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VOCABULARY Combined- объединенный, совокупный Annual- годовой Income- доход Chain- сеть (магазинов, ресторанов) Boom and bust- процветание и разорение То account (for)- составлять, насчитывать Essential- необходимый Flow- поток То decrease- сокращать(-ся) Profitability- прибыльность, выгода Economic efficiency- экономическая эффективность Equation- уравнение Network- сеть Benefit- польза, выгода G7- группа семи промышленно развитых стран Negotiations- переговоры Текст №5 Recruitment presents cross- border challenge For senior executives across modern Europe, it a challenge: attracting the best employees, whether to write software or to market pet food. Recruitment is one of the new corporate art from, yet another measure of a company competitiveness and management ability. Bruce Dorsking's specialty is global recruitment strategy. His New - York City- based Dorsking Group has worked with companies in 40 countries over the past four years and helped an advertising agency TMP conduct acquisition of 24 recruitment advertising firms and Internet sites, many of them in Europe. It turner TMP into the largest recruitment communications firm in the world, with a market capitalization of $1 billion. Speaking about the trends in European recruitment, Bruce Dorsking states, that there's consolidation in every industry and globalization. Companies need to introduce their brands or products to new markets. So there is a move towards crossborder recruitment, where the demand for talent is spreading across markets. Europeans used to sell products only in their own local markets, but now they are selling them all over the world. And they are four or five pharmaceutical markets and one common language, English. Despite high unemployment rates in Europe, there is also a shortage of people in certain disciplines, especially in information technology, sales and marketing. Another example is consulting. Andersen Consulting in Germany recruits from Switzerland and Austria. Consulting firms are among the largest recruiters in absolute numbers. Many young graduates in Europe seek international experience. They want to move to a foreign country, deal with a new language, mostly within Western Europe. Something else to consider is that most jobs in the US are created by new companies that are less than 10 years old. In Europe the majority of jobs still come out of older companies, although in new configurations, having gone through mergers, etc. If the companies are going to recruit in various countries, they need to establish an employer brand as well as a consumeries brand. Organizations have to market their companies to potential employees and that's not something they've been good at historically. Companies that want to be pan-European have to create recruitment campaigns in much the same way they sell their consumer products. VOCABULARY Challenge- вызов Recruitment- набор персонала Executive- менеджер Employee-сотрудник Employer- наниматель Measure- мера Acquisition-приобретение Capitalization- капитализация Configuration- конфигурация, очертания, форма Merger- слияние (компаний) TASKS 1. Write questions to these answers 1) ________________________________________ ? It is attracting the best employees. 2) _________________________________________? Yes, it is another measure of a company competitiveness and management ability. 3) _________________________________________? His specialty is global recruitment strategy. 4) _________________________________________? It has worked with companies in 40 countries over the past four years and helped an advertising agency TMP conduct acquisition of 24 recruitment advertising firms and Internet sites. 5) ________________________________________? There's consolidation in every industry and globalization. 6) ________________________________________? They need to introduce their brands or products to new markets. 7) _________________________________________? Yes, demand for talent is spreading across markets 8) _________________________________________ ? They used to sell products only in their own local markets, but now they are selling them all over the world. 9) ________________________________________? Yes, they are locking for people to do that. 10) _______________________________________? There are four or five pharmaceutical markets and one common language, English. 11) _______________________________________? There is a shortage of people in certain disciplines, especially in information technology, sales and marketing. 12) _______________________________________? Consulting firms are among the largest recruiters in absolute numbers. 13)_______________________________________? They seek international experience. 