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concerned I данный, рассматриваемый, involved j о котором идет речь The problem concerned is of great significance. 38 I i k'uions ion",11;an ; '■.'■,n arc 'ч motion. 2. Being heated the subsumcc began to glow.
:> I ollow ing the inetuocl iuui'ved we "bund i*. to be effective. 6. Having been separated from a mixture the substance was investigated under the microscope. "I When heated to a high temperature in a vacuum a metal gives off tree electrons. 8. flic results obtained agree with those oredicted by the theory. WORD AND PHRASE STUDY V ! -able/'-We - Л to measure ^-ablc = measurable • \'-'or rJjc'.'th>. * from Hie following verbs using -ahle/-ible and translate them into Kussian. naslu disiiuuubh, suit, reduce, compare.approach, move, convert,achieve, fission, attach READING (5A) • Read the passage and answer the question: What scientific discoveries made scientists change their attitude to the problems concerned with the Universe origin? THE UNIVERSE ORIGIN The puzzle oft he birth and deaths of the Universe is one of the most exciting problems in science comparable in importance with the puzzle of the origin of life. According to the hot big bang theory which is widely accepted by astronomers today, the Universe was born at some time / = 0, about 15 billion years ago, in a state of infinitely high temperature and infinite energy density. I he fireball expanded and cooled, with its energy being converted into particles that gave rise to the material from which all the stars and planets were built. Cosmologists have been able ш.sketch the broad outlines ofthe evolution of the Universe from the fireball slate to the present day. The resulting standard model of the Universe is only some twenty years old: in the mid 1960s, the discovery ofthe cosmic microwave background radiation finally convinced astronomers and physicists that there really was a big bang. It was in 1965 that Arno Pcnziasand Robert Wilson, at the Bell Research Laboratories, discovered this weak radio noise with a temperature of about 3K that seems to fill the entire Universe. It was soon explained as a relict ofthe fireball which the Universe was born out of. But although the outlines of the standard model seemed satisfactory, there were some remaining problems which bothered many cosmologists during the 1970s. The most important of these problems were: The singularity problem. The state of infinite density and zero volume at time t = 0 is called a singularity. One may wonder what was there before the singularity? — or putting it another way, where did the singularity come from? What is the origin ofthe Universe? The standard model of cosmology in the 1960s and 1970s made no attempt to answer this question, but started out from a state of very high energy density a fraction of a second after the moment of creation. The flatness problem. According to the general theory of relativity, developed by Albert Einstein, the geometry of our Universe may be different from the Euclidean geometry of flat space. The Universe may be open in which case parallel lines diverge from one another, or it may be closed in the way that the surface of a sphere is closed, so that parallel lines cross one another like the meridian lines on a globe ofthe Earth. All the observational evidence is that our Universe is very close to being flat. A question arises -- why is our Universe so flat? The homogeneity problem and the problem of galaxies. Astronomical observations also show that our Universe is homogeneous on very large scales — matter is distributed evenly through the Universe. The Universe is also isotropic; on the large scale, it looks the same in all directions. The size ofthe observable Universe is about 10** cm. On this scale, the deviations of the density of matter from a perfectly smooth distribution amount to no more than one part in 10,000. However, on smaller scales, the Universe is not homogeneous. It contains galaxies made up of stars, clusters of galaxies, and supcrgalaxies. What small disturbances in the early history of the Universe could have produced these minor inhomogeneities in an otherwise very smooth Universe У The problem of the dimensionality of spacetime. There is a great deal of interest among mathematicians today in the possibility that space may have more than three dimensions. *ln the most interesting of these models, space has ten dimensions (the 1 Ith is for time), all but three of which have been "compacted", shrunk into thin tubes. But why should the compactification have stopped with three effective space dimensions, not two, or five, or some other number? All these problems (and some others which are not given here) seemed for a long time more metaphysical than physical puzzles for philosophers, not scientists to debate. *Most physicists did not take the problems seriously, accepting that science might never find ultimate answers to such questions, or, at least, not for a very longtime. If the standard model of cosmology could explain 15 billion years of cosmic evolution, there was no great concern that the theory couid not explain what happened during the first millisecond. But in recent years, the attitude of physicists toward these metaphysical problems has changed radically. This shift in attitude began when physicists studying the interactions ofthe elementary particles began to develop theories of the way particles interact under conditions of very high energy densities, like those in the big bang.
