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МИНИСТЕРСТВО СЕЛЬСКОГО ХОЗЯЙСТВА РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ Государственное федеральное образовательное учреждениевысшего профессионального образования КУБАНСКИЙ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННЫЙ АГРАРНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ ЭКОЛОГИЧЕСКИЙ ФАКУЛЬТЕТ КАФЕДРА ИНОСТРАННЫХ ЯЗЫКОВ МЕТОДИЧЕСКАЯ РАЗРАБОТКА по английскому языку A FEW STEPS TO BUSINESS ENGLISH________________________________________ Несколько шагов к деловому английскому Краснодар2011 г. Предисловие В последние годы многие предприятия и организации получили право непосредственного выхода на внешний рынок, открылись новые возможности для налаживания прямых торговых, экономических и производственных связей с организациями и фирмами разных стран, а также широких контактов в области научных исследований, разработки и передачи технологий. Знание некоторых лингво-страноведческих особенностей той или иной страны, основных правил делового этикета поможет бизнесмену вести себя там сообразно её правилам, и главное – добиться успеха в задуманном предприятии. Французское слово “etiquette” вошло во все языки мира и давно воспринимается без перевода. В дословном переводе с французского “этикет” – это ярлык, церемониал и, между прочим, этикетка. Этикет – это свод норм, правил общения людей между собой, поведение каждого человека в обществе – в той социальной сфере, где он живёт, с членами которой взаимодействует. Современный деловой этикет регламентирует поведение людей на службе, в общественных местах, на улице, на различного рода официальных мероприятиях – приёмах, церемониях, переговорах и т.д. В нынешних условиях, когда конкуренция во всём мире день ото дня усиливается, манера вести себя, или деловой этикет как таковой, всё чаще становится важным фактором, определяющим преуспевание или, наоборот, провал деятельности не только одного человека, но подчас и целой компании. Соблюдение этикета, то есть умение должным образом вести себя, стало одним из главнейших способов вырваться вперёд и сохранить лидерство в мире бизнеса. Целью данной методической разработки является обучение студентов основам делового общения в устной и письменной форме в типичных ситуациях: знакомство, заполнение анкеты и написание резюме при устройстве на работу, написание делового письма (в том числе электронного), и т.д. Contents Unit 1. Etiquette Unit 2. Job Hunting Unit 3. Resume Writing Unit 4. Business Letter Writing Unit 5. E-Mail Appendix: Texts for additional reading Types of business letters Business letters samples Envelope with address (UK) Envelope with address (US) Phrases of business communication Questions commonly asked to a candidate during the interview (when applying for a job) Some usually accepted phrases in letter writing Some abbreviations for countries (E-Mail) Some abbreviations for organizations (E-Mail) Job list Unit 1EtiquetteIntroductionThere are some stories to read and discuss in this unit. Perhaps you will find them interesting, with many facts that are new to you. Discussing what you have read is very useful especially expressing your own opinion. When conversing with your partner, who may ask you different and may be difficult questions, never say, “I can’t talk about such things even in Russian!” You must remember that you should speak in any case. And what should you do if you really know nothing (or very little) about the things you are asked? The best thing is to try to explain why you cannot say much: you have never thought or heard about something or you are not interested in it. You should try to speak in a natural way, just like you do it in your own language. That is why the following answers can be recommended here: “You asked me a difficult question.” or “I don’t know what to say.” or “Tell me, please, what you know about it yourself.” Of course, there can be other answers in which you will say what you think. You must also remember that you are quite able to discuss many things you have never read or heard about in English. Warm up Think of the reasons of your unwillingness or refusal when they occur to speak English to your teacher or to your group-mates at the English lesson. 1. Read and memorize the following words and word combinations:
2. Guess the meaning of the following words: ethics, diplomat, military, emotional, tactful, morality, individual, label, special, manners, form, respect, cigarette, type, business, reformer, person Reading 1. Read the text “Etiquette” and explain what the word “etiquette” means? Etiquette The word “etiquette” comes from the French language. It means the established rules of behavior everywhere. This word is connected with the words “ethics” and “label”. Ethics determines the standards of behavior. Label was a special card with the main rules of behavior. The people, who lived at the court of the French King Louis the 14th, used these rules. Our success and our relations with each other depend on our behavior. The first book “About Rules of Behavior” was published in 1204. Laying the table, good and bad manners at the table, forms of invitation, getting to know somebody, meeting people and seeing them off – such are some of the rules of the etiquette. Some of them have changed many times, but the main ones are still the same, such as politeness, having respect for anybody and others. The famous Russian reformer Peter the Great established the etiquette in Russia. The first woman ambassador A. Kollontay published special rules of behavior for the diplomats. Some of them were “not to spit on the floor, not to cough on anybody, not to throw cigarettes on the ground”. There are different types of etiquette: civic etiquette, military etiquette, diplomatic etiquette, court etiquette, business etiquette and others. There is a point of view that manners form the person. We can know about the emotional state of a man from his manners. Politeness means the respect towards another person. The real politeness means sincerity and good nature. The family is the best school of politeness, and the best teacher of politeness is a woman, because she is more tactful than a man. 2. Read the sentences and choose the answer. Explain the difference between ethics and etiquette.
