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Список использованной литературы 1. Арно А., Лансло К. Всеобщая рациональная грамматика (Грамматика Пор-Рояля). – Л., 1991. 2. Арутюнова Н.Д. Лингвистические проблемы референции // Новое в зарубежной лингвистике. Вып.XIII - М., 1982. С. 5-40. 3. Беляева М.А. Грамматика английского языка.- Изд. 4-е.- М.: Высш. шк., 1968. 4. Боронникова Н.В., Левицкий Ю.А. О семантике артикля // Лингвистические исследования. К 75-летию проф. В.Г. Гака / отв. ред. И.Б. Ворожцова.- Дубна: «Феникс +», 2001.- 192 с. 4. Булыгина Т.В. Некоторые вопросы классификации частных падежных значений (на материале сочетаний с генитивом в современном литовском языке) // Вопросы составления описательных грамматик.- М., 1961. 5. Бюлер К. Теория языка. – М., 1993. 6. Гладров В. Семантика и выражение определенности / неопределенности // Теория функциональной грамматики: Субъектность. Объектность. Коммуникативная перспектива высказывания. Определенность / неопределенность. - СПб., 1992. 7. Жигадло В.Н., Иванова И.П., Иофик Л.Л. Современный английский язык. Теоретический курс грамматики. - М., 1956. 8. Ильиш Б. Современный английский язык. – М., 1948. 9. Качалова К.Н., Израилевич Е.Е. Практическая грамматика английского языка с упражнениями и ключами.- М.: ЮНВЕС ЛИСТ, 2000. 10. Крылов С.А. Детерминация имени в русском языке: теоретические проблемы // Семиотика и информатика. Вып. 35. - М., 1997. С. 244-271. 11. Плунгян В.А. Общая морфология: Введение в проблематику: учеб. пособие.- Изд. 2-е, испр. – М.: Едиториал, УРСС, 2003.- 384 с. 12. Пропп В.Я. Проблема артикля // Сборник памяти акад. Л.В. Щербы. – Л., 1951. 13. Смирницкий А.И. Морфология английского языка. – М., 1959. 14. Степанов Ю.С. Основы языкознания. – М., 1966. 15.Чейф У. Данное, контрастивность, определенность, подлежащее, топики и точка зрения // Новое в зарубежной лингвистике. Вып. XI. - М., 1982. 16. Шмелев А.Д. Русский язык и внеязыковая действительность. – М.: Языки славянской культуры, 2002. – 496 с. – (Язык. Семиотика. Культура). 17.Чужакин А.П., Палажченко П.Р. Мир перевода – 1. Introduction to Interpreting XXI. Протокол, поиск работы, корпоративная культура, 6-е изд., доп. – М.: «Р.Валент», 2004. 18. Шайкевич А.Я. Введение в лингвистику: учеб. пособие. - М., 1995. 19. A New University English Grammar (Грамматика современного английского языка): Учебник для студ. высш. учеб. заведений / О.В. Емельянова, А.В. Зеленщиков, Е.С. Петрова и др.; под ред. А.В. Зеленщикова, Е.С. Петровой.- СПб.: Филол. фак-т СПбГУ; М.: Издат. центр «Академия», 2003.- 640 с. 20. A student Grammar of the English Language. London, 1990. 21. English Dictionary for Advanced Learners. – Third edition.– HarperCollins Publishers, 2001. 22. Michael Vince. Advanced Language Practice. – Oxford: Macmillan Heinemann English Language Teaching, 2004. 23. Michael Swan, Catherine Walter. How English works.A grammar practice book.- Oxford University Press, 2002. 24. Raymond Murphy. English Grammar In Use. A self-study reference and practice book for intermediate students.- Cambridge University Press, 1998. Приложение 1 (Текст 1) I. Дорогие коллеги! Россия сейчас находится в трудном экономическом положении. Можно сказать, даже в критическом. 1. Dear colleagues, Russia is now in a very difficult situation, we could even say in a critical situation. 2. Ladies and gentlemen, As you know Russia is in difficult... in a difficult situation right now. 3. Dear colleagues, Russia is in a hard economic state at the moment. I should say even in a critical state. 4. Dear colleagues, Russia is in a very difficult economic situation nowadays, I could say even [a] critical situation. 5. Dear colleagues, Russia... nowadays Russia is in a... Russia is in [a] difficult political situation. We may say that the situation is even critical. 6. Distinguished colleagues, We all know that Russia now is in [a]# rather difficult situation, I would say rather [a] disastrous economic situation. 7. Dear colleagues, Russia is in a very difficult economical situation now. You can name {this} [the] situation even a critical one. 8. Distinguished colleagues, {The} distinguished guests, Unfortunately Russia today is in a very complete situation… 9. Dear colleagues, Russia is currently in [a] very difficult economic state, you can also say in a critical state. II. Мы осуществляем переход от плановой экономики к рыночной системе, но это оказывается очень болезненным процессом. 1. We are transferring our /[a] planned economy1 to a market system and it turns out to be a very painful process. 2. We are transferring our /[a] planned economy1 to a market system. And this process is rather painful for {our} [the] country. 3. We are transferring from a planned economy to {the} [a] market economy. But it turns out to be a very painful process. 4. It is transferring [from a] planned economy into a market system but this process is being very painful. 