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VOCABULARY Advertising- реклама Message- послание Volume of sales- объем продаж Manufacturers- производитель Favourable- благоприятный Target audience-целевая аудитория To launch- запускать (завод, продукт) Advertising campaing- рекламная кампания Brewery- пивоваренный завод Transit advertisements- реклама в городском транспорте Window display- витрина Point-ol - purshase display- выкладка на место покупки Telephon directory- телефонный справочник Novelties- мелкие товары (Календари, кружки, брелки,) для подарков Medium- средство On average- в среднем Candy- конфеты Snack- легкая еда Revenues- доходы Ad breaks = advertisement breaks- перерыв для рекламы Outdoor advertising- наружная реклама Cost-effective- эффективный TASKS 1. Try not to look at the text and say what these numbers refer to: 1)100; 3) 300; 5) 80; 7)75. 2) 45; 4) 15; 6) 85; 2. Match the words with their definitions 1) snack A. A public notice selling goods or services 2) manufacturer B. Income, especially total annual income 3) advertisement C. A person or company that makes goods from raw materials 4) revenues D. Process of making goods and services known to people 5) advertising H. Light meal 3. Study the words in the box Таблица 11
Advertising- реклама товара, услуги или компании в средствах массовой информации, исходящая от коммерческого источника, например, производителя или розничного торговца. Advertisement- объявления, реклама, анонс. Слово advertisement исчисляемое. То put / to place an advertisement in the newspaper / the magazine / on the Internet. An advertisement in «Moscow Times» brought lost of new customers. Publicity - гласность, известность, слава; рекламные материалы; сообщение маркетингового характера в средствах массовой информации о компании или ее продукции, в отличие от рекламы, не оплачивается. То seer publicity-добиваться гласности to avoid publicity- избегать гласности The new store was given a wide publicity. ( Новый магазин был широко разрекламирован) Marketing - все виды деятельности, направленные на стимулирование спроса на продукты и услуги, т.е. реклама, продвижение продаж, создание торговой марки, исследование рынка и т.д. Public relations, or PR- связи с общественностью, сознательная попытка создать положительный имидж компании, показать, что компания преследует социальные интересы. 4. Match the definitions on the left with the words on the right. 1) Making a product or service known A. public relations to the public (through the press, television, cinema, etc.) in order to sell it. 2) Attracting the public's attention but B. advertising not necessary to sell anything specific. 3) All the activities intended to stimulate С marketing demand for products and services, e. g. advertising, sales promotion, branding, consumer tests, market surveys and so on. 4) Part of marketing and promotion, D. publicity but without direct involvement in selling. Its function is to build up a good image and reputation, to show that the firm is socially aware and has the public interest at heart. Таблица 12
Таблица 13 AIDA Advertisers often follow the AIDA model in their advertisements and sales literature. Attention: the advertisement gets the readers attention. Interest: it develops the readers interest Decision: it tries to encourage them to make a decision Action: finaly they do on it. 6. Work in a group of three or four people and write a list of things that you think help to make successful advertisements. From an advertising agency. Choose one product that your agency is going to promote. Using this list as a guideline, discuss some ideas and draw a poster or write a commercial. Remember AIDA (attention, interest, decision, action)
7. What about yоu ?
8. Translate into English. 1) Наружная реклама - наиболее быстро растущий сегмент рынка. 2) США тратят на рекламу более 100 миллиардов долларов в год. Это больше, чем в любой другой стране. 3) Телевидение - наиболее распространенное средство рекламы. 4) Традиционный вид работы рекламных фирм - организация рекламных компаний. 5) Основная обязанность мерчендайзеров - следить за выкладкой на место покупки. 6) Специалисты по маркетингу считают, что объем продаж не всегда зависит от рекламы. 7) Компания «Вим-Билль-Данн», крупнейший производитель молочных продуктов и соков в стране, приобрела несколько пивоваренных заводов. Текст №8 What is the brand? A brand is a special trade mark, sign, symbol, design of the product that distinguishes it from other products. Products can have sub - brands. People have some beliefs and perceptions about a particular product, that is they have the brand image. Consumers get used to some brands, and prefer to buy them. Some people drink only Nescafe, prefer mayonnaise produced by Moscow fat- producing plant (MZHK) and chocolate of Krasny Oktyabor factory and so on. In this case we can speak about brand loyalty, that is commitment to a particular brand, which people regularly buy. Some brands have names of people. Tea brand Dilmah is composed of the parts of names Dilhan and Mailk, sons of the tea producer. Some brands have mistakes in their names. Brand of vegetable oil is called “Zolotaaya semechka”, but according to the rules of the Russian language, it should be called "Zolotoye semechko". It takes up to ten years to create a brand in the West. In Russia it can only take two years. It is known that 80 to 90% of new brands fail within their first six months. If a company gives the name of the brand to its other products it's called brand-stretching. By putting their familiar trademarks on attractive and fashionable new products, companies can both generate additional revenue and increase brand-awareness. So there is Pepsi Maxwear, Camel watches and Cadberry jewellery. Brand- stretching is not always successful. A brand like Coca-Cola has been around a long time, and dominates the fizzy drink market in almost every country, outselling local brands. One of the exceptions is Scotland, and their marketing specialists are trying to find out why this is. One of the possible