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Приложение к билету 3(текст 1) Переведите текст со словарем: Sources of finance for a small business There are a number of sources of capital which can be considered by small business men. The most obvious source is personal savings. Any entrepreneur should have sufficient faith in his project to back it with his own money. If not, he can hardly expect others to risk their money. The advantage of an owner using his own money is that the business remains free of commitments to partners or outside lenders. It also means that all the profits will be his. They will not have to be shared with partners, nor will heavy interest charges have to be paid on loans. Personal savings are not, however, 'free of cost'. The cost is the interest that it could be earning elsewhere. There is also the 'opportunity cost' of not being able to do with the money what might otherwise be done. Despite this, personal savings remain the cheapest form of finance available. 'Own resources' are not limited to savings. One of the advantages of taking out an endowment life assurance early in life is that, later, it can be used for raising capital either by surrendering it for cash or as security for a loan from the insurance company or the bank. NOTES: Entrepreneur - предприниматель Profits - доходы Приложение к билету № 4 Прочтите текст без словаря, передайте его содержание по-русски: Economic Management System The economic management system in our country in the 1990-s was under-going an intensive reconstruction. It was being transferred from the mainly administrative methods to economic ones. At that time the orders from above were being replaced by the direct material interest of each and every worker and every work collective in order to achieve maximum results with the least expenditures possible. The idea was to make it so that any enterprise would have an internal economy stimulus for achieving a constant renewal of production and output, for applying the latest technology and technological processes into production and for trying to save resources to raise efficiency and quality as well. the orders from above – приказы “сверху”; expenditures – затраты; internal – внутренний; renewal – обновление. Приложение к билету 4(текст 1) Переведите текст со словарем:: Capital can sometimes be obtained in the form of loans from friends, neighbours or relatives. One difficulty here is a friend or relative, though not keen to lend the money, may not like to refuse. Another disadvantage is that, with any business, there is always risk. This means that, if money is obtained in this way, the borrower may one day have to look the friend or relative in the face and tell him that all the money has been lost - a distinctly unpleasant task. It may be possible to persuade a person with capital to become a partner in the business. This means that the capital would be interest-free and, unlike a loan, would not have to be repaid. Profits, however, would have to be split. This may be particularly frustrating if the partner is a 'sleeping' one. NOTES: Neighbours - соседи Приложение к билету № 5 Прочтите текст без словаря, передайте его содержание по-русски: The Wall Street Crash The stock market crash in the United States in 1929 was huge and led to a severe and lasting economic crisis in the world. Many bankers and industrialists lost their money and reputations. Share prices on the New York stock exchange had begun rising in 1924, and in 1928 and 1929 they rocketed to unbelievable levels. In spring 1929 there was a break in the rising prices when the Federal Reserve Bank said it might raise interest rates. Soon the market took off again. People could buy stock for 10% of its value and borrow the remaining 90%. The lending rate varied from 7% to 12%. It all ended on 21 October, 1929. The market opened badly and there was heavy selling. Confidence in the market disappeared. There was information that the big bankers were getting out of the market. Share prices fell dramatically. The boom was over. stock market – рынок ценных бумаг; crash – крушение; interest rates – процентные ставки; took off – обесценился. Приложение к билету 5(текст 1) Переведите текст со словарем: All commercial banks are involved in lending money to suitable businesses. The first problem is to convince the bank that the proposed business is likely to succeed. The second is that the bank will probably want some form of 'security' for the loan which they can take if the loan is not repaid. Examples include a paid-up life assurance policy, a mortgage on a house or a pledge of reasonably valuable personal possessions. Banks may lend money by a formal loan or simply by allowing the customer to over-draw his account (known as an overdraft). A loan is usually for a fixed, clearly stated period. Interest is charged on the full amount of the loan whether it is taken out of the bank or not, Security for the loan is usually required. On an overdraft, interest is paid only on the amount actually overdrawn on a day-to-day basis, but the rate is usually higher than on loans Banks usually retain the right to call an overdraft in (that is, to require repayment) without notice. NOTES: Loan - заем Overdraft – превышение кредита Приложение к билету № 6 Прочтите текст без словаря, передайте его содержание по-русски: Tulipomania The first modern stock market appeared in Amsterdam in the 17-th century. In Holland in 1630s, there was the most extraordinary speculative explosion in history. It was not in stocks and shares, but in tulip bulbs. People from all classes invested in the bulbs. Many sold their property so that they could pay for the bulbs. Foreigners joined in the rush to buy the flowers. Money poured into Holland from other countries. In 1637, the boom in the market ended. No one knows why, but people began to sell. Soon there was a panic among investors and the tulip market collapsed. Many people went bankrupt. It is not surprising that the collapse in prices led to a severe economic recession in Holland. stock market – рынок ценных бумаг; speculative explosion – спекулятивный взрыв; tulip bulbs – луковицы тюльпанов. Приложение к билету 6(текст 1) Переведите текст со словарем: Lease and lease-purchase schemes. Leasing means, simply, renting. The asset does not become the property of the person leasing it. However, many leasing arrangements include a special provision allowing the asset to be purchased for a purely nominal (that is, very small) amount once it has been leased for a substantial period. Strictly, this makes them lease-purchase schemes. For all practical purposes, there is little difference between 'lease-purchase' and 'hire-purchase', though the respective interest rates should be carefully compared together with the detailed clauses of the agreements. The professional advice of a banker or a lawyer should also be taken regarding the tax position regarding the different types of agreement. NOTES: Asset – финансовые активы Substantial – существенный Приложение к билету № 7 Прочтите текст без словаря, передайте его содержание по-русски: Bic’s Success in a Throwaway World Few companies can say that they are responsible for changing the everyday habits of billions of people throughout the world, but the French company Bic, founded in 1950, is one that can. The ballpoint pen came first. Baron Marcel Bich brought together French and British scientists to improve the design of the pen. Production of the Bic “Crystal” began in 1953. Sales rose from around 50,000 a week in the first year to a quarter of