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РОСЖЕЛДОРГосударственное образовательное учреждениевысшего профессионального образования «Ростовский государственный университет путей сообщения» (РГУПС) Л.А.Свиридова, М.М. Сорокина![]() Учебно-методическое пособие по обучению профессионально-ориентированному чтению студентов специальности «Автоматика, телемеханика на железнодорожном транспорте» Ростов-на-Дону2010 УДК 42 + 656.25(07) + 06 Свиридова, Л.А. Учебно-методическое пособие по обучению профессионально-ориентированному чтению студентов специальности «Автоматика, телемеханика на железнодорожном транспорте» / Л.А. Свиридова, М.М. Сорокина; Рост. гос. ун-т путей сообщения. – Ростов н/Д, 2010. – 49 с. Учебно-методическое пособие ставит своей целью ознакомить студентов III курса специальности «Автоматика, телемеханика на железнодорожном транспорте» с основной терминологической лексикой по своей специальности. Иллюстративным материалом для данных методических указаний послужили статьи из научно-популярных и технических журналов США и Великобритании. Тексты снабжены лингвистическими и методическими комментариями, а так же лексическими и грамматическими упражнениями. В текстах употребляется лексика, как в британском, так и в американском варианте английского языка. Рецензент канд. пед. наук, доц. М.Н. Черкасова (РГУПС) Ростовский государственный университет путей сообщения, 2010 LESSON ONE Text 1. Railway Operation Processes Read and translate the text: Today, there is hardly any field of technology in which the difference between national rules and procedures are as great as in railway operation and signalling. Of course, the very basic principles of how a railway works are the same everywhere. However, operating procedures differ significantly between different countries or regions worldwide. There are not only differences in some details but in fundamental terms, definitions and procedures. As a result, a lot of railway education and training concentrates on the national rules. The same is true for knowledge presented in textbooks and other learning materials. One of our objectives is to provide generic knowledge on railway signalling that does not concentrate on the rules of a single country or region. Despite the differences between the operating procedures of various national railway systems, there are three basic operating philosophies in running a railway that have influenced railway operation worldwide. These are:
Some countries follow one of these three philosophies in a quite pure form, while other countries use a specific mix oа several systems or added national peculiarities. The British system is used in Great Britain and Ireland, in all countries of the Commonwealth with the exception of Canada, and in several South American countries. The German system is used in the German-speaking countries, in Luxembourg, in Eastern Europe, in the Balkan countries and Turkey. The North American system is used in the USA, in Canada and in Mexico. The railways of these three countries have achieved a very high level of harmonization. Today the whole of North America has a uniform railway system with a high degree of standardization. Typical «mixed systems» are: - The railways of Western Europe, with the exception of Luxembourg, show influence both from the British and from the German system. French railways also developed specific characteristics that can only be found there. After World War II the railways of the Netherlands adopted selected principles from North American operation and signalling. - The railways in Scandinavia mainly follow South African operating principles. The interlocking systems developed in these countries show also some influence from British signalling technology. - The South African railways were originally based on the British principles. However in the field of interlocking systems South Africa has moved towards German principles. - The operating rules of the railways of the Russian Federation and of the countries of the former Soviet Union are mainly influenced by German principles. However in the field of signalling these railways adopted a lot of ideas from North America and Britain. - As part of the Commonwealth, the railways in Australia and New Zealand have followed the British system. However, there is an increasing influence from North America. - The railways of China originally started with the British system. Later they adopted a lot of principles from the former Soviet railways but tried to combine them with traditional British principles. Ex. 1. Answer the following questions to the text: 1 Are the very basic principles of how a railway works the same everywhere? 2 How do operating procedures differ between different countries or regions worldwide? 3 What are three basic operating philosophies in running a railway? 4 Where is each of the systems used? 5 How can you explain the term «mixed systems»? Ex. 2. Practice the reading of the following words and phrases: department, automatic train operation, principle, signaling and telecommunications, color light signals, diagram, circuit, route-setting panel, dispatcher's office, switch, centralized traffic control, graphical depiction, train’s location, operating instructions, rail crew, requirement, the whole section, single control center, prove, station approach, track circuit, technology; trunk line, up-to-date electronic equipment, digital computer. Ex. 3. Match English words and phrases with their Russian equivalents:
