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КОНТРОЛЬНАЯ РАБОТА № 4 (вариант 6)
1) The chairman of the company was asked to draw up a contract and to discuss its conditions. (to draw up – составить проект) 2) In a month I shall work in this company as a manager. 3) These business problems are being solved but some still remain. 4) By the end of 1993 more than 85% of Russian small enterprises and about one-third of Russian state enterprises had been privatized. 2. Перепишите следующие предложения; подчеркните в каждом из них причастие, определите его форму и функцию (определение или обстоятельство). Предложения переведите. 1) When asked to name the traits of the ideal employee, both executives and workers agreed that an individualistic and creative character is the most important. 2) Having signed the trade treaty the business manager left the office. (treaty – договор, соглашение) 3) Europe has a well developed financial sector. 3. Перепишите следующие предложения; подчеркните в каждом из них независимый причастный оборот. Предложения переведите. 1) The new year started buoyantly in financial markets and shares rose in most centres, London leading. (share – курс акции, акция). 2) The domestic savings being squandered, the country’s dependence on foreign finance is increased. (to squander – безрассудно тратить). 3) He has invested in modern technology, profits being ploughed back for new equipment. (plough back - реинвестировать) 4. Перепишите и письменно переведите следующий текст. Business A business (also called a firm or an enterprise) is a legally recognized organization designed to provide goods and/or services to consumers, governments or other businesses. A business needs a market. A consumer is an essential part of a business. Businesses are predominant in capitalist economies, most being privately owned and formed to earn profit to increase the wealth of owners. Socialistic systems involve either government, public, or worker ownership of the biggest businesses. The etymology of «business» relates to the state of being busy either as an individual or society as a whole, doing commercially viable and profitable work. The term «business» has three senses, depending on the scope — the singular sense relating to a particular company or corporation; the generalized sense refering to a particular market sector, such as «the music business» and compound forms such as agribusiness; or the broadest sense including all activity by the community of suppliers of goods and services. However, the exact definition of business, like much else in the philosophy of business, is a matter of debate. wealth – богатство, благосостояние, материальные ценности owner – собственник, владелец ownership – собственность state – состояние supplier – поставщик (товара, услуги) sense – значение KОНТРОЛЬНАЯ РАБОТА № 4 (вариант 10) 1. Определите время и залог в предложениях и переведите их: 1. Many kinds of computers are manufactured in the world. 2. The engineer apply new methods in their work. 3. The new computer center will be created by the end of 2010’s. 4. Many raw materials were discovered in Siberia. 5. Great attention is give to the safety of traffic. 2. Определите форму и функцию причастий. Предложения переведите. 1. The building of a new railway is a job involving many workers. 2. We heard our professor delivering a lecture on electronics. 3. Having tested a new equipment we could be sure of its efficiency. 3. Подчеркните независимый причастный оборот. Предложения переведите: 1. The new atomic power station having been built, many cities received cheap electricity. 2. The engineer has already solved this problem, many measurements being done by him. 3. The article on air brakes having been written, he published it in the International Railway Journal. 4. Переведите текст с помощью словаря: Freight cars There are different kinds of cars of different kinds of freight. The simplest type of a car is the flat car. It is a platform car with neither sides nor ends above the floor. It is used to carry logs, lumber, rails and heavy pieces of machinery. There are two common types of open-top cars: the gondola car and the hooper car. The chief different between these two is that the gondola car has a flat floor, while the hopper car has a floor which slopes downward from each end and in some cars from the sides. The bottom of the car has two or more hoppers, doors being opened downward. When these doors are open the entire contents of the hopper car will drop out. In the field of the constriction of different kinds of railway cars one of the task is production of high capacity freight cars. Neither.....nor......- ни….ни slope- наклонить Platform car- вагон-платформа gondola car- полувагон Open-top car- открытый вагон hopper car- вагон-хоппер Вариант входного теста для инженерно-технических и экономических специальностей 1. Выберите правильную форму глагола "to be": 1) I... in the 10th grade.
2) He ... at the theatre yesterday.
2. Укажите предложение, в котором глагол "to be" является вспомогательным:
3. Выберите правильную форму глагола "to have": Mr. Smith stayed at his office very late because he ... a lot of work.
4. Укажите предложение, в котором глагол "to have" является модальным:
5. Укажите правильные варианты перевода: 1) The flowers are in the vase.
2) There is по telephone in the room.
6. Подберите эквиваленты в английском языке, соответствующие русскому:
7. Выберите нужное местоимение: 1) I invited my friend to ...place,
2) It's easy, you can do it....
8. Выберите правильную форму существительного: 1) The ... comes every morning.
2) How many ... high is this house?
9. Укажите, какое слово можно употребить вместо подчеркнутого так, чтобы смысл предложения не изменился? 1) We usually drink much water in hot weather.
2) This text is easy, there are not many new words in it.
10. Укажите предложение, в котором числительное является порядковым:
11. Подберите слово, близкое по значению к подчеркнутому: 1) We do English at school
2) She spoke to her English teacher after classes.
