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New Trends in Urban Management The environmental protection brings together social, economic, moral and political considerations. Urban management must take these considerations into account and incorporate the following principles: Environmental limits. Uncertainty about the environmental threshold of the earth's carrying capacity requires the adoption of the precautionary principle and calls for demanding management. Environmental efficiency. Reducing the use of natural resources, increasing durability and closing resource loops will contribute to long-range environmentally compatible urban management. Welfare efficiency and equity. Multiple use and social and economic diversity, as well as a fair distribution of natural resources are key elements to be considered in urban planning. To reconcile continuing development with environmental limits mankind must choose certain types of development rather than others. Efficiency has meanings beyond maximizing the economic output of each human being. Human benefit is not necessarily identical to utility as measured by neo-classical economics. Quantity of goods should be replaced with quality of life. Environmental protection is closely connected to social equity. Natural building materials. Natural building has emerged as a response to an increasing concern for our built environment. Natural materials can provide an alternative to toxic substances which have led to widespread environmental illness.. While interest has surged in the industrialized West, the ancient roots of natural building are being lost in many traditional areas. Ironically, builders in the industrialized countries are now turning to these very cultures for solutions to their building problems. It is to be hoped that increased interest and research into vernacular building systems will increase respect for these timeless ideas in their native lands, and through diligent efforts by a number of people, many of these techniques are indeed being revived, studied and implemented throughout the world. As natural building and design is still in its infancy, the state of the art is in constant flux as practitioners and techniques, hitherto isolated, arc identified and brought into partnership with others. Most popular natural building techniques and materials include: adobe, bamboo, compressed earth, earthen floors, light straw-clay, natural fibres, living roofs, natural plasters and finishes, paper blocks, rammed earth, straw bale construction, thatch wattle and daub and wood. Many of the European city problems could be resolved by paying greater attention to the environment. Architecture and urban planning based on environmental preservation are the only option for maintaining quality of life and preventing lasting environmental damage. Pollution reduction, waste minimization and energy conservation can be furthered through environmentally friendly urban design and construction. Awareness of these issues and information on possible opportunities existing worldwide are vital to the development of new possibilities and new scopes in restructuring urban and agricultural areas, as well as human settlements in general. Bio-architecture links the appreciation of the environment and biodiversity with urban design and planning. Bio-architecture also promotes the use of materials and techniques, which are environmentally sound, culturally sensitive and reliant on local resources and skills. A "Biopolis" functions as a model for the harmonious coevolution of humanity with the bio-environment. It is based on the application of clean energy sources (solar, wind, hydrogen, etc.), cleaner production and environmentally friendly materials, and protection of bios aims at creating a self-sufficient, aesthetically pleasing urban environment with an active participation of every member of society in the conservation of nature. Answer the questions to the text. 1. How can you explain the notion "vernacular architecture". 2. What principles must urban management incorporate? 3. What should replace quality of goods? 4. Give your understanding of the word "Biopolis". 5. Do you know the geographical regions where natural building materials are widely used?