Ex. 4. Read and translate the following sentences into Russian: 1. The freight train was 20 minutes delayed. 2. The train will be stopped at the station approach. 3. All railroad switches are controlled from the centralized train dispatcher's office. 4. The engineer is studying the operation of the track-circuit. 5. The track diagram is displayed on the console. 6. Automatic train operation was introduced on this line 5 years ago. 7. Monorails have become a conventional means of public carrier. 8. Much time is saved thanks to constant and direct communication. 9. The number of cars is changed according to traffic requirements. 10. Under Centralized Traffic Control all train movements ate governed from a central point. Ex. 5. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense form and translate the sentences into Russian: 1. Centralized traffic control (to provide – Present Simple Active) fast communication of information. 2. Nowadays train operation on busy sections of trunk lines (to control – Present Simple Passive) from a single control center. 3. The new railway (to prove –Past Simple Active) more profitable in comparison with conventional ones. 4. Regulation of speed (to handle – Present Simple Passive) automatically by means of automatic train operation. 5. Signaling (to set – Present Simple Active) the route by a database containing the working timetable. 6. We (to leave – Past Simple Active) our car in the station approach. 7. They (to develop – Present Perfect Active) a number of new electronic devices to provide safe high-speed traffic. 8. There (to be – Present Simple Active) a wide network of railways in our country. 9. The departure of the train just (to delay – Present Perfect Passive) because of the accident. 10. They (to finish – Past Perfect Passive) the tests by the end of the week. Ex. 6. Read and translate the following sentences paying attention to the negatives: 1. The early railways were not like the railways we have today. 2. No modern railway uses steam locomotives. 3. No automatic system operates without electricity. 4. Underground railways are affected by the weather. 5. The first railways had no signaling. 6. In the 19th century many people didn’t believe that it was possible to make locomotives suitable foe service. 7. Automatic train operation needs no signalmen.8. They were not told about the changes in the time-table. 9. These data can’t be relied on. 10. Unfortunately, nothing came of his invention. Ex. 7. Use the Passive Voice instead of the Active Voice. Translate the sentences from English into Russian: 1. At present railways widely use up-to-date electronic equipment. 2. They are building a new high-speed line in this region. 3. Many engineers objected to the project of this suburban railway. 4. The problem of high speeds involves a great number of problems. 5. Electromagnetic attraction forces will lift the vehicle 10 – 15 mm above the track. 6. Since 1980 railway engineers have developed a system of more reliable communication of information. 7. By 2009 they hadn’t carried out the modernization of the switching yard yet. 8. The numerous safety devices locate any fault immediately. 9. Students are doing a lot of work to get ready for their English exam. 10. Engineers have tested the newly developed control system in the Underground. Ex. 8. Using the given words, write sentences with the Infinitive of Purpose, translate them into Russian. Example: to go Moscow/ to visit the Red Square. → I went to Moscow to visit the Red Square. 1) to use new methods/to increase the railway efficiency; 2) to install floor equipment/ to pick up signals; 3) to study at the University/ to become a specialist; 4) to go to England / to master English; 5) to build a bridge/ to shorten the way between two cities; 6) to form a dispatcher's office/ to control railroad switches; 7) to give a sound signal/ to avoid the accident; 8) to go to the library/ to write a report; 9) to approach the building/ to take a photo; 10) to take driving lessons / to get a driving license. Text 2. Basic Principles of Railway Signaling Read and translate the text: No department of railways has been more developed by modern technology than signaling and telecommunications. Color light signals, electrical operation of signals and points, track-circuiting, route-setting panel control, automatic train operation, computer-based centralized traffic control (CTC) – these are the basic elements of up-to-date signaling. The method of operating long railway lines by CTC began in the USA in 1927. Centralized traffic control (CTC) is a signalling system used by railroads. The system consists of a centralized train dispatcher's office that controls railroad switches in the CTC territory and the signals that railroad engineers must obey in order to keep the traffic moving safely and smoothly across the railroad. In the dispatcher's office there is a graphical depiction of the railroad on which the dispatcher can keep track of trains' locations across the territory