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Ex. 33. Paraphrase the following sentences using mixed conditionals. 1. He is a very careless driver. The police stopped his car again yesterday. 2. The windows face a noisy street. I was unable to sleep in the room. 3. I shan’t paint the house this year. It was given a fresh coat of paint only a year ago. 4. She is very absent-minded. She forgot all about our arrangement for the afternoon. 5. This point was not discussed at yesterday’s meeting. We don’t have enough information on the matter. 6. The engine doesn’t run properly. We didn’t quite manage the hill. 7. The new assistant is difficult to deal with. Some employees refused to work with him. 8. He is not an honest person so he didn’t tell the truth. 9. They were awake all night so they are tired now. 10. She didn’t do her homework, so she is in trouble with her teacher. 11. She is so disorganised that she missed the deadline. 12. He doesn’t take the job seriously so he wasn’t promoted. Ex. 34. Translate the following sentences. 1. Если бы она выехала поездом 10.15, она бы уже была здесь. 2. Если бы мы убедили ее поработать в субботу, мы бы сейчас уже заканчивали проект. 3. Если бы он жил в нашем городе, я бы давно познакомила бы тебя с ним. 4. Мы бы давно согласились на это предложение, если бы оно было разумным. 5. Она была бы здоровым человеком, если бы следовала советам врача все эти годы. 6. Если бы ты следил внимательно за выступлением, ты бы сейчас не задавал таких вопросов. 7. Если бы я послушался тебя и взял плащ, я бы не был сейчас мокрым насквозь. 8. Я бы давно извинился перед ним, если бы я знал, как связаться с ним. 9. Если бы он был более терпеливым, он бы давно уладил эту проблему. Ex. 35. Open the brackets, using the correct form of the Subjunctive mood. When I was young I hated art. I _______ (never hate) it so much if I ______(not live) with an artist, it was my farther, if I _______ (not see) how hard he took his failures. That’s why I was very glad to get the chance of going into an office and become a clerk. I had a bowler hat, a home, a nice little wife and a nice little baby. I sent money to my mother every week, and helped my sister. A nice happy young man. I enjoyed life in those days. But one day when I was sitting in our London office I happened to drop a blot on an envelope. But for this drop of ink my life ________ (continue) to be nice and pleasant. Having nothing better to do just then, I started pushing it about with my pen to try and make it look more like a face. And from that moment I was lost. If only I _________ (be able) to keep from drawing, I _______ (not be) what I am now. I couldn’t keep from drawing even during office hours. When my boss found out about it he sent for me and said he was dissatisfied with me. But I said I ________ (give up) drawing gladly if I _________ (can). ‘Jimson’, he said, ‘ I don’t want to turn you out. If I ________ (turn) you out now, you ________ (never be able) to get another job. I suggest that you take a couple of days off and think it over. This is my final suggestion.’ If I _________ (listen) to reason then, I _______ (still be) a good clerk now. But I spent my holiday drawing, and when I went back to the office I didn’t last long. I left within a week. I painted about twelve hours a day and hated to be interrupted. Some of my pictures were even sold. They were very classical. Almost early Turner. But then one day I happened to see a Manet and was greatly impressed. When I came out of the museum I saw the whole world in a different light. But for Manet I ________ (not see) the world of colour as I see it now.
(after ‘The Horse’s Mouth’ by Joyce Cary) Wishes and related forms Wish
I wish I knew the answer to this question.. (I do not know the answer). I wish I didn’t have so much work to do. (I do have a lot of work..) I wish you weren’t leaving. (You are leaving) I wish I were younger. (I am not.) I wish I was going on holiday with you next week. (I am not going)
I wish I had gone to your party last week. (I did not go.) I wish I hadn’t eaten so much. ( I did eat much.)
I wish Jane could meet me next week. I wish I could drive. I wish I could contact him, but I don’t have my mobile phone with me.
I wish I didn’t have to get up early tomorrow.
I wish Mike wouldn’t chew gum all the time. I wish you wouldn’t make such a mess.
