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Part II.
THE UNIVERSE PUZZLE UNIT FOUR GRAMMAR: FUNCTIONS OF THE INFINITIVE Инфинитив в функции определения стоит после определяемого существительного и выражае i'действие еще не реализованное, возможное или необходимое, которое подлежит осуществлению в будущем. На русский язык обычно переводится придаточным предложением, сказуемое которого имеет значение долженствования, будущего времени или возможности The experiments to be made will help us a lot. Эксперименты, которые необходимо провести, очень помогут нам. Примечание: Инфинитив в функции определения, стоящий после слон: the first, the last, the next (the first to invent..., the last to use...), может не иметь модального оттенка и переводится глаголом в личной форме и том времени, и котором стоит сказуемое английского предложения. Не was the first to come. — Он пришел первым. Но It was the first problem to be solved. Это была первая проблема, которую необходимо было решить. • Translate into Russian.
WORD AND PHRASE STUDY V+ -ance/-ence = N emerge + -ence = emergence • Think of verbs corresponding to the following nouns and translate them into Russian. existence, coalescence, conductance, reference, difference, resistance, correspondence READING (4A) • First survey the block-scheme of the problem discussed in the passage 4A below. Voids i dark clouds of dust and gas, I v invisible matter i empty space The Universe i y Problems I Emergence of the Universe Distribution of matter Chemical composition Life in the Universe matter/energy -I Hypotheses **. I Y ±L Big Bang i Age characteristics I Structure of cosmic systems Superclustcrs ! Y clusters i galaxies i stellar systems I stars/planets/ satellites time space Investigation tools — Telescopes i X-ray astronomy i Spectroscopy (red-shift law) i Radioastronomy I Y Optical astronomy i Sensitive detectors I etc. SUPERCLUSTERS AND VOIDS IN THE DISTRIBUTION OF GALAXIES Rcd-shifl surveys of selected regions ofthe sky have established the existence of at least three enormous superclusters of galaxies. The surveys also reveal that huge volumes of space are quite empty. Astronomers and cosmologists are much preoccupied these days with explaining the emergence and distribution of aggregates of matter in the universe. I low soon after the big bang, the presumed explosion of the primordial atom some 10 to 20 billion years ago, did matter begin to coalesce into the stars and galaxies we see today? Assuming that matter was more or less evenly dispersed before coalescence began, is the universe on the grand scale uniformly populated today by stellar aggregates of one kind or another? Recent observations by several groups of astronomers arc helping to answer these questions. Large-scale surveys have verified the existence of superclusters of galaxies: organized structures composed of multiple clusters of galaxies. Each cluster, in turn, may consist of hundreds or thousands of individual galaxies. Although the existence of superclusters has long been conjectured, their confirmation has been accompanied by at least one major surprise: equally large regions of space contain no galaxies at all. Superclusters arc so vast that individual membergalaxies moving at random velocities cannot have crossed more than a fraction of a supercluster's diameter in the billions of years since the galaxies came into being. Evidently, superclusters offer an insight into evolutionary history that is simply not obtainable with smaller systems. At scales smaller than those of superclusters the original distribution of matter is smeared out by evolutionary "mixing". Astronomers hope that an understanding ofthe largest structures in the universe will clarify the processes that give rise to structures of all dimensions, ranging downward from galaxies to stars and planets. It is impossible to determine who first conceived the idea that clusters of galaxies might be members of still larger aggregates, namely superclusters. As one reads old technical papers on extragalactic astronomy one is struck by the similarities between the speculations of 50 years ago and the better-understood concepts of today. What our immediate predecessors lacked were the observational tools that have finally provided the evidence to substantiate some of the early speculations. Although observations in the X-ray, ultraviolet, infrared and radio regions ofthe electromagnetic spectrum have opened exciting new windows on the universe, it is fair to say that the most important information for cosmology has been collected by telescopes that gather visible and near-visible light. by Stephen A. Gregory and Laird A. Thompson '1 1 .. И. Ky|lHlllh,UH 33 » Find English equivalents for the following Russian phrases. исконное (первоначальное) ядро; в грандиозном масштабе; широкомасштабные обзорные наблюдения; сверхскоплении (сверхсистемы) честно говоря;... позволяют понять историю эволюции; процессы, которые порождают...; "большой взрыв". • Get ready to answer these questions.
• Match each word in column I with its 1 emergence, to presume, to verify, to conjecture, at random, to lack, to clarify, similarity, evidently, to conceive the idea synonym in column II. II to make clear, to form in the mind, to confirm, to suppose, to guess, not to have, obviously, likeness, appearance, without reason or aim • Choose a proper word and complete the sentences.
CLASSWORK READING (4B) » Skim the passage rapidly (3 min.) and answer the questions.
It has become clear from the red-shift surveys that the present-day distribution of galaxies is highly inhomogencous out to a distance of several hundred million light-years. * // seems probable that the inhomogeneity extends out to billions of light-years and characterizes the entire universe. We must assume, however, that the universe may contain much matter that is nonluminous. The possible existence and volume of such matter is currently the subject of wide speculation. There are two competing hypotheses. The more conventional model assumes that individual galaxies arose out of a nearly homogeneous primordial soup. *The main trouble with this model is explaining how the universe proceeded from its smooth state to the state in which matter was gathered into galaxies. The model assumes that once galaxies formed, small irregularities in their distribution would slowly be amplified by the operation of long-range gravitational forces. The end result of such amplification would be the superclusters seen today. Л competing theoretical explanation was suggested in 1972 by two Russian astronomers, Yakov Zcl'dovich and Rashid Sunyaev. In their model the gas of the early universe did not condense into stars and galaxies immediately. Instead, slight but very-large-scale irregularities in the general distribution of the gas grew larger in response to gravitational attraction and became increasingly irregular. Eventually, the gas became dense enough to collect into vast sheets of material, which then fragmented into galaxies. *Accordingtothis hypothesis, clusters and superclusters form first as concentrations of gas, and only then do galaxies appear. Do either ofthese models find support in the observations wc have made of superclusters? *Sincc the Zel'dovich-Sunyacv model requires all galaxies to have formed in clusters or superclusters, field galaxies, or random stragglers, should be rare. If the conventional model is correct and galaxies can arise almost anywhere at random, only later to be shepherded by gravity into groups or clusters, stragglers should be rather common. Actually, the only populations of isolated galaxies we have discovered in our red-shift surveys are galaxies scattered within the boundaries of superclusters. Moreover, the voids are genuinely empty. In sum, the observed distribution of galaxies within superclusters and the existence of huge voids between superclusters are entirely consistent with the Zel'dovich-Sunyaev model.
ЗВЕЗДА В 2.500 СОЛНЦ Астрономы Висконсинского университета (США), анализируя данные, полученные с помощью искусственного спутника Земли, подтвердили, что в газовой туманности Тарантул (Tarantula Nebula) в Большом Магеллановом облаке (Large Magellanic Cloud) существует сверхмассивная звезда. Ученые, наблюдавшие ее ранее с использованием оптических телескопов, высказывали предположение, что масса этого небесного тела больше массы Солнца в 200—1.000 раз, однако спутниковые наблюдения вносят поправку — в 2.500 раз! Звезда расположена в центре самого яркого облака ионизированного водорода — газовой туманности Тарантул, светимость которой в сто миллионов раз выше светимости Солнца. HOMEWORK (to be done in writing) 1. Translate into Russian.
2. Translate into English using modal verbs.
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