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Ex. 10. Fill in the blanks with the following words: admit (3), admission, attitude, charge(2), delight, genuine (3), greedy, faking, market(2), publicity (2), revenge, trouble 1. His reasons for taking that particular _________ are difficult to guess. 2. They _________us too much for doing the repairs. 3. He seems to have a ___________ interest in helping orphans. 4. The concert was a good one, but because of poor ________ very few people came. 5. Soon after his ________ to the college he decided to join the students’ drama group. 6. He was ________ with dangerous driving. 7. When some important documents turned out to be missing, she _________ removing them from the file. 8. The picture proved to be __________, not a copy. 9. This beautiful house will come on the _________ soon. 10. Don’t ________ into the exhibition hall anyone who has not paid. 11. She took her ________ on him for what he had done. 12. The film actress’s marriage got a lot of __________ . 13. He takes great ________ in singing when I want to read quietly. 14. He took the ________ of finding out when our train was leaving. 15. He has a _________ desire to help. 16. He is not hungry, he is just ________ for sweets. 17. Keith ___________ being a thief but denied stealing the jewels. 18. This self-portrait didn’t come on to the __________ until after the artist’s death. 19. Mr Cheater made a living by __________ works by famous painters. Ex. 11.Translate the following into English. 1. Его обвинили в подделке картины. 2. Хотя он называл себя экспертом, он не мог отличить оригинал от подделки. 3. Он получал удовольствие от одурачивания так называемых экспертов. 4. Он признался, что подделал около сотни картин за период в 5 лет. 5. Родители оставили детей на попечение няни и уехали путешествовать. 6. Последняя книга этого писателя получила большую известность. 7. Посетителей не пускают в эту часть клуба. 8. Он был вынужден признать, что его копия картины не соответствовала высокому уровню качества. 9. Обвинения против нее были сняты из-за ее плохого здоровья. 10. Несколько подделок произведений этого скульптора появились на рынке. 11. Он был так уверен, что приобрел оригинал, что даже не потрудился проконсультироваться с экспертами. 12. Она получила огромное удовольствие от участия в телевизионном шоу. 13. Было совершенно очевидно, что картина была подделкой. Она не могла быть подлинником. Но он и слушать не хотел и считал, что сделал хорошую покупку. 14. Хорошее знание арабского языка позволили ему получить поддержку местного персонала и добиться успеха в реализации своего проекта. 15. Эксперт бросил небрежный взгляд на картину и сказал, что это подделка. 16. Он оглядел комнату жадным взглядом. Коллекция картин была настоящим сокровищем. Ex. 12. Fill in the blanks with the following words: authentic, convince, customers, deal, display, examined, forgeries, greedy, market, original, ownership, painting, questioned, recruited, removed, set out, shipped, taking sth off In 1911 an Italian named Eduardo de Valfierno invented a plan to steal the great painting ‘Mona Lisa’ and sell it not once but six times to six different ___________. He realised that there was a __________ for this masterpiece. But the possible buyers could not art collectors, who always ___________ their treasures, but mafia barons, to whom even secret __________ of such riches represented power. He rented a studio and asked a talented but dishonest painter to make six copies of the enigmatic ‘Mona Lisa’. The __________ were then __________ to the USA. Only then did Valfierno _______ to steal the real thing. He __________ an experienced thief to do the job. Dressed in workman’s robe, the thief had no difficulty getting into the Louvre museum in Paris and _________ the picture _____ the wall. Because the ‘Mona Lisa’ was often __________ and taken to a small studio within the museum to be photographed, no one __________ the thief. Now the world knew that the great _________ had been stolen. This was all Valfierno needed for his plan to work. It became easy for him to ____________ his _________ customers that he was delivering the ___________ ‘Mona Lisa’. None of his clients could ever have their paintings ___________ by experts because they would incriminate themselves if they did. Valfierno allegedly made over 2 million dollars on the six _______ . The actual thief was not so smart: he made the mistake of trying to sell the __________, was arrested and went to jail. The real ‘Mona Lisa’ was returned safely to the Louvre.