3. Say what you know about the history of etiquette. 4. Say a few words about the first woman-ambassador A.Kollontay. 5. What types of etiquette do you know? 6. Do you agree with the statement “Manners form the person?” 7. We say that a modest man shows his politeness by never talking about himself. What other things shouldn’t he do? 8. Why is it very useful to know the rules of behavior? 9. Why is it very important to be well-educated? 10. What can you say about your friends’ behavior? Perhaps some of them need to be reminded that they should know the etiquette, don’t they? 11. What is your own behavior? Do you think it is always correct? 12. What is the main idea of the text? 13. Read the statement. Translate it into English using the words below. Личность характеризуется не только тем, что она делает, но и тем, как она это делает. individual – личность be characterized – характеризоваться Do you agree with the statement? Can you give some situations illustrating it? Notes: You must remember that you should speak in any case. That is why the following answers should be recommended here: You asked me a difficult question. I don’t know what to say. Tell me, please, what you know about it yourself. 14. Read this story and answer the questions below. У Дейла Карнеги в одной из его книг есть любопытная история. Один англичанин, не имевший работы и средств к существованию, ходил по улицам Филадельфии в поисках работы. Он зашёл в контору Пола Гиббонса, известного бизнесмена, и попросил выслушать его. Гиббонс недоверчиво осмотрел незнакомца, внешний вид которого явно говорил не в его пользу. Одежда была потрёпанной и поношенной, на всём его облике чётко проступали следы финансового краха. Частью из любопытства, а частью из жалости Гиббонс согласился его выслушать. Сначала он собирался уделить ему не более минуты, однако минуты превратились в час, а разговор всё ещё продолжался. Окончился он тем, что Гиббонс позвонил Тейлору, одному из ведущих финансистов этого города. И тот пригласил незнакомца на ланч и нашёл ему подходящее место. Как же сумел человек с явными следами краха, спрашивает Дейл Карнеги, добиться такого выдающегося успеха за столь короткий промежуток времени? Секрет, отвечает он, заключался в его английском или, точнее, в том, как этот молодой человек говорил по-английски. Оказалось, что в Америку он приехал после окончания Оксфорда, и поэтому его речь была настолько безукоризненной и изящной, что слушавшие его вскоре забывали о его истоптанных ботинках, изношенном пальто и небритом лице.
