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CHECK YOUR UNDERSTANDINGExercise 1. Answer the following questions.
INCREASE YOUR VOCABULARYExercise 1. Find the Russian equivalents of the words listed below.
Exercise 2. Read and translate the collocations below. That notwithstanding the fact, lenses date back, for the most part, tend to decrease, in other words, on the other hand, a millionth of a second. Exercise 3. Match the synonyms. Verbs
LANGUAGE ACTIVITYExercise 1. Complete the following sentences with a, an, the or no article.
Exercise 2. Insert prepositions where it is necessary.
Exercise 3. Summarize your knowledge of Present Perfect Tense. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.
Exercise 4. Summarize your knowledge of Past Perfect and Future Perfect Tenses. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.
Unit 5 WORD STUDYExercise 1. Check the transcription in the dictionary and read the words listed below. Translate them. Nouns trait, photography, aperture, tripod, clarity, width, balance, variety. Verbs imply, discourage, introduce, define, rival. Adjectives manual, ancient, amateur, old-fashioned, widespread, compact. Exercise 2. a) make adjectives from the following verbs according to the model. Model: verb + -able: compare - comparable operate, change, solve, reason, vary, convert, note, use, extend, control, recognize. b) and now make negative forms of these adjectives and translate them. Model: un- + adjective: comparable - uncomparable. equal, important, expected, comrotable. UNDERSTANDING A PRINTED TEXTList of Terms:camera obscura – камера-обскурa bellows – мехи (фотоаппарата) imaging media – средство получения (оптических) изображений body – корпус zoom – объектив disposable – одноразового использования spool – наматывать (на катушку, шпульки и т. п.) affordability – доступность conventional – обычный, традиционный contemporary – современный subminiature – микроминиатюрный large format view camera – широкоформатный панорамный фотоаппарат large format camera – широкоформатный фотоаппарат still camera – фотоаппарат trait – особенность, характерная черта tripod – штатив, триножник light-tight - светонепроницаемый READ THE TEXT AND ENTITLE ITCameras are the defining tools of photography. Descended from the ancient camera obscura, all cameras share three basic traits: an aperture to focus light, an imaging media (usually film) to record the focused image, and a body to keep unfocused light away from the media. Cameras exist in an variety of forms, ranging from "single-use" disposable cameras to professional large format view cameras, while supporting media formats ranging from 19th-century glass plates to 21st-century digital media. The most common type of camera today, 35mm cameras were invented in 1914 by Oskar Barnack. As implied by the name, these cameras use 35mm-wide film, spooled into light-tight cartridges. The 35mm format provides a balance between image clarity, camera size, and affordability that has made the format popular with professional and amateur photographers. The Advanced Photo System (APS) is a 24mm film format developed in the 1990s by a group of five camera manufacturers responding to consumers' difficulties with conventional 35mm cameras. APS' smaller film and redesigned film cartridge allow for more compact, easier-to-load cameras with more powerful zooms, but produce a considerably smaller image than the 35mm format. While APS is experiencing considerable growth in the amateur market, its smaller negatives and limited selection of film types have discouraged many experienced photographers. Large format cameras are manual-focus view cameras that use sheet film to produce images significantly larger than other formats. Similarly, large format cameras are the largest contemporary cameras, requiring tripods to hold them steady, and bellows to adjust focal lengths. Large format cameras are widely considered the most "old-fashioned" types of cameras, having changed relatively little over the past century. One of the oldest formats still in widespread use, medium format cameras and film were introduced by Eastman Kodak in 1898. Medium format film is 2-3/8 inches wide. Medium format images are 56mm high, with image widths depending on the camera used. Subminiature cameras are usually defined as any still camera that exclusively uses a single film format smaller than 16.7mm x 30.2mm, which is the size of the Advanced Photo System's (APS) IX240 film. The size of the camera is not the determining factor, though in most cases these cameras are some of the smallest ever produced. The majority of these cameras are not toys. In fact, many of them have some of the more advanced optics of their time, as well as being mechanical marvels. Many older models rival the better lenses produced today. Cameras produced fifty years ago are carried daily in the pockets of many professional photographers. CHECK YOUR UNDERSTANDINGExercise 1. Answer the following questions.
INCREASE YOUR VOCABULARYExercise 1. Find the synonyms.
Exercise 2. Find the antonyms.
LANGUAGE ACITIVITYExercise 1. a) Study using “make” and “do”. “Make” or “do”? In some contexts these two words have a similar meaning. However, there is a rule which says that “make” usually carries the idea of creation, construction. Example: – Marry made this dress herself. – This device was made by two students in one of the laboratories of the University. – Second-year students will make experiments next year. As for “do”, it is usually associated with work, particular activity. Example: – Have you done your homework? – We don’t do aerobics this year. – He plans to do business. However, there are many exceptions to these rules and specific uses of these verbs: – to make a decision – to make a mistake – to make entry – to make a device but: – to do a service – to do subjects – to do a favour – to do without – to do one’s best b) Now cross out incorrect variant.
Exercise 2. Insert do, make, have into the gaps, in the their correct form.
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