tear, improper use, lack or insufficient maintenance, modifications or repairs carried out without the consent of the SELLER. Maintenance documentation in English will be supplied in ten copies. (2) CONTRACT PRICE 1,400 French Francs per receiver (including spare parts), FCA Paris (Charles de Gaulle) AIRPORT (Incoterms ICC 1990). Total contract price: 1,890,000 FF (One million eight hundred and ninety thousand French Francs). Commercial invoices to be made out in French Francs. Payments to be effected in French Francs. (3) DELIVERY Airshipment to be effected not later than 31st October 1990, as per schedule of deliveries attached hereto, which shall be deemed to form and read and construe as part of this Contract. The PURCHASER shall issue appropriate instructions as to the sipping arrangements not later than 16th October 1990. Documentation shall be prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Letter of Credit (referred to in Clause 5 hereafter) to be opened by the PURCHASER in favour of the SELLER and limited to AWB, Commercial Invoices, Packing List, Certificate of Origin. Should Test Certificates be required, all costs resulting therefrom, shall be borne and paid by the PURCHASER. (4) LOSS, DAMAGE AND DELAY Risk of loss and/or damage of the EQUIPMENT, or any part thereof, shall pass onto the PURCHASER upon delivery of the EQUIPMENT or part thereof to the carrier or another person (e.g. freight forwarder) named by the PURCHASER or chosen by the SELLER in the case the PURCHASER fails to give appropriate instructions in this respect, as provided in Clause 3 hereabove. Insurance cover will be taken care of by the PURCHASER at his own cost. The SELLER shall not be liable for failure to perform or for delay in performance due to fire, flood, strike, or another labour difficulty, act of the PURCHASER or of any civil or military authority, insurrection, riot, embargo, vehicle and/or aircraft shortage, wreck or delay in transportation, inability to obtain necessary labour or manufacturing facilities from usual sources, late performance by the SELLER's suppliers, or due to any other cause beyond the SELLER's reasonable control. In the event of delay in performance due to any such cause, the date of delivery may be postponed for such length of time as may be reasonable, necessary to compensate for the delay and the PURCHASER undertakes to amend accordingly the terms and conditions of the Letter of Credit referred to in Clause 5 hereafter. (5) PAYMENT The PURCHASER shall open an irrevocable, transferable, divisible documentary credit in favour of the SELLER. Partial shipments and transhipment allowed. The Letter of Credit shall be confirmed by a bank in France, preferably BANQUE FRANÇAISE DU COMMERCE EXTERIEUR, Paris, or SOCIETE GENERALE, Paris, and provide for the following terms of payment: - 20 percent advance payment against submission of a bank guarantee for same amount, to be released upon presentation of the documents called for in the Letter of Credit, - 80 percent upon presentation of the documents called for in the Letter of Credit. All bank charges outside India shall be borne by the SELLER. (6) LANGUAGE AND GOVERNING LAW The ruling language to which this Contract is to be subject is English. The rights and obligations of the PARTIES shall be construed, enforced and performed in accordance with the laws of India. (7) SETTLEMENT OF DISPUTES All disputes or differences of any kind in connection with or arising out of this Contract (whether before or after its termination, abandonment or breach) which cannot be settled amicably shall, upon any of the PARTIES' giving notice in writing to the other PARTY, be finally settled under the Rules of Conciliation and Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce by one or more arbitrators appointed under such rules. The place of arbitration shall be London (UK). All proceeding and published findings shall be in the English language. The arbitral award shall be binding on the PARTIES and become enforceable immediately. IN WITNESS whereof, the PARTIES hereto have executed this Contract in two original copies through their duly authorized representatives, as of the day and year first above written.
Exercises Exercise 1. Translate the Contract into Russian. Exercise 2. Translate from Russian into English: 1) Проект включает установку и ввод в эксплуатацию оборудования. 2) Продавец берет на себя обязательство поставить Покупателю в счет осуществленного им платежа оборудование в полном соответствии с коммерческим предложением. 3) Покупатель осуществляет платеж в сроки и в форме, указанные ниже. 4) Настоящий Контракт вступает в силу с момента подписания его сторонами.
5) Продавец устраняет дефекты и неисправности путем ремонта оборудования или замены деталей по своему выбору. 6) Продавец не несет ответственность за дефекты и неисправности, возникающие вследствие недостаточного техобслуживания или его отсутствия. 7) Коммерческие счета-фактуры выписываются на французском языке. 8) Отгрузка авиатранспортом осуществляется согласно графику отгрузки, который является неотъемлемой частью настоящего Контракта. 9) Риск потери или повреждения оборудования переходит к Покупателю в момент передачи оборудования перевозчику или экспедитору, назначенному Покупателем. 10) Языком настоящего Контракта является английский язык. 11) Все споры и разногласия, вытекающие из настоящего Контракта или связанные с ним, подлежат рассмотрению после направления одной из сторон письменного уведомления другой стороне, одним или несколькими арбитражными судьями. 12) В подтверждение вышеизложенного стороны заключили настоящий Контракт в двух экземплярах в день, месяц и год, указанные выше. Exercise 3. Translate the following into Russian using dictionary, if necessary: 1) Within ... days of the date of the signing of the present Contract the Seller is to send the Buyer two copies of the following drawings and technical documents for each complete machine: General view and assembly drawings with main sized of the equipment as well as a detailed specification of all parts and assemblies of the machine. Detailed technical description of the machine. Technical conditions for testing the equipment; erection, maintenance and operation instructions, lubrication systems, etc. Foundation and installation drawings. Working drawings of the rapidly wearing-out parts of the machine. All printed materials as well as inscriptions on the drawings are to be made in the Russian language. In addition two copies of the above drawings and technical documents as well as the Certificate of Quality of the equipment or the Test Report stating that the equipment is manufactured in accordance with the conditions of the Contract are to be wrapped in waterproof paper and packed in case No 1 together with the equipment. If the drawings and technical documentation are not placed in the case or not sent to the Buyer beforehand, the delivery is considered non-complete, and in this case the guarantee period is to begin on the date of receipt of the complete set of drawings and technical documents by the Buyer. 2) Should the equipment prove to be defective during the period of guarantee, or should it not correspond to the conditions of the Contract, or not reach the ordered capacity, the Seller undertakes at the Buyer's option either to remedy the defects or to replace the defective equipment by new equipment to be delivered without any delay c.i.f. ... . All the expenses incurred in this connection are to be borne by the Seller. If the elimination of the defects is effected by the Buyer by mutual agreement between the parties, the Seller is to compensate the Buyer for all the expenses incurred by him in connection with this elimination. In case the elimination of defects or the replacement of faulty equipment or parts takes place, the guarantee period is to be prolonged for the period used for such elimination or replacement. If neither party can eliminate the defects, the Buyer has the right either to demand from the Seller a proportionate decrease in the price of the equipment delivered or to cancel the Contract and in this case the Seller is to compensate the Buyer for the losses sustained by him.
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