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Exercise 1. True or false?
Exercise 2. Choose the correct answer.
INCREASE YOUR VOCABULARYExercise 1. Give the definitions to the following.
Exercise 2. Compare two columns and choose the matching words and word-combinations.
LANGUAGE ACTIVITYExercise 1. Choose the right form of pronouns.
Exercise 2. Complete the sentences with the following verbs: burn, do, dry, concentrate, meet, blame, feel. Use myself/yourself, etc. only where necessary.
5.I tried to study but I just couldn’t … . 6. Mary and Jack first … at a party five years ago. 7. “Do you want me to post this letter for you?” “No, I’ll … .” Exercise 3. Insert prepositions of place: in, at, on.
Exercise 4. Put some, any, something, somebody, anything, anybody, somewhere, anywhere in the blanks.
Exercise 5. Read the following figures, dates, numerals, etc.
Unit 2 WORD-STUDYExercise 1. Check the transcription in the dictionary and read words listed below. Nouns stimulus, vision, behavior, frequency, spectrum, roughness, incidence, ratio, surface. Verbs perceive, exhibit, emerge, occur, vibrate. Adjectives fascinating, perpendicular, diffuse, mirror-like. Exercise 2. Make nouns from the following verbs using suffixes -ation, -tion, -ion, and translate them. Adsorb, demonstrate, diffract, direct, illuminate, oppose, propagate, polarize, reflect, refract. UNDERSTANDING A PRINTED TEXTList of Terms: diffraction – дифракция enlargement – увеличение interference – интерференция inverted image – перевернутое изображение opaque – светонепроницаемый pinhole – точечное отверстие polarization – поляризация propagation – распространение refraction – преломление scattering – рассеивание thermal rays – тепловые лучи virtual image – мнимое изображение crest – гребень волны trough – впадина волны adsorb - всасывать READING FOR PRECISE INFORMATIONNature of Light and Color We know the world through our senses: sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell. Each sense responds to particular stimulus, and the sensations we experience give us information about our surroundings. Sight is the most important of the senses. Through sight we perceive the shape, size, and color of objects, also their distance, motions, and relationships to each other. Light is the stimulus for the sense of sight - the raw material of vision. To understand the fascinating story of light, let us explore its nature, its behavior in lenses and prisms, and then its uses in science and art. Nature. Electromagnetic waves carry energy in all directions through the universe. All objects receive, absorb, and radiate these waves which can be pictured as electric and magnetic fields vibrating at right angles to each other and also to the direction in which the wave is travelling. Light is one form of electromagnetic wave. All electromagnetic waves travel in space at the same speed - the speed of light. Electromagnetic waves show a continuous range of frequencies and wavelengths. Frequency is the number of wave crests passing a point in one second. Electromagnetic wave frequencies run from about one per second to over a trillion per second. For light, the frequencies are four to eight hundred trillion waves per second. The higher the frequency, the shorter the wavelength. Visible light is that portion of the electromagnetic spectrum that normally stimulates the sense of sight. Electromagnetic waves exhibit a continuous range of frequencies and wavelengths. In the visible part of the spectrum these frequencies and wavelengths are what we see as colors. The wavelengths of light range from 3,500 A to 7,500 Å. The wavelengths of infrared rays (7,500 Å - 10,000,000 Å), longer than light rays, are not detected by the eye, and do not appreciably affect ordinary photographic film. They are also called heat or thermal rays and give us the sensation of warmth. Light behavior includes transmission, absorption, reflection, refraction, scattering, diffraction, interference and polarization. Transmission, absorption and reflection account for all the light energy when light strikes an object. In the course of transmission, light may be scattered, refracted or polarized. It can also be polarized by reflection. The light that is not transmitted or reflected is absorbed and its energy contributes to the heat energy of the molecules of the absorbing material. The modification of light through these processes is responsible for all that we see. Reflection is of two kinds - diffuse and regular. Diffuse reflection is the kind by which we ordinarily see objects. It gives us information about their shape, size, color and texture. Regular reflection is mirror-like. We don't see the surface of the mirror; instead, we see objects that are reflected in it. When light strikes a mirror at an angle, it is reflected at the same angle. In diffuse reflection, light leaves at many different angles. The degree of surface roughness determines the proportion of diffuse and regular reflection that occurs. Reflection from a smooth, polished surface like a mirror is mostly regular, while diffuse reflection takes place at surfaces that are rough compared with the wavelength of light. Since the wavelength of light is very small (about 5,000 Å), most reflection is diffuse. Laws of reflection:
Refraction is the bending of a light ray when it crosses the boundary between two different materials, as from air into water. This change in direction is due to a change in speed. Light travels faster in empty space and slows down upon entering matter. Its speed in air is almost the same as its speed in space, but it travels only 3/4 as fast in water and only 2/3 as fast in glass. The refractive index of a substance is the ratio of the speed of light in space (or in air) to its speed in the substance. This ratio is always greater than one. When a beam of light enters a plane of glass perpendicular to the surface, it slows down, and its wavelength in the glass becomes shorter in the same proportion. The frequency remains the same. Coming out of the glass, the light speeds up again, the wavelength returning to its former size. When a light ray strikes the glass at some other angle, it changes direction as well as speed. Inside the glass, the ray bends toward the perpendicular or normal. If the two sides of the glass are parallel, the light will return to its original direction when it leaves the glass, even though it has been displaced in its passage. If the two sides of the glass are not parallel, as in the case of a prism or a lens, the ray emerges in a new direction. |
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