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7. Everybody understands that the system... the system... the economic system now is so complicated and the country simply drowns in bureaucracy and stifles any initiative. 8. Everyone... everyone understood that such a situation couldn’t continue anymore because it provided no initiative… 9. And everybody realised that {this}[the planned] system is too complicated, the country is drowning in red tape and every sign of initiative is stifled. X. Никакого стимула усердно работать не было. Снижались производительность труда, объем и качество производства. 1. There is no incentive to work hard. And thus, {the} labour productivity, the volume and quality of production is decreasing. 2. … and individuals don’t have an incentive to work hard. {The} labour productivity has decreased and also the quality of the produced goods has decreased too. 3. There was no incentive to work hard for individuals and as a result / [the] productivity rate, volumes and [the] quality of goods decreased. 4. There is no incentive for indiviaduals to work hard. {The} productivity decreases, the volume of production decreases and the quality of production decreases. 5. Working people don’t see any incentive to work hard. That’s why the volume and {the} quality of production is really low. 6. Also individuals didn’t have [the / an] incentive1 to work hard and this fact cost them reduce in production volume and [the] quantity of goods. 7. There is... individuals have no incentive to work hard. {In} [As a] result there is a big decrease in production, in labour productivity, in {the}economic output and the quality of production. 8. … it provided no initiative, no incentive for individuals and besides labour productivity was [of a] very low level as well as production output and production items. 9. No one had {an} [any] incentive to work hard, the rate of production, the volumes and quality of production reduced. XI. Все понимали, что страна не могла продолжать так жить. Даже консервативные силы были убеждены в этом. 1. Everyone understood that the country couldn’t have been living like this any more, even the conservatives. 2. Everybody understood that {our}[the] country could not continue this kind of economic system and even conservative people understood this. 3. However, in such a situation the party... so the country could not go further with this pace of economic development and even communist understood the situation. 4. Everybody understood that there is no way to continue living like this. And the conservatives also understood this. 5. ---------------------- 6. But everyone understand that the country couldn’t live in this way any longer. Even [the] conservative parties were sure about this. 7. Everybody understood that the situation must change. Even the... This was clear even for [the] communists. 8. It was clear for everybody that it was impossible to go on in that way. Even a communist...the communist party was agree... even the conservatives agreed. 9. Everybody realised that the country couldn’t exist this way anymore, even the conservatives... XII. Коммунистическая партия понимала, что стоит на краю пропасти и что без экономической реформы она может все потерять. 1. The communist party was about to lose everything. 2. The communist party was undergoing a crisis and the communists understood that without some economic changes it will lose its power. 3. Even the communist party understood that the country stood on the edge of... on the edge of [an / the] abyss1 (один носитель предпочитает an, другой - the). Without any economic reforms [the] country... so... the party could lose control over the country. 4. [The] Communist party was on the edge of [an / the]# abyss1. And if... it understood that if no economic reform was made, it would lose its power. 5. Everyone unerstood that the country stood on the edge of the/a abyss1 and the situation couldn’t last. Even the conservative party admitted it. 6. The communist party standed on the edge of [an / the] abyss1 and everybody realised at that time that without a new... without new economic reform[s] everything will be lost. 7. The communists... communistic party understood that it was standing on the edge of [an / the] abyss1 and could not survive without economic reforms. 8. The communist party understood that there was a need to... there was a need to...there was a need {of a}[for] new economic reform[s]. Otherwise it could lead to a very dangerous crisis for the country. 9. Even the conservatives and the communist party understood that it was on the edge of the/[an] abyss1 XIII. Новый генеральный секретарь ЦК КПСС Михаил Горбачев начал политику ускорения экономического роста. 1. And the new leader, Gorbachev, started the policy of acceleration of economic growth. 2. {A} [The] new general secretary of the USSR, Mikhail Gorbachev, made an attempt to accelerate {the} economic growth. 