that the dispatcher controls. Larger railroads may have multiple dispatchers’ offices and even multiple dispatchers for each operating division. In general, most railroads had their own set of operating instructions with respect to how trains were to operate over their system. In some cases a rail crew might operate on a foreign carrier's lines, and would be required to also know their rules. To ease this situation, a number of railroads would use a «consolidated code», or set of common operating instructions that were the same for all of the railroads using those. The principle is that at the central point the operator has a diagram showing him where every train is and he can control the whole section of the line – possibly of two or three hundred miles – from his control console. The operator can see and control the overall track circuit. On modern railways the main line and station approaches are controlled from a single control center to provide regular traffic and avoid delays. To control a whole trunk line from one place a single control centre was first introduced in Japan, on the New Tokaido Line. The entire line between Tokyo and Osaka is wholly controlled from the general control center located in Tokyo. It’s well-known that conventional CTC uses conventional relays. Practical railway experience shows that it takes much time to transmit information therefore the Japanese National Railways have developed a new system using transistors and diodes. This system proves to be more reliable; besides that it is more economical because it helps to save time: it takes about one second to scan indications for all tracks. At present up-to-date electronic equipment including a digital computer is widely used to automate train operation and to improve the quality of railway service. Ex. 9. Search the text for the English equivalents of the following Russian phrases: Отделение железной дороги; состоит из; должны подчиняться; для того чтобы; графическое изображение; может отслеживать местонахождение поездов; инструкция по эксплуатации; с учетом; чтобы облегчить ситуацию; принцип заключается в том, что …; весь участок линии; требуется много времени, чтобы …; надежный; улучшить качество перевозок. Ex. 10. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English: 1. Введение диспетчерской централизации обеспечивает безопасность железнодорожных перевозок. 2. Для гарантии безопасного управления поездом устанавливают систему скоростной авторегулировки. 3. Поезд прошел маршрут без задержек. 4. Сигнализация применяется для контроля и регулировки движения поездов. 5. Оборудование поездов этой системой позволит повысить пропускную способность линии. 6. Система управления стрелками и сигналами из одного пункта называется централизацией стрелок и сигналов. 7. Диспетчер в центре управления получает полную информацию о движении поезда по участку. 8. Диспетчер должен контролировать автоматическое управление поездом. Для этого он использует радиосвязь и может общаться как с машинистом, так и c дежурным по станции (yard master). LESSON TWO Text 1. Mixed Systems Read and translate the text: Regarding signaling principles, German railways developed specific interlocking and block principles that cannot be found in countries that do not follow the German principles. These differences which influence railway operation and signaling significantly even today have their roots in the nineteenth century. With the construction of the first railway lines, a period of experimenting started in which basic knowledge on the limits of the new system had to be gained. This period which ended at about 1870 was followed by a three decades known as the «Founding Years of Railway Signalling». During that time, with the exception of automatic train protection all basic principles of railway operation and signaling were developed. These principles are still used today. However, the period was also the start of separate development of the German railway signaling which more and more departed from the British signaling philosophy. The development was closely connected to two fundamental inventions in railway signaling that occurred at about the same time. Those inventions were the track circuit (William Robinson, 1871) and the interlocked block instrument (Carl Frischen, 1872). From that time on, the development of German signaling was significantly influenced by the use of interlocked block instruments. Block instruments of that type were not only used for safe train separation with the positive locking of signals but also for irreversible electric route locking and other purposes. These instruments must not be confused with the British block instruments (e.g. instruments invented by Edward Tyer and others). They were never used on railways that didn’t follow the German operating and signaling principles. From the time on, German signaling was based on the principle that a locking produced at one station can’t be released by that station, but only by electric action from a corresponding station or by automatic action of the moving train. Ex. 1. Answer the following questions to the text: 1 What principles did German railways develop? 