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Vocabulary apologize (vi) - извиняться You must apologize to your sister for being so rude. apology (n) - извинение offer/make/ accept an apology apologetic (adj) - извиняющийся, оправдывающийся He wrote an apologetic letter. puzzle (vt,vi) - 1) - озадачивать, ставить в тупик He was puzzled what to do next. His unexpected disappearance puzzles me 2) - puzzle sth out разобраться, разгадать, найти решение 3) - puzzle over sth - ломать голову над чем-то puzzle (n) - трудный вопрос, проблема, загадка. solve (vt) - разрешать, решать (проблему, задачу) solve a crossword puzzle/ an equation solution (n) - решение, разрешение Economy might be the solution to/of your financial problems. They found a good solution to the problem. introduce 1) - вносить, предлагать на рассмотрение; вводить; ввозить (into) He introduced new ideas into their business. Tobacco was introduced into Europe from America.2) - представлять, знакомить He introduced me to his parents. The chairman introduced the lecturer to the audience. introduction (n) - 1) [U] - (официальное) представление, знакомство a letter of introduction - рекомендательное письмо It was necessary to make introductions all around. 2) [C] - предисловие, введение, вступление ‘An introduction to Greek Grammar’ 3) - введение, внедрение the introduction of a new fashion The introduction of the new method of work sped up production introductory - вступительный, вводный an introductory lecture/chapter/article etc. postpone (vt) - откладывать, отсрочивать postpone a meeting /sending an answer to a request They agreed to postpone the discussion till a later date postponement (n) - отсрочка They received the goods after numerous postponements. patience (n) [U] - терпение I haven’t the patience to hear your complaints again. She has no patience with people who are always grumbling. Phr be out of patience with sb - потерять терпение try/ tax sb’s patience - испытывать чье-либо терпение patient (adj) - терпеливый be (im)patient with children patient (n) - пациент, больной he is an old patient of doctor Smith detail (n) - подробность, делать Please, give me all the details. Don’t omit a singe detail. Phr go into details - вдаваться в подробности; explain sth in detail - объяснить что-либо подробно connect (vt,vi) - соединять, связывать, сочетать The two towns are connected by a railway. Mr Brown has been connected with the firm for many years. I can’t connect these two facts in my mind. I always connect the colour blue with being sad because the ‘blues’ are a sad kind of music. connection (n) - связь, соединение, (связующее) общее How long will the connection of the new telephone take? What is the connection between the two ideas? Phr in connection with - в связи с The meeting is in connection with a proposal to build a new swimming-pool. in this/that connection - в этой связи exhibit (vt) - экспонировать, показывать, выставлять exhibit paintings/ cars/ flowers He is a young painter who has not exhibited his works. exhibition (n) - выставка, показ An exhibition of flowers is held at the Botanical Gardens. Phr on exhibition - на выставке exhibit (n) - экспонат Do not touch the exhibits. sign (vt) - 1) подписывать ~ a document/ a letter/ a cheque/ one’s name Please sign on the dotted line. 2) - подавать знак, выражать жестом The policeman signed (for) them to stop. sign (n) 1) - признак, примета Are dark clouds a sign of rain? There are signs of suffering on her face. 2) - знак, жест She put her finger to her lips as a sign to be quiet; a sign-language signature (n)- подпись Put your signature here and here, please. Word combinations talk sb into/out of (doing) sth - уговорить кого-либо сделать что-либо / отговорить от чего-либо talk art (business, politics, sports, shop, etc.) - говорить, беседовать об искусстве ( делах, политике, спорте, на профессиональные темы и т.п.) now and then - время от времени get in touch with sb - связаться с кем-либо get (catch) hold of sb/sth (fig & lit)- ухватиться за кого-л./что-л. know a thing or two about sth - разбираться в чем-либо in one’s turn - в свою очередь take up sth (doing sth) - браться за что-либо keep from doing sth / keep sb from doing sth - удержаться от чего-либо/ удержать кого-либо от чего-л. get a good laugh out of sth - посмеяться, позабавиться над чем-либо get down to work (business) - приняться, взяться, засесть за работу (дело) Ex. 14. Answer the questions about the text. 1. How did Mr. Gregg happen to meet Lautisse? 2. What was their first meeting like? 3. Why did Lautisse invite Mr. Gregg to his cabin? 4. Why did Lautisse first introduce himself as Monsieur Roland? 5. Why wasn’t Mr Gregg in the least impressed when he heard his new friend’s real name? 6. What did the Greggs learn about Lautisse from the ship’s librarian? 