3. And the general secretary of the communist party Boris Gorb... Mikhail Gorbachev started... started refo... the politics of economic growth, he started to impose {the} polic[ies] of economic growth. 4. Then Gorbachev started the policy of acceleration of economic growth. 5. Gorbachev started the acceleration policy... the policy of acceleration of [the] economy. 6. The new head of [the] communist party started [the / a] policy1 of acceleration of economic growth. 7. {A} [The] new general secretary of the executive... of the central committee of the communistic party, Mikhail Gorbachev, started a policy to fi... to increase the speed of economic development. 8. And it was Mikhail Gorbachev who started a new policy, a policy of economic growth. 9. The new general secretary, Gorbachev, tried to raise the economical growth of the country. XIV. Но он скоро пришел к выводу, что нельзя оживить труп. 1. However, very soon he realised that it was impossible to revive the dead. 2. However, it didn’t... it was ineffective because it’s impossible to make a dead person alive. 3. But he understood very quickly that he was not able to revive the dead. 4. But soon it was clear for him that it’s not possible to revive the dead... 5. But soon he understood that {the} [a] corpse cannot be revived. 6. But he came to {a} [the] conclusion that it is impossible to revive the dead. 7. But soon he understood that one cannot revive a dead body 8. However, soon he came to the idea that it was impossible to revive the death [of the economy]/the dead. 9. But he has come to the conclusion that you can’t revive the corpse. XV. И началась политика перестройки. Собственно говоря, перестройка являлась не политикой, а серией откликов на меняющиеся кризисы. 1. And thus he started a political.. a new policy, the perestroika policy, which actually is not a very... is not a policy but just a number of responses to different crises. 2. That’s why a new economic policy called {a} perestroika went into effect. But it was a kind of a reaction to the range of economic crises. 3. It was...then the policy of perestroika was started, but it was just [a] response to swift changes of crises rather than a policy. 4. … and a period of perestroika began. Perestroika wasn’t a special policy but a series of reactions on appearing crises. 5. And thus {the} perestroika started. Perestroika was a response on the changing economy… 6. And so that’s why the policy of perestroika had bega[u]n. Actually that was not a policy but it was a programme which based on changes, based on some results and response to crises. 7. … and thus he started the policy of rebuildment. In fact it was not a policy but a range of responses to {the} changing crisises... crises. 8. And from this policy he switched on to a [the] new policy of perestroika. Well, actually it wasn’t {the} [a] policy of perestroika, but it seemed more to be a policy to react to continuously... continuously.... continuously changing crises. 9. And perestroika began. But perestroika still is not a policy, it’s just [a] series of responses to the 1 changing conditions. XVI. Программа, которая должна была, в принципе, сохранить власть коммунистической партии, привела, в конечном счете, к ее гибели. 1. This programme, that was supposed to save the power of the communist party, was actually its end, the reason of its decline. 2. Perestroika was made to maintain the power of the communists. However, it lead to its death. 3. And it has... it was supposed to keep the country under the power of the communist party but it led to the collapse... to the collapse of the power of the Party. 4. This programme that was set up to avoid.. to promote the communist party actually led to its collapse. 5. ... and the political programme which was designed to keep the power of [the] communists has actually led to their disappearance. 6. And this programme was created to save the communist party but actually it led to its failure. 7. This programme was introduced to help the communistic party survive but in fact it led to its... to its death. 8. So finally it turned out that the programme that was set... that was thrown up to save the communist party, led to its death. 9. And it has not made the communist party a leading party but has...... but has led to its collapse. Приложение 2 (Текст 2) 1. Does the British monarchy have any future? 3. Does the British monarchy have [a / any] future? I. Пожалуй, не найдется сейчас в Англии ни одного человека, которого не волновала бы судьба английской монархии. 1.Perhaps you won’t find in England any person who won’t be interested in the future of the English monarchy. 2. One can hardly find... one can hardly find {a} [any] person in Britain, in England, who is not concerned with the future of the English monarchy. 3. Perhaps there is not one person in England today that is not worried or think about the future of the English monarchy. 