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Последовательность работы над текстом при переводе с английского языка на русский 1. Прочитать весь текст. 2.Разметить текст, выделяются непонятные термины и словосочетания. Их значения желательно раскрыть до перевода с учетом контекста. 3.Выделиться и жаргонные выражения, а также сокращения, подлежащие выяснению. 4. Англо-американские неметрические меры перевести в метрические. 5. Сделать полный письменный перевод текста. 6. Просмотреть текст перевода, по возможности через 2-3 дня после окончания работы, и освободить его от несвойственных русскому языку оборотов и терминов. Для ускорения и облегчения перевода рекомендуется сделать сначала весь перевод, оставляя трудные места и слова для последующего выяснения. Упражнения для перевода Exercise I I AM GOING TO STUDY TECHNICAL TRANSLATION Vocabulary Примечание. Здесь и далее перевод значений терминов и слов дан не по алфавиту, а по контексту. technical технический translation перевод (главным образом, письменный) English-speaking говорящий по-английски dictionary словарь in order to для того чтобы meaning значение term термин I need technical translation for my work. I want to read English and American technical books and journals. I also want to speak to the English-speaking people who visit the Soviet Union. I want to know how to use a technical dictionary in order to understand the meaning of English terms. Exercise 2 LARGE NUMBERS Vocabulary million миллион figure цифра nought ноль Earth Земля milliard миллиард planet планета Pluto Плутон average среднее 1. A million is a thousand times a thousand. It has seven figures-one followed by six noughts. 2. The distance from the Earth to the planet Pluto is about 6 milliard kilometres. 3. The average distance from the Earth to the Moon is three hundred eighty-four thousand four hundred kilometres. 4. A milliard is a number written with ten figures. 5, The Earth is an average of 149 million five hundred thousand kilometres away from the Sun. Exercise 3 A STRAIGHT LINE ![]() Fig. Geometrical figures Vocabulary straight line прямая to mark отметить ' point точка to intersect пересекаться to draw начертить segment отрезок locate расположить equal равен to one another между собой twice the length of вдвое длиннее, чем In the straight line ВС mark point A. The straight lines AB and CD intersect in point 0. Draw a segment the length of which equals 3.1 (three point one) cm. The segments AB, ВС and DE, located in one straight line, are equal to one another, but the segment CD is twice the length of the segment DE. Exercise 4 Выполните следующие действия: Draw: a straight line, a curve, a circumference with a radius of 1 cm, a right angle, a triangle and a square. Divide: a straight line into several segments. Connect: any two points of the circumference with a chord. Put some points: within a circle and on the surface of a sheet of paper outside the circle. Exercise 5 ACUTE AND OBTUSE ANGLES Vocabulary angle угол obtuse тупой mutually perpendicular взаимно перпендикулярный right angle прямой угол adjacent смежный acute острый The angle ABC is an obtuse angle. The straight lines EF and KL are mutually perpendicular. The angles A1B1C1 (A sub one, В sub one, С sub one), A'B'C' (A prime, В prime, С prime) are right angles. The straight lines AC and BD intersect and form adjacent angles. One adjacent angle is an acute angle, the other angle is an obtuse angle. Exercise 6 THE ANGLE EQUALS 116 DEGREES Vocabulary degree градус bisect делить пополам to divide разделить into two пополам diameter диаметр circle окружность chord хорда to form образовываться The angle ABC equals 116° (degrees). The line AD bisects or divides the angle into two. Each half angle equals 58°. The angle between two diameters А В and CD of the circle equals 45°. AB is the diameter of the circle. The chords AC and BD form angles of 25° with this diameter. The angle between the chords ВС and CD equals 68°. Exercise 7 TRIANGLES Vocabulary triangle треугольник isosceles равнобедренный median медиана scalene разносторонний bisector биссектриса equilateral равносторонний side сторона right-angle прямоугольный The triangle ABC is an isosceles triangle. CD is one of its medians. Triangle ACE is a scalene triangle and AD is a bisector. Triangle BCD is an equilateral triangle; all its sides are equal. The triangle EFG is an isosceles and right-angle triangle. Exercise 8 THE RADIUS OF THE CIRCLE Vocabulary radius радиус to pass проходить centre середина to draw провести The radius of the circle is equal to 2.08 (two point zero eight) cm. The chords AB and ВС are mutually perpendicular. The chord AB passes through the centre of radius ОС. The length of chord ВС is equal to the radius of the circle. Two diameters of the circle are drawn through the ends of the chord AB. Exercise 9 LENGTH, WIDTH AND AREA Vocabulary length длина width ширина area площадь rectangle прямоугольник to increase увеличить therefore поэтому, следовательно sq.m. квадратный метр 1. If the length and width of a rectangle is increased one-and-a-half times, the area will increase 2 1/4 (two and a quarter) times. 