A Few Tips of Marketing in General I It is not enough to have a great idea or new building technique as the basis of your construction business; you must also have a market that is sufficiently large, accessible, and responsive. If you can't reach your market, or it isn't ready for you, your business will fail. Consider the automatic teller machine (ATM) now seen on virtually every street corner. It was invented more than 10 years before it became popular, but the company that initially marketed the ATM was unsuccessful — people weren't yet willing to trust their banking to machines. Market readiness is one of the most difficult and most unpredictable aspects to measure when examining your market. That is why companies spend substantial amounts of money on market research before launching a product. Even if you are not creating an entirely new product, service or technology, you should attempt to determine if your market is ready for you. For instance, if you are opening a flower shop in a neighborhood where none currently exists, what indications are there that the neighborhood residents are interested in buying flowers? Do they currently purchase flowers at a nearby supermarket? Does the national demographic data on flower purchasers coincide with neighborhood demographics? Perhaps you should conduct a survey of the neighborhood's residents, asking about their flower-buying habits and preferences. You may not have the funds to undertake extensive market research, but even a small amount of analysis can help you gauge the receptivity of a particular market to your idea. In addition to market readiness, key market factors will influence your choice of marketing strategy and help you make realistic financial projections. When gathering information for your business plan, spend considerable time learning about your market. The more thoroughly you understand the various factors that affect your market, the more likely you are to succeed. Once you have clarified what you want to tell customers about your construction company, you must describe how you disseminate that information. How do you reach potential customers? Do you advertise? If so, where? Do you send direct mail? If so, to what mailing lists? Do you participate in trade shows? If so, which ones and how frequently? Since every marketing vehicle costs money, and money is always limited, carefully plan how you intend to spend your marketing dollars. In devising your overall marketing program, be sure you look for: Fit. Your marketing vehicles must reach your actual target customer and be appropriate to your image. Mix. Use more than one method so customers get exposure to you from a number of sources. Repetition. It takes many exposures before a customer becomes aware of a message. Affordability. II Possible Marketing Vehicles Often the best marketing vehicles are not the most obvious or the most expensive. A large ad in a specialty publication may prove far more effective and less expensive than a small one in a general newspaper. A well-stocked public library can be an excellent source of marketing information. To find information on trade shows, refer to books, such as the Trade Shows and Professional Exhibits Directory, Trade Show and Exhibit Schedule, or Trade Show Week Data Book. Some of the marketing vehicles you may choose include: — Brochures. Leaflets, flyers, or other descriptive circulars; these are particularly useful for service businesses. — Print media. Newspapers, magazines, and specialty publications. — Broadcast media. Radio can be targeted to specific markets; television can be expensive, especially on network stations. —Advertising Specialties. Items imprinted with the company name given to customers (i.e. giveaways), ex. calendars, caps, desk sets, and gifts. — Direct Mail. Flyers, catalogues, brochures, and coupons. — Public Relations. Free feature and news articles in the media and other publicity, usually secured by public relations specialists. — Sampling. Distribution of free product samples, or coupons entitling recipients to free or discounted samples of your product or service. — Informal Marketing/Networking. Activities such as joining organizations, public speaking, or attending conferences.
Competition Competition can be distinguished as price competition and the competition based on the quality development and better sales organization. A fair competition is necessary for free market economy. New competitors enter markets all the time and sometimes current competitors drop out. Some competitors are more important than others, due entirely to the fact that they command a large percentage of the market part. Although these companies may not necessarily provide the best product or service at the best price, they nevertheless make the competitive environment more active. Any construction firm for to be competitive must follow some rules. The firm's management has to examine the current realities of the industrial branch. The next step is the estimation of the business — when and where the firm can be the best. The most important subject is your target market. Here is a practical example of the proper competitive behavior. The British company Aprofim Ltd is one of the respectable construction firms. For the last few years, Aprofim has been rated among the top 50 construction companies worldwide. The company specializes in electrical and agricultural turnkey projects, as well as industrial projects for governments and the private sector. One of the company's branches operates in almost every region of Nigeria as well as other West African countries and the Middle East. Aprofim's expertise extends to road construction, bridges, culverts, mass earthworks, port design and hospital constructions. Among the construction and turnkey projects undertaken by Aprofim are the following: 1. Coffee-processing and food-packaging factory in Lagos. 2. Air-conditioning and generator Assembly plant in Ondo State, Nigeria. Aprofim has constructed three rice mills in rural areas of Nigeria. The project includes designing, construction and commissioning of the rice mills, as well as the training of stuff. And it is not a full list of course. So we can see how Aprofim has found its geographical target market and how the firm operates there. For Nigerian economy and business groups Aprofim is beyond any doubt one of the most important investor and partners because Aprofim meets the current needs of Nigeria, the country with a tropical climate resulting agricultural problems. Aprofim understands its competitiveness as permanent activities for increasing the number of life-important projects having been done in the region. 1. What do you think the target market is? 2. When a firm can be competitive? 3. What competition is a real mechanism for free market economical system? 4. Why does Aprofim work long and successfully in many countries? 5. Is it necessary to diverse a firm's activity to be competitive?
