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Экология и охрана окружающей среды KEEP BAIKAL FOR FUTURE GENERATIONS Rakityanskaya Polina Irkutsk, school 64,6 class Lake Baikal is the freshwater lake with greatest volume in the world, containing roughly 20% of the world's unfrozen surface fresh water, and at 1,642 m (5,387 ft), the deepest. It is also among the clearest of all lakes, and thought to be the world's oldest lake at 25 million years. It is the 7th largest lake in the world by surface area. The lake contains an outstanding variety of endemic flora and fauna, of exceptional value to evolutionary science. It is also surrounded by a system of protected areas that have high scenic and other natural values. The basin supports a variety of plant and animal species, a number being endemic; the most notable of which is the Baikal seal, uniquely freshwater species. The great variety of plants in the basin is determined by its climatic asymmetry: the western part is occupied by light coniferous forests and mountain steppes; in the eastern part pine forests predominate; and the north is covered by deciduous forests. The formation of the geological structures in the basin took place during the Palaeozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic eras and there are a number of significant geological features. Various tectonic forces are still ongoing, as evidenced in recent thermal vents in the depths of the lake. In 1957, when the public first heard about plans for a cellulose plant at Baikalsk, people who had mutely obeyed the Soviet government for 40 years finally howled in protest. Local scientists, writers, fishermen, and ordinary citizens banded together to fight the plant, igniting an environmental movement that was a direct forebear of all Soviet activism to come. Their protests were mostly ignored. Yet at a time in the Soviet Union when the fires of free speech were being stamped out wherever they appeared, a small flicker burned fiercely in the Siberian wilderness. After years of protest, the lake's defender were rewarded in April, 1987, when the Soviet government issued a comprehensive decree protecting Lake Baikal. Among other things, it abolished logging anywhere close to the lake shore and decreed that the cellulose plant be "reprofiled" for activities harmless to the environment by 1993. Exactly what those activities might be has not been decided. Meanwhile the dumping of industrial waste into Baikal continues, and bilious smoke still rises from the plant 24 hours a day. The committee on the World heritage of UNESCO entered Lake Baikal in the list on preservation of a unique gene pool of our planet, as the most outstanding example of a fresh-water ecosystem. The delegation reported about plans to accept the Federal target program for protection of Lake Baikal which, in particular, provides utilization and processing of the saved-up industrial wastes and alternative social and economic development of the region. UNESCO supported requirements of 125 thousand people with a request to protect Baikal from poisonous drains. However, there are serious threats to the biotic communities at Lake Baikal and there is a danger that its unique ecosystem properties could be lost. Various steps are being taken to address these issues of integrity with strong support from all levels of government and the Russian public. UNESCO WORLD HERITAGE. PROTECTION OF THE RIGHTS OF ANIMALS Pogodaeva Maria Irkutsk, MAEL Lyceum of ISU, 8 сlass Our nature is unique. We must save our nature with all care and love. And people created UNESCO to protect the environment in 1945. The international League for the Rights of Animals adopted the universal DECLARATION of ANIMAL RIGHTS in London on September 23, 1977. The Declaration reads that the educational authorities should ensure the training of citizens from childhood to observe, understand and respect for animals. The main goal of UNESCO is to make known and to protect the objects that are unique in their kind. World Heritage status by UNESCO helps organizations monitor and control the state of conservation of natural objects. Throughout the world, UNESCO preserves the wildlife sanctuary and defenseless animals. For example it is Peninsula Valdes in Patagonia or Lake Baikal in Eastern Siberia. Both reserves it’s amazing wildlife. Also you can find endemic species, which live in the lake Baikal. ВСЕМИРНОЕ НАСЛЕДИЕ ЮНЕСКО. ЗАЩИТА ПРАВ ЖИВОТНЫХ Погодаева Мария Иркутск, МАОУ Лицей ИГУ, 8 класс С тех пор, как технический прогресс вырос до невообразимых высот, человечество стало жить в более комфортных для жизни условиях. Что нельзя сказать о животных, ведь они бессильны перед человеком. Животные не могут сказать: “Хватит, не загрязняйте в наши дома!”