I wish the police would do something about these people! Note 1: We can replace I wish with If only for emphasis. If only I knew the answer to this question! If only I had gone to your party last week! Note 2: Wishes about simple future events are expressed with hope. I hope it doesn’t (won’t) rain tomorrow. I hope you(‘ll) have a lovely holiday in Portugal (on your holiday next week) Ex. 36. Give a response to the following sayings, beginning with ‘I wish’. 1. She is very suspicious about people. 2. He is not a man of principle. 3. She has no sense of humour. 4. He doesn’t know German. 5. I just can’t get rid of this unpleasant feeling. 6. I have to get up early tomorrow. 7. This idea occurred to me too late. 8. I wasted a lot of time on this foolish mystery story. 9. He won’t give up smoking. 10. He always borrows money from his friends. 11. You are not listening to me. 12. She is wasting time when there is such a rush of work. 13. It’s not up to me to make a decision. 14. He always interrupts people when they are talking. 15. They put off the meeting till Friday. 16. I followed his advice. 17. They didn’t reserve rooms in the hotel for us as they had promised to. 18. She was rude but she won’t apologize. 19. She won’t admit that she is wrong. 20. The kid is so annoying. 21. She often misses her English lessons. 22. He has never been frank with me. 23. Mr Green didn’t arrive on time today. 24. The car over there doesn’t belong to me. 25. Peter didn’t pass his driving test last week. Ex. 37. Open the brackets, using the correct form of the verb. 1. I wish you ......... (not fuss) about such unimportant things. 2. He wishes he .............. (take care of) the difficulties himself. 3. I wish you ........... (mind) your own business. 4. She felt so lost in this strange city that she wished she ............(have) someone to keep her company. 5. He wished the baby in the next room ..........(not cry) and he ........... (get) a little sleep. 6. I wish she .............(never write) this letter. 7. She wished she .............. (teach) him a good lesson. 8. I wish you ............(talk) him into giving up this foolish idea. 9. He wishes we ............ (put off) the party till next Saturday. 10. I wish you ............ (take) yourself in hand. 11. I wish you ............. (stay) another couple of days. There is so much I’d like to talk to you about. 12. This train journey seems endless! I wish we ............ (go) by car. 13. I wish I ........... (have) the money to buy some new clothes, but I can’t afford any at the moment. 14. I wish the government ............... (do) something about the pollution in the city. 15. I’m getting really wet through. I wish I ............ (forget) my umbrella. 16. That was a lovely meal, but I wish I ............. (eat) so much. 17. I wish I ............... (study) for my exams. I’m not going to pass. 18. I really enjoyed our trip to the theatre. I wish we ............(go) more often. 19. I wish you .............. (not leave) your dirty shoes in your bedroom! 20. I wish you ..............(stop) making so much noise late at night. 21. I wish my car ............. (be) as fast as yours. Ex. 38. Paraphrase the following sentences, using ‘wish’. 1. I’d love to be able to go with you to the opera. 2. It’s a pity that I sold that old painting. 3. I’ve had enough of your constant complaining! 4. I’d love to be sitting on a beach in Turkey right now! 5. He regrets not going to university. 6. I am sorry I have given you so much trouble. 7. Why are you talking shop all the time? 8. I am sorry I don’t know where to find him. 9. Too bad, we have to change trains twice. 10. It’s a pity Mr and Mrs Lee left the party so early. 11. I’m sorry Sam doesn’t remember you. 12. It’s a great pity your car broke down yesterday. 13. I’m sorry you don’t feel better this morning. 14. I’m afraid I haven’t met our new neighbour. 15. It’s a shame you failed your driving-test. 16. It would be nice if he agreed to deliver a lecture on modern art. 17. You had better take up a job to your taste. 18. I should not have shown my surprise. 19. You had better put off your visit to them. 20. What a pity I missed such a wonderful chance! Ex. 39. Write sentences as in the example: You didn’t watch the news so you didn’t know there was a train strike. I wish I had watched the news. If I had watched the news, I would have known there was a train strike.
