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Σ Χ Ο Λ Η Философское антиковедение и классическая традиция Том 5 Выпуск 2 2011 Тема выпуска: Античная космология и астрономия ΣΧΟΛΗ Философское антиковедение и классическая традиция Издается «Центром изучения древней философии и классической традиции» Главный редактор Е. В. Афонасин Ответственный секретарь А. С. Афонасина Редакционная коллегия Леонидас Баргелиотис (Афины–Олимпия), И. В. Берестов (Новосибирск), М. Н. Вольф (Новосибирск), В. П. Горан (Новосибирск), Джон Диллон (Дублин), С. В. Месяц (Москва), Е. В. Орлов (Новосибирск), В. Б. Прозоров (Москва), А. В. Цыб (Санкт-Петербург), А. И. Щетников (Новосибирск) Редакционный совет С. С. Аванесов (Томск), Леван Гигинейшвили (Тбилиси), Люк Бриссон (Париж), В. С. Диев (Новосибирск), Доминик O’Мара (Фрибург), Теун Тилеман (Утрехт), В. В. Целищев (Новосибирск), С. П. Шевцов (Одесса) Учредители журнала Новосибирский государственный университет, Институт философии и права СО РАН Основан в марте 2007 г. Периодичность – два раза в год Данный выпуск подготовлен и опубликован благодаря поддержке Института «Открытое общество» (Будапешт) Адрес для корреспонденции Философский факультет НГУ, ул. Пирогова, 2, Новосибирск, 630090 Тексты принимаются в электронном виде по адресу: afonasin@gmail.com Адрес в сети Интернет: www.nsu.ru/classics/schole/
Σ Χ Ο Λ Η Ancient Philosophy and the Classical Tradition Volume 5 Issue 2 2011 Special issue: Ancient Cosmology and Astronomy ΣΧΟΛΗ A Journal of the Centre for Ancient Philosophy and the Classical Tradition Editor-in-Chief Eugene V. Afonasin Executive Secretary Anna S. Afonasina Editorial Board Leonidas Bargeliotes (Athens–Ancient Olympia), Igor V. Berestov (Novosibirsk), Vasily P. Goran (Novosibirsk), John Dillon (Dublin), Svetlana V. Mesyats (Moscow), Eugene V. Orlov (Novosibirsk), Vadim B. Prozorov (Moscow), Andrei I. Schetnikov (Novosibirsk), Alexey V. Tzyb (St. Petersburg), Marina N. Wolf (Novosibirsk) Advisory Committee Sergey S. Avanesov (Tomsk), Luc Brisson (Paris), Levan Gigineishvili (Tbilisi), Vladimir S. Diev (Novosibirsk), Dominic O’Meara (Friburg), Sergey P. Shevtsov (Odessa), Teun Tieleman (Utrecht), Vitaly V. Tselitschev (Novosibirsk) Established at Novosibirsk State University Institute of Philosophy and Law (Novosibirsk, Russia) The journal is published twice a year since March 2007 Preparation of this volume is supported by The “Open Society Institute” (Budapest) The address for correspondence Philosophy Department, Novosibirsk State University, Pirogov Street, 2, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia E-mail address: afonasin@gmail.com On-line version: www.nsu.ru/classics/schole/
ПРЕДИСЛОВИЕ РЕДАКТОРА Второй выпуск пятого тома журнала посвящен античной космологии и астрономии. В него включен курс лекций Майкла Чейза «Дискуссии о вечности мира в поздней античности», прочитанный в мае 2011 г. в НГУ, а также два перевода: глава из монографии знаменитого историка античности Вальтера Буркерта, посвященная античной астрономии, и перевод «Введений в явления» Гемина. Эти тексты подготовлены специально для участников семинара по истории античной науки, который пройдет в Сибирском научном центре в августе 2011 г. при поддержке Института «Открытое общество». Следующий выпуск журнала (январь 2012 г.) будет посвящен истории античной музыки. Приглашаем к сотрудничеству заинтересованных авторов. Работы принимаются до конца ноября 2011 г. Сердечно благодарим всех коллег и друзей, принявших участие в наших встречах, и напоминаем, что журнал индексируется The Philosopher’s Index и SCOPUS, и все предыдущие выпуски можно найти на собственной странице журнала www.nsu.ru/classics/schole/, а также в составе следующих электронных библиотек: www.elibrary.ru (Научная электронная библиотека) и www.ceeol.com (Central and Eastern European Online Library). Евгений Афонасин Академгородок 15 июля 2011 г. afonasin@gmail.com EDITORIAL The second issue of the fifth volume of the journal is entirely devoted to ancient cosmology and astronomy. It includes lectures by Michael Chase, “Discussions on the eternity of the world”, delivered in May 2011 at Novosibirsk, a Russian translation of a chapter on ancient astronomy from Walter Burkert’s “Lore and Science in Ancient Pythagoreanism”, and a commented Russian translation of the Elementa astronomiae by Geminus. These texts are prepared for the participants of the international school “Τεχνη. Theoretical Foundations of Arts, Sciences and Technology in the Greco-Roman World” (August 2011, Siberian Scientific Centre) organized by the “Centre for Ancient philosophy and the classical tradition” and sponsored by the “Open Society” Institute (Budapest). Next issue of the journal (January 2012) will be dedicated to Ancient Music. Interested persons are welcome to contribute. Studies and translations are due by November 2011. I wish to express my gratitude to all my friend and colleagues for participation in our seminars and would like to remind that the journal is abstracted / indexed in The Philosopher’s Index and SCOPUS, and available on-line at the following addresses: www.nsu.ru/classics/schole/ (journal home page); www.elibrary.ru (Russian Index of Scientific Quotations); and www.ceeol.com (Central and Eastern European Online Library). Еugene Afonasin Academgorodok, Russia July 15, 2011 afonasin@gmail.com Лекции / Lectures DISCUSSIONS ON THE ETERNITY OF THE WORLD IN LATE ANTIQUITY1 Michael Chase CNRS, Paris Goya@vjf.cnrs.fr ![]() Abstract: This article studies the debate