2 When did the differences which influence railway operation and signaling have their roots in? 3 What was developed in the decades known as the «Founding Years of Railway Signalling»? 4 What were the two fundamental inventions of that period? 5 What were block instruments used for? 6 What principle was German signaling based on? Ex. 2. Practice the reading of the following words and phrases: Signaling principles, interlocking, a period of experimenting, basic knowledge, decades, with the exception of, train protection, philosophy, fundamental inventions, track circuit, interlocked block instrument, irreversible. Ex. 3. Read and translate the sentences paying attention to modal verbs: 1. In the future the operation of railways should be turned into a fully computerized branch of the national economy. 2. Numerous calculations had to be made while designing the new interlocking system. 3. These differences must be taken into account. 4. You can read about all basic principles of railway operation and signaling in his new book. 5. These two instruments must not be confused. Ex. 4. Use the Passive Voice with the modal verbs instead of the Active Voice as in the example: You must check the system carefully. – The system must be checked carefully. 1. High-speed trains should service all main lines. 2. The secretary must send this important message by fax. 3. Rapid growth of traffic volume can stipulate the development of new signaling systems. 4. You can translate this text without a dictionary. 5. Your relatives must view this situation from a different point. 6. The engineers must discuss the design of the new train in details. 7. You should listen to the advice of the specialist. 8. Visitors could see the newly developed equipment at the exhibition. Ex. 5. Match English words and phrases with their Russian equivalents:
Ex. 6. A. Form new words with the prefix re-, meaning «to do again», as for example, to write – to rewrite – писать – переписать and translate them into Russian: to cycle, to use, to build, to produce, to consider, to model, to construct, to open, to read, to calculate, to appraise, to organize, to design. B. Match the verbs in the left column with the nouns in the right column and translate the word combinations:
Ex. 7. Form new words with the prefix de- meaning «to reduce, to reverse», as for example, to code – to decode – кодировать, шифровать – расшифровывать, and translate them into Russian: to activate, to magnetize, to energize, to modulate, to bug, to escalate, to centralize, to grade, to mobilize, to nominate, to rail. Translate the following sentences into Russian: 1. This branch of industry will be decentralized. 2. In the traffic accident the train car was derailed. 3. To ensure the safety of the workers the circuit was de-energized. 4. You have to calculate demagnetization force. 5. Out-of-date equipment should be deactivated. 6. We were not able to decode these strange signals. 7. Decoupling is a process of shorting unwanted signals to earth. 8. A special electronic device called a demodulator is used for the purpose of separating a signal from its carrier wave. 9. We called for a specialist to debug the programme. 10. They had to acknowledge the degradation of data accuracy. Ex. 8. Choose the correct tense form of Continuous: either Active or Passive. The first one is done for you. 1. When I came to Baku in 1962 the first Metro line (was building / was being built). 2. My friends (are traveling / are being traveled) to the Far East these days. Meanwhile, the flowers in their garden (are being watered / are watered) by their mother. 3. They (are installing / are being installed) new up-to-date equipment in the laboratory. 4. What (was being displayed / was displaying) at the International Transport exhibition when you visited it? 5. The experiments (are being conducted / are conducting) with some types of signals. 6. I think we (are following / are being followed) by a strange-looking man. 7. On Thursday the foreign students (were being shown / were shown) lecture halls of our University. 8. He (was debugging / was being debugged) the programme when I arrived. 9. How fast (were you driving / were you being driven) when the accident happened? 10. He (was explaining / was being explained) the scheme of track circuit when I entered the room. Text 2. Signaling Technology Read and translate the text: Railway signalling is a system used to control railway traffic safely, essentially to prevent trains from colliding. Signaling technology has undergone the same revolution as telecommunications. Powerful computers and rapid information exchange techniques gave way to sophisticated signaling systems. The abilities of the newly developed signaling systems have allowed on-board computers to provide much more necessary information for a driver which was impossible some years ago. On the one hand, the cost of providing continuous data exchange between track and train can be high. On the other hand, up-to-date signaling systems help to save time which is of great importance for train operation. Secure coding of information has increased the effectiveness of intermittent ATC and the quantity of the processed data. Automatic Train Control (ATC) is a train protection system for railways, ensuring the safe and smooth operation of trains on ATC-enabled lines. Its