. Но нашлись такие люди, цель которых сохранить нашу природу и животный мир, таким, каким он был раньше. Так появилась организация ЮНЕСКО. ЮНЕСКО- Организация Объединённых Наций по вопросам образования, науки и культуры, которая была создана 16 ноября 1945 года. Главная цель списка Всемирного наследия — сделать известными и защитить объекты, которые являются уникальными в своём роде. Что дает статус Всемирного наследия ЮНЕСКО? Выделились следующие преимущества:
ЮНЕСКО – это организация, которая заботится о культурном наследии человечества, биосфере и нематериальном культурном наследии. Но это еще не все. Также ЮНЕСКО заботится о правах братьев наших меньших – животных. В Лондоне 23 сентября 1977 года Международной Лигой Прав Животных принята ВСЕМИРНАЯ ДЕКЛАРАЦИЯ ПРАВ ЖИВОТНЫХ (Universal Declaration of Animal Rights) . Объявлена 15 октября 1978 в штабе ЮНЕСКО в Париже. Текст пересмотрен Международной Лигой Прав Животных в 1989, представлен Генеральному директору ЮНЕСКО в 1990 и обнародован в том же году. Преамбула: - Принимая во внимание, что все живые существа обладают своими естественными правами, и что любое животное, имеющее нервную систему, имеет особые права - Принимая во внимание, что неуважение, или даже простое игнорирование этих естественных прав, наносят большой ущерб природе и приводят человека к совершению преступлений против животных - Принимая во внимание, что сосуществование видов подразумевает признание человеческим видом права на жизнь других видов живых существ Провозглашается: Далее провозглашаются 10 статей по защите прав животных. Из которых: Статья 8
Investigations sur la rivière Irkout Domitrak Ekaterina Gymnaziya № 3 Ircoutsk Irkout prend sa source à la confluence de deux rivières – Irkout Blanc qui descend du massif Mounkou-Saridak et Irkout Noir, dont la source se trouve être le lac Iltchir. Le 15 mai 2009, nous partons pour le village Maksimovtchina, situé au bord d’Irkout. Sur le lieu d’investigation, un examen préliminaire a montré que le lit de la rivière était formé de nombreuses fosses d’origine artificielle. Un équipement technique (excavateurs, tracteurs, bulldozers) était à coté. Le rive et le fond de la rivière étaient plein d’ordures : bouteilles en verre et plastique, verres plastiques, emballages papiers, mégots de cigare, cordes, sacs plastiques, débris plastiques et métalliques. Aucun habitant n’a pas été aperçu dans l’eau. La végétation que l’on pouvait remarquer au-delà des ordures sur la rive est assez pauvre. La méthode française d’investigation des rivières est basée sur la recherche de l’écosystème de la rivière, de manière globale ou en un lieu précis, que l’on a fait à plusieurs reprises en mai-septembre 2009. Lors de la recherche on a effectué les exercices suivants : descripion de la rivière, observation du lit, mesure de la vitesse du courant, mesure de la vitesse en mètre par seconde, étude du régime d’écoulement des eaux, mesure de la pente, étude de la conception et du fonctionement des rives, étude des abords dans un faisceau de 50 mètres, mesure de la dureté, de la concentration en nitrates et de l’opacité de l’eau. Avec les mesures indiquées ci-dessus, les résultats suivants ont été obtenus : Composition du lit de la rivière : sables, bétons, déchets, remblai artificiel, bois mort ; La rive, à partir de l’affleurement de l’eau, est plate sur 5 mètres. Au delà, de 10-20 mètres elle est inclinée. La faune et la flore dans le faisceau de 50 mètres des rives sont mixtes et de caractère tordu. La vitesse moyenne du courant est de 3 m\sec. Le lit de la rivière constitué par du béton et du remblai ; certains coudes semblent artificiels ; un nombre élevé d’arbres et buissons, de berges artificielles et d’habitations a été relevé. Par ailleurs, une végétation importante, fauchée en certains endroits, a été observée. L’intervention humaine est présente. L’eau dans la rivière est calcaire ce qui prouve la présence d’une quantité non négligeable de substances minérales. Ces dernières sont trop