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II. a) Find in the text English equivalents for the following words and word combinations.
III. a) Arrange the following verbs in alphabetical order and give their three forms. to store, to buy, to sell, to provide, to transport, to update, to improve, to repair, to install, to service b) Put the verbs in the right form. 1. The goods (to store) now. 2. We (to sell) a number of items this year. 3. Under this agreement the Seller must (to transport) Goods to the Buyer. 4. Our company (to provide) customers with a range of up-to-date computers on a competitive price. 5. My neighbor (to buy) a new car yesterday. 6. The most modern equipment (to install) in this workshop last year. IV. Match the terms with their definitions.
V. Read the text more carefully and answer the following questions.
VI. Complete the following definition of a marketer with the given verbs. design, develop, identify, influence, modify, persuade Marketers have to: (1)…… or anticipate a consumer need; (2)……..a product or service that meets that need better then any competing product or service; (3)…………….target customers to try the product or service, (4) ……….. it to satisfy changes in consumer needs or market conditions. Marketers can (5)………… particular features, attractive packaging, and effective advertising, that will (6) ……… consumers’ wants. VII. Work out your own definition for marketing. UNIT 7 MARKET SEGMENTATION I. Read the text and say why market segmentation is an important tool of marketing. Research is the basic tool of marketing. A marketer must determine what customer needs are. Marketing experts have developed techniques for determining the needs of prospective customers. It is done by way of market segmentation. How can market segmentation be of help to a manager who wants to develop a new product? Every market can be divided into segments or, in other word, into separate groups of consumers. First, there are demographic factors like age, income, educational background, occupation, size of family, type of home, etc. Then there are physiographic factors – the customer’s opinion and interests, hobbies, vacation spots, favorite sports, etc. Then a product is compared with the goods already established in the market by quality and quantity standards. To be success you must be ahead of you competitors. Competition never stops. That is why market segmentation must never stop as well. It should be on a permanent basis. Introduction of a pioneer product can immediately change the composition and number of consumer grouping. The fundamental principles for a marketer are:
Consumer marketing should be based on understanding consumer values, wants and needs. II. a) Find in the text English equivalents for the following words and word combinations.
b) Make sentences of your own to illustrate the use of the word combinations from the above. III. Insert the right preposition where necessary. 1. Research is the basic tool … marketing. 2. Market research may be … help … a manager. 3. Our company is divided … several departments. 4. Our prices are rather competitive compared … those of our competitors. 5. This student has an innovating thinking. He is ahead … the rest of the group in solving this task. 6. Solving this task is based … logical thinking. IV. Match the terms with their definitions.
V. Read the text more carefully and answer the following questions.
VI. Fill in the chart with words and phrases given below. Comment on the chart. Example:
Climate, ethnic origin, size of a company, nationality, region, political beliefs, urban/rural, attitudes to a product, type of company, sex, product performance, awareness of a product. VII. Work out your own definition for market segmentation. UNIT 8 THE FOUR P’S I. Read the text and translate it in written form. There are four principal controllable factors that provide the most effective choice for the consumer - the Four P's: product, price, place and promotion. The owner of a factory manufacturing transportation equipment could produce an economy car, a luxury car, truck, van, tractor, motorcycles and apply different marketing techniques. Place includes location of production and distribution. The place to see your product could be in dealers' showrooms or directly from the factory or from catalogs, direct-mail coupons, even telemarketing with telephone sales people or through computer shopping services. Promotion includes all forms of marketing communication (advertising, direct mail, customer service, image, special events, sales and the product or service itself). Promotion is the most complex thing - how to select and divide your market according to the type of product, its price and where it will be available. Each group of the population has its own values to which you want to make your product appeal. The most controllable of these factors is the first "p". - Product (service). All products and services have what have been traditionally called "product life cycles". The stages of the product life cycle are: introduction, growth, maturity and decline. The length of a product life cycle depends upon the intensity of the competition, extent to which the new product is an innovation, a modification of an existing product, introductory timing of technologically superior products marketing techniques. II. Study and try to memorize the words and word combinations given below.
III. Fill in the blanks in the following sentences using the words from exercise II. 1. The owner of a factory can apply different … to sell these products. 2. Introduction of a new product can immediately change the number of … grouping. 3. Consumer marketing should be based on four principal … . 4. All forms of marketing communication are defined as … . 5. … is the final stage of the product life cycle. 6. Introduction, growth, maturity and decline are the stages of … . 7. Marketing experts have developed advertising as a form of … to show benefits of production. IV. Match the term and its definition.
V. a) Find in the text English equivalents for the following words and word combinations.
b) Make sentences of your own to illustrate the use of the word combinations from the above. VI. a) Arrange the following adjectives in the alphabetical order. Form comparative and superlative degrees. Complex, controllable, successful, competitive, new, different, favorable, difficult, low, high, rapid, efficient b) Open the brackets, using correct form of the adjectives.