7. How did Lautisse spend the weekend with the Greggs? 8. Why did the Greggs become popular? 9. What advice did Gerston give to Mr. Gregg and why? 10. How did Lautisse take the incident with the fence? 11. How did Lautisse repay the Greggs for their hospitality. Ex. 15. Find the English for the following phrases and use them in telling the story. не иметь представления; на палубе; посмотреть с неприязнью на кого-либо; попяться; пробормотать извинения; решить кроссворд; хранить секрет; задать невинный вопрос; упомянуть между прочим чье-то имя; бросить живопись; говорить на темы искусства; построить своими руками; свежий слой краски; полведра краски; время от времени; быть весь в краске; со всех концов страны; не удержаться от смеха; разрезать на части; по-настоящему хорошо относиться к кому-либо; приняться за работу. Ex. 16. Fill in the prepositions out or over. 1. I sat down and puzzled ........ the problem. 2. Though I’ve been watching the man closely enough, I seem to have failed to puzzle him ....... He remains as much of a puzzle to me as ever. 3. She had certainly thought ......... the offer carefully before accepting it. 4. He hadn’t thought .......... the matter properly, no wonder his speech made such a poor impression. 5. The children were always fighting ........ something. 6. Each stuck to his point of view, both were determined to fight it ........ to the end. 7. It was two years now that he had been working ........ the problem. 8. Quick decisions were against his principles. Things had to be worked ......... properly first. Ex. 17. Complete the sentences using either ‘excuse’; ‘apologise’; ‘apology’ or ‘be /feel sorry’. 1. I’d ............... if you thought I disliked you. 2. Nothing can ................ such rudeness. 3. I ................ for stepping on her foot. 4. Please, ............. my interrupting you. 5. You must ............... to her for being so rude. 6. He was .................. from attendance at the lecture because he had a very important business to attend to. 7. If you say you ...............about it, we’ll forget the incident 8. Have you any ............... to offer for coming so late. 9. Mary ................. for keeping us waiting. 10. If he doesn’t realise that he must make sacrifices, I .................. for him. 11. Stop making ................. You must get down to work at once. 12. Can I be ............... from football practice today? 13. Please, accept my .................. for not coming to the meeting last week. 14. I had to be up early the next morning so I ............... myself and left the party. Ex. 18. Learn the following phrases; recall the sentences in which they are used in the text and use them in sentences of your own: on shipboard; in the beginning/end; on deck; run into sb/sth; on/in the list; thank sb for sth; give up; talk sb into doing sth; ask sb around (for a talk, a cup of tea, a weekend, etc.) on the noon/ 9.10 train; go for a walk; do sth with one’s own hands; all over smb/sth; in years; take pictures of; keep from doing sth; in black paint; at the bottom/top corner; sail for; come over (to a place); within a month; sell at (a price of); get a laugh out of sth. Ex. 19. Fill in the blanks with prepositions. Retell passage (B) in narrative. (A) 1. ‘Is it possible to get ........ touch ...... him before I leave?’ - ‘Certainly. I can get him ........the telephone .........you .......... no time.’ 2. We did our best to talk him ......... taking ....... this job. It’s the only one he’s really fit ....... . 3. Will you help me ....... the introductions? I always forget who should be introduced ......... whom. 4. Everybody was looking ......... him ......... silence, and it suddenly struck him that he was expected to apologize ......... something he hadn’t done. 5. The telephone exchange warned them that their telephone would be disconnected if they didn’t pay ........ it in three days. 6. He was prepared to get rid ....... the old things ......... any price. 7. I like solving crossword puzzles. I don’t do it ........... prizes. I enjoy puzzling them .........., just for the fun ...... it. 8. It’s too early yet to say anything definite ........ connection ......... the recent events. Time will show. 9. True, there were a few interesting pictures......... exhibition, but I wasn’t impressed ........ anything ......... particular. 10. You would have found your name ......... the list if you had looked carefully. 11. You should have seen the car when it pulled ........ ........... the gate. It had mud all ......... it. 12. Do read the article ........... the bottom ......... the page. It may be ......... some interest ......... you. 13. She read the form once more and put her signature ........ it. 15. He insisted ........ going ......... details of the matter. 