1. What were the key ideas of Valfierno’s plan? 2. Who were Valfierno’s clients and why? 3. Who helped Valfierno with his plan? Why did he choose these people? 4. How was the plan of stealing the painting carried out? 5. What did each of the participants eventually end up with? b) Translate the following into English. 1. Я уверен, что в России есть рынок для таких товаров. 2. Не оказалось никаких трудностей, чтобы найти покупателя на этот дом. 3. Некоторые коллекционеры не хотят выставлять (показывать) свои коллекции, так как некоторые произведения искусства были украдены из музеев. 4. Обладание уникальными произведениями искусства дает их владельцам чувство удовлетворения и ощущение власти. 5. Подделки были отправлены в Соединенные Штаты, где они были проданы нескольким богатым покупателям. 6. Он убедил своих корыстолюбивых покупателей, что он продал им подлинную картину. 7. Картина была снята со стены, якобы, чтобы сфотографировать ее. 8. Если бы эксперты потрудились внимательно осмотреть картину, они сразу бы увидели, что это подделка. 9. У него не возникло трудности, чтобы проникнуть в здание, так как он переоделся в рабочую одежду. 10. Никто даже не потрудился задать ему вопросы, что он везет через границу, не говоря о том, чтобы осмотреть его багаж. 11. Он нанял талантливого, но не очень успешного художника, чтобы сделать копию картины Тернера. 12. Он не сказал художнику, что собирается продать подделку, как будто это подлинный Тернер. Ex. 13. Phrasal verb ‘take’ take aback - surprise (ошеломить, застать врасплох) take after - look like a relative (походить на кого-л., пойти в кого-л из родственников) take away - remove (убирать, уносить, уводить) take back - withdraw a statement or comment (забрать) take off -1) remove (clothing) (снимать); 2) leave ground (of airplanes, etc.) (взлетать) take over - take control of sth especially in place of sb else (принять должность, управление на себя) take sb for - mistake sb/sth for sb/sth else (принимать кого-л/что-л за ) take to - find agreeable, to like (понравиться) take up - 1) begin a hobby; sport, etc. (взяться за что-л); 2) fill or use (time, space or attention)
1. I was taken ........ by his rude manner. 2. He wanted an energetic hobby so he took ....... water skiing. 3. I am sorry, I take ........ what I said. You’re not lazy and selfish. 4. The vice president took ......... the company when the president retired. 5. I took you .......... your brother from a distance. You look so alike. 6. She takes ........... her mother; they have the same eyes. 7. May I take ....... the dirty dishes now? 8. We saw the plane take ........ and disappear into the clouds. 9. When he retired he took ........ sailing as a hobby. 10. He took ......... his remark about her cooking because she was obviously upset. 11. Take.......... this dirty dress and I’ll wash it for you. 12. She has really taken ....... her nephew and always buys him expensive presents. 13. ‘So you took your new boyfriend home to meet your parents. What did they think of him?’ - ‘My father didn’t take ........ him, but my mother thought he was wonderful.’ 14. I would like to take ......... break dancing, but I’m afraid I’m rather too old. 15. Writing in another language demands so much effort that it takes ......... all my attention. 16. I’ve often been taken .......... my daughter, to my delight. 17. The publishing company was taken ........ by a Japanese firm. 18. On my doctor’s advice I took .......... yoga in order to relax.
1. Она опешила от его слов. 2. Он пошел в своего деда, который был прекрасным художником. 3. Давно пора вынести мусор из гаража. Туда невозможно войти. 4. По возвращении из Африки его взяли на его прежнюю должность. 5. Войдя в дом, он снял пальто, шляпу, перчатки и направился в свой кабинет. 6. Они подождали пока самолет взлетит и только тогда уехали из аэропорта. 7. Он взял на себя руководство семейным бизнесом после смерти отца. 8. Я не стану больше отнимать у вас время. 9. Он заинтересовался историей и решил взяться за изучение древних языков. 10. Простите, я принял вас за вашего брата, вы так похожи. 11. Она мне сразу понравилась, она просто очаровательная. Text two ONE COAT OF WHITE Everybody knows by this time that we first met Lautisse on shipboard but few people know that in the beginning Betsy and I had no idea who he was. We were on the Queen Elizabeth, coming back from our first trip to Europe. It was on the second day that I ran into him sitting in a quiet corner on deck. He gave me a nasty look. I started to back away mumbling an apology and then his expression changed. ‘Wait!’ he called out. ‘You are and American?’ His English was good, and he asked me if I had a moment to help him with a small problem. He wanted to know the name of some United States Senator for the ship’s daily crossword puzzle. I sat down and puzzled over the thing. The definition was, ‘Senator who crosses a river.’ I thought of Senator Ford, but there were no Fords on the passenger list, and then I got it - Senator Bridges. There was a Miss Ethelyn Bridges on board. I didn’t see him until next day, just before lunch, when he came into the main lounge, caught me by the arm, and whispered ‘Look!’ In his big hand he was holding a man’s wallet made of pigskin. ‘The prize!’ he said. ‘See what I’ve won! But for you, though, I would have never solved the puzzle. Come and have cocktail with me.’ I went with him to his state-room, and he got out a bottle of brandy. He introduced himself as Monsieur Roland and kept thanking me for my help with the puzzle. Then he began asking me some questions about myself and my business, and I told him I sold oil-burners. We sat there talking, and finally he asked me if I could keep a secret, and then he said, ‘I am Lautisse.’ I told Betsy all about it, so after lunch we went up and talked to the ship’s librarian, asked him a few innocent questions and then dropped the name of Lautisse. We were greatly impressed by what we heard. We found out that my new friend was probably the world’s greatest living painter, that he had given up painting and was heard to say that he would never touch another brush as long as he lived. Betsy talked me into sending a note to his cabin, asking him around for a drink. Well, we got to be real friendly. He planned to spend a month in New York, and it was Betsy who suggested that he come up to our place for a weekend. Lautisse arrived on the noon train Saturday and I met him at the station. We had promised him that we wouldn’t invite any people in and that we wouldn’t try to talk art to him. Driving out from the station I asked him if he wanted to do anything in particular, like play croquet or go for a swim or a walk in the woods, and he said that he just wanted to sit and relax. So we sat around all afternoon, and Lautisse looked at a ball game on television for about five minutes and couldn’t understand it, and I took him to my shop and showed him an oil-burner and he couldn’t understand that either. Mostly we sat around and talked. I was up at seven-thirty the next morning and when I was having breakfast I remembered a job I’d been putting off for some time. Our vegetable garden has a white fence which I built with my own hands five years ago. That garden fence is my pride and joy, and now that it needed a fresh coat of paint, I wanted to do the job. I got out a bucket half full of white paint and a brush. While I was getting things ready, I heard footsteps and there stood Lautisse. I said I had been getting ready to paint the fence but now that he was up, I’d postpone it. He protested. I took up the brush but he seized it from my hand and said, ‘First, I show you!’ I’m no Tom Sawyer - I wasn’t looking for anybody to paint that fence. I let him finish two sides of the post and then interrupted. ‘I’ll take it from here,’ I said, reaching for the brush. ‘No, no!’ he said, with an impatient wave of the brush. I argued with him but he wouldn’t even look up from his work. I went back to the Sunday papers but every now and then I’d get up and go out and watch him for a couple of minutes. He spent three hours at it and finished the fence, all four sections of it. You should have seen him when he walked around the house to the terrace where I was sitting - he had paint all over him. Some time during the afternoon he asked me if we were anywhere near Chappaqua, and I said it was the next town, and he wanted to know if we had ever heard of Gerston, the sculptor. We had heard of him, of course, and Lautisse said he had once known Gerston in Paris, and would it be possible to get in touch with him? I got Gerston on the telephone for him, but he talked in French, and I have no idea what the conversation was about. He went back to town on the 9.03 that evening and at the station shook my hand and said I was a fine fellow and that he hadn’t enjoyed himself so much in years, and that he wanted Betsy and me to come to New York and have dinner with him some night. We didn’t hear anything from him or about him for ten days. Then the New York papers got hold of the story. In the interview which Lautisse gave there were a few lines about the weekend he had spent with Mr and Mrs Gregg.. The day after the story appeared a reporter and a photographer from one of the papers arrived at our place. Besides taking pictures of Betsy and me, as well as of the house, they asked for every single detail of the great man’s visit, and Betsy told them of course about the garden fence. They took more pictures of the fence, the paint bucket and brush and the next morning the paper had quite a story. The headline said: LAUTISSE PAINTS AGAIN. It gave us a sort of funny feeling, all this publicity, but we didn’t have much time to think about it. People started arriving in large numbers. They all wanted my garden fence, because it had been painted by the great Lautisse. ‘Look, gentlemen,’ I said. ‘I’m a businessman, I don’t know anything about painting, I mean painting pictures. But I do know a thing or two about painting a fence. A mule could have held a paint brush in his teeth and done almost as good a job on that fence as Lautisse did.’ In their turn they asked me if I knew that a single painting by Lautisse was worth as much as a quarter of a million dollars and whether I realized that my garden fence was a genuine Lautisse. I told them I’d make my decision in the next few days. Those next few days were bedlam. We had to have the telephone disconnected - there were calls from all other the country. At least another dozen art galleries and museums sent people. By the end of the second day I was being offered twenty-five thousand. The next day fifty. When on the fourth day Gerston came in I immediately took up the subject of the fence. He advised me not to sell the fence yet - and let the Palmer Museum in New York exhibit it for several weeks. He also explained what all excitement was about. He said one reason was that Lautisse had never before used a bit of white paint. The fence was taken to New York. I went down myself to have a look, and I couldn’t keep from laughing when I saw my fence - it had a fence around it. The exhibition was to end on a Saturday, and Gerton phoned that day and asked if I would meet him at the museum on Sunday. He lead me to the room where my fence had been exhibited, and I did get a shock when we walked in. The fence had been cut up into sections. ‘Don’t get excited,’ said Gerston. ‘Let me show you something.’ He pointed to a word in black paint at the bottom corner. It took me a few seconds to recognize it. It was the signature of Lautisse. ‘But ... but I don’t get it!’ I stammered. ‘Why ... what... where is he?’ ‘Lautisse sailed for home early this morning,’ said Gerston. ‘But last night he came over here, got down on his hands and knees, and signed each of the thirty sections. Now you’ve got something to sell.’ And indeed I did have. Twenty-nine sections of the thirty sections were sold within a month’s time at 10,000 each. I kept the thirtieth, it’s hanging how in our living-room. After it was all over, I went to see Gerston. ‘Lautisse was genuinely fond of you and Mrs. Gregg,’ he said. ‘He had no idea, when he painted your fence, that it would make such a noise. But when it did, he got a good laugh out of it. And it was his idea to have the fence cut into sections. Then he got down to work and sighed each one.’ [Smith H. A.(slightly adapted and abridged)] |
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