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Прочитайте текст, выполните задания после текста. Переведите письменно пять любых абзацев.Silicate Industry Silicate industry is the industry processing the natural compounds of silicon. It embraces the production of cement, glass, and ceramics. The production of ceramic goods is based on the property of clay when mixed with water to form putty, from which various articles can easily be moulded. When these are dried and then for easily moulding baked, that is, ignited at a high temperature, they become hard and retain their shape, no longer being softened by water. In this way clay, mixed water and sand is moulded into bricks, which are then dried and baked. The materials used to make silicate bricks are white sand and slaked lime. Cement Production. Cement is made from limestone and clay, or from their natural mixture, marls. The materials roasted in cylindrical rotary kilns are charged into a slowly rotating kiln at its upper end and travel, mixing continuously, towards the lower end, while a current of hot gases, the products of the burning of fuel, flows in the opposite direction. During the period of their movement through the kiln the clay and the limestone react chemically, and the material emerging from the kiln in lumps of a caked mass is cement, which is then grounded. When cement is mixed with water, it forms mortar, which hardens, binding various objects, such as bricks or stones, very firmly. It is for this reason that cement is used widely as a binding materials in large-scale construction, including underwater construction. Cement is often mixed with sand or gravel, in which case we get concrete. Concrete has roughly the same coefficient of thermal expansion as iron. Glass Production. The initial materials for the production of ordinary glass are mainly soda, limestone, and sand. A mixture of these substances is heated in a bath-shaped furnace. When it cools, the liquid mass of glass *does not become hard at once. At first it becomes viscous and readily assumes any shape. This property of glass is used in making various articles out of it. Definite portions of the cooling semi liquid mass are taken from the bath, and these are blown or pressed to make various glassware. By machine methods glass sheets, tubes, etc., can be drawn continuously from the molten mass. Sand is the chief material used as a fine aggregate. It is required in mortar or concrete for economy and to prevent the excessive cracking. Mortar made without sand would be expensive. The word "sand" is applied to any finely divided material which will not injuriously affect the cement or lime and *which is not subject to disintegration or decay. Sand is almost the only material which is sufficiently cheap and which can fulfill these requirements. A mixture of coarse and fine grains is very satisfactory, as it makes a denser and stronger concrete with a less amount of cement than when only fine-grained sand is used. The following sands are used for mortars: pit or quarry sand, river sand and sea sand. Lime is a calcium oxide. It is used in great quantities for mortar and plaster. Lime (quicklime) is a white solid that reacts violently with water to form calcium hydroxide. It is made by heating limestone in a special kind of furnace called a "kiln". