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Step III |
noun/pronoun + passive verb + to-infinitiveComplex Subject |
sb |
is was will be (etc.) |
told ordered allowed asked required made |
to do sth to be done to be doing sth |
кому-то сказали кому-то приказали кому-то разрешили кого-то попросили кого-то заставили |
e.g. He was allowed to stay out late. |
sb |
is was will be (etc.) |
said known supposed believed reported considered thought expected |
to do sth to be done to be doing sth to have done sth to have been doing sth to have been done |
говорят, что известно, что предполагается, что сообщается, что считается, что ожидается, что |
e.g. The iceberg is reported to be floating west. |
Text 1 |
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PHRASAL VERBS and SET EXPRESSIONS21. a) Match the following phrasal verbs with their definitions. Translate them into Russian.
b) Read the text filling in the gaps with phrasal verbs given above. How did I meet my husband? Well, it was on a blind date. A friend invited me to meet someone she knew. She said he was very nice and as soon as I met him, I _____________________. (1) We started ________ ____________ (2) with one another, and then I invited him home to meet my parents, and they _____________ (3) him immediately – they thought he was a lovely person. Meeting him was a turning-point in my life. Whereas I’d always had my head in the clouds, he was very practical and realistic – he had his feet firmly on the ground. We managed _____________ (4) very well. He proposed to me while we were walking in the park. It was completely out of the blue. I really wasn’t expecting it. I was over the moon. I thought it was the most wonderful thing that could ever have happened to me. We still feel that way today. We don’t always see eye to eye on some things but we have always supported and helped each other. I have always _______________ (5) him, and he has never ____ me ________ (6) once. We are a partnership. Well, we have our ups and downs now and then – everybody does – but I know that we were made for each other. c) Explain the meaning of the set expressions given in italics. Translate them into Russian. d) Paraphrase using the phrasal verbs and set expressions from the text. 1. When Andrew was in trouble his wife gave him help and support. 2. Despite Vanessa’s rise to stardom she has remained sensible and realistic. 3. They have been dating each other since March and are thinking of getting married. 4. For some time there was nobody in the garden and then George appeared quite unexpectedly. 5. The singer we had engaged failed us at the last moment, so we had to find a quick replacement. 6. The company has had its dark and happy days, but it seems to be doing well now. 7. Julia is always daydreaming and can never concentrate on what she is doing! Will she ever act her age? 8. Sheila fell in love with Brian when she turned to him for legal advice. 9. My parents and I don’t agree on some things, like boyfriends, but on the whole they are very understanding. 10. Both the children and the parents liked the new governess the moment she appeared in the house. 11. Keith was beside himself with happiness about becoming a father. 12. Laura and her mother-in-law have never really been on good terms with each other. e) Answer the teacher’s questions. 22. Translate into English. Говорят, что Уолтер и Ирэн – отличная пара. Уолтер – известный психолог. Он предан науке, обожает свою жену и детей, но совершенно не приспособлен к повседневной жизни: он даже не пользуется мобильными телефонами, так как он их постоянно теряет, а однажды его чуть не сбила машина, когда он переходил дорогу, говоря по телефону. Он не придает большого значения таким статусным вещам, как дорогие машины, модная одежда и предметы роскоши. Ирэн говорит, что ее муж витает в облаках. Сама же она очень практична. Ей приходится вести дом, заниматься детьми и работать педиатром в местной больнице. Хотя на многие вещи они смотрят по-разному, они хорошо ладят. Как во всякой семье, у них бывали черные и белые полосы. Но они всегда поддерживали друг друга и уверены в том, что дети тоже никогда их не подведут. 23. Read the following paragraph and speak about the changing family pattern in the UK and the US using the suggested key phrases: In the UK and the US, there is a traditional idea of a typical family, called a nuclear family, consisting of a father who goes out to work, a mother who takes care of the home and two or three children. Although this type of family is often praised by politicians and often shown in advertisements, fewer and fewer real families are actually like this. Most married women now have jobs, and there are more single-parent families. Divorce also leads to more complicated families. If the parents remarry the children may have to fit into a step family. They often have to come to terms with having half brothers or half sisters from their parent’s new marriage. An extended family, a large family group all living together, including grandparents, cousins etc. used to be common in former times but is now very unusual in the US and the UK. (Longman Dictionary of English Language and Culture) * * * The family pattern in the UK and the US seems ... The nuclear family appears ... Most married women tend ... There appear ... Divorce is likely ... If the parents remarry the children are likely ... An extended family doesn’t seem ... 24. a) Speak about the present-day family pattern in your country. Base your answer on the key phrases suggested in exercise 22. b) Discuss how you see the family pattern in different cultures in the mid-21st century. Use the phrases suggested below.
HOME ACTIVITIES (4) 25. Render the following article in English. Use the suggested key words and word combinations.
Изменения в традиционной британской семье |