4. We can hardly find anybody in England who was not worried about the destiny of [the] English monarchy. 5. Perhaps there is no one in England who won’t be worried with the destiny of [the] English monarchy. II. Обсуждение судьбы королевства давно уже вышло за пределы кухонь и пабов. 1. The fate of the... of the United Kingdom destiny for a long time has already left [the] kitchens and pubs. 2. The discussion of this issue has... has gone... has exceeded the bounds of kitchens and pubs [a] long time... long time ago. 3. Discussion on this topic has already gone beyond the kitchen and the pub. 4. The discussion of the destiny of [the] English monarchy... of English... of England is come out of... come out of... outside of pubs and kitchens. 5. The discussion of the Kingdom’s destiny came... went outside from the pubs and kitchens. III. В Австралии накануне юбилея королевы местные республиканцы вновь подняли вопрос о ликвидации монархии. 1. And in Australia the day before the queen’s jubilee the local republicans arose {a} [the] question of the abolition of the monarchy . 2. In Australia on the eve of the Queen’s jubilee local republicans raised the question about the abolition of the monarchy again. 3. Also in Australia on the eve of the jubilee of the Crown... of the Queen’s coronation local citizens began raise the question about the abolition of the monarchy... abdication of the monarchy. 4. And in Australia on the eve of the Queen’s jubilee local republicans raised the question about the liquidation of the monarchy again. 5. And in Australia on the eve of the Queen’s jubilee local republicans raised... again raised the question about the abolition of the monarchy. IV. Полтора года назад по их инициативе уже был проведен референдум, показавший, что большинство австралийцев не возражают против сохранения монархии. 1. One and a half year ago due to {the} [an] initiative a referendum was implemented and it showed that the majority of {the} Australians do not have anything against the reservation of the monarchy. 2. One year and a half before that a referendum was conducted and the initiative which showed that the majority of {the} Australians... of {the} Australians do not object to [the] conservation of the monarchy. 3. Half a year ago on their initiative a referendum was taken which showed that most Australians are not against keeping the monarchy in place. 4. Half... [a] year and a half... 18 month ago by their initiative the referendum took place. And it... it showed that a lot of Australians do not object the... do not object the monarchy. 5. One and a half years ago on their initative there were... {the} [a] referendum was... a referendum was held and it showed that the majority of the citizens of Australia don’t mind against... against the monarchy. V. Но, видимо, полагая, что ситуация с тех пор сильно изменилась, республиканцы предложили провести референдум заново. 1. But it seems that... that the situation has... has very much changed from this time and the republicans suggested to implement the referendum again. 2. But it seems... but apparently supposing that the situation had... had changed a lot the republicans proposed to conduct another... another referendum. 3. Now it is obvious that the situation has changed greatly as at this time as citizens have requested that {the} [a] referendum be taken... referendum be conducted again. 4. But probably they consider that the situation has changed a lot from that time... has changed a lot and republicans proposed to hold {the} [a] referendum again. 5. But still as this... they think that this situation has changed a lot and republicans suggested holding the referendum again. VI. Считая монархию родимым пятном на теле демократии, они выступают за введение в стране института президенства. 1. They considered the monarchy a mole on the body of democracy. And they are for... and they advocate for the presency institution advent. 2. Considering the monarchy a birth mark on the body of democracy they advocate the introduction of {the}/ [a] presidency1 in the country... of presidency in the country. 3. Considering the monarchy a spot on [the] democratic republics record they have come up for the introduction of the institute of the president in the country. 4. Considering the monarchy is... the monarchy... considering the monarchy a birthmark on the body of democracy they argue for ... for {the institute of presidency} [institution of a presidency] in the country. 5. As they think the monarchy... the monarchy is believed to be a birthmark on the body of democracy and they advocate for introducing the institution of... introducing {the} [a] presidency. |
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Реферат удк 625. 23. 004. 67 Курсовая работа содержит 45 страниц, 4 рисунка, 6 таблиц, 2 приложения, 5 источников |
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