VII. Fill the gaps in the sentences with words from the list. Commercials, competes, design, distribution, end-user, hire-purchase, image, labels, mail order, materials, newspaper advertisements, opportunities, outlets, places, posters, price, product promotion, public relations, radio, spots, rival, satisfy, strengths, threats, weakness
VIII. Speak about four P’s. Work out your own definition for each P. IX. Read the text and name the thing to be taken into consideration when entering a new market. X. Read the text more carefully and answer the following questions. 1. What are the controllable factors in marketing? 2. On what does the pricing policy of a firm depend? 3. What is the product life cycle? 4. What can prolong the product life cycle? XI. Imagine some product you want to market. Describe marketing techniques for its promotion based on the fundamental principles of a marketer. UNIT 9 HOW TO WIN A MARKET I. Read and translate the text. If you want to market your product abroad for the first time you will find the task difficult. The international market is highly competitive, with very many manufacturers chasing the same customers. It is very difficult to take business away from current suppliers. To be successful, the newcomer must have a compelling offer to make the customer switch to his product. In business and industrial marketing, there are three compelling things: price, function and source. Price. A lower price can be a tie-breaker. A substantially lower price can be compelling offer. But it does not mean that the order always goes to the lower bidder. The product must always satisfy the function. Function. The product must always perform the function for which it is intended and meet quality standards. However, in a world of rapid technological development customers are always looking for new products that do the job better, faster, more efficiently. Source. A company’s reputation for quality and reliability of delivery are increasingly important. Quality and timely delivery are essential to customers. Purchasing people are primarily interested in price. Engineers are primarily interested in functions. Management is interested in source. Marketing communications, therefore, must be on three levels: our prices are competitive, our products are good or superior, our company is dependable. Each message must be targeted for the right audience and efficiently delivered through the right channel. Articles and advertising in technical and professional publications, trade shows and exhibitions, seminars and symposia, technical and product bulletins – all are the basic tools of the industrial marketer. The extensive use of advertising builds in the minds of consumers the company’s image for quality. If you want to enter a new market you must answer the questions:
II. a) Find in the text English equivalents for the following words and word combinations.
b) Make sentences of your own to illustrate the use of the word combinations from the above. III. Translate sentences paying attention to the use of the infinitive of purpose (to be successful – чтобы быть успешным) 1. Чтобы завоевать рынок, нужно провести маркетинговые исследования. 2. Чтобы быть успешным, новичок должен иметь неотразимое предложение. 3. Чтобы снизить цену, следует модернизировать производство. 4. Важно вовремя доставить товар, чтобы не потерять клиента. 5. Необходимо выбрать правильный метод рекламы, чтобы заинтересовать как можно больше потребителей. IV. Read the text more carefully and answer the following questions.
V. Do you know the following words and phrases from the unit? Cover the right and left columns in turn and check yourself, then your partner.
VI. Render the following text in English. Маркетинг является важным инструментом любого бизнеса. Прежде чем выйти на рынок, следует провести маркетинговые исследования, чтобы определить имеющийся спрос и возможных конкурентов. Существует специальная формула маркетинга, которая состоит из рекламно-пропагандистской деятельности, самого продукта, ценообразования и размещения. Формула маркетинга нацелена на продвижение продукта на рынке аналогичных продуктов, для чего используются различные способы маркетинговой коммуникации (реклама, прямые почтовые рассылки, распродажи, специальные предложения и т. п.) Особое значение имеет возможность определить жизненный цикл продукта, который заключается в создании, производстве, росте сбыта, устойчивом сбыте и неизменном спаде сбыта. Так же важную роль играет ценообразование. Однако не только цена определяет дальнейшее успешное продвижение продукта. Немаловажную роль играют рекламные компании, убеждающие покупателей приобретать продукт. VII. Topics for discussing.
UNIT 10 MANAGEMENT I. Read the text and name the main functions of management. NATURE OF MANAGERIAL WORK In for-profit work, management has as its primary function the satisfaction of a range of interested parties. This typically involves making a profit (for the shareholders), creating products at a reasonable price (for customers), and providing rewarding employment opportunities (for employees). In nonprofit management, the importance of keeping the faith of donors is added. In most models of management, shareholders vote for the board of directors, and the board then hires senior management. The management of a large organisation may have three levels:
Management operates through various functions, often classified as planning, organizing, leading/motivating and controlling. Planning: deciding what needs to happen in the future (today, next week, next month, next year, over the next five years, etc.) and generating plans for action. Organizing: making optimum use of the resources required to enable the successful carrying out of plans. Leading/Motivating: exhibiting skills in these areas for getting others to play an effective part in achieving plans. Controlling: monitoring -- checking progress against plans, which may need modification based on feedback. Public, private, and voluntary sectors place different demands on managers, but all must retain the faith of those who select them (if they wish to retain their jobs), retain the faith of those people that fund the organization, and retain the faith of those who work for the organization. If they fail to convince employees of the advantages of staying rather than leaving, they may tip the organization into a downward spiral of hiring, training, firing, and recruiting. Management also has the task of innovating and of improving the functioning of organizations. II. a) Find in the text English equivalents for the following words and word combinations.
III. Read the sentences and insert prepositions where necessary.
IV. Match the words with their definitions.
V. Read the text more carefully and answer the following questions.
VI. Read the definition of management and fill in the gaps with the words from the box (the first letter of the words is given). controlling directing technical harmonizing human coordinating financial accomplishing natural Management comprises (1)d……………. and (2)c……………. a group of one or more people or entities for the purpose of (3)c……………….. and (4)h…………… them towards (5)a………………. a goal. Management often encompasses the deployment and manipulation of (6)h………… resources, (7)f………….. resources, (8)t…………….resources, and (9)n………….. resources. Management can also refer to the person or people who perform the act(s) of management. VII. Match three levels of management with their functions.
VIII. Work out your own definition of management. UNIT 11 CROSS-CULTURAL MANAGEMENT I. Read the text and say why managing a multinational company is difficult. Managing a truly global multinational company would be much simple if it required only one set of corporate objectives, goals, policies, practices, products and services. But local differences often make this impossible. Companies that want to be successful in foreign markets have to be aware of the local cultural characteristics that affect the way business is done. A cultural divide that has been much studied is the one between the countries, on the one hand, of North America and North-Wear Europe and, on the other hand, the Latin cultures of southern Europe and South America. Management of the first group of countries is based on analysis, rationality, logic and system. In the second group personal relationship, intuition, emotion and sensitivity are of much greater importance. The protestants cultures on both sides of the North Atlantic (Canada, the USA, Britain, the Netherlands, Germany, Scandinavia) are essentially individualist. In such cultures, status has to be achieved. You don’t automatically respect people just because they’ve been in a company for 30 years. In most Latin and Asian cultures, on the contrary, status is automatically accorded to the boss, who is more likely to be in his fifty’s or sixties than in his thirties. Another example of an American idea that does not work in Latin countries is matrix management. The task-oriented logic of matrix-management conflicts with the principle of loyalty to your boss. You can’t have two bosses as well as you can’t have two fathers. II. a) Find in the text English equivalents for the following words and word combinations.
b) Make sentences of your own to illustrate the use of the word combinations from the above. III. Match the words with their definitions.
IV. Read the text more carefully and answer the following questions. 1. What makes managing a multinational company difficult? 2. What must companies that want to be successful in foreign markets be aware of? 3. What is the basic cultural difference between the Latin cultures of southern Europe and South America and that of North America and North-Wear Europe? 4. What does the task-oriented matrix management conflict with in Latin cultures? V. Share your opinion with the class. Multinational companies can either attempt to use similar management methods in all their foreign subsidiaries, or adapt their methods to the local culture in each country. Which procedure do you think is the most efficient? VI. Read about matrix management and fill in the gaps with the words from the box. skills assignments department be assigned managers Matrix management is a type of organizational management in which people with similar (1)………………. are pooled for work (2) ………………... For example, all engineers may be in one engineering (3) ………………. and report to an engineering manager, but these same engineers may (4)…………………. to different projects and report to a project manager while working on that project. Therefore, each engineer may have to work under several (5)……………… to get their job done. UNIT 12 HOW BEING GREEN CHANGES THE WAY MANAGERS WORK I. Read the text and say how sound management may be of help to the environment. Companies that want to be green make large investments in clean technology. Big profitable companies find it easier to be green than small ones. Many small companies are not obeying environmental rules. Companies that take the environment seriously try to change not only their technology, but the way they run themselves too. Often, such changes go hand in hand with improvements in the quality of management. Badly managed companies are seldom kind to the environment: companies that try hard to reduce the damage they do to the environment are usually well managed. A clever manager cares about employees and product quality. He may spend a lot of time and money working on health safety and the environment. If employees see that their manager cares about environment they come up with green ideas of their own. Many companies find that their shop-floor employees and their younger, graduate managers are the strongest advocates of greenery. In some industries the pressure to be green changes links between companies and their customers. Some companies now offer to take back the waste product from their customers and clean it up. Customers, in their turn, are starting to take more interest in their suppliers. They want to be sure that the product they consume is not hazardous. Greenery is also encouraging companies to build links between each other. In Holland the problem of disposing of heavy metals in batteries has led Philips, an electronics group, to join other companies involved in battery manufacture to develop the recycling program. More managers now understand that green regulation is a necessity. II. a) Find in the text English equivalents for the following words and word combinations.
III. Read the text more carefully and answer the questions.
IV. Work out your own definition of the concept “green management”. V. Do you know the following words and phrases from the unit? Cover the right and left columns in turn and check yourself, then your partner.
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