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VII. Как ни странно, впервые мнение о том, что со смертью королевы Елизаветы II монархия перестанет существовать, было высказано еще в день ее коронации в 1953 году. 1. Strange though, the first opinion about the death of the Queen would put an end... would put an end to the monarchy was gave out at the day of her coronation in 1953. 2. It may... it may sound strange but first... but the idea the monarchy is going to... is going to... is going to die after the death of Queen Elizabeth was expressed for the first time on the day of her coronation in 1953. 3. However strange it may seem first opinions about... upon the death of Elizabeth the Second monarchy will cease to exist have already been said long ago in the day of her coronation in 1953. 4. Curiously enough that at first opinion about... that with the death of the Queen Elizabeth the Second the monarchy will be done away with, and this opinion was said even... was said at the day of [the] Queen’s coronation in 1953. 5. And it’s curiously enough that the first opinion about... about that the... about that the monarchy won’t exist anymore was made when {the} Queen Elizabeth the Second died. And curiously enough ... it’s curiously enough that the first opinion about the.. with the death of {the} Queen Elizabeth the monarchy won’t exist any longer was announced on the day of her coronation in 1953. VIII. Незадолго до торжественного события телекомпания Би-би-си совершила по тем временам немыслимую дерзость – обратилась с письмом к будущей королеве с просьбой разрешить телевизионную трансляцию ее коронации. 1. Not long ago for {the} [a] festival event [the] TV company BBC has committed an incountable impudence. They asked the Queen... the future Queen in letter to let them the TV broadcasting of her coronation. 2. Not long before the ceremonial of the solemn event the BBC made an... made a... made an act of pure impudence for those times. It wrote a letter to the future Queen asking her to allow to broadcast her coronation. 3. Not long before the event [the] BBC came out with at that time what was thought of an unbelievable impudence and that was to write a letter to the future Queen to request to allow them to film her coronation. 4. Shortly before... shortly before the ceremony the BBC company commited... commited {impudence} [the impudence of / an impudence by] because it appealed {to the} [in a] letter to the future Queen asking for permission of TV broadcasting at the coronation. 5. And before this ceremony [the] BBC company made [a] terrible impudence and it asked the Queen to show... to allow {the} [a] TV translation of her coronation. IX. Все до единого дворцовые особы возмутились подобной наглостью: попытка заглянуть в святая святых королевства считалась кощунством. 1. All the members of the court circle were indignant at such an insolence. The attempt to glance at the ... at the holy of the holies of the British… of the British Kingdom was considered as {a} blasphemy. 2. All the court was exesparated by such {an} impudence... by such {an} impudence. An attempt to look into the holy of {the} holies of the Kingdom was considered to be equal... to equal a blasphemy. 3. All the nobels at that time flared up against what they considered to be this insolence. And this insolence was the attempt to take a look into the holy of holies of the Queen and which was considiered at that point {a} blasphemy. 4. And everybody... and everybody... and every royal noble... everybody... every royal nob were balled over with such impudence. Because it was {the} [an] attempt to overlook in the holy of holies and it was considered to be {the}blasphemy. 5. And everybody.. .the royal... everybody in the Royal Palace rebells against this impudence because it was an attempt to see the oracle, the mystery of the... of the royal family. And it was considered to be {a} blasphemy. X. Поддавшись уговорам тогдашнего премьер-министра Уинстона Черчилля, Елизавета разрешила трансляцию. «Меня надо увидеть», - объяснила королева. 1. Yielded to persuasion the Prime Minister of the time Winston Churchill... yielded to the persuasion of the Prime Minister of the time Winston Churchill Elizaveta agreed to translate her coronation. “One must see me”, she explained. 2. But the Queen yielded to the... to the... yielded to the persuasions of the prime minister of those times, of Winston Churchill, and allowed to make a broad... to broadcast the coronation. She said... she explained... she said that the people should see her. 3. Yielding to [the] persuasions1, however, of the Prime Minister of that time Winston Churchill Elizabeth decided to accept the request from [the] BBC. “They need to see me“, she explained on that day, the second of June 1953. 4. And {the} Queen Elizabeth decided to allow the translation... translation... the broadcasting. She said that she must be seen. 5. But... but the Queen (…) for the former Prime Minister Winston Churchill and he loved the translation. “I should be shown”, the Queen explained. XI. В тот день, 2 июня 1953 года, ее увидели триста миллионов человек – рекордная в ту пору аудитория. 