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VI. Render the following text in English. Менеджмент – совокупность методов, приемов и средств управления производством. Основная цель менеджмента – достижение высокой эффективности производства, лучшего использования ресурсов предприя-тия, фирмы, компании. Менеджмент – это еще и орган, управляющий компанией. В крупных компаниях существует три уровня менеджеров. Менеджеры высшего звена принимают стратегические решения, разрабатывают долгосрочные планы и координируют деятельность фирмы согласно этим планам. Менеджеры низшего звена обеспечивают выполнение решений и планов, принятых на верхнем уровне, непосредственно в отделах фирмы. На управление компанией, имеющей филиалы в разных странах мира, могут оказывать влияние местные традиции и обычаи. Если в американской фирме распространена матричная система управления, то в любом восточном филиале она не получит одобрения, так как подчиненные не привыкли подчиняться сразу нескольким начальникам. Разумный менеджмент должен быть ориентирован не только на получение прибыли, но и на сохранение окружающей среды. Все большее и большее количество менеджеров осознают важность этого вопроса в современных условиях ведения бизнеса. VII. Topics for discussing.
UNIT 13 ESSENTIAL CLAUSES OF THE CONTRACT I. Read and translate the text. By law contracts are made by Russian foreign trade organizations in writing. When striking a deal, standard contracts are widely used. Standard contracts are not a must. Some articles may be altered and supplemented. Here are some of the items which are part and parcel of any contract: legal title of the contracting parties, subject of the contract, quality, price, delivery and payment terms. Subject This section names the product for sale or purchase. It also indicates the unit of measure generally employed in foreign trade for specific commodities. Contracts for bulk cargo contain a stipulation ‘about’ or ‘plus or minus.., per cent’, denoting the permitted quantity tolerance. Quality The quality of machines and equipment is to be in conformity with the technical specification of the contract. The quality of raw materials and foodstuffs is determined, as a rule, by standards by sample by description. Price The price stated in a contract may be firm, fixed or sliding. Firm price. Firm prices are not subject to change in the course of the fulfillment of the contract. Fixed price. It is the price governing in the market on the day of delivery or for a given period. Sliding prices. These prices are quoted for machinery and equipment which require a long period of delivery. II. Guess the meaning of the following international words. organization, standard, contract, section, product, specific, plus, minus, machine, technical, specification, material, period. III. Give the Russian equivalents for the words from the text. 1) a must; 2) alter; 3) supplement; 4) item; 5) price; 6) in writing; 7) sale; 8) purchase; 9) delivery; 10) payment; 11) subject (n); 12) unit; 13) measure; 14) employ; 15) quantity; 16) permit; 17) equipment; 18) raw; 19) foodstuff; 20) determine; 21) fulfillment. IV. Find in the text the English equivalents for the following word combinations and translate the sentences with them. 1) внешняя торговля; 2) условия поставки и платежа; 3) продукция для продажи или покупки; 4) предмет контракта; 5) допустимое отклонение в количестве; 6) сырье; 7) по описанию; 8) цена, указанная в контракте; 9) в процессе выполнения контракта; 10) цена, установленная на рынке. V. Study and try to memorize the words and word combinations given below.
Find in the text and translate the sentences with the words and word combinations given above. VI. Read the text more carefully and find answers to the following questions. 1. Why are standard contracts widely used? 2. What are the essential items of a contract? 3. What information is contained in different sections of a contract? 4. How is quality determined in a contract? 5. What sort of prices may be indicated in a contract? VII. Render the text in English. UNIT 14 DEFINITIONS AND INTERPRETATIONS I. Read the article from the contract. In the Contract, as hereinafter defined, the following words and expressions shall have the meanings hereby assigned to them except where the context otherwise requires: BUYER means Vneshnetorgovoe Objedinenie “Machinoimport”, an organization formed and existing under the laws of Russia, having its principal business in Moscow, Russia with its legal address as stated in Article 23 of the Contract. SELLER means Liebherr-Verzahntechnik GmbH, an organization formed and existing under the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany, having its principal business in Kempten, Federal Republic of Germany with its legal address as stated in Article 23 of the Contract. BUYER’S REPRESENTATIVE means any person, group of persons or organization whose authority is established by laws of Russia, or shall be notified in writing to Seller by Buyer, or shall be expressly specified in the Contract. SELLER’S REPRESENTATIVE means any person, group of persons, firm, company or organization whose authority shall be notified in writing to Buyer by Seller, or is expressly specified in the Contract. CONTRACT means this particular agreement in writing made between Seller and Buyer for the execution of the works bу Seller, including therein all documents to which reference mау properly bе made in order to ascertain the rights and obligations of the parties under the said agreement, these documents forming expressly аn integral part of this