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32. Paraphrase, translate or explain. explain: ...a source of identity, a system of exclusion, culture and taste. explain: ...it is an accident of birth that can influence the outcome of a life. paraphrase: ... others feel its weight in powerful ways. paraphrase: Religion and political allegiances are no longer reliable markers of class. translate: It has become harder to identify people’s status in the clothes they wear... paraphrase: At a time when education matters more than ever... explain: At a time when the country is increasingly integrated racially, the rich are isolating themselves more and more. translate: At a time of extraordinary advances in medicine... paraphrase: Mobility ... is the promise that lies at the heart of the American dream. explain: But it turns out to be at least partly class-based. paraphrase: The drives to buy a house in the best school district, channel a child into the right pre-school program... explain: The educated and affluent are more likely than others to have their children while married. paraphrase: ... and have them (children) later, when their earning power is high. translate: Those widening differences have left the educated and affluent in a superior position... paraphrase: Americans have never been comfortable with the notion of a hierarchy... 33. Answer the teacher’s questions. HOME ACTIVITIES (5) 34. Translate into English. 1. Известно, что в последние годы традиционная английская семья сильно изменилась. 2. Считается, что многие молодые люди не вступают в брак, так как стремятся сделать карьеру. 3. Известно, что первым человеком, достигшим Южного полюса, был норвежец Роалд Амундсен. 4. Говорят, что в ближайшем будущем произойдут значительные изменения климата на всей планете. 5. Премьер-министра попросили дать разъяснения по вопросам парламентской реформы. 6. Сообщалось, что министр иностранных дел нанес краткосрочный визит в столицу Австрии. 7. Пассажиров попросили пройти на платформу № 9. 35. Get ready to retell Text 1. CLASSROOM ACTIVITIES (6)
36. Paraphrase using the active vocabulary: 1. High inflation usually leads to high interest rates. Likewise, interest rates decline when inflation is low. 2. Many people have dramatically reduced the amount of red meat they eat. 3. Most people need to increase their daily ratio of fruit and vegetables. 4. Any increase in the cost of transporting goods will be passed on to users. 5. Jones is a very widespread name in Great Britain. 6. Sue was from New Zealand and Raj was from India, so English was the language they both spoke. 7. Everybody knows that two’s company, three’s a crowd. 8. This argument is unlikely to be recognized by the court as true. 9. Lionel’s father had to put up with the fact that his son didn’t want to continue working in the family business. 10. Experts are examining the engine but the cause of the problem hasn’t yet been found out. 11. The police are trying to discover who the murderer is. 12. Opposition leaders have proclaimed their loyalty to the new government. 13. I heard this from a source that can be trusted. 14. Eating healthily and taking regular exercise is the only effective method of losing weight. 15. During the voyage we could get news of the outside world only on the radio. 16. The first item on the a'genda (в повестке дня) today is the problem of public transport. 17. There’s nothing wrong with you – you are just tired. 18. What’s wrong with the computer? It won’t load. 19. As people become more well-to-do, so their standard and style of living improves. 20. When socializing with his co-workers he would put on a hearty, over-bearing manner. 21. People tend to make conclusions about you based on your appearance. 37. Complete the sentences with the derivatives of the words given in the right-hand column:
38. Complete the sentences using the word combinations given in the box:
1. Please phone the manager no matter when… 2. They will remain friends no matter what… 3. Doris will continue using the washing machine now matter how much… 4. Morel will never make us give up our principles no matter how… 5. The police are sure to find the man no matter what… 6. The tourists will be given dinner no matter how late… 7. Upon Mrs. Grundy’s death the house will go to a vet clinic no matter who… 8. Sally will never be promoted here no matter what… 9. The detective is likely to find evidence no matter where the criminal… 39. Develop the ideas. 1. At its most basic, classes are known to be... 2. People who share political attitudes, consumption patterns and cultural interests usually... 3. Success in school remains linked tightly to the class because... 4. At a time when medicine has made extraordinary advances... 5. New research on mobility indicates that an overwhelming majority of Americans are likely... 6. Many parents cultivate in their children the habits that the meritocracy rewards. For that reason... 7. When it comes to investing in their children, it is... 8. As the once tight connection between race and class doesn’t matter any more... 9. At a time when the old system of inherited privilege has been replaced by merit, most Americans are concerned with... 10. It is common knowledge that the American dream...
The For-to-Infinitive Construction
40. Paraphrase the sentences using the For-to-Infinitive Construction. Model 1: T – The water is too cold. The children cannot swim. St – The water is too cold for the children to swim. Model 2: T – This film is quite interesting. You can watch it. St – The film is interesting enough for you to watch it. 1. The tea is too hot. I cannot drink it. 2. Andy is a skilled carpenter and shop fitter. You can hire him to rebuild your studio. 3. The day is too windy. The boys cannot play badminton. 4. The coffee is too strong. Sally cannot drink it. 5. The news is too exciting. She cannot keep it to herself. 6. The street is too busy. Children should not cross it alone. 7. The report is not detailed enough. We cannot rely on it. 8. Pauline is not sociable enough. The producer is unlikely to turn her into a TV hostess. Model 3: T – This is a lesson which you should remember for the rest of your life. St – This is a lesson for you to remember for the rest of your life. 1. In London it is common that people spend an hour-and-a-half or more travelling to and from work. 2. Henry is just the person who you should turn for advice in case of need. 3. With modern telecommunication and computers, some people find it convenient to work from home. 4. The typical pattern was that English women ceased working once they married and devoted their time to the household. 5. Colin was anxious to help his wife. He wanted her to find a part-time job which would enable her to fit in with child care and family responsibilities. 6. This is an opportunity which you should jump at without hesitation. 7. I left the letter with the secretary so that Mr. Dobkin should sign it. 8. You can take an optional course in the History of Arts. Professor Donaldson has arranged it for you. 41. Complete the sentences. Translate the for-phrases into English. 1. The main thing is (чтобы фирма закупила новое оборудование). 2. He asked (чтобы его друзей приняли в клуб). 3. There is no need (им участвовать в заседании комитета). 4. The boy has a good ear for music; you have only to play a tune once (и он сможет тут же сыграть ее) from memory. 5. It was so cold inside that the landlord had to turn on the heating (чтобы путешественники могли расположиться на ночь). 6. Send a fax (чтобы они зарезервировали гостиницу для участников конференции). 7. Is it possible (что Ричард поверит своему деловому партнеру) after he has let him down? 8. Michael is just the man (c которым вам следовало проконсультироваться). HOME ACTIVITIES (6) 42. Translate into English. 1. Общеизвестно, что общество делится на три основных класса. Считается, что политические взгляды тесно связаны с классовой принадлежностью (с классом). В Великобритании подавляющее большинство представителей рабочего класса традиционно поддерживают лейбористскую партию, а верхушка среднего класса – консерваторов. 2. Хотя многие британцы заявляют, что они не имеют политических пристрастий и им безразлично, кого обвинять в своих бедах – лейбористов или консерваторов, – они придают большое значение вопросам классовой принадлежности. Представительница среднего класса вряд ли будет встречаться с рабочим. Переход из класса в класс – скорее исключение, чем правило. Какие бы достоинства ни имел человек, он, вероятнее всего, окончит свою жизнь в том классе, в который попал при рождении. |
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