1. That day, the second of July in 1953 she was seen by 300 million of [her] people. It was {the} [a] record audience for that time. 2. On that day on the second of June 1953 about 300 million people saw her and that was a record for those times. 3. Over 300 million people saw her, a record number of audience at that time. 4. And that day on the second of June in 1953 3 million of people saw her, and it was {the} [a] record... it was {the} [a] record quantity of people at {the} that time. 5. And on that day on the second of June in 1953 she was seen by 300 million people. It was a record audience that time. XII. Вот тогда-то королевские историки и сошлись на том, что день коронации Елизаветы II можно считать началом конца британской монархии. 1. And that very time the Queen... the Queen’s historicians agreed that the day of Elizaveta the Second coronation was the begin of the end of the Britain monarchy. 2. And on this very day.. at this very moment the historians... the royal historians agreed ... agreed that the... that the day of coronation can be considered to be the end of the British monarchy. 3. At that point in time the history of the Queen... the royal history of that time... until the time of the coronation of Elizabeth the Second could be considered the start of the end for the British monarchy. 4. And then the royal... the historics of the royal family decided that the day of Elizabeth’s coronation can be... can be considered the beginning of the end of the British monarchy... 5. And at that time the... all royal historians said that this day... the day of the coronation of Elizabeth the Second can be considered as the beginning of the end of [the] British monarchy. XIII. Нельзя смотреть на магию изнутри – она сразу же перестает быть магией. 1. One must not see the magic from [the] inside. It will stop to be {a} magic. 2. You can’t... you can’t look at {the} magic from inside, it stops being magic. 3. One cannot see magic from the inside, it quickly become... ceases being magic. 4. ... because one cannot look at magic from within because it become... cease to be the magic... cease to be magic. 5. And the magic cannot be seen inside and then it’s no more magic. XIV. Осознав свою ошибку, королева впоследствии потратила немало сил на то, чтобы пресечь дальнейшие попытки прессы проникнуть внутрь Букингемского дворца. 1. Realising her mist... realising her mistake the Queen in future did everything in her power to cut short further attempts to... to penetrate inside {the} Buckingham Palace. 2. Having realised her mistake the Queen... the Queen spent... spent a lot of effort later on to... to cut short the following attempt of the press to penetrate into {the} Buckingham Palace. 3. Having understood her mistake the Queen has resolved...spent a great deal of energy in order to cease any further attempts on the part of the press to get inside Buckingham Palace. 4. And recognised... when the Queen recognised her mistake, she... then she spent a lot of efforts to put an end... to put an end... to put an end to surpress... forward surpress of the press to penetrate in to {the} Buckingham Palace. 5. When she realised her fault the Queen spent a lot of time to prevent other attempts of the press to go inside {the} Buckingham Palace. XV. Вначале ей это удавалось, и долгое время ни одна из английских газет не могла написать ни слова, если оно не было «освящено» сверху. 1. At the beginning she successed. And for a long time not... there was no {an} English newspaper which could write even a word if it wasn’t holied from... from the Queen. 2. At first she succeeded and for quite a long time none of English papers couldn’t write a word if it wasn’t... if it wasn’t sanctified by the Royals. 3. In the beginning she was successful and over a long time not one of the English papers could write a word unless it was sanctified from above. 4. At first she managed to do that and for a long time none of the English newspapers couldn’t write a word if it wasn’t blessed by the Queen. 5. At first she managed to do it but... and for a long time no even one of the... of [the] English newspapers can’t publish even a word if it wasn’t bless from upside. XVI. Приближенные королевы давали обеты молчания настолько суровые, что даже иной раз сами жаловались: «Какая же радость в ужинах с королевой, если ты потом никому не смеешь рассказать об этом?» Но гасить выступления газет с каждым годом становилось все труднее. 1. The court circle gave {the} vows of silence. And they were so severe that sometimes they pleaded themselves: “What is a pleasure to dine with the Queen if you can’t say anybody about it?” But keeping back the states... but keeping back the statements become more and more difficult with each year. 2. The retailers of the Queen voted silence...vote silence and the oath was so strict that they complained... that sometimes they complained: “what’s the joy of having a dinner with the Queen if you can’t tell anybody about this”. But... but it was getting more and more difficult to stop the papers from doing... from speaking out. 3. Those close of the Queen gave vows of silence that were so strong that even they themselves would complain and say: ”What kind of joy can you get from dining with the Queen if you then can’t make anyone laugh... can’t talk about it”. But to eliminate any mention of the activities in any magasine with each year became more and more difficult. 