between the Neoplatonist philosophers Simplicius and John Philoponus on the question of the eternity of the world. The first part consists in a historical introduction situating their debate within the context of the conflict between Christians and Pagan in the Byzantine Empire of the first half of the sixth century. Particular attention is paid to the attitudes of these two thinkers to Aristotle's attempted proofs of the eternity of motion and time in Physics 8.1. The second part traces the origins, structure and function of a particular argument used by Philoponus to argue for the world's creation within time. Philoponus takes advantage of a tension inherent in Aristotle's theory of motion, between his standard view that all motion and change is continuous and takes place in time, and his occasional admission that at least some kinds of motion and change are instantaneous. For Philoponus, God's creation of the world is precisely such an instantaneous change: it is not a motion on the part of the Creator, but is analogous to the activation of a state (hexis), which is timeless and implies no change on the part of the agent. The various transformations of this doctrine at the hands of Peripatetic, Neoplatonic, and Islamic commentators are studied (Alexander of Aphrodisias, Themistius, al-Kindi, al-Farabi), as is Philoponus' use of it in his debate against Proclus. Keywords: Christians, Pagans, Philoponus, Simplicius, Aristotle, Proclus, Themistius, Neoplatonism, physics, creation, change, motion ![]() Part one : Philoponus and Simplicius on the Eternity of the World 1. Introduction One of the main reasons for the existence of particle colliders like the one we saw earlier today2 is to try to reproduce as closely as possible the conditions of the very first instants of the existence of our universe, a few billionths of a second after the Big Bang, which is now believed to have happened some 13.7 billion years ago. It seems natural today to talk about the Big Bang, with its resulting implication that the univese had a beginning in time, as if it were obvious. Yet it was not until 1922, less than a century ago, that the Russian Physicist Alexander Friedmann suggested Einstein's view of a static, spherical universe be replaced by a theory of a universe in which space varies throughout time. It were Friedmann's views, eventually accepted by Einstein and elaborated by Georges Lemaître, that led to the current standard view of a universe emerging from a point of infinite density and now expanding at a perpetually accelerating rate. As late as 1950, scholars such as Thomas Gold, Hermann Bondi and Fred Hoyle defended a steady-state theory in which, much like Aristotle believed, the universe remained the same for eternity. Since then, the discovery of the cosmic background radiation by Penzias and Wilson in the mid-1960s, followed by evidence obtained in 1998 for the acceleration of cosmic expansion, have led to the widespread acceptance of the Big Bang theory, although still not all scientists are convinced. These debates have some points of resemblance to one that took place almost 1500 years ago, between the Christian John Philoponus, who believed in something approximating a Big-Bang cosmology, and the Pagan Simplicius, who followed Aristotle in defending something like a steady-state cosmology. The present article concerns a few of the transformations of a debate that began in the fourth century BC, over whether the world as we know it is eternal or was created in time. Our story will begin, like most questions in Greek philosophy, with Plato and Aristotle, who seem to us today to have defended opposing positions on this question, although, as we'll see, not everyone in Antiquity thought so. We'll briefly review the positions of some of their followers in what modern historians refer to as Middle and Neoplatonism, in a period where, as Pierre Hadot has shown, philosophy gradually changed its nature. From a focus on the teacher's transformation, by means of dialogue, of the disciples' way of perceiving, being and living, philosophy gradually shifted until it became primarily the painstaking commentary of the works of the great founders of the various philosophical schools. We'll see how this task of commenting on the works of the ancients was not viewed as primarily “objective” in the modern sense, but had a number of specific goals, including explaining the texts of Plato and Aristotle in such a way that they were compatible with the more elaborate theories of Neoplatonism, and emphasizing the underlying harmony of the doctrines of Plato and of Aristotle, despite all appearances to the contrary. We'll try to illustrate these and other phenomena by examining the debate between the pagan Simplicius and the Christian Philoponus in the mid-6th century AD, as they each take up and transform various Aristotelian and Platonic texts and doctrines in order to support their own very different view of the nature and origin of the universe. We'll pay particular attention, as we proceed, to the way each side in this debate makes use of specific ancient philosophical doctrines concerning motion and change, taken especially from Aristotelian physics. Specifically, we'll see how Philoponus and Simplicius each exploit an opposing aspect of Aristotelian physics – the possibility or impossibility of instantaneous change – in order to argue, respectively, for and against the Christian doctrine of creation ex nihilo. |
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