15. Summarize what you have learned about etiquette using the following word combinations: be of great practice significance-иметь большое практическое значение for this reason-по этой причине deserve special scrutiny-заслуживать особого внимания permanent improvement in smth.-постоянное совершенствование в чём-либо make a deal-заключить сделку 16. Read the text below and get some more information about the history of etiquette. Use the definitions of the words in bold type. From the History of Etiquette ![]() From time immemorial (1) rules of behavior (etiquette) 1. for a very long time back played important role in people life. Romans liked to invite odd (2) numbers of guests. 2. not exactly divisible by two They believed that even (3) numbers meant conflict. 3. that can be divided by two Nowadays in Western countries an even number of men with no remainder and women is referred (4) to help the flow of 4. what is said conversation. 5. a person who entertains guests In the ancient Middle East, a host (5) would pour (6) 6. cause a liquid to flow in a perfumed oil over the heads of his guests. This was continuous stream to mark their passage(7) from the “dirty” outside 7. act of going past, through or to the “pure” inside. across In ancient Greece and Rome, guests wore wreaths (8) 8. flowers or leaves twisted of flowers and leaves. They believed these would together in a circle prevent drunkenness (9). 9. the state of being drunken In early Northern Europe, feasts (10) were male affairs. 10. splendid meal with many Men got very drunk. good things to eat and drink Among the ancient Celts the thighbones (11) of a bird 11. bone of the part of the leg were reserved for the most important guests. Men between the knee and the hip would fight to the death over thighbones. 12. be unsuccessful If a guest failed (12) to stick to the rules (13) of 13. follow the rules behavior in 19th-century Paris, a professional guest could be hired (14) to take his place. 14. obtain or allow the use or Modern dining forks were invented in Italy. They were services of in return for fixed brought to Europe in the 17th century by Thomos Coryat. payment When Coryat showed the fork to his friends they laughed at the new invention (15). Only 50 years later people in 15. something that was created England began to use forks. or designed F ![]() are get sticky (17) and dirty. the end of the arm Knives were the first pieces of cutlery (18) to be used. 17. that sticks or tends to stick The first stone knives were made to anything that touches it three million years ago. Some Stone Age wooden forks 18. implements used at table may date from as long ago as 7,000 BC. (esp. if made of stainless steel) It was once traditional for a male guest to be given an envelope containing the name of the lady he was to accompany to the table. The couple (19) would 19. two persons or things, seen then walk to the table together. together or associated The first chopsticks (20) appeared in China during 20. pair of tapering sticks used the Shang dynasty (1600-1028 BC). They were by Chinese and Japanese for considered to knives because they were lifting food to the mouth used by scholars (21). Scholars were more highly 21. person with much thought of than warriors (22) who carried knives. knowledge 22. soldier; fighter 17. Answer the questions using the following prompts: -an even number of men and women -the thighbones of a bird -wreaths of flowers and leaves -perfumed oil
18. Find in the text the equivalents to the following Russian word combinations: чётное количество гостей, нечётное количество, течение разговора, на головы, из “грязного” внешнего мира в “чистую” внутреннюю среду, на банкете, венки из цветов и листьев, мужские дела, кости бедра птицы, сражаться до смерти, следовать правилам поведения, занимать место, ножевые изделия, каменные ножи, каменный век, сопровождать к столу 19. Mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F). Correct the wrong ones.
20. Finish the sentences.
21. Retell the text. 22. Translate the text “General Rules of Behavior” and enumerate the main rules of behavior when meeting and greeting people. General Rules of Behavior Meeting and greeting clients A day in the life of every businessperson is made up of a series of meetings and greetings. Whether you are making the initial contact with a client or a colleague, you want to get off on the right foot. Doings so will make the first encounter and subsequent ones go smoothly and easily. Getting off on the wrong foot can make for a difficult recovery. Save your energy for later and use these simple strategies for a successful start. 1. Stand up when you meet someone. This allows you to engage the person on an equal eye-to-eye. By remaining seating, you send a message that you don’t think the other person is important enough to warrant the effort it takes to stand. If you find yourself in a position where you can’t stand up offer an apology and an explanation. 2. Smile. Your facial expression says more than your words. Look as if you are pleased to meet the other person of what is in your mind. Put a smile on your face for the person standing before you. 3. Make eye contact. Looking at the people you meet says that you are focused and interested in them. If you are staring off somewhere else, you may appear to be looking for someone more to your liking to come along. 