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Министерство образования и науки Российской ФедерацииНОВОСИБИРСКИЙ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННЫЙ ТЕХНИЧЕСКИЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫКБАЗОВЫЙ КУРСElementary (A2)часть 2Методические указания для студентов первого курсавсех технических специальностейНовосибирск2008Составители: Е.А. Давидсон, В.Н. Афонасова, Т.В. Волошина, Т.Б. Ганичева, В.А. Ушакова, А.Г. Чинякова Рецензент канд. филол.. наук, доц. К.В. Пиоттух Работа выполнена на кафедре иностранных языков ТФ НГТУ Настоящие методические указания предназначены для студентов I курса всех технических специальностей НГТУ, изучающих английский язык (уровень владения языком А2 – Elementary). Цель пособия – развитие приобретенных ранее навыков коммуникативной деятельности в области говорения, чтения, письма и аудирования. Методические указания включают в себя три модуля: «Компьютеризация», «Основы инженерного дела», «Устройство на работу», содержащих обширный лексико-грамматический материал. Предтекстовые задания каждого модуля направлены на моделирование фоновых знаний и формирование навыков и умений вероятностного прогнозирования. Послетекстовые задания направлены на выявление основных элементов содержания текста, выработку умений структурирования высказываний, коммуникативная цель которых может выглядеть как описание, повествование, рассуждение и доказательство. Указания могут быть использованы для аудиторной и внеаудиторной работы, в зависимости от целей, поставленных преподавателем. © Новосибирский государственный технический университет, 2008 Module I Computers and Information Technology Unit 1 Introduction to Computers Vocabulary
1. 1 Answer the questions.
1. 2 Work in pairs or small groups. How would you describe what a computer is to someone who
1.3 Now read the text and describe a computer using the key vocabulary in bold type. Technically, a computer is a programmable machine. Today, however, the term is most often used to refer to the desktop and laptop computers that most people use. When referring to a desktop model, the term "computer" technically only refers to the computer itself -- not the monitor, keyboard, and mouse. Still, it is acceptable to refer to everything together as the computer. If you want to be really technical, the box that holds the computer is called the "system unit." Some of the major parts of a personal computer (or PC) include the motherboard, CPU, memory (or RAM), hard drive, and video card. While personal computers are by far the most common type of computers today, there are several other types of computers. For example, a "minicomputer" is a powerful computer that can support many users at once. A "mainframe"(1) is a large, high-powered computer that can perform billions of calculations from multiple sources at one time. Finally, a "supercomputer"(2) is a machine that can process billions of instructions a second and is used to calculate extremely complex calculations. (1) mainframe базовое вычислительное устройство; большой компьютер; мэйнфрейм (2) supercomputer суперкомпьютер; сверхбыстродействующая ЭВМ; сверхбольшая ЭВМ (http://www.sharpened.net) 1.4 Discuss in pairs or in small groups what roles of computers in our daily life are. 1.5 Read the text, compare your ideas with the information given, and write some questions as a plan to summarize this text. (To understand the text better use the vocabulary given at the beginning of the unit). TEXT A Computers in Our Life Nowadays, we cannot imagine our life without computers and the fact is that they have become so important that nothing can replace them. They seem to be everywhere today. Since 1948 when the first real computer has been invented our life has changed so much that we can call it real digital revolution. First computers differed from today's ones. They were so big that they occupied whole rooms or buildings being relatively slow. They were not faster than modern simple watches or calculators. Nowadays they are also used by scientist and they may also be as big as the old ones but they are millions times faster. They can perform many complex operations simultaneously and scientist practically can't do without them. Thanks to them people have an access to various information. Gathering data has never been simpler than now. They are not only used in laboratories but also in factories to control production. Sometimes it is computers that make other computers. But not only in science and industry computers are being used. Thanks to them modern medicine can diagnose diseases faster and more thoroughly. Also in banking system computers have become irreplaceable. Furthermore, architects, designers and engineers can't imagine their work without computers. This machines are really everywhere and we depend on them also in such fields as criminology. Moreover, computers are wide-spread in education. Except their classic tasks such as administration and accountancy they are used in process of learning. Firstly, they store data which helps students to gain information. Secondly, thanks to special teaching techniques and programs they improve ours skills of gaining knowledge. They have become so popular that not knowing how to use them means to be illiterate. Of course there is also dark side of computer technology because every invention brings us not only benefits but also threats. Advantages: 1. Computers saves storage place. Imagine how much paper would have to be used, how many trees would have to be cut just to store information which is today on hard disks, CDs, and memory cards. 2. Computers can calculate and process information faster and more accurate than a human. 3. Computers improve our office work 4. We can communicate with whole world very fast and cheap using the Internet. 5. Computers are user-friendly. We can watch videos and listen to the music having only PC. We can also buy laptop which is smaller, and use it outside anywhere we want. Disadvantages: 1. Computers are dangerous to our health. Very often parents want to have a rest and don't draw enough attention to how long their children use computer. 2. Computers sometimes break down and you can lose your data. If you have the Internet connection you have to be particularly careful and download anti-virus programs. 3. Violence and sex. The main threat to younger users of computers is internet pornography and bloody games. 4. The other threat is that you can be a computer addict. Computers are practically irreplaceable and we can't make without them any more. They are everywhere, at our homes, schools, at work, in our cars (www.bryk.pl) 1.6 Write a summary of the Text B by answering your questions to it. You have
1.7 Now read the answer to the question What are roles of computers in our daily life? given by Sonia Raaz from India and prepare a three-minute speech on the roles of computers in YOUR daily life. The computer is used in people's daily lives to enable people of this world to talk to each other in real time, to process data quickly. Most gasoline stations are computerized and can not even operate if the computers are down. Almost every major business, banks, shops, fast food restaurants, etc., uses computer and are unable to even operate if the computers are down. Automobiles are computerized. People also use computers in daily life to shop, bank, and pay bills from the comfort of their homes. In some cases, people can even apply for jobs online. They also provide entertainment in that people play games, listen to music, chat, etc. online. In fact, computerization is so prevalent in our daily lives that should it be taken away, almost everything would shut down, at least for a short time. (http://www.blurtit.com/) 1.8 Fill the gaps using the words from the box. TEXT 1.
A ____________ is a computer used to prepare documents or letters, or the software that is used for this purpose. Many people use their computers for ____________, e.g. writing letters and reports. A lot of business people use _____________ (= a program used to enter and arrange numbers and financial information) and ____________ (= programs which allow you to store, look at or change a large amount of information quickly and easily). Some people also use graphics (= the pictures and symbols a computer program can produce). TEXT 2.
More and more people are becoming ____________ (= have experience of working with computers and know how to use them) as many programs and machines are so _________ (= easy to use). You can now connect your computer to computers all over the world using the __________ (= a system that allows computers to connect using telephone lines). People send each other ______________ (electronic mail) messages using this system or ____________. If your computer is slow it may need more ____________ it may ________ (= stop working) if there is not enough memory or if it has a ______ (= a software problem; also a _________). Make sure you make a _____________ of your work (= an extra copy on a disk). 1.9 Match the computer terms on the left with the definitions on the right.
1.10 Try to give definitions to the computer terms below following the definition formula: |
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