5. We are trying to transfer from [a] planned economy to [a] market economy. But we have to admit that this is a painful process… 6. We are in... we are transferring from the /[a] planned economy1 to {the} [a] market system and this process is rather hard. 7. We are transferring our/ [a] planned economy1 to a market system but this is supposed to be a very difficult process. 8. … because we are transferring our /[a] planned economy1 to a market system. And actually it turned to be [a] very comlicated process. 9. We all realise that we are transferring our economy from [a /the] planned type1 to the [a] market system. But it turned out to be [a] very painful process for us… III. Ведь у нас так долго существовала плановая система, что почти никто по-настоящему не понимает, что такое рынок и как он действует. 1. One of the reasons is that we have had [a] planned system, [a] planned economy, for such a long time that nobody really understands what a market is and how it works. 2. For these reasons... Russia has had a planned economy for a long time and few people realise what [a] market is… 3. We have lived in {the} [a /this] planned economy1 for such a long period of time that almost nobody has an understanding what a market economy means and how it functions. 4. Our country during a long time was a planned system that’s why nobody understands what is the market (? не исправлено) and how it functions. 5. … because [the /a] planned economy1 lasted... existed for too many years in our country and almost no one can understand what mark... a market economy is… 6. That is because we were... that because for a long time we were following a planned economic system and now almost nobody really realise what the / [a] market1 is and how it works. 7. We have been... we have had a planned economy for such a long time that no one really understands what is a market economy and how it can be organised. 8. It’s... it’s important to notice that... that [the /a] planned economy1 has been existed for so long time that hardly... that today there is hardly anyone who has a clear idea of what [a] market economy is. 9. … because till... our country has been in a... has been exercising [a] planned economy, [a] planned system. And that’s how almost nobody realises what the market is and how to behave in the [a] market system. IV. Мало у кого есть практический опыт в этой области. 1. Not many people have practical experience. 2. ... and we don’t have enough of experience in the marketing sphere. 3. Almost nobody have... has any practical experience in this sphere. 4. Almost nobody has a sufficient experience in this field. 5. … and almost no one has any experience in this field. 6. And also, few of us have some practical experience in this question. 7. Few people have any practical experience. 8. And hardly anyone has {an} experience in this... in this particular sphere. 9. Too little people are experienced in this field. V. Кроме того, вся экономическая инфраструктура распадается – за последние 2 месяца закрыто приметно 80 крупных министерств. 1. And all [all the /the whole] infrastructure is practically falling apart. In the last...within [the] last two months about 80 big ministries have been closed down. 2. Our /[the] economy is bursting this times... this time and around 80 large enterprises have collapsed recently. 3. And {all} the infrastructure system is falling apart. In the last years more than 80 ministries were closed. 4. Besides our economic infrastructure is going apart. During [the] last two months about 80 ministries disappeared. 5. What is more, our economical infrastructure is being damaged. Approximately 80 big ministries were closed nowadays. 6. The problem also is that the economic infrastructure is falling out. For example, in [the] last two months more than 80 ministries were closed. 7. Moreover, the whole economic infrastructure is being destroyed. During the recent 2 months, about 80 huge ministries have been closed. 8. Besides, I should point out that all [the whole] infrastructure is... is damaging and it estimated that already... that 82 ministries have been already shut down. 9. Besides the economical infrastructure is collapsing. For the last 2 months at least 80 large ministries have been closed. VI. Надо сказать, что система планирования и управления производством в Советском Союзе работала крайне неэффективно. 1. We need to say that the system of planning and management of production in the Soviet Union has been very ineffective...inefficient. 2. The USSR has had for a long time a planning... a planned economy and this system of planned economy and management turned out to be inefficient. 3. We should say that the system of planning and management of production in the Soviet Union functioned inefficiently in the last years. 