main advantages include making possible the use of cab signaling instead of track-side signals, and the use of smooth deceleration patterns in lieu of the rigid stops encountered with the older ATC technology. ATC can also be used with Automatic Train Operation (ATO). There are several implementations and versions of ATC, and each is different. It is especially common in Japan, where ATC is used on all Shinkansen (bullet train) lines. In Japan, ATC has been introduced on various lines as a replacement for ATS. ATC systems in the United States are almost always integrated with existing continuous cab signalling systems. The ATC comes from electronics in the locomotive that implement some form of speed control based on the inputs of the cab signalling system. If the train speed exceeds the maximum speed allowed by the cab signals an over speed alarm sounds in the cab. If the driver fails to reduce speed and/or make a brake application to reduce speed a penalty brake application is made automatically. Due to the more sensitive train control issues with freight trains, ATC is almost exclusively applied to passenger locomotives in both inter-city and commuter service with freight trains making use of cab signals without speed control. Introduction of ATC is important from economic point of view. It’s quite clear that no modern railway can exist without ATC. Nevertheless, introduction of this system is a rather complicated task. As we know many more high-speed railway lines are being constructed, more and more trains are being designed and produced specially for cross-border operation. All this makes operators’ work more responsible and nervous. New up-to-date ATC facilities must be installed, and their design, manufacture and installation require great expenses. But this work must be done, because to benefit from ATC system railways are to use it throughout their networks. Ex. 9. Search the text for the English equivalents of the following Russian phrases: Контролировать безопасность железнодорожных перевозок; претерпела те же самые изменения; уступили место сложным системам сигнализации; бортовые компьютеры; с одной стороны …, с другой стороны; обеспечение непрерывного обмена информацией; помогают экономить время; надежное кодирование информации; использование принципов постепенного снижения скорости; с которыми сталкивались; реализация; общепринятый; были введены в действие на различных линиях; основанный на входящих сигналах; превышает максимально допустимую скорость; не сможет снизить скорость; применяется исключительно для …; как …, так и …; с экономической точки зрения; достаточно сложная задача; пограничные перевозки; делает работу более ответственной и нервной; новое современное оборудование; требуют больших затрат. Ex. 10. Answer the following questions to the text in written form: 1 What was the result of introduction of powerful computer equipment? 2 What are the main functions of sophisticated signaling systems? 3 Was it possible for a driver to receive all the necessary information some years ago? 4 Is it expensive to provide continuous data exchange between track and train? 5 Where are various components of ATC being applied? 6 Do you think that safety is a political question? Can you give any reasons? 7 Why is introduction of ATC important from economic point of view? 8 Is introduction of ATC an easy task? 9 Is an operator’s work responsible and nervous? 10 Why is it vital to introduce automatic train control? LESSON THREE Text 1. The Development of Signaling Technology Read and translate the text: As a big difference, the development of signaling technology in North America was mainly driven by the invention of the track circuit. The introduction of the automatic block systems had already started in the nineteenth century; interlocked manual block systems with block instruments were never used. In North America automatic block systems, block signals are directly controlled by track circuits without an overlaid locking procedure. This even allowed the wiring of automatic block systems through turnouts, in a way that throwing the points will reset the protecting automatic block signal to stop but without locking the points by a cleared signal. These non-interlocked points on automatic block lines require following specific rules to ensure safe train operations. Beside automatic block systems, track circuits were used quite early on interlocking systems. While in Europe visual track clear detection by the local operator was common practice and can still be found today in old installations, track clear detection by track circuits became a standard safety feature in North America from the beginning of the twenties century. Even in mechanical interlocking systems, the need for visual track clear detection was abolished. Track circuits were not only used for track clear detection when clearing a signal, they were also used for electric route locking. Instead of the German philosophy of using block instruments of a similar kind as developed for the interlocked manual block systems also for electric route locking and release, electric route locking was effected by electric lever locks controlled by track circuits. This led to the principle of approach locking which became a