4. Trusted people... the Queen’s trusted people made {a} vows and they were so stone... severe that sometimes they complained about...about it because they... because they thought that there can’t be any pleasure... when you dinner with... have {a} dinner... havee dinner with the Queen because you can’t say it... tell it to anybody. And prevent the performance... to prevent the performance of newspapers become hard. 5. And trusted people of the Queen vowed of silence and even,,, and even they sometimes complained that what is the pleasure in {the} dinners with the Queen if you can’t tell anybody about them. But to extinguish the publications of the newspapers was harder... was harder and harder. XVII. Когда в пору своих семейных скандалов принц Эндрю и его тогдашняя жена Сара Фергюссон пригласили к себе в личную резиденцию фотографов, королева была в шоке: около 70 фотографий супружеской четы появились в журнале «Hello!». 1. While having family scandals Prince Andrew and his wife Sarah Fergusson invited to their private residence photographers, the Queen was shocked. About 17 photographs of the couple was published in the magasine “HELLO!”. 2. When ... when in the time of the family scandals Prince Andrew and his wife Sarah Fergusson invited a group of photographers into their private residence, the Queen was shocked. About 70 photos of the couple appeared in {the} “Hello” magasine. 3. When in the midst of his familiar problems Prince Edward and his then wife Sarah Fergusson invited to their home a few photographers, the Queen was in dismay – over 70 photographs of the couple appeared in the magasine “Hello”. 4. That time... at that time it... at that time Prince Andrew and his wife Sarah Fergusson... at the time of their scandals invited to... invited photographers to their residence. And the Queen was surprised... she was shocked because about 70 photos of the royal couple were published in “Hello” magasine. 5. And at {the} times... at the time{s} of family scandals Prince Andrew and his former wife Sarah Fergusson invited photographers in their private residence. And the Queen was shocked because approximately 70 photos of the married couple... of the married couple appeared in {the}... in “Hello” magasine. XVIII. За последние годы о королевской семье напечатано столько, сколько бы не набралось и за всю историю династии Виндзоров. 1. For {the} recent years about the royal family was printed so much as it wasn’t for all the history of the Windsor’s dynasty. 2. During the... during the recent year so much has been published about the royal family that it is more than everything published during the whole history of the... of the Windsor dynasty. 3. Over the last years so much has been written about the Queen’s family that... that was... so much that... not that much as everybody has written in the entire history of the Windsor dynasty. 4. Recent... for recent years there have been published too much about [the] royal family. And it was.. there were a lot of information about the Windsors’ dynasty. 5. And for {the} recent years many publications... had been made a lot of publications about the royal family. That can be seen for the whole history of the Windsor dynasty. XIX. Англия пережила на своем веку и плохих королей, и слабых, и глупых. Чего она никогда не видела – это королевской семьи, про которую было бы известно все. 1. Anglia experienced in its... England has experienced many of...many bad kings and weak and silly, but what she has never seen was a royal family about which everything was known. 2. England has seen... England has seen bad kings, weak kings and silly kings, but the thing she has never seen is a royal family who has nothing... a royal family it knows everything about. 3. England has gone through its own century of bad kings, weak ones and even stupid ones. What it never saw was a royal family that everything was known about. 4. England overlived... overlived at their century bad kings, feeble kings and weak kings and silly kings, but what she had never seen was royal families about whom was known everything. 5. And England has survived bad kings, weak and stupid, but it never seen... it has never seen {the} [a] royal family about which everybody could know everything. XX. Хотя сторонники республиканского строя находятся в Британии в явном меньшинстве, даже многие консервативные монархисты считают, что давно настало время перемен. |
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Реферат удк 625. 23. 004. 67 Курсовая работа содержит 45 страниц, 4 рисунка, 6 таблиц, 2 приложения, 5 источников |
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