Modern Management Practices in the Competitive Construction Industry Civil engineering is the oldest and one of the most highly respected of all the engineering disciplines. It is a traditional industry, by its nature. From the very beginning man has been a builder and his creative ability and skilful craftsmanship are what the modern civil engineering industry is founded on. Today these traditional skills are coupled with the entire modern technology and thinking available to enable civil engineers to carry out their work to the highest of standards. The traditional background of the industry presents, however, some problems. First of all, it is often perceived as old fashioned and reluctant to fully come to terms with the business world of today. But it is obvious that new ideas cannot be implemented until they have been tried, proved and tested. So, if new management techniques are not considered and adopted, there would be a loss in competitive advantage, a vital factor in a highly competitive industry. That's why it is necessary to ascertain the importance and relevance of management training in the construction industry. People have been managing companies ever since companies came into existence. If a company produces work of a quality that satisfies customers, then a continuous flow of work to the company will follow. The world has, however, changed. It is now necessary to manage a company effectively and efficiently as well as to produce high quality goods. It is especially important nowadays when construction work is limited and construction companies have to cut margins to obtain work. Therefore, the effective management of an organization has become an art form in itself. Civil engineering is a business and its survival is in making a profit. And it is the success of the "team" that is important. The team could be made up of engineers, quantity surveyors, estimators, planners, QA managers’ personnel and computer specialists; all form an integral and equally important part of the business. Engineers may not grow into managers, but they must be trained for this role. But it would be wrong to assume that years of engineering experience produce an effective manager. Mainstream management focuses on repetitive operations, as in a factory or retail store, but in the construction industry these operations are not applied. Managers in this industry operate in an unstable business environment, according to the workload of their company. And it is a recognized fact that construction managers do not come into being by themselves. The range of skills required is so diverse that a natural progression up now a need to train managers through the ranks of seniority will not provide all the necessary knowledge to produce an effective manager. The training of graduate engineers in the construction industry at present consists of the undergraduate training within tertiary education, and postgraduate training within the industry itself. Although the number of hours devoted to teaching management is increasing at educational establishments, graduates are still not adequately prepared for industry. Further training within the industry is varied and dependent on many factors such as the needs of the company, size of the company, and current health of the industry. Management and management training within the construction industry is varied and is dependent on the sector, consulting or contracting, within which an engineer operates. It is necessary to take into consideration the attitudes of civil engineers and their companies towards modern management practices. Constructors (or construction managers) are moving rapidly to meet the challenges of a modern business world and are making full use of the tools available. Consultants are a little behind in their attitudes to modern management but are improving; they have not yet realized the full potential of management training. The alteration of construction industry attitude towards management practice would appear to stem from the business market within which a company is going to operate.
Capable Management Perhaps more than any other factor, competent management stands out as the most important ingredient in business success. The people you place in key positions are crucial in determining the health and viability of your business. Moreover, if you want to raise additional funding their apparent experience and skills often determine whether a business plan you submit for funding is acted upon favorably by investors or banks. Because of the significance of management to business success, many venture capital firms place the single greatest emphasis on this factor when deciding on their investments, and they review the management section of a business plan with special scrutiny. Your business plan must inspire confidence in the capabilities of your management. Before submitting your business plan to investors, conduct your own analysis of your management team. Evaluate each individual (and yourself) to see if he or she fits the profile of a successful manager. Some of the traits shared by successful managers are the following: Experience. They have a long work history in their company's industry and/or they have a solid management background that translates well to the specifics of any business in which they become involved. Realism. They understand the many needs and challenges of their business and honestly assess their own limitations. They recognize the need for careful planning and hard work. Flexibility. They know things go wrong or change over time, and they are able to adapt without losing focus. Ability to Work Well with People. They are leaders and motivators with the patience necessary to deal with a variety of people. They may be demanding, but they are fair. In developing your own business plan, determine whether key members of your management team possess these characteristics. If not, perhaps you can increase training, add staff, or take other measures to enhance your management's effectiveness. For instance , if you have little or no experience in your chosen field, perhaps you should first take a job with an existing company in that field before opening your own business.
A to read B reading
A to talk B talking
A to smoke B smoking
A to close B closing
A to phone B phoning
A to belong B belonging
A to teach B teaching
A to read B reading
A to tell B telling
A to eat B eating
A to go B going
A to help B helping Задания для самостоятельной (внеаудиторной) работы обучающихся Работа над мини-проектом «Чудеса света» Форма контроля самостоятельной работы:
Вопросы для самоконтроля по теме Correct the false sentences (Исправьте неверные предложения)
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