standard feature of all interlocking systems in the English-speaking world. When the first railways were built, sufficient means of communication for traffic control did not exist. Traffic was controlled by the timetable, using the principle of time spacing (also called time interval working) for train separation. This situation changed with the invention of the electric telegraph. However, from this point the development of railways in Europe went into a direction completely different from the railways in North America. In the early 1870s after the invention of the electric telegraph, train separation based on fixed block sections became the standard form of operation on all European railways. Ex. 1. Answer the following questions to the text: 1 What was the development of signaling technology in North America driven by? 2 When did the introduction of the automatic block systems start? 3 How are automatic block systems and block signals controlled in North America? 4 Track circuits were used quite early on interlocking systems, weren’t they? 5 How were track circuits used? 6 What became a standard feature of all interlocking systems in the English-speaking world? 7 What changed the situation when the traffic was controlled by the timetable? 8 When did the train separation based on fixed block sections become the standard form of operation on all European railways? Ex. 2. Practice the reading of the following words and phrases: Signaling technology, track circuit, automatic block system, manual, overlaid locking procedure, wiring, to require specific rules, visual, common practice, safety feature, electric lever locks, sufficient means of communication. Ex. 3. Form new words with the suffix -er (-or) meaning «a performer of action», as for example, to code – a coder – кодировать – кодирующее устройство, and translate them into Russian: To generate, to distribute, to cool, to operate, to consume, to drive, to invent, to start, to use, to point, to develop, to interlock, to detect. Translate the following sentences into Russian: 1. The operator controlled the automatic route setting. 2. This month they have put into operation a new generator car. 3. The engineer is studying the technical specifications of the interlocker. 4. To meet the consumers’ requirements they introduced a more flexible service system. 5. Alfred Nobel is known to be the inventor of dynamite. 6. These detectors are to be installed along the route. 6. The computer programme provides for emergency situation in order to instruct the driver how to avoid accidents. 7. The coder handles the received information in no seconds. 8. We’ll have to replace the starter battery. Ex. 4. Put the, a(n) or – (no article) in each blank. Translate the sentences into Russian: 1. I hope that you will adopt … latest methods used by … our foreign colleagues. 2. In 1964 … world’s fastest Shinkansen trunk line was put into … service. 3. Many years ago … railways were … object of … public criticism. 4. Tony wanted … his mother’s … advice and … support, but not her interference. 5. … speed has always been … highly desirable goal for … engineers in their attempt to perfect … existing means of … railway transport. 6. Everybody knows that … word «CAUTION» on … back of … TV set means that you must be particularly careful with this apparatus. Ex. 5. Match English words and phrases with their Russian equivalents:
Ex. 6. Read and translate the following sentences into Russian: 1. The electric current changing constantly the direction of its flow is known as the alternating current. 2. A derailment is an accident on a railway in which a train leaves the rails, which can result in damage, injury, and death. 3. Alarm indication signal (AIS) is a signal transmitted by an intermediate element of a multi-node transport circuit. 4. Thanks to the radio the danger of train collisions has been substantially decreased. 5. This company is a leading manufacturer of wire-wound precision electronic components specializing in relay coils. 6. The current was fed through a running rail. 7. This device has been developed to provide various interlocking functions. 8. With a crossover, a train on either of two parallel tracks can switch to the adjacent track. |
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Учебно-методическое пособие для студентов пм. 04.(07.) «Выполнение... Учебно-методическое пособие составлено в соответствии с требованиями Федерального Государственного образовательного стандарта по... |
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Учебно-методическое пособие санкт-Петербург 2009г. Автор: Г. П. Подвигин... Учебно-методическое пособие предназначено для должностных лиц, специалистов го и рсчс организаций |
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Учебно-методическое пособие Кемерово 2015 г. Согласовано: кроо «памск» Учебно-методическое пособие предназначено для студентов стоматологического факультета, гигиенистов стоматологических со средним медицинским... |
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Федеральное государственное образовательное учреждение Высшего профессионального... Вакуумный практикум: Учебно-методическое пособие. Ростов-на-Дону, 2008. 55с |
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