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Тема 3 INDUSTRY (Промышленность) Text 1. Industry Industry is the production of an economic good or service within an economy. Manufacturing industry became a key sector of production and labour in European and North American countries during the Industrial Revolution, upsetting previous mercantile and feudal economies. This led to many successive rapid advances in technology, such as the production of steel and coal. Many developed countries and many developing/semi-developed countries (People's Republic of China, India etc.) depend significantly on industry. Classification of industry Industries can be classified in a variety of ways. At the top level, industry is often classified into sectors: Primary This involves the extraction of resources directly from the Earth; this includes farming, mining and logging. They send products off to factories to make a profit. Secondary This group is involved in the processing products from primary industries. This includes all factories—those that refine metals, produce furniture, or pack farm products such as meat. Tertiary This group is involved in the provision of services. They include teachers, managers and other service providers. Quaternary This group is involved in the research of science and technology. They include scientists. Quinary This sector would include the top executives or officials in such fields as government, science, universities, nonprofit, healthcare, culture, and the media. Industrial development Factory - a traditional symbol of the industrial development The industrial revolution led to the development of factories for large-scale production, with consequent changes in society. Originally the factories were steam-powered, but later transitioned to electricity once an electrical grid was developed. The mechanized assembly line was introduced to assemble parts in a repeatable fashion, with individual workers performing specific steps during the process. This led to significant increases in efficiency, lowering the cost of the end process. Later automation was increasingly used to replace human operators. This process has accelerated with the development of the computer and the robot.
Questions 1. What is an industry? 2. What is the key sector in production and labour? 3. What industrial sectors do you know? 4. What is the traditional symbol of the traditional industrial development? 5. What consequences does the Industrial Revolution have? 6. What allowed the transition to electricity? 7. What is the function of the assembly line? 8. What consequences does the introduction of assembly line? Exercise 1. Translate into English 1. Развитие технологий привело к прогрессу в обрабатывающей промышленности, химической промышленности 2. Имеется несколько классификаций отраслей промышленности. 3. Выделяют обрабатывающую промышленность, пищевую, рыбную, химическую, автомобильную, бумажную промышленность, индустрию развлечений и др. 4. Развивающиеся страны – это Китайская Народная Республика, Индия и другие. 5. Механизированный сборочный конвейер позволил осуществлять серийное производство деталей машин. 6. Он занимается коммерческим производством и продает товары 7. Особая отрасль производства и торговли – это текстильная промышленность. Exercise 2. Раскройте скобки, используя время Past Continuous The factory was developing very quickly. 1. The factory (to develop) very quickly. 2. The men (to get) rich during the Industrial Revolution. 3. The oil tycoon (to build) new plants during this time. 4. The efficiency of mass production (to grow). 5. The assembly line (to work) all the nights before Christmas. 6. An industrial output (to grow) in the developed countries like China and India. 7. The fashion (to change) quickly in the recent years. 8. Robots and computers (to replace) human operators in the past decades. 9. The director (to call) an operator at 9 am. 10. Before the Industrial Revolution people (to deal) with nonprofit industries. Text 2. Sources of Power Fossil fuel- ископаемое топливо Transmission line- линия электропередач To be converted - превращаться Hydroelectric plant - гидроэлектростанция An ocean tide - океанический прилив Capacity - мощность Efficiency - эффективность The industrial progress of mankind is based on power: power for industrial plants, machines, heating and lighting systems, transport, communication. In fact, one can hardly find a sphere where power is not required. At present most of the power required is obtained mainly from two sources. One is from the burning of fossil fuels, i. e.1 coal, natural gas and oil. The second way of producing electricity is by means of generators that get their power from steam or water turbines. Electricity so produced then flows through transmission lines to houses, industrial plants, enterprises, etc. It should be noted, however, that the generation of electricity by these conventional processes is highly uneconomic. Actually, only about 40 per cent of heat in the fuel is converted into electricity. Besides, the world resources of fossil fuels are not ever-lasting. On the other hand, 2 the power produced by hydroelectric plants, even if increased many times, will be able to provide for only a small fraction of the power required in the near future. Therefore much effort and thought is being given to other means of generating electricity. One is the energy of hot waters. Not long