agreement and being duly signed, approved or otherwise formally accepted as such in writing bу or оп behalf of Buyer and Seller bу properly authorized persons. WORKS means all the Goods to bе supplied and work (including services) to bе done bу Seller under the Contract. GOODS means all or аnу part of equipment, machinery, apparatus, materials, articles, Technical Documentation and things of all kinds to bе supplied bу Seller to Buyer under the Contract. TECHNICAL DOCUMENTATION means all drawings, specifications, descriptions and all information in writing to bе supplied bу Seller to Buyеr under the Contract and аnу modification of such documentation approved in writing bу Buyer and such other documentation as mау from time to time, be furnished. WRITING means any manuscript type-written or printed statement. QUICK WEARING PARTS means those Goods to bе supplied bу Seller to bе used as wearing parts for the Goods during the guarantee period. DELIVERY GROUP means а certain part of the Goods which scope of supply, price, delivery date are stipulated in the delivery schedule and to which а trans number is attributed. Depending оn the type of the Goods, а Delivery Group can bе made of оnе main equipment or а part of а main equipment or а certain amount of bulk materials (if аnу). The list of Delivery Groups will bе agreed upon bу Seller and Buyer with delivery schedules. SUPPLIER means а third party supplying the Goods to Seller. ERECTION means а period of time during which Buyer's personеl install the Goods according to Seller's Technical documentation and, if so required by Buyer, under the technical supervision of Seller's specialists оn the site as per Article 17. TRAINING means the activities as described in Article 19 of the Contract. SUPERVISION means the activities as described in Article 17 of the Contract bу Seller's specialists. SPARE PARTS means the Goods to bе supplied bу Seller under the Contract intended to bе used as replacement parts for the subsequent two years of operation after expiration of the guarantee period. ERECTION AND COMMISSIONING PARTS means those goods to be supplied by Seller to be used during erection and commissioning of the Goods. PACKAGE means any single package containing parts of the Goods packed and marked in accordance with Articles 4, 11 and 12 of the Contract. REPAIR SHOP means а complete set of Goods as specified in the contract. Note: В официальном языке, преимущественно в юридических и коммерческих документах, встречаются сложные наречия, образованные из соединения наречий места here, there, и where с различными предлогами: herein, herewith, thereof, therewith, whereof, whereby и др. Сложные наречия, в состав которых входит наречие here, равны по значению сочетанию соответствующего предлога с местоимением this:
Сложные наречия, в состав которых входит местоимение there, равны по значению сочетанию соответствующего предлога с местоимением that:
Сложные наречия, в состав которых входит наречие where, равны по значению сочетанию соответствующего предлога с местоимением which:
II. Translate the sentences with complex adverbs from the article. In the Contract, as hereinafter defined, the following words and expressions shall have the meanings hereby assigned to them except where the context otherwise requires. Contract means this particular agreement in writing made between Seller and Buyer for the execution of the works bу Seller, including therein all documents to which reference mау properly bе made in order to ascertain the rights and obligations of the parties under the said agreement. Note: Shall употребляется со 2-м и 3-м лицом единственного и множественного числа в договорах, контрактах и других документах. В этом случае shall имеет модальное значение, придавая действию в будущем времени оттенок долженствования. В соответствующем русском предложении употребляется будущее время или (чаще)” должен” с инфинитивом. III. Translate the examples with shall from the contract. In the Contract the following words and expressions shall have the meanings hereby assigned to them. Buyer’s representative means any person, group of persons or organization whose authority is established by laws of Russia, or shall be notified in writing to Seller by Buyer, or shall be expressly specified in the Contract. Seller’s representative means any person, group of persons, firm, company or organization whose authority shall be notified in writing to Buyer by Seller. IV. Find in the text constructions noun + Indefinite Infinitive Passive and translate them. Example:
V. Look through the text carefully and find the Russian equivalents for the following word combinations. 1) establish authority; 2) notify in writing; 3) make an agreement for the execution of works; 4) make reference to documents; 5) ascertain rights and obligations of the parties; 6) be duly signed, approved or formally accepted; 7) on behalf of smb.; 8) wearing parts; 9) stipulate scope of supply (price, delivery date); 10) spare parts; 11) expiration of the guarantee period. VI. Join the term and its definition using the text of the contract.
VII. Translate any five definitions with their interpretations into Russian in written form. VIII. Look through the text again and try to memorize the definitions from the contract article given in exercise VI. IX. Read the article from the contract and say what it is about. SUBJECT ОF ТНЕ CONTRACT Seller undertakes in full accordance with this contract: 1. to carry out Engineering for regional and central Repair Shops, consisting of: |
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