2. The length of the room is 6.4 (six point four) m, and the width 3.75 (three point seventy-five) m, therefore the area of the room is 24 sq.m. 3. The dimensions of the window are 1 1/3 (one and one third) m by 1 2/5 (one and two fifths) m. What is the area of the window? The area of the wall is 5 times that of the window area. What is the area of the wall? Exercise 10 PROBLEM IN MECHANICS Vocabulary to run двигаться at a speed of со скоростью travel путь, пробег to substitute for values подставить значения величин A motor car runs half of its way at a speed of 90 miles per hour, and the second half at a speed of 54 miles per hour. Find the average speed of the car. Given: v1 = 90 miles/h (read: 90 miles per hour) = 40 m/sec v2 = 54 miles/h = 24 m/sec Solution. If we denote the total travel of the car by 2S, we may write ![]() ![]() where t1 is the time the car makes the first half of its run; t2 is the time it takes the car to make the second half of its run. The average speed of the car may be found from the equation ![]() or substituting for values of t1 and t2 and v1 and v2 ![]() (read: two v sub one times v sub two over v sub one plus v sub two) ![]() or 108 km/h ≈ (read: or about) 67 miles per hour. Exercise 11 COEFFICIENT OF LINEAR EXPANSION Vocabulary coefficient коэффициент linear линейный expansion расширение aluminium алюминий, алюминиевый rod стержень to join соединять copper медь, медный system система total общий alpha альфа An aluminium rod 0.5 metres long is joined to a copper rod 1 metre long at 0°C. The coefficients of linear expansion of copper and aluminium equals 1.7·10-5? degree-1 (to the power of minus one) and 2.4·10-5 degree-1, respectively. What is the average coefficient of linear expansion of the system? Given: t0 = 0°C l01 = l m l01 = 0.5 m α1 = 1.7·10-5 degree-1 α2 = 2.4·10-5 degree-1 Find: α = ? Solution. At a temperature t the length of the copper and aluminium rods will be equal: ![]() The joined bars will have a total length ![]() Comparing this expression with the formula of length of body at any temperature l = l0(1 + αt) we may find ![]() Substituting for the given values we obtain ![]() Exercise 12 FIVE LAMPS IN SERIES Vocabulary in series последовательно incandescent lamp лампа накаливания town городской supply network электросеть to calculate вычислять, рассчитывать current ток additional дополнительный resistance сопротивление required необходимое, требуемое circuit цепь to determine определять Ohm's law закон Ома ![]() Fig. 2. Five 12-volt incandescent lamps are connected in series to the 220-volt town supply network. Calculate the current in the lamps and the additional resistance required in the circuit if the resistance of each lamp equals 20 ohms. Solution. The current in the circuit is determined by Ohm's law: ![]() The voltage across n lamps connected in series equals ![]() The voltage across the additional resistance is equal to ![]() Let us find the value of the additional resistance: ![]() Exercise 13 AN ELECTRIC KETTLE Vocabulary kettle чайник heater нагреватель section секция to connect присоединять to boil кипеть in parallel параллельно quantity количество to deliver производить, выделять voltage вольтаж, напряжение to solve the equation решить уравнение in respect to относительно ![]() ![]() Fig. 3. An electric kettle and a heater An electric kettle has a heater with 2 sections. With one connected/ to the circuit the water in the kettle boils in 20 min, with the other—in 30 min. How long will it take to boil water with both sections connected: (a) in series, (b) in parallel? Given: t1 = 20 min; t2 = 30 min; Find: t11 = ? and t21 = ? Solution. The quantity of heat delivered by the sections is in both cases the same. The voltage of the circuit is also the same. Let R1 be the resistance of the first section of the heater, R2—the second. Then Q = U2/R1*t1 = U2/R2*t2 or ![]() For a series connection of both sections the total resistance ![]() and ![]() Solving this equation in respect to t11 we find ![]() For a parallel connection ![]() ![]() Solving the equation in respect to t21 we find ![]() Exercise 14 VELOCITY OF THE α-PARTICLE Vocabulary velocity скорость α-particle α-частица to estimate определять, вычислять to multiply умножать численные значения atom unit of mass атомная единица массы numerical values численные значения Determine the velocity of the α-particle, which has the energy of 1 electron-volt (eV). Given: E = 1 eV = 1.6·10-19 joule. Find: v = ? Solution. From the formula for kinetic energy of the moving particle ![]() (m—mass, v—velocity of particle) we determine the velocity ![]() (read: the square root of 2E over m). To estimate the mass of the a-particle we must multiply the atom mass of the α-particle (4.00274) by the atom unit of mass (1.66·10-27kg) ![]() Substituting for the numerical values of E = 1.6·10-19 joule and ![]() ![]() Exercise 15 DETERMINE THE CURRENT FLOWING IN THE CIRCUIT Vocabulary to flow течь source источник to create создавать external внешний left-hand branch левая ветвь ![]() Fig. 4. Problem. Determine the total current (I) flowing from the battery, and the current flowing through resistance R2, for the circuit given in Fig.4 if R1 = 2 ohms, R2 = 6 ohms, R3 = 1.5 ohms and R4 = 3 ohms. The source of current creates a pressure of 6 volts in the external circuit. Solution. To find the total current I, flowing from the battery it is first necessary to find the total resistance of circuit Rtotal. Since the resistances R1 and R2 are in parallel, the resistance of this connection may be determined from the formula ![]() or ![]() This circuit (or resistance) is in series with resistance