4. Introduce yourself immediately. As soon as you approach people you don’t know or are approached by them, say who are you. Don’t stand around as if someone else is in charge of introductions. 5. Include a statement about who you are when necessary. It is not always enough to say, “Hello, I’m Mary Jones”. Give more information. “Hell, I’m Mary Jones. I work for XYZ Corporation”. 6. Offer a firm handshake. Expend your hand as you greeting. The person who puts the hand first comes across as confident and at ease. Make sure that this physical part of your greeting is professional. Don’t offer bone-crashing grips or limp-wristed shakes. If you are confused about men and women shaking hands, don’t be. There once was a time when women didn’t shake hands with men. They have passed. Everyone in business shakes hands with everyone else. 7. Learn how to make smooth introduction. In business you often introduce less important people to more important ones. The way to do this is to say the name of the more important person first, followed by the words “I’d like to introduce…” and then give the other person’s name. Be sure to add something else about each person. So they will know why they are being introduced and will have some information which to start a conversation with. 8. Pay attention to names when you meet people. It is too common to be thinking about what you are going to say next and not focus on the other person. If you concentrate and repeat the name as soon as you’ve heard it, you’ll have a better chance of remembering it later. 9. Use first names of people whom you have just met only after they give you permission. Not everyone wants to be addressed informally on the initial encounter. Your goal within the first few minutes of meeting other people is to make them feel comfortable so that they will want to do business with you. When you are confident of the rules of behavior, you will have a solid start for a long-term profitable relationship. 23. Read the text “Business Etiquette in Europe” and answer the following questions:
Business Etiquette in Europe Becoming knowledgeable in every country’s “silent language” of etiquette is essential for developing good business relationships overseas. Etiquette is about being comfortable around people and making them comfortable about you. Remember to be courteous and thoughtful to the people around you, regardless of the situation. Consider other people’s feelings, stick to your convictions as diplomatically as possible. One of the first things you need to do is to mind your meeting manners. Europe ranges from the cold northern countries of Norway and Sweden to the warm Mediterranean countries of Italy and Greece. Some customs and traditions vary as much as the topography, while others are shared across all of Europe. Handshakes are standard business greeting gestures throughout Europe. However, the European handshake is usually exchanged before and after every meeting, no matter how many meetings you’ve already had. An exception is Great Britain, where, as in the United States, an initial handshake is often the one you’ll receive. Good manners are very important to the English. They often find Americans to be too casual, particularly with the English language. European handshakes are more formal and less buddy-buddy than those in the United States. You will not find a lot of back-slapping at handshaking time. A quick grasp and release is the norm. In most European countries, handshakes are firm. An exception is France, where a lighter grasp is customary. Finally, it’s customary to let women and those who are in higher rank to extend their hands first in Europe. Europeans don’t do business breakfasts. In France, Austria, Germany, Great Britain, the Netherlands, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Portugal, and Spain, talking business over lunch is not a violation of etiquette. In Czechia, Italy, and Greece, on the other hand, you do not talk business over lunch unless your host initiates it. Dinner in Europe is usually reserved for social entertaining. Depending on the country, you may start dinner as early as 6:30 p.m. or as late as 11:00 p.m., and on the contrary your spouse may be invited. Here are some general dining rules:
Punctuality and courtesy are the most important aspects of British business etiquette. For example, prompt acknowledgment of the receipt of a letter is expected. British executives are more likely to use letters and fax then the telephone for business communications. In some countries, for instance, a small host gift is appropriate if you are invited to someone’s home for dinner. But not in Great Britain – here no host gift is expected. Across most of Europe, business gifts should not be too personal and should be wrapped professionally. Try not to use white wrapping paper, and use a brightly color ribbon. In many European countries, asking people what they do or asking them a personal question as an opening conversational gambit is a serious mistake. Europeans are, for the most part, more formal about such matters than Americans are. The English are reserved people and as a rule disapprove of loud or demonstrative behavior (except in very informal situations). While the English find Americans “friendly”, they do take offence at early familiarity. Personal space is important and people can feel uncomfortable if someone stands too close to them. 24. Read the text “Business