solutions is that people in Scotland are more conservative and keep to their traditions. One of the most successful brands in the world is the Barbie. Created in 1959, it targeted girls who wanted to have dolls which were like young women. Its unique selling proposition is that Barbie looks like a young woman, not a baby. Barbie has had seventy five careers - from astronaut to presidential candidate. In 1961 Ken, the man in Barbie's life, was introduced. She had got little sisters and friends from different ethnic groups. Now there are 15,000 different items for Barbie. Costume variations and brand- stretching have been the key to her continued popularity. Her life cycle never ends. One Barbie is bought every two seconds. VOCABULARY To distinguish - отличать, проводить различие Brand image- имидж торговой марки Perception- восприятие Brand loyalty- лояльное отношение к торговой марке Commitment- приверженность Brand- stretching- «расширение» торговой марки Brand awareness- осведомленность, информированность о торговой марке Fizzy drink- шипучий напиток То outsell- продаваться больше / лучше Exception- исключение Unique selling proposition (USP) - уникальное торговое предложение Item - здесь: вид товара, товар, изделие TASKS 1. Study the words in the box Таблица 14
Make — модель, марка, тип, сорт, производство. Чаще используется для обозначения производящей фирмы, чем самого продукта. Как правило, этот продукт предполагает сборку, как например, автомобиль. Indesit is a popular make of washing machine. Mercedes is a German make of car. There are hundreds of mares of micro - computers. Brand - торговая марка. What brend of tea do you prefer? А) Выражение ''brand name" обозначает группу продуктов, продаваемых одной фирмой. Б) Выражение "brand new" означает «совершенно новый» Trademark- «торговая марка» - это слово или символ, которые производитель использует, чтобы отличить продукт или ряд продуктов от других. Торговая марка обычно регистрируется и защищается законом. Logo - это символ, эмблема, рисунок или иное изображение, особым образом написанное название компании, которое она использует на своих продуктах, в рекламе, на конвертах, фирменной бумаге. Copyright — авторское право. Компания и отдельные изобретатели получают патенты на изобретения. Парижская конвенция защиты промышленной собственности устанавливает минимальные стандарты и признана в 100 странах. Авторское право может быть получено на литературные, музыкальные и художественные произведения. 2.Fill in the gaps with the words from the box Таблица 15
1) British Petroleum decided to update its image. A creative team came up with a new design of the company's______________. It cost the company one million pounds. 2) Cars of Japanese_______________ are popular in the world. 3)_________________is the word or symbol that a manufacturer always uses on a product or range of products to distinguish them from other. It is usually registered and protected by law. 3. Translate into English 1) Во многих странах кока-кола продается лучше, чем местные напитки (beverages.) Только в Шотландии местные напитки пользуются большей популярностью. 2) Требуется не менее десяти лет, чтобы создать бренд на Западе. В России некоторым бизнесменам удается создать бренд за два года. 3) Уникальность торгового предложения Барби заключается в том, что кукла похожа не на ребенка, а на молодую женщину. 4) Если человек постоянно покупает определенный бренд, мы говорим, что он имеет лояльное отношение к нему. Текст №9 Franchising Franchising means granting a formal right to the manufacturer, wholesaler or retailer to produce or to sell the company's goods or services in a special area for a specified period of time. This way of doing business is widely used in the market economy. 40% of all sales in the USA go through franchising which makes $1 billion as annual volume of sales. These figures are presented by International Franchising Association. Franchising in Great Britain is supported by government. The banks give loans to businessmen, and the government guarantees 80% of the loan. Purchase of a franchise is a simple way of starting business. Reliable scheme of doing business, a promoted brand, product of high quality - all these things increase chances of a beginning businessman for success. For a stable company it is a good way of expanding markets. These are great advantages of franchising. According to Russian Franchising Association, the number of franchises in Russia does not exceed two dozen. In other words, it is not developed in our country. History of franchising in Russia dates back to 1993, when Baskin Robbins sold the first franchise in our country. Later, some Russian franchises were sold, among them a chain of shoe stores "Ekonika", fast food "Rostics", "Teremok", "Russkiye bliny", "Niam- Niam", filling stations LUKoil, TNK. But still we can't say that franchising is highly developed in Russia. Legal, administrative and financial problems are in the way of its development. Our laws don't operate the notion "franchising". One of the main things in the process of selling franchise is transfer of a brand name. According to Russian laws, brand name can't be transferred. Another serious problem is responsibility of subsidiary company. For example, if franchisee in Siberia violates standards of franchisor in Moscow, the consumer has a right to make a claim against low quality of goods or services. Open joint- stock company LUKoil which sells franchises for setting up filling stations, has special departments in the areas where its franchises operate. In order to develop this kind of business laws on franchising should be passed. Nowadays many officials in Russia don't know what franchising is. VOCABULARY Franchise- франшиза- лицензия, выдаваемая производителю, сбытовику, торговцу, которая позволяет производить или продавать товар или услуги компании, используя торговую марку компании Franchisee- франчайзи (покупатель лицензии) Franchisor- франчайзер (продавец лицензии) Wholesaler- потовый торговец |
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