importantes pour assurer la croissance et le développement des plantes et de certains animaux ; le manque de nitrate est préjudiciable aux plantes ; l’eau est très troublée. Il existe une menace pour les gens de ces lieux à rester sans une source principale d’eau. De plus, les mauvaises conditions écologiques de la rivière Irkoutsk impactent celles de l’Angara, qui à son tour, pertubent l’écosystème du lac Baïkal. PEOPLE AND POISON Kardonova Julie Irkutsk, MAEI gymnasium №2, 8 form A founder of medical chemistry Theophrastus Paracelsus (1493-1541) said that everything was poison but at the same time it could be cure (medicine). It depends on the dose only. Nowadays people use a lot of different substances, and it’s necessary to know, what substances can be poisons and in what quantity; what influence they can cause for our organism, and how people can protect themselves. That’s why, this topic is so burning. The aim of this research is the analysis of poison’s influence modern people. Poison is a substance, which leads to violation of activity of an organism. Different substances can influence modern people, which we can name poisons. E.g.: hydrogen sulfide, mercury, carbon monoxide, potassium cyanide, formaldehyde, methyl alcohol, aconite and others. Mercury. On 23rd of November, 2009, President of the Russian Federation made the law about minimizing the consumption of electricity and increase of power efficiency (261 - FL). According to this document from the 1st of January, 2014, sale of the 25 W electric incandescent lamps and more isn't allowed in the Russian Federation. Now, it’s necessary to use only energy saving lamps, and to stop producing of incandescent lamps. There are a lot of advantages of luminescent energy saving lamp. First, it is more economic approximately by 5 times; secondly, it is more durable to 20 times. However, such kind of lamps contains mercury. The substance mercury belongs to the 1st class of danger (most poisonous). And mercury containing in energy saving lamps is in a vaporous state. In vapors of mercury there is an electric discharge and a lamp shines. If to break an energy saving lamp, mercury extends by air, and the person will breathe vapors of mercury. Mercury collects in a human body and it doesn’t disappear for a long time. So, it damages health. Carbon monoxide harms imperceptibly and purposefully. It arrives in blood through lungs, and it is in 300 times quicker, than oxygen. Carbon monoxide unites to hemoglobin and blocks it. That’s why oxygen starvation comes, from which the brain and nervous system suffer. Nowadays we deal with the central and electric heating less frequently, however cases of poisoning with carbon monoxide don't become less because it contains in exhausts of internal combustion engines, and in the combustible gases, which are widely used in the industry and in our life. It is possible to poison with carbon monoxide at a fire, in garages with bad ventilation, at leakage of illuminating gas, etc. Formaldehyde. Production of some types of plastic means using of formaldehyde, but we can often meet it in producing of materials on the basis of wood shaving. For this reason at the most part of modern furniture there is a formaldehyde. This substance in furniture gets over into the air in quantities, which can be bad for health of the person. That’s why it is recommended to air rooms often. In addition a number of houseplants has ability to absorb formaldehyde from the air environment such as the ivy, chrysanthemum, ficus etc. Aconite is one of the most poisonous plants. It is better not to touch it. Aconite is much more widespread in China. This plant is often used in the Chinese medicine. They use only roots of aconite, subjected to the long boiling, which reduces toxic properties of a plant. In the countries of the East intoxication of aconite arises at the wrong application of traditional cures or at their wrong preparation. Because of big toxicity aconite it isn't applied in the western medicine, but in China it is used widely at various diseases. During work it was established that the person knows, what advantage and what harm poison can do to him; many poisons can be applied in the medicinal purposes. Some substances which are used by the modern person, can become poison and people can’t suspect about it. |
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