Etiquette in the USA” and compare the English and American business etiquettes. Business Etiquette in the USA Americans are generally polite but they will stand up for what they believed. They can be surprisingly candid and they will respect people who are so. They are not shy in voicing an opinion but at the same time, they would not want to embarrass a guest or host in public knowingly. They love humor and sarcasm and can even joke about themselves. Here are some top strategies to follow in American business etiquette: Punctuality. Honor other people’s time. Start and end meetings on time. Arrive 5 minutes before scheduled time for all business occasions. If you know that you will be late, call to let your business partners know about this and offer them to reschedule the meeting. If you are invited for a meal, you should arrive promptly. Do not arrive earlier than the stated time, under any circumstances. Introductions. Show your respect and courtesy to everyone, regardless of their position or standing within a company. Make sure that your grammar and voice tone are professional. When you meet someone for the first time, use a title and his or her last name until you are told otherwise. If you are not told of a person’s last name, simply use the first name or the nickname. Dress and appearance. Make sure that your clothes fit you physically and that they fit the occasion and the setting. Business casual dress remains more formal than that you’d wear at home. Table manners. Immediately after everyone is seated, place the napkin in your lap. At a group table wait for the host to start to eat. When sitting at a banquet table, begin eating when two people to your left and right hands are served. When done, place your napkin on the right of the plate and move your fork and knife to the “four o’clock” position across the plate to signal the server you are finished. If you invited the guest to a meal, you are responsible for the check. Gifts. Business gifts are often presented after a deal is closed. In most situations, gifts are usually unwpapped immediately. Flowers, a potted plant, or a bottle of wine are good gift choices. If you open a small gift in person, you usually don’t need to send a follow-up note. If you are sent a gift, always let the gift giver know that you received it as soon as possible. For big gifts speak and write your thanks. For smaller gifts an e-mail, a fax, or a voice mail works fine. Notes: stand up (for) – защищать, отстаивать promptly – быстро, сразу, прямо candid – справедливый, откровенный circumstances - обстоятельства voice an opinion – выражать мнение otherwise – иначе, по-другому embarrass – смущать, nickname – уменьшительное имя, кличка ставить в неловкое положение knowingly – намеренно, сознательно setting - окружение honor – почитать, уважать lap - колени scheduled time – условленное время deal – сделка, договор, соглашение follow up - последующий Etiquette Practice Read, learn and act out the conversations:
John Brown, a Sales Manager for a British company, has just arrived at the International Moscow Airport from London. He is visiting a Russian company that wants to buy equipment produced by this company. Here are conversations between him and the staff of a Russian company (Mr. Ivanov, Mr. Petrov, Mr. Volgin, Miss Krivenko). Read the conversations and play them. At the airport Mr. Iv.: Excuse me, are you Mr. Brown? Mr. Br.: Yes. Mr. Iv.: I’m Oleg Ivanov, from TV Systems. How do you do? Have I kept you waiting? Mr. Br.: Oh, no. The plane’s just arrived. Thanks for coming to meet me. Mr. Iv.: Not at all. At the office Mr. Iv.: I’d like to introduce Mr. Petrov to you, our Director General. Mr. Br.: Glad to meet you Mr. Petrov. Mr. P.: Glad to meet you too. Have you ever been to Moscow before, Mr. Brown? Mr. Br.: No, it’s my first visit to Moscow. Mr. P.: Let me introduce my staff to you. This is my secretary, Miss Krivenko. Mr. Br.: Nice to meet you, Miss Krivenko. Miss Kr.: Nice to meet you too, call me Ann. Mr. P.: I also want you to meet Victor Volgin, our Sales Manager. And you’ve already met Mr. Ivanov. Mr. Br.: What does Mr. Ivanov do? Mr. P.: He is our Export-Import Manager. Please, take a seat. Miss Kr.: Would you like a cup of coffee? Mr. Br.: Yes, thank you. Mr. V.: By the way, Mr. Brown, what is your profession? Mr. Br.: I’m an engineer, but at Continental Equipment I work as a Sales Manager. Here’s my card. Mr. P.: Let’s get down to business, Mr. Brown. We’re extending our business and want to buy equipment for producing some goods. Your company provides advanced technology and efficient service, which small companies can’t provide. That’s why we’re interested in your company. Mr. Br.: Yes, I see. You’ll be pleased to hear that the service life of our equipment has been increased, and also prices have been reduced. Mr. P.: Would you like to speak a bit slower, Mr. Brown? I’m not very good at English. Mr. Br.: Sure. I’d like to visit your factory and study your requirements. Mr. Iv.: Well, I’ll show you our factory tomorrow. Mr. Br.: What time? Mr. Iv.: How about 10? Mr. Br.: That’s fine. Mr. Iv.: Thank you Mr. Brown. Our driver is at your disposal during your visit. His name is Vladimir. Mr. Br.: Thank you very much, Mr. Ivanov. Mr. Iv.: Well, that’s all. Our driver’s waiting for you. He’ll take you to your hotel. Mr. Br.: Goodbye everybody! Expressions 1) Have I kept you waiting? Я заставил Вас ждать? 