16. The sooner he gets ........... ......... work, the better. (B) Early ......... the same day that the story appeared ......... the newspaper, an excited little man arrived ........ a chauffeur-driven limousine. He jumped ....... ........ the car, rushed ........ ......... me, seized me .......... the shoulders and began shouting: ‘Where is it? Where is the fence?’ I wanted to know who he was, but he kept shouting: ‘Has anybody else been here? Show me the fence!’ ......... the end he said he was Mr Vegano ....... the Milliard Galleries, and wanted to see the fence M. Lautisse had painted. He stood ....... front ...... the fence crying: ‘Splendid! Fine!’ and things like that. Then he suddenly calmed .......... and said: ‘Mr Gregg, I will give you five hundred dollars ........ the fence.’ ........ this moment another car pulled ....... ......... our gates and ......... jumped two men who came rushing ........ us, shouting: ‘Stop! Stop!’ They also wanted my garden fence because it had been painted ....... the great Lautisse. They were ....... Widdicome Galleries. ‘You people,’ I said, ‘are either drunk or mad.’ All three ........ them looked ....... me as if I were the one who was drunk or mad. Didn’t I realize that Lautisse had not held a paint-brush ....... his hand........ twelve long years? They started shouting again trying to talk me ...... selling the fence. ‘A thousand dollars..... the fence!’ said one..... the Widdicome men. ‘Twelve hundred!’ cried little Mr Vegano. ‘Fifteen hundred!’ shouted the other Widdicome man. ‘Stop it!’ I held ...... my hands and called ..... order. ........this time my business instincts were waking ...... . ‘Gentlemen,’ I said, ‘the fence is not ....... sale. Not ....... this moment. I need a little time to...’ ‘Three thousand!’ ‘Four thousand!’ ‘Four thousand dollars ........another trip ........Europe. Yet I really did want time to think things .......... . I told them I’d get ........ touch ........ them as soon as I made ........ my mind. (from ‘One Coat of White’ by H.A. Smith) Ex. 20. Fill in the blanks with suitable words in the correct form. apologize, apologetic connection, exhibition detail, introduce, introductory, nasty (2), postpone, postponement, puzzle(2), solution, solve 1. In physics as in chemistry there are problems which have not been ................ to this day. 2. To be frank, her silence .............. me; it was not at all like her to let such things pass unnoticed. 3. He phoned to .............. for the misunderstanding, saying it had all been his fault. 4. With the little time we have, it’s no use going into ............... . 5. It was at the professor’s suggestion that some important changes were .................... into the programme. 6. You should not have made that remark. It sounded a bit ................. .7. It was agreed that the discussion should be ............... for a couple of days. 8. He spent his days among books looking for a possible ................... to the problem. 9. The bank clerk was extremely ................, yet firm, saying that no further ................. of payments could be made. 10. I was blind not to have seen the ............... between those two facts much earlier. 11. We were all .................at his behaviour, to say the least it was a little funny. 12. It was my friend who suggested that the ............... talk at the conference should be given by Professor Brown. 13. He was greatly displeased to hear about my refusal to take part in the game, in fact he was quite ............ about it. 14. I’d love to go to the ...................... with you, but I’m afraid I can’t spare the time. Ex. 21. Paraphrase the following, using the words from the list and making all necessary changes postpone, sign (v), puzzle (v), apologize, take up, give up, get down to, get in touch with (2), go into details, introduce oneself as, talk shop 1. The look she game me made me wonder. 2. He never talks about anything but his work. 3. He just said that I was expected to put my name to a certain document refusing to go any further into the matter. 4. If you want a piece of friendly advice, I can tell you this. You should go up to your brother and say how sorry you are for giving him all that trouble. 5. The visitor said his name was Brown. 6. Do you know by any chance how I could reach him at this time of the day? 7. With all the details arranged, it was time for us to start doing some real work. 8. Though the plan sounded good we decided to drop it. It was too difficult to carry out. 9. The job couldn’t be put off any further. 10. When he first started painting it was only a hobby. 10. The secretary was most helpful, in fact she herself offered to contact the booking office and arrange for the tickets to be delivered the same day. |
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