ago we began utilizing hot underground water for heating and hot water supply, and in some cases, for the generation of electricity. Another promising field for the production of electric power is the use of ocean tides. Our engineers are engaged in designing tidal power stations of various capacities. The first station utilizing this principle began operating in the Soviet Union on the Barents Sea in 1968. The energy of the sun which is being used in various ways represents a practically unlimited source. Using atomic fuel for the production of electricity is highly promising. It is a well-known fact, that one pound of uranium contains as much energy as three million pounds of coal, so cheap power can be provided wherever it is required. However, the efficiency reached in generating power from atomic fuel is not high, namely 40 per cent. No wonder, therefore, that scientists all over the world are doing their best 3 to find more efficient ways of generating electricity directly from the fuel. They already succeeded in developing some processes which are much more efficient, as high as 80 per cent, and in creating a number of devices capable of giving a higher efficiency. Scientists are hard at work ' trying to solve these and many other problems. Questions: 1. What are the two main sources of energy at the present? 2. How much fuel is converted into electricity by traditional ways of generation? 3. How can people use ocean tides? 4. What was the first ocean tidal power station? 5. What unlimited sources of energy do you know? Text 3. Peaceful atom Achievements in studying atom structure have opened up new, practically unlimited possibilities to humanity for further mastering nature's forces. The discovery of atomic energy provides as profound effect for the benefit of civilization as the discovery of fire and electricity. After having recovered from the shock of unimaginable horror of the explosion of the atomic bomb over Hiroshima people asked scientists how soon they would be able to apply the immense power of fissioned nucleus to peaceful purposes. Many problems had to be solved: the main one was that of "braking" the released neutrons efficiently so that the chain reaction could be controlled. The "classical" solution of this question is conducting the heat generated by the fission process out of the reactor, making it boil water and forcing the resulting steam to drive turbines which, in their turn, drive electric generators. It is a way which works well although it is still rather expensive. It is to be noted that the first power station fed by atomic fuels which was also the world's first atomic power station started working in Obninsk, near Moscow, in 1954. Its capacity was 5,000 kilowatts. Thirty years later in the Soviet Union there were already 13 atomic power stations with the total capacity of over 21 million kilowatts. Questions: 1. What are the greatest discoveries in the human’s history? 2. Why is the atomic energy dangerous? 3. What is the classical solution of this problem? 4. Where were the first atomic power station? Text 4. Our Friend - the atom The atom has been taught a host of peaceful trades.1 The power derived from atomic reactions has been applied to all fields of man's civilian activity. The application of atomic power to the generation of electricity is becoming increasingly broader. This is the only known potential capable of meeting mankind's growing requirements2 in electric power, natural fuels like coal, gas and oil being drained with appalling rapidity. The first atomic power plant was put into operation in Obninsk near Moscow in 1954. Several dozens of similar power plants are now operating in the world, atomic power generation making impressive progress. Chemistry is making more and more claims on the diversified potentialities of atomic power. The chemical industry is making much use of isotope instruments to supervise a number of chemical processes which formerly had been difficult to check properly. Metallurgists use atomic instruments to supervise the operation and the state of some processes in blast-furnaces. Isotope instruments measure the thickness of hot rolled sheet metal, 3 detect faults in metal and do many other jobs. The atom has greatly increased the efficiency of geologists, it has accelerated the testing of minerals and the study of the earth's surface structure. At present geologists use nuclear instruments as routine equipment in prospecting. It is to a nuclear instrument that we owe 4 our knowledge of the composition of the moon's surface. Nuclear-physical instruments guard space pilots against the hazards of cosmic rays. Flights to distant planets are hardly possible without using atomic power as a means of propulsion 5 and a power source for the space vehicle. Direct transformation of atomic power into electricity is a very promising field for outer space energetics. Notes 1 a host of peaceful trades – множество мирных специальностей 2 capable of meeting mankind's growing requirements – способный удовлетворить растущие потребности людей 3 hot rolled sheet metal – лист прокатанного металла в раскаленном состоянии 4 It is to a nuclear instrument that we owe – Именно ядерному инструменту мы обязаны 5 as a means of propulsion – в качестве движущей силы Task 1. Draw Fishbones: ![]() Task 2. Make dialogues. Talk about atomic energy. Use the example:
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