R3. Therefore the total resistance R' of the left-hand branch equals ![]() The left-hand branch is connected in parallel with resistance ![]() The total current flowing from the battery equals ![]() ![]() To determine the current flowing through resistance R2 it is necessary to find the current in the left-hand branch: ![]() ![]() Exercise 16 A Vocabulary evaporation испарение to observe наблюдать pan противень brine соляной раствор to evaporate испарять to boil кипятить to remain оставаться bottom дно vessel сосуд to prove доказывать common обыкновенный, обычный; общий solution раствор EVAPORATION It may be observed that when the water of a pan of brine is evaporated by boiling, crystals of salt remain on the bottom of the vessel. This experiment proves that common salt crystals are formed by the evaporation of a solution. В Vocabulary sublimation возгонка iodine йод steel-grey серо-стальной (цвет) solid твердое вещество readfly легко to vaporize испарять violet фиолетовый to allow to cool дать остыть solid state твердое состояние vapour state парообразное состояние liquid жидкость saturated solution насыщенный раствор potassium nitrate азотнокислый калий, калиевая селитра substance вещество precipitation осаждение crystallization кристаллизация SUBLIMATION Iodine, a steel-grey coloured solid, readily vapourizes when heated. The vapour is violet in colour. If the vapour is allowed to cool, it passes directly back into the solid state. This process of passing from the solid state to the vapour state and then back to the solid state without the formation of a liquid, is called sublimation. If a saturated solution of potassium nitrate is heated and then allowed to cool, crystals of the substance form on the bottom of the vessel. These are formed by precipitation, which takes place during the cooling process. The examples just given illustrate very well the methods of crystallization. C Vocabulary geometrical solid геометрическое тело made by a natural process образующийся в естественных условиях to absorb поглощать to unite chemically вступать в химическое соединение water of crystallization кристаллизационная вода for example например washing soda стиральная сода to give up отдавать to expose подвергать (действию) to be reduced to powder превратиться в порошок efflorescent выветривающийся efflorescence выветривание CRYSTALLIZATION What is a crystal? A crystal is a geometrical solid made by a natural process. Many substances absorb water from solutions when they crystallize; that is, they unite chemically with a definite proportion of water. The water with which any substance unites during the process of crystallization is called the water of crystallization. Certain crystal substances, for example, washing soda, give up their water of crystallization when they are exposed to air; they are then reduced to powder. Substances that have this property are called efflorescent, and the process is called efflorescence. D Vocabulary deliquescence расплывание moisture влага impurities примеси table salt поваренная соль to tend иметь тенденцию to solidify твердеть opening отверстие salt shaker солонка to clog закупориваться damp влажный to become wet стать влажным to dissolve растворяться DELIQUESCENCE Certain other substances absorb moisture from the air when they are exposed to it; these are said to be deliquescent. The impurities often present in common table salt are typical of this class of substances. Because these impurities tend to solidify upon absorbing moisture from the air the openings of a salt shaker clog during damp weather. A substance that absorbs moisture from the air and becomes wet or dissolves in the moisture, is called deliquescent. Exercise 17 SUSPENSIONS A Vocabulary suspension суспензия watery водный to state утверждать, констатировать molecule молекула with the naked eye невооруженным глазом to distinguish различать to travel проходить In explaining the watery solutions of sugar, it has been stated that the water of such solutions divides the sugar into particles, called molecules, so small that they cannot be seen with the naked eye. These molecules are distinguished by the great speed at which they travel. Molecules, which are found in all substances, travel fastest in gases, less rapidly in liquids, and very slowly in solids. В Vocabulary recently недавно to believe верить, считать have come to пришли к тому mixture смесь to behave вести себя to combine соединяться) solvent растворитель solute растворенное вещества true solution идеальный раствор Scientists have recently come to believe that molecules in solutions and in liquid mixtures behave very much as they behave in gases, liquids, and solids. For instance, when two substances, such as sugar and water, are combined by dissolving, the particles of the solvent divide the particles of the solute, and the two kinds of particles then mix freely. This is a true solution. C Vocabulary to bear in mind помнить sand песок to stir перемешивать violently сильно to effect осуществлять; получать finally в конце концов to settle осаждаться agitation перемешивание to cease прекращать It should be borne in mind, however, that a suspension, which is another kind of liquid mixture, greatly differs from a solution. A suspension may be demonstrated by placing some sand in a glass of water and then stirring the mixture violently for a moment. If this the two substances