2) Director General генеральный директор 3) Let me introduce my staff to you. Разрешите мне представить Вам своих сотрудников. 4) Let me introduce you to my staff. Разрешите представить Вас моим сотрудникам. 5) Let me introduce myself. Разрешите представиться. 6) Sales Manager менеджер по сбыту 7) Export-Import Manager менеджер по импорту и экспорту 8) Take a seat. Присаживайтесь. 9) Here’s my card. Вот моя визитная карточка. 10) Let’s get down to business. Давайте перейдём к делу. 11) Well, that’s all. Ну что же, тогда всё. 12) Would you mind speaking a bit slower. Не могли бы Вы говорить немного медленнее? 13) to be at smb.’s disposal быть в чьём-либо распоряжении 14) Glad to meet you. Рад с Вами познакомиться. Comments Greetings В англоязычных странах наиболее «нейтральными» приветствиями, которые употребляются при обращении как к хорошо знакомым, так и мало знакомым людям, являются: Good morning! – Доброе утро! (до 12.00) Good afternoon! – Добрый день! (с 12.00 до 18.00) Good evening! – Добрый вечер! (с 18.00 до 20.00) Ответами на эти приветствия являются те же самые фразы. При представлении людей друг другу наиболее формальной является фраза: “How do you do?” Это приветствие предполагает такой же ответ. Часто употребляются фразы:Pleased (glad) to meet you. – Рад с Вами познакомиться. Nice to meet you. Спросить человека о том, как у него обстоят дела, можно следующим образом: How are you? – или – “How are you getting on?” Ответы на эти вопросы могут быть такими: (I’m) all right. Thank you. – Спасибо. Хорошо. (I’m) fine. Thanks. – Прекрасно. Спасибо. So-so. – Так себе. Saying Goodbye Goodbye – До свидания. - Это самое нейтральное прощание. Bye-bye. (Пока.) и So long. (До скорого.) - Употребляются при прощании с хорошо знакомыми людьми. Часто также говорят: See you later – Увидимся. See you tomorrow (the day after tomorrow, on Monday, etc.) – Увидимся завтра (послезавтра, в понедельник и т.п.) Thanks Наиболее распространённые фразы, служащие для выражения благодарности: Thank you very much. – Большое спасибо. Thank you. – Благодарю Вас. Thanks. – Спасибо. Ответы на слова благодарности могут быть такими: Not at all. (My pleasure. Anytime. Welcome. Don’t mention it.) - Не стоит. Пожалуйста. It’s nothing. – Пустяки. Apologies Excuse me – Обычная форма обращения в англоязычных странах, служащая для привлечения к себе внимания I’m (so/awfully) sorry. – Фраза употребляется в случае, если человек хочет извиниться за свои действия. Tactics for the Chairmen These words are mainly for the chairman (who chairs the meeting, and is in the chair, but they may also be useful for all people present, especially if there is no chairman. Stopping people who talk too much: Essential? Edward, do you think it’s essential? Sorry to interrupt you, Charles, but I’d like to know if the others agree. Perhaps you could write a paper on this, Charles? Encouraging people to talk: Would you like to comment, Nore? What do you think about this, Paul? Could you let Paul finish? I’d like to have his point of view on this. That’s an interesting point, Mrs. Orr. Thank you. When personal disputes occur: Let’s just concentrate on the arguments/issues. Jim, you have experience of this; I’d like to ask you a question. 2. Read the conversation “A Company Meeting” and point out the phrases mentioned in the previous section. A Company Meeting Chairman: I’d like us to reach a decision today about item 1. The issue is falling sales in the Italian market. Henry will explain the background to this, and the present situation. Henry: Thanks. Well, as you know, in Italy we’ve always… That’s how things are at the moment. Chairman: Thank you, Henry. Now, let’s look at possible courses of action. Bob: Could I just say something? The Italian market isn’t as important to us as the Russian orders. I was in Moscow last week, and learnt some pretty interesting things about the way things are moving out there. Chairman: Let’s keep to the immediate subject, which is the Italian market. Bob: My own feeling is this: the only way to sell in Italy is to go there and see the market for yourself, instead of asking our agents to do it. Chairman: Sorry to interrupt you, Bob, but I’d like to know if the others agree. What do you think about this, Walter? Walter: Well, I’d like to say that for the last two years we haven’t had a stand at the Milan Trade Fair. I understand that the Fair has produced lots of contacts in the past. Chairman: That’s an interesting point, Walter. Let’s summarize what we’ve said so far. Bob thinks we depend on the agents too much, and Walter suggests that the Trade Fair is important. Unit 2 |
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Рабочая программа по английскому языку составлена на основе федерального... Умк «Enjoy English» для учащихся 10-11 классов общеобразовательных учреждений (Обнинск: Титул,2008) |
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Рабочая программа по английскому языку в 9 классе Учитель Мальцева В. И Примерной программы основного общего образования по английскому языку, авторской программы по английскому языку к умк «Enjoy English»... |
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Рабочая программа по английскому языку составлена на основе федерального... Умк «Enjoy English» для учащихся 2-9 классов общеобразовательных учреждений (Обнинск: Титул,2007) |
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