12. Из следующей группы слов отметьте то, которое не имеет к остальным никакого отношения:
13. Определите, какое из слов не является продуктом питания: Butter, cream, flour, tea, orange, cucumber, fish, sausage, beans, chicken, ham, hot dogs, chips, butter-fly, berries, jam, pine-apple. 14. Какое из утверждений является верным? 1) a) English is impossible to learn. b) English is the most difficult language in the world. c) English is the most popular foreign language in our country. 2) a) After Friday comes Monday. b) The sun rises in the West. c) The 1st of April is "All Fools' Day" in Britain. 15. Укажите, какое из утверждений верно:
16. Скажите, в какой день Джон должен сдавать экзамен? John came late. The party was very interesting. He didn't want to leave earlier than others. He liked the parties that the Browns sometimes had on Saturday. He was happy. But suddenly he remembered that he-must take his exam in History and there was no time left. He had only one day to prepare for it. The party was forgotten at once.
Вариант выходного теста для инженерно-технических и экономических специальностей 1. Укажите, в каком предложении глагол стоит в Past Perfect: a) She has bought a new pair of shoes. b) She has a lot of different shoes at home. c) She had bought a pair of new shoes for yesterday's party. d) She is going to buy a pair of new shoes for the party. e) She had new shoes on at the party. 2. Выберите правильную форму глагола: 1) The rain ... before we reached home. a) stopped b) had stopped 2) The taxi ... by 5 o'clock. a) arrived b) had arrived 3. Выберите правильную форму глагола: 1) I ... not ... your book today. a) have brought b) had brought 2) ... you ... the dinner by the time the guests came? a) have cooked b)had cooked 4. Выберите правильный вспомогательный глагол: 1) ... the delegation visit your school? a) did b) has c) had 2)... I help you? a) has b) have c) shall 3) I ... not seen you for ages. a) has b) have c) shall 4) I ... not known the truth before she told me. a) has b) had c) shall 5. Укажите предложение, в котором "have" является вспомогательным глаголом: 1) Will you work tomorrow? 2) Have a got time! 3) They have never met before. 4) She has a lot of animals at home. 6. Сопоставьте английские предложения с русскими: 1) She is typing the letter. a) Она написала письмо. b) Она пишет письмо. 2) They have come. a) Они идут. b) Они пришли. 7. Какой вопрос относится к подчеркнутому слову? Mary loves Nick, her neighbour. a) Who loves Nick? b) Whom does Mary love? c) What is Nick? d) Why does Mary love Nick? 8. Укажите предложение, в котором глагол "to be" является вспомогательным глаголом для образования страдательного залога: a) She is washing the baby. b) Mother is watching TV. c) Father is at work. d) I am going to the cinema. e) A new film is shown in our cinema. f) He will be 16 next year. 9. Выберите правильный артикль: 1) ... Mississippi is the longest river in the USA. a) a b) the c) - 2) ... Jack London is a well-known American writer. a) a b) the c) - 3) ... tea is cold. a) a b) the c) - 4) On ... Monday we open at 9 o'clock. a) a b) the с) - 5) It was ... cold day. a) a b) the c) - 10. Какое обобщающее слово объединяет следующие понятия: Sofa, armchair, table, desk, bookcase, cupboard, sideboard, dressing table, shelf, chair, wardrobe. a) luggage b) furniture c) goods 11. Отметьте, какое из высказываний является правильным: 1) America was discovered in the 17th century. 2) Uranium was discovered by Einstein. 3) Flour is produced from milk. 4) "War and Peace" was written by Dostoyevsky. 5) Pierre and Marie Curie were awarded the Nobel Prize. 6) Galileo Galilee was born in France. 12. Прочтите текст и ответьте на вопрос: "Как звали продавца?" When I finished school I went to work at a big department store. The first days there were most difficult. I was sent from one department to another and never knew where they would send me the next day. I thought I would give up the job and look for something else. But a month later things did not look so bad... a) Nick b) Your name c) Jack Вариант зачетного билета для инженерно-технических и экономических специальностей I. Переведите текст со словарем. Elevated Railways At the end of the 19-th century the street traffic in big towns became heavy because of rapid development of public transport. After careful studies of the problem some American cities decided that it would be cheaper to build elevated railway carried by high supports above the streets with busy road traffic. Although these elevated railways produced much noise they became popular because they saved people much time. The project of the "EL" (a shortened form of "elevated railways") was put forward by Charles Harvey. The designer believed that his railway would be a convenient passenger transport in big cities. Indeed, the experiments with the newly designed system were a success, and soon main parts of New York were linked by the elevated railway. The cars were drawn along the track by means of a cable and attained a high speed. The "EL" was so popular that at one time over one million passengers were travelling on it each day. In later years, however, the underground lines, buses and motor cars took away the traffic from "EL" railway and it had to be closed down. Elevated Railways - железные дороги на эстакаде II. Прочитайте текст без словаря и изложите его содержание на русском языке. |
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