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Choose the correct answer:
виды растений; их родственники; следующим образом; на основе; не имеющие проводящей ткани; посредством спор; малое количество; влажная окружающая среда; самый лучший; семенная оболочка; наземная растительность
– Plants are very important for the life on earth. – One of the plant classifications is done according to the type of reproduction. – Another classification is done on the basis of the presence or absence of vascular tissue. – Vascular tissue transports the nutrients and water through the plant. – Algae grow best in a wet environment. – Mosses can sometimes use other plants for growing. – Gymnosperms and angiosperms reproduce by seeds. – The flower is the distinguishing trait of flowering plants.
The text reports on… The text touches upon… It is reported that… Much attention is given to… The text points out that… The text deals with the problem of… The text provides information on… The text defines the phenomenon of… The text covers such points as…
– Conifers – Trees and Shrubs – Deciduous vs. Coniferous Words and expressions: deciduous – лиственный lack – отсутствовать, не доставать dryness – засуха trigger – вызывать improve – улучшать(ся) prompt – подсказывать dormant – дремлющий, спящий triangular – треугольный means – средство, способ needle – игла require – требовать, нуждаться scale – чешуя, чешуйка survive – выживать Text B Trees can also be divided into deciduous and coniferous categories. Deciduous trees are plants that drop their leaves every year, usually during periods of dryness or cold weather. Their branches remain free of foliage until conditions improve. For the tree, this means that it can save energy by not working to keep the leaves green and healthy. Trees lose their leaves when they go dormant, which is a means of self-preservation. The majority of plants require sun, light, and water to survive, and when any one of these elements is lacking, the stress triggers hormonal changes. These changes prompt the tree to put more energy into simply surviving. Coniferous trees keep their leaves and then shed only the oldest leaves. Conifers are the trees of the coldest regions. Only conifers are found north of about latitude 55 degrees. Conifers are fast growing trees that have adapted to a variety of environmental conditions. Coniferous trees can be small bushes or one-hundred meter high redwoods. Coniferous trees grow up instead of out and are of a triangular shape. The leaves can be long needles, or small, flat scales. Seeds grow in cones. There are three major groups of conifers – firs, spruces and pines – and they can be identified by their needles.
A evergreen B deciduous C carnivorous D coniferous
A they fight the infection B they spend energy C they work to keep their branches healthy D they save energy
A Yes, they do. B No, they don’t. C only the oldest leaves D sometimes
A in deserts B in savannah C in the coldest regions D in the jungle
A by their needles B by their leaves C by their fruits D by their cones
Text C Garden Types of Plants Annuals Annuals are plants that live for a year or less based on Latin “annus”, meaning “year”. Annuals are also known as seasonal flowering plants which flower only for three to four months. They are normally grown through seeds. They grow, flower, make more seeds and die, within a year. Annuals are great for creating instant effect and adding color to your garden. Planting annuals also gives you the option of changing the layout of your garden after a year. Most annuals are tender and some of them like phlox look beautiful and are excellent as borders and hedges. Biennials A plant that takes two years to grow from seed to fruit is a biennial, based on Latin “biennis” meaning “two years”. These are also seasonal flowering plants that flower only in the second year of planting. To have blooms year after year with biennial flowers, you have to plant seeds every year. Perennials The Latin “perennis” means ‘many years'. Perennials are those flowering plants that last longer and keep on flowering. Most take two years until they are old enough to bloom. Once you plant them there is no need for replanting year after year. But they are not a good option, if you want to change the layout of the garden frequently. Most perennials grow best in slightly acidic soils and prefer six to eight hours of sun per day. Watering should be deep, infrequent and applied directly to the soil. This type of watering will promote deep rooting and will help reduce leaf diseases. Flowering and Ornamental Trees Trees can be flowering trees, fruit trees, shade trees, ornamentals etc. Some attractive medium height flowering trees or ornamental trees would be ideal for a home garden. Trees take a number of years to mature. In the first year, remove weak or unruly shoots. In the second or third year remove poorly spaced branches, leaving alone the central trunk. Once they settle, trees need to be watered only once in a while. But the watering should be deep and applied directly to the soil. Shade trees and ornamentals grow on a framework of older branches and need only infrequent maintenance pruning. Prune only dead, diseased or damaged wood or when you need to correct a poor shape. Flowering trees can be pruned after flowering or fruition. Creepers and Climbers Creepers: These plants can be grown along the top of the compound wall or as a cover for walls, or at the entrance as an arch. Climbers: These are the plants with soft stems that grow only with a support. They rely on something else for support; another plant, a wall or trellis. Bulbs A bulb is a specific stem structure which is planted beneath the soil and stays underground. Roots grow down from it, and stem and leaves grow up from it. Most bulb plants have a dormant (resting) period during which there is no growth visible. Bulb plants grow, flower, then the leaves remain for some time and disappear completely until next year. They are easy to grow and guaranteed to bloom. Socializing Getting Acquainted. Introductions I. Listen, read and memorize:
Обратите внимание! В английском языке форма притяжательного местоимения зависит от того, имеет ли оно определяемое слово. Например: My name is Bill. – And mine is Pete.