Ex. 40. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of the Subjunctive Mood. I. Dear Mum, I feel really unhappy! I wish I ________ (not/take) this job. If only I ________ (give ) it more thought before I made the decision to come here. I wish the people here _________(be) more friendly – that ______ (make) it much better. If only I __________ (have) longer breaks. Looking at a computer screen all day is tiring and sometimes I find myself wishing it _________ (explode)! I wish my boss ________ (give) me something different to do. I wish there _________ (be) someone here I _______ (talk) to but I haven’t made any friends. If only I __________ (make) some, but it’s very difficult. I wish you _________ (live) nearer to me! Please write. I miss you! Love, Jenny II. Dear Sarah, I’m having an absolutely fabulous time here on Ischia! I wish you ________ (decide) to come with me. It _________ (be) even better if you were here. I wish I _________ (try) harder to persuade you to come with me. If only you _________ (change) your mind! I’m sure you ________ (get) time off work if you _________ (ask). If you can’t come to Ischia, ___________ (you/consider) meeting in Rome at the beginning of next month? Of course if you __________ (come) with me in the first place, we _________ (have) a great time right now. Anyway, if you __________ (give) me a ring, I _________ (tell) you exactly what my plans are and then you can decide what you want to do. Love, Julia Ex. 41. Translate the sentences into English, using ‘wish’. 1. Хотелось бы, чтобы вы оставили эту тему. 2. Жаль, что всем нам не хватит места в машине. 3. Хотелось бы воспользоваться твоим советом, но это невозможно. 4. Хотелось бы, чтобы они решили эту проблему как можно скорее. 5. Жаль, что этот пункт не включили в соглашение. 6. Лучше бы вы сами взялись за это дело. 7. Они сожалели, что не полетели в Сибирь самолетом, они бы сэкономили много времени. 8. Напрасно она дала ему этот совет. 9. Жаль, что ее нет с нами. Она бы получила большое удовольствие от концерта. 10. Ей бы хотелось, чтобы кто-то другой позаботился о билетах. 11. Жаль, что она такая надоедливая. С ней трудно иметь дело. 12. Ей хотелось говорить на нескольких иностранных языках. 13. Жаль, что у него нет чувства юмора. Он все принимает близко к сердцу. 14. Жаль, что я не могу присоединиться к вам. У меня много работы, которую необходимо закончить к вечеру. 15. Жаль, что такая простая мысль не пришла к тебе в голову раньше. 16. Жаль, что она не могла скрыть своего раздражения. 17. Жаль, что ты отговорил его от этот поездки. Он бы узнал много полезных вещей. 18. Напрасно вы дали ему эту работу, он не годится для нее. 19. Мне бы хотелось, чтобы ты еще раз подумал над его предложением. Оно кажется мне вполне разумным. 20. Она очень сожалела, что я не представил его. 21. Мне бы хотелось, чтобы ты своими замечаниями не отбил у него охоту заниматься рисованием. 22. Мне бы хотелось, чтобы ты не сомневался в ее честности. 23. Жаль, что мы не обсудили этот вопрос подробно. Многие детали сейчас уже забыты. 24. Мне бы хотелось, чтобы ты перестал беспокоить меня по пустякам. 25. Жаль, что он поспорил с управляющим. Он был неправ. The Subjunctive Mood after ‘as if’ or ‘as though’ Real and unreal: The verb form here depends on whether the situation is true or unreal. You look as if you are having second thoughts. (True. He is having second thoughts) He acts as if he were in charge. (Unreal. He isn’t in charge.) I feel as if an express train had hit me. (It didn’t hit me.) Ex. 42. Open the brackets, using the correct form of the Subjunctive Mood. 1. His manner was cheerful as ever as if nothing __________ (happen). 2. He asked me funny questions as if he ________ (not/follow) the story. 3. He didn’t pay attention to her cutting remarks as though he ________ (be) used to being treated like that. 4. She walked proudly as though the world _________ (belong) to her. 5. She looked as if she ________ (hurt) by his remark. 6. They looked as if they ________ (be) brother and sister but not husband and wife, so much alike they were. 7. She was crying as if her heart _______ (break). 9. They treated her as if she _______ (be) a little girl. 10. They met him as if they _________ (expect) him. 11. He looked at her as if they ________ (never/ meet) before. 12. She sounded quite cheerful over the telephone as if she __________ (look forward) to going there. 13. She answered my questions as if she __________ (be) annoyed. 14. Helen is bossy. She acts as if she _________(own) the place. 15. Jack acts as though he _________ (know) all the answers. 16. She spends money as if she ________ (have) loads of it, but I know she is in debt. |
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