4. The system of planning and management of production was very inefficient in the USSR. 5. We must say that the planned economy that existed in our country was really inefficient. 6. This system of planning and management of production in [the] USSR didn’t work, was not effective. 7. It is worth saying that the system of planned economy... of planning and management of production in the USSR was extremely inefficient. 8. The system of planning and management of production in the USSR was... was extremely ineffective. 9. It’s important to say that the planning... the system of planning and {the} management of production in the USSR are ineffective... were ineffective… VII. Но все-таки работа обеспечивала какую-то долю стабильности и экономического развития страны. 1. The part... But there was at least some stability and economic development. 2. However, it did guarantee some level of stability and some kind of {an} economic growth. 3. However, it was able to provide stability and economic development. 4. At the same time the labour... the work guaranteed {the}[a] stable economic situation and economic growth. 5. But still it provided some economical development to the country. 6. The prob... this... but it worked and it caused some stability and economic growth {of}[in the] country. 7. But still it provided a certain degree of stability and economic development of the country. 8. But despite this fact it provided stability and economical development... economic development in the country... for the country. 9. … and still... but still it worked and it provided {the} stability and economical growth of the country. VIII. Правда, последние годы Брежневского правления никакого экономического развития не было, а был сплошной экономический застой. В результате этого застоя мы серьезно отстаем от промышленно развитых стран. 1. However in the last years of [the] Brezhnev regime/ of Breznev’s regime there was no economic development at all, which fluctuated stagnation. This is the reason we are seriously behind {the}/ the other/ other developed countries1. 2. During the last years of Brezhnev’s governing, the economic system did not develop at all and that’s why our country is far away on the way... is far away from the (?)1 developed countries. 3. But in the last years of... when... during the last years when Brezhnev held office there was no economic development at all but {a}# stagnation. As a result, we were not able to keep pace with the developing... with the [other] developed countries. 4. Though in the last years of Brezhnev’s rule no economic growth was observed and we were far away from the... we were far away from the economically developed countries. 5. But in the last years of the government of Brezhnev our/ [the] economy1 wasn’t really efficient. And during this time we started to... our economy was less efficient than the economy of other developed countries. 6. On the other hand, while Brezhnev’s times the economy didn’t develop but just stayed at one place. And this time caused that Russians... the gap between Russia and other developed industrial countries. 7. But during the... during the years of [the] Brezhnev government, the country... the country didn’t develop and the economy experienced stagnation. {In} [As a] result we fell behind all other economically developed countries. 8. But under the Brezhnev government there was no economic growth... there was no economic growth. It was a kind of recession that... that resulted in... in dramatic... that made our country far away from developed... economic developed countries. 9. But in the last years of Brezhnev’s power there was no economic development at all. That’s why we have seriously recessed from {the} [other] economically developed countries. IX. Все понимали, что система стала настолько сложной, что страна просто тонет в бюрократизме, что она душит любое проявление инициативы и предприимчивости у людей. 1. Russia is simply drowning in bureaucracy. And every... any initiative and enterprise is simply stifled. 2. {This}[A planned] system1 actually stifles any kind of initiative of individuals… 3. And this complicated situation has led to drowning in bureaucracy and started to stifle any sign of initiative among the... among people. 4. We are drowning in bureaucracy and the state stifles any sign of initiative and enterprise. 5. We have to admit that the system... nowadays the system is so complicated that the country is drowning in bureaucracy and red tape. 6. And also the system was rather difficult to understand and that’s why [the] country was drowning in bureaucracy and also that caused the effect that this system was stifling any sign of initiative and enterprising. |
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Реферат удк 625. 23. 004. 67 Курсовая работа содержит 45 страниц, 4 рисунка, 6 таблиц, 2 приложения, 5 источников |
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