mix but no solution is effected. The particles of sand, being larger than any of the particles of the true solution, mix for a while, but since they move about less freely, they finally settle on the bottom when the agitation of the mixture ceases. Exercise 18 EMULSION, COLLOIDS A Vocabulary insoluble нерастворимый is effected сделан, приготовлен emulsion эмульсия salad салат dressing приправа oil масло vinegar уксус colloidal коллоидальный to appear - clear казаться прозрачным under ordinary conditions в обычных условиях to subject подвергать powerful мощный illumination освещение plainly легко completely полностью homogeneous однородный If a mixture of two liquids, each insoluble in the other, is effected, the result is called an emulsion Salad dressing, made by mixing oil and vinegar, is an emulsion. The fourth type of liquid mixture, called a colloidal solution, differs from any of those already described. Like a true solution, a colloidal solution appears clear when looked at under ordinary conditions. When, however, it is subjected to a powerful illumination, one can see plainly that it is not completely homogeneous. В Vocabulary fail to coagulate не коагулируют to a degree до величины, степени sufficient достаточный it is believed счятают property свойство colloid коллоид is due to the fact объясняется тем electrical state наэлектризованное состояние are similarly charged одинаково заряжены hydrochloric acid соляная кислота (НС1) neutralize нейтрализовать precipitation осаждение Colloidal substances, of which there are many examples among natural products, do not, therefore, form true solutions. Indeed, they fail to coagulate or to crystallize to a degree sufficient for filtration. It is believed that this property of colloids is due to the fact that all the particles are in an electrical state, in which they are similarly charged. The addition of common salt or hydrochloric acid to certain colloidal solutions serves to neutralize the electrical state and so brings about 'precipitation. C Vocabulary nature природа cell клетка sap сок (растений) rubber tree каучуконос proteins протеины tremendous огромный artificial искусственный tanning дубление кожи dyeing красильное дело Colloids exist in nature in the cells of plants and animals, in the sap of certain plants, among which is the rubber tree, and in the class of foods called proteins. Colloids have recently come to be of tremendous importance in certain manufacturing processes, including the making of glass, rubber, artificial silk, tanning leather and dyeing. Exercise 19 THEORY OF ATOMS AND MOLECULES Vocabulary to propose предполагать theory теория are composed of состоят из minute мельчайший equal равный, одинаковый although хотя to differ различаться to combine соединяться whole целый capable способный existence существование to retain сохранять property свойство to determine определять relative относительный knowledge знание Law of Definite Proportions закон постоянства состава Law of Multiple Proportions закон кратных отношений Law of Conservation of Matter закон сохранения вещества ![]() Fig. 5. The water molecule John Dalton, an English chemist, proposed the following theory of atoms: 1) All elements are composed of minute particles called atoms. 2) Atoms of the same element are of equal weight, although they may differ in weight from atoms of other elements. 3) Atoms always combine and unite as wholes. The smallest particle of a substance that is capable of existence while still retaining its chemical properties is called a molecule. The weights of molecules are determined by the weights of the atoms that compose the molecules. Oxygen, whose weight is given as 16, is taken as the standard for determining the relative weights of the atoms of elements. Knowledge of the Atomic Theory enables us to understand the Law of Definite Proportions, the Law of Multiple Proportions, and the Law of Conservation of Matter. Exercise 20 ATOMIC AND MOLECULAR WEIGHT Vocabulary according to согласно, в соответствии с to contain содержать to determine определять various различный, разнообразный molecular weight молекулярный вес as compared with в сравнении с oxygen кислород vapor density плотность пара gaseous газообразный to consist in заключаться в volume объем to combine соединяться to replace замещать According to the theory, of Avogadro all gases, under like conditions of temperature and pressure, contain the same number of molecules. This hypothesis helps us to determine the number of atoms in molecules of various gases. By the molecular weight of a substance we mean the number which expresses the weight of a molecule of a substance as compared with the weight of the oxygen molecule taken as 32. The vapor density of a substance is the weight, under standard conditions of temperature and pressure, of one litre of the vapor. The molecular weight of a substance which is in a gaseous state can be found by comparing its vapor density with the density of oxygen. A second method of expressing the molecular weight of a gaseous substance consists in finding the weight of 22.4 litres of the gas. This is equivalent to the volume occupied by a gram-molecular weight of the gas. By the equivalent weight of an element we mean the weight of that element which combines with or replaces 1.0008 grams of hydrogen or 8 grams of oxygen. |
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