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than – чем Moscow is larger than St.-Petersburg.
I. Take this Comparatives/Superlatives Quiz. Fill in the gaps:
II. Open the brackets using Comparatives or Superlatives: 1. The Trans-Siberian railway is (long) in the world. 2. The 22nd of December is the (short) day of the year. 3. Iron is (useful) of all metals. 4. The Volga is (wide) and (deep) than the Neva River. 5. Elbrus is the (high) peak in the Caucasian Mountains. 6. His theory is (practical) than yours. 7. Moscow is the (large) city in Russia. 8. Yesterday was the (cold) day we have had this winter. III. Fill in the gaps with as…as or so…as: 1. The temperature today is … high … it was yesterday. 2. He is not … old … he looks. 3. He is … strong … his brother. 4. This street is … wide … the next one. 5. The luggage is not … heavy … I expected. 6. His TV set is not … powerful … mine. 7. She is … tall … her mother. 8. In Novgorod it is not … hot … in Rostov. IV. Read and act out the dialogue: The City and the Country David: How do you like living in the big city? Maria: There are many things that are better than living in the country! David: Can you give me some examples? Maria: Well, it certainly is more interesting than the country. There is so much more to do and see! David: Yes, but the city is more dangerous than the country. Maria: That's true. People in the city aren't as open and friendly as those in the countryside. David: I'm sure that the country is more relaxed, too! Maria: Yes, the city is busier than the country. However, the country is much slower than the city. David: I think that's a good thing! Maria: Oh, I don't. The country is so slow and boring! It's much more boring than the city. David: How about the cost of living? Is the country cheaper than the city? Maria: Oh, yes. The city is more expensive than the country. David: Life in the country is also much healthier than in the city. Maria: Yes, it's cleaner and less dangerous in the country. But, the city is so much more exciting. It's faster, crazier and more fun than the country. David: I think YOU are crazy for moving to the city. Maria: Well, I'm young now. Maybe when I'm married and have children I'll move back to the country. Word Study
fundamental, block, form, microscopic, classify, type, reproduce, spore, criterion, basis, to transport, collectively, genetic matter, region, tropic regions, identify
fundamental building blocks; scientific study; at least 500,000 species; vary in size; huge sequoia trees; spore bearing plants; seed bearing plants; according to this criterion; as follows; on the basis of the presence or absence; by means of spores; a small quantity of vital genetic matter; simple stems; tiny, slender leaves; mild, damp regions; hot, damp tropic regions; around 15,000 species; according to scientific researches; cones instead of flowers; within female cones; majority of gymnosperms; land vegetation; till now; the distinguishing trait
(vegetation, by means of, damp, huge, within, rocks, traits, nutrients, tiny, instead, mild, mainly)
– What is the main feature of flowering plants? Text A Types of Plants: Plant Classification Plants are the fundamental building blocks of life on earth. Plants are life forms belonging to the kingdom Plantae. The scientific study has revealed at least 500,000 species of plants. The types of plants vary in size from microscopic algae, to huge sequoia trees more than 8m (26 ft) tall. Plant Kingdom is mainly classified into two. This type of plant classification is done according to how they reproduce: 1) Spore bearing plants (algae, mosses, ferns and their relatives) 2) Seed bearing plants (сonifers and flowering plants). Plant classification according to this criterion, can be represented as follows: Plant kingdom: Spore Bearing Plants and Seed Bearing Plants; Spore Bearing Plants: Algae, Mosses (Liverworts), and Ferns; Seed Bearing Plants: Flowering Plants (Angiosperms) and Conifers (Gymnosperms); Angiosperms: Monocotyledons and Dicotyledons. The plant kingdom can also be classified on the basis of the presence or absence of vascular tissue. Ferns (pteridophytes), gymnosperms and angiosperms have vascular tissue which transports the nutrients and water through the plant. They are collectively known as tracheophytes. Mosses, liverworts, hornworts (bryophytes) are non-vascular, i.e. they do not have vascular tissue to transport sugar, water and nutrients. Spore Bearing Plants Algae, mosses, ferns and their genus all reproduce by means of spores. Each spore contains a small quantity of vital genetic matter. Algae The simplest plants of this type are algae. They do not have leaves, stems or roots. Algae thrive in a moist or wet environment. Mosses Mosses and most liverworts have simple stems and tiny, slender leaves. They can be found growing on the plain land, on rocks, and on other plants. They live in mild, damp regions, but some can live in very cold places. Ferns Ferns are the most superior spore bearing type of plants. Many ferns grow in cool, dry places but the largest ones are found in the hot, damp tropic regions. Around 15,000 species of ferns are there in existence now according to scientific researches. Seed Bearing Plants Plants that reproduce by means of seeds belong to this type of plants. Conifers or gymnosperms and flowering plants or angiosperms reproduce by seeds. Each seed contains an embryo and a food supply. This is enclosed by a seed covering. Conifers Сonifers are plants that have cones instead of flowers. Their seeds grow within female cones. The majority of gymnosperms are trees or shrubs. Flowering plants Flowering plants are the most varied part of land vegetation. There are at least 250,000 kinds of flowering plants identified till now. The distinguishing trait of flowering plants or angiosperms is the flower. |
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