a million a day by 1956. Bich’s second product was the disposable lighter, which came in 1972. It is another success story which made Bic world leaders in the sector of throwaway products. Bic’s winning formula was a combination of simplicity of production and reliability. throwaway – одноразовый; ballpoint pen – шариковая ручка; disposable lighter – одноразовая зажигалка. Приложение к билету 7(текст 1) Переведите текст со словарем: MANAGEMENT Management is the art of getting things done through other people. It includes the personnel who have the right to make decisions that influence company's affairs. There are three management levels: top management, middle management and operating management. Top management includes the president, vice presidents, and the general manager. Middle management includes department managers and plant managers. Operating management includes supervisors, foremen, etc. The most important responsibility of any manager is decision making. Successful management is a skill of choosing from alternatives. Decision makings are divided into: recognizing the problem, defining and analyzing the problem, evaluating alternative solutions, choosing the most favourable solution and implementing the approach chosen. Management functions are planning, organizing, directing, controlling, staffing and innovating. It should be noted that successful management is based on three basic elements: leadership, motivation and communication. To operate a successful business one should have management skills because effective management is the key to business success. Приложение к билету № 8 Прочтите текст без словаря, передайте его содержание по-русски: Business School with a Difference Every Wednesday evening for six weeks late last year, a group of young executives gathered in a small lecture room in New York. They sat in comfortable chairs with a computer console at each desk. For three hours at a time, they tried to understand the difficult concepts which their professor talked about. The sessions were intense, with professor frequently stopping to call for questions or comments from individuals. What was unusual about the scene was that it was repeated simultaneously in 29 cities across the US. This meant that 260 students were able to take each class at once. One of the key advantages of the service is that it allows executives to keep up with the course even if they are moving around the country. At the end of the course business plans are written. executives – сотрудники; simultaneously – одновременно. Приложение к билету 8(текст 1) Переведите текст со словарем: MARKETING Marketing is the performance of business activities connected with the flow of goods and services from producers to consumers. Marketing includes the following operations: transporting, storing, pricing and selling goods. The most important thing in marketing is finding out who the customers are and what they want. Marketing is the process of having the right product at the right time in the right place, the process that brings mutual benefit to customers and vendors. Transporting means carrying goods from the place of their production to the place of their selling. Storing is necessary because the consumer desires to buy goods without waiting. Pricing involves the art of determining what price is the best. Selling involves helping consumers to discover their needs. Marketers should inform potential buyers of where goods can be bought and how much they cost. Marketing research is also very important. The following are steps in marketing research: defining the problem, collecting data, compiling data and analyzing the results, advertising. Marketing operations are very expensive and one should consider the value added through marketing. Marketing becomes too costly only when cost exceeds the value it adds. NOTES: mutual benefit – обоюдная выгода Приложение к билету № 9 Прочтите текст без словаря, передайте его содержание по-русски: Markets If a company wants to sell a product or service successfully, it must identify the target market. There are different types of market to choose from. The mass market aims to sell to as many people as possible. In contrast, a niche market focuses on a narrowly defined group of customers. Two European countries lead the luxury market. Italy has 30% of the market and France 25%. Luxury product categories include art and antiques, cosmetics and fragrance, jewellery and cars. Before a new product or service is launched on a particular market, it can be tried on a test market to see if people are likely to buy. Financial markets is the general term for buying and selling of shares, bonds (tradable documents promising to pay a sum of money – often government loans), and commodities (oil, metal, agricultural products). target market – целевой рынок; luxury market – рынок роскошных товаров; bonds – облигации; loans – ccуда. Приложение к билету 9(текст 1) Переведите текст со словарем: Paul Arber has remained in a corporate job all his life. Why? He has been brought up believing that this was the only option he had for supporting Ills family. Paul has always believed that his corporate job is secure and that he will retire in comfort to a life of security. He worked hard in order to get ahead financially. But then the threat of layoff became all too real. Now he is re-directing his energies into home business. Paul has carefully planned every step. First he took a look at the success rates of home businesses. Surprisingly, he found that almost 90% of these businesses are still operating after one year, and over 70% are still in operation after 3 years. Some of Paul's friends have discovered home business opportunities which provide options for earning substantial incomes. Paul is looking for something which requires only a modest investment, and a reasonable, but not excessive, amount of effort to succeed. Is it at all possible? Recently Paul has come up with an idea. He is quite enthusiastic about it. He believes, his idea will work for him. He is going to do business on the Web. NOTES: Modest - скромный Excessive – чрезмерный Приложение к билету № 10 Прочтите текст без словаря, передайте его содержание по-русски: The Web Now that the Internet has arrived, it is difficult to imagine how we lived without it; it has revolutionized communications. Changes are taking place at a very high speed. Hardware is becoming more compact, faster and more affordable. Unfortunately this revolution has brought with it a new set of problems. Research is certainly quicker but connections can be slow, making it difficult to access the websites that you need. Documents can still get lost, but now they float around cyberspace. Spam can be a problem when your e-mail account becomes overloaded with advertising that you don’t want. But more dangerous are the various computer viruses which can make your computer crash. The global economy relies on the constant exchange of up-to-the- minute information. Information and communication technologies have transformed the way that companies and individuals communicate. Technology has also opened up new horizons for economy as well as for education. hardware – компьютерное оборудование; affordable – доступный; research – исследование; access – доступ. |
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Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Учебно-методический комплекс составлен в соответствии с требованиями государственного образовательного стандарта высшего профессионального... |
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