2. Nouns used as adjectives. Join the nouns from two columns 1. recruitment A. growth 2. press B. sheet 3. export C. flow 4. balance D. form 5. cash E. release 6. application F. policy Текст №6 Marketing Marketing can be defined as human activity which is directed at satisfying needs and wants by creating and exchanging goods or services. The marketing concept has replaced the selling concept. The "selling concept" means that consumers have to be persuaded by selling techniques to buy non- essential goods and services. The “marketing concept”, on the contrary, means that the producer should produce the products which the customers need. Marketing can be approached in terms of marketing mix. Its components are four Ps - product, price, place, promotion, that is selling the right product, at the right price, through the right channels, with the right support and communication. Let's consider the case of the company "Harley-Davidson", the company in the USA which produced bikes. For a number of years the company has serious problems. Its profits decreased, and the company was facing a possibility of bankruptcy. In its operation the company was orienting to a rather narrow market, that is young people in "black leather jackets". In order to survive, the company had to use the main principles of marketing. 1. Determine the customer groups or segments. 2. Determine their needs. 3. Position the product in a proper way. While the company was trying to determine a new group of customers, it identified a numerous group of customers; it identified a numerous group of babyboomers, born after World War II. At that time they were in their forties. The second stage of this work was determination if these rather grown-up and conservative people could become buyers of bikes. The company studied this group and the features of its buying behaviour and came to a conclusion that it was possible. These people were experiencing the crisis typical for people of their age, and they had to get new opportunities, new experience and relaxation. The company decided to launch a new model and position it in such a way it could meet the needs of the target group. 'The new model was meant for top-end, or upmarket (Am. upscale) instead of mid-range market. 'The motorcycle was made large and reliable. The company realised that new buyers would not repair the motorcycle themselves, so it used a new motor "hard metal" to a more soft variant. Such famous personalities as Kurt Russell and Elizabeth Tailor were advertising the new model. The company was successful. Its sales have risen, and its profit margines have grown more than three times. Now the company is looking for new markets at home and internationally. It didn't suffer from foreign competition, as many automobile and electronic companies did. The company survived and began to prosper as it followed the principles of marketing. Marketing has become a key factor in the success of western business. In the 20th century, marketing has played an increasingly larger role in determining company policy, influencing product development, pricing, methods of distribution, adverting and promotion techniques. VOCABULARY To define- определять To satisfy a need- удовлетворять потребность To persuade- убеждать Selling- приемы и методы продаж Non-essential - не первой необходимости Marketing-комплекс маркетинга; смешанная система сбыта Market segment- сегмент рынка, т.е. группа покупателей со схожими потребностями и характеристиками То launch- запускать (завод, продукт, торговую марку) Position the product- позиционировать товар, т.е. использовать рекламу и другие элементы комплекса маркетинга, чтобы сообщить о достоинствах товара Product positioning- позиционирование товара Conclusion- выход То come to a conclusion- приходить к выводу Target group- целевая группа Top-end market / upmarket- рынок для элитарных покупателей (Am. upscale) Mid- range market- рынок для потребителей со средним доходом Bottom-end market / downmarket- рынок для (Am. downscale) потребителей с низким доходом Profit margirne- чистая прибыль в виде процентов от продаж Pricing- ценообразование TASKS 1. Fill in the gaps with the world from the box Таблица 10
1) Today competition is stiff, and companies which can best __________of the customers will survive and make the largest profits. 2) The factors that help a firm to sell its products are known as the________. 3) ____________ means promoting goods and services to customers. 4) The product should be distributed to the most convenient place for ________to buy it. 5) The company is looking for a trade representative possessing high communicative skills and being able to______________ people. 6) "Zolotaya bochka" is_________________ on the market as beer of high quality. 2. Fill in the prepositions or adverbs Teenage marketing: word-of-mouth approval The natural habitat (1) ___________Japanese teenagers is a small area (2) ____________central Tokyo between Shibuya and Harajuku stations which is full (3) ________ boutiques and music shops. (4)__________weekends, teenagers (5) _________the city and the surrounding provinces go there to spot the latest street fashions. The area is also a magnet (6)__________ anyone researching or selling (7)_________ the teenage market: fashion and cosmetics companies, record producers, editors (8)_________young fashion magazines, soft drink and snack promoters, and makers (9)___________games and gadgets. One such company was Bandai, the toy company responsible (10) ________ Tamagotchi, the eggshaped, pocket- sized virtual pet which swept the world in the late 1990s. Tamagotchi's first appearance was (11) ______ a test marketing exercise (12)______ the streets (13)_________Shibuya. The schoolgirls that saw it were so impressed that told all their friends, and the first Tamagotchi to hit the shops sold (14) ________immediately. Such is the power of word of mouth. Normally, word-of- mouth promotion is free, but impossible to arrange. In Japan it can be arranged__________ (15) ________ a price. There are agencies (16) _________hundreds (17) __________teenagers (18)________their books who receive new products and tell their friends (19)_______ them, others are paid to queue up (20)__________ a new product or opening of a new store, creating an "artificial buzz" (21)_______it. Mr. Morita set (22) ______the agency Teens Network Ship which is the best specialist (23)____________the teenage market, and often uses informal, word-of-mouth style marketing methods. It has a register of 2000 senior high pupils in the Tokyo area, and is now expanding nationally. Information spreads more rapidly (24) _______the 15 to 18 age group than (25) ______any other life stage. A teenager tells (26) __________average 50 of his or her friends (27) _________the "discovery", so that a group of 1,000 can spread the word (28) ________-50,000 or more. VOCABYLARY Approval – одобрение Habitat-среда To spot- узнать, заметить, увидеть (разг.) Gadgets- технические новинки То sweep / swept / swept- здесь: охватить, пронестись То hit the shops-попасть в магазины 3. Translate into English Маркетинг можно определить как человеческую деятельность, направленную на удовлетворение потребностей путем создания и обмена товаров и услуг. В настоящее время концепция маркетинга заменила концепцию продаж. Концепция продаж означает, что покупателей надо убедить в необходимости товаров и услуг, которые им не очень нужны. Концепция маркетинга, напротив, означает, что производитель должен производить продукты, в которых нуждаются покупатели. К маркетингу можно подходить с точки зрения комплекса маркетинга. Компонентами этого комплекса являются продукт, цена, место, продвижение каналам при правильной поддержке. Опыт компании «Харлей- Девитсон» показывает, что можно добиться больших успехов, если следовать основным принципам маркетинга. Компания, единственный производитель тяжелых мотоциклов, в течение многих лет испытывала серьезные проблемы. Произошло сокращения прибыли, и над компанией нависла угроза банкротства. В своей работе компания ориентировалась на достаточно узкий рынок - молодых людей в «черных кожаных куртках». Для того чтобы выжить, компания должна была использовать основные принципы маркетинга. 1. Выявить группы или сегменты рынка. 2. Определить их потребности. 3. Позиционировать товары должным образом. Компания выявила многочисленную группу людей, родившихся после Второй мировой войны, которым в то время было около 40 лет. Эти люди испытывали кризис, типичный для этого возраста. Компания решила запустить новую модель и позиционировать ее таким образом, чтобы она удовлетворяла потребности данной целевой группы. Новая модель была предназначена для элитных покупателей. Компания добилась больших успехов. Продажи возросли, и прибыль выросла более чем в три раза. Сейчас компания ищет новые рынки в своей стране и за рубежом. Она не пострадала от иностранной конкуренции, как многие автомобильные и электронные фирмы. Текст №7 Advertising Advertising is a message to promote a product, a service, or an idea. The purpose of most advertising is to sell products or services. Advertising plays a key role in the competition among businesses for the consumer's money. In many businesses, the volume of sales depends largely on the amount of advertising done. Manufacturers advertise to persuade people to buy their products. Large firms also use advertising to create a favourable image of their company. The company can advertise in many ways depending on how much it wishes to spend, and the size and type of the target audience. If the company wants to enter the market or launch a new product, it often starts an advertising campaign. Such campaigns are usually very successful because people learn about new products or services. When South African Brewery (SAB) started producing beer "Zolotaya bochka" in Russia, it invested lost not only in production, but in advertising the product. The advertising campaign was aggressive, and as a result this brand of beer is among the most popular ones.
(Transit advertisements, window displays, point-of-purshase displays, telephone directories and novelties). Television is the chief medium used by advertisers. In the USA 100 largest advertisers spend on average 75 per cent of their advertising budgets on television. Food companies spend about 80 per cent on television, and candy, snack, and soft drink companies spend about 85 pen cent. Adverising on TV is often criticised. People don't like it when programmes are interrupted every fifteen minutes. We know that the Duma passed a bill that would forbid running of commercials during television and radio programmes. In Russia TV advertising generates $300 million a year. Of course, advertising revenues are important, but there are international norms which recommend ad breaks every 45 minutes. These days outdoor advertising is popular in Moscow. Many people think it makes the city more beautiful. It is especially widely used by car manufacturers, clothing and telecommunications companies. Such advertising attracts wide audience and is cost- effective. |
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