II. Listen, memorize and act out:
Unit III The Tree Grammar for Revision: Attributive Clauses Text A : Structure of a Tree Text B Text C : Trees Socializing: Profession “Love the trees until their leaves fall off, then encourage them to try again next year”. Chad Sugg Warm Up Trees produce oxygen, provide habitats for insects and birds, and one held the apple that met Sir Isaac Newton. What else do you know about trees? Take this Trees Quiz and find it out:
A fronds B needles C spikes D grains
A teak B mahogany C redwood D spruce
A willow B palm C cedar D redwood
A spruce B redwood C cypress D elm
A poplar B spruce C maple D elm
A coniferous B deciduous C bulbous D evergreen
A pine B mangrove C sequoia D spruce Read the answers to the quiz and check yourself:
Grammar Revision Attributive Clauses (Определительные придаточные предложения) Определительные придаточные предложения относятся к существительному или местоимению в главном предложении и являются его сложным определением (какой?). По значению и способу соединения определительные придаточные предложения делятся на:
Обратите внимание! В определительных придаточных предложениях относительные местоимения, выполняющие функцию дополнения, часто опускаются: The man (who) I saw yesterday is ill. В придаточных предложениях относительные местоимения, выполняющие функции подлежащего, не опускаются: The man who normally works here is ill. Если в придаточном предложении сказуемым является глагол с предлогом rely on, speak about, pass by, etc., то при пропуске союзного слова предлог передвигается в конец придаточного предложения: The woman who we buy eggs from has twenty hens. В формальном стиле предлог обычно стоит перед относительным местоимением. В этом случае that не используется: The success of the bread can depend on the oven in which it is baked (инструкция). Where, when, why могут также вводить определительные придаточные предложения: We visited the town where I was born. There must be a reason why you said that. It was last year when we met. Относительные местоимения в индивидуализирующих hи описательных придаточных предложениях
Например: The man who/that phoned you didn’t leave his name. What’s the name of the river that/which flows through the town? That’s the boy who has just graduated from the university. Mr. Right who/whom I met yesterday asked you to phone him. He came to see me off, which was very nice of him. I. Take this Attribute Clause Quiz. Choose all the possible correct answers to complete the sentence. Most sentences have more than one correct response:
II. Add the phrase in brackets to the sentence using an attribute clause. Example: She worked for a man (the man used to be an athlete). She worked for a man who used to be an athlete.
Word Study
convert, distribution, process, combine, chemical reactions, to result, production, organ, absorb, mineral, specialized components, protective structure, central, fatal, to transplant, dominant, characterize, identification, extremely, to form, transpiration, stability, human
underground part; aboveground parts; the trunk and the crown; to fight disease; vital functions; to result in the production of sugars; sugar solutions; to replace lost moisture; a number of specialized components; the root hairs; the main root stems; thin walls; the vascular core of the root; throughout the tree; at the tip of the root; slightly different root systems; deep into the ground; substantial damage; the outer protective covering of tree trunks; a thin layer of living cells; akin to human skin; from the inside
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