CLASSWORK READING (5B) • Before reading the passage, read its headline and say what you know about the problem. Discuss the problem with your partners. Then read the passage and find the facts supporting your ideas. HOW MANY DIMENSIONS EXIST? It is usually taken for granted that there arc three dimensions of space and a single dimension of time. That is, any event that occurs anywhere in the universe can be assigned a location in space using three coordinates and a location in time using one. *But physicists and mathematicians have studied hypothetical worlds in which more or fewer dimensions exist, and so questions arise as to whether the usual belief about our world is strictly correct, and if so, whether we can find any reason for it being true. For example, we might consider the possibility that there are really four dimensions of space, but that for some reason, all ofthe phenomena that we usually observe have the same value for one of the space coordinates. It has been known for a century that if the dimensionality of space were other than three, and if free motion were possible in all ofthe dimensions in (he same way, then some of the known laws of physics would not obtain. Newton's inverse square law for the force of gravity is one such. This argument gives additional evidence that space is in fact three-dimensional, but does not explain why this is so. *Furthermore, it does not rule out the possibility that our world has more than the expected number of dimensions, but that most phenomena are restricted in how they can vary in the extra dimension. Our approach to the question is to consider how spaces and times with different numbers of dimensions might behave. For example, one might find that the dimensionality of space and lime can itself undergo evolution, and that the values familiar to us are the present result of that evolution. Such an approach woulc involve relations between the number of dimensions and other physical quantities such as the temperature of the universe Through these relations, the dimensionality would be detei mined by these other quantities. Since dimensionality is usually taken to be a whole number, it might not be possible for a dimension to disappear through evolution. *Instcad, what might happen through evolution is that some extra dimensions could become suppressed in comparisons with others. Our present picture of the expansion of the universe makes this idea much more plausible than it was once. Since everything was once much closer together than it is now, we can imagine that there arc indeed more dimensions than we think. The expansion of the universe may have taken place asymmetrically, so that in one of the dimensions there has been little or no expansion, and the scale of distances in that dimension would still be as small as it was at the beginning of the universe. If this idea is correct, it would mean that there really are more than the familiar number of dimensions. *// is intriguing to think that it might be possible to find some technological means to find and study the usually inaccessible dimensions. Very likely ноте phenomena would be different in a universe with more than four dimensions, even if there were no symmetry between the different dimensions. It would be of great interest to identify such phenomena and to sec if they can be observed. Theoretical investigations have shown that if the general theory of relativity is set up in a space-time of more than lour dimensions, and if the extents of the extra dimensions are made small and connected like a cylinder, then the resulting theory describes not only gravity, but also elect romagnetism and other fields that have been introduced to describe subatomic particles. The extra dimensions in this case arc associated not with space and time, but with the internal symmetries. Physicists arc actively trying to unite space-time symmetries and internal symmetries in this way. If other dimensions do exist, we would still want to account for the precise number through some more basic principles. In the type of theory just described, the total number of dimensions would be related through an internal symmetry to the number of quantum fields that exist. But wc should still need to understand why precisely four dimensions have expanded while the others remained small. The question of the dimensionality of space-time is ripe for more serious investigation. • Divide your English group into two parts. One half of the group reads the text to find the arguments in favour of the three-dimensional space, the other finds all the suppositions in favour of the more number of dimensions of space. Facts Suppositions
HOMEWORK (to be done in writing) 1. Translate some sentences paying attention to following and followed.
2. Translate the following sentences into English using the Participle.
UNIT SIX GRAMMAR: THE ABSOLUTE PARTICIPIAL CONSTRUCTION 1. S + Participle; S + Predicate так как, когда, если, послетого как... All preparations having been made, Когда все приготовления были they started the experiment. сделаны, они начали экспери- мент. 2. S + Predicate; S + Participle ... причем, а, и Hydrogen is the simplest substance, Водород является простейшим atoms of all other elements having веществом, а атомы других a more complex structure. веществ имеют более сложную структуру. Примечание: Иногда незанисимый причастный оборот вводится предлогом with. Обороты такого типа в начале предложения переводятся придаточным предложением с союзами: теперь, когда; при условии, когда; так как; а в конце предложения — самостоятельным предложением с союзами а, и, при этом. With the experimentsltearrietf out, Когда опыты были завершены, они they started new investigations. начали новые исследования. • Sentences to be translated.
WORD AND PHRASE STUDY whether conj. — ли (относится к последующему глаголу) whether ... or (not) — независимо от того + ли (относится к глаголу) as to whether — относительно того + л и (относится к глаголу) Translate the sentences into Russian. Pay attention to the conjunction whether which corresponds to the Russian ли. Begin translation with the predicate. Model: We are not sure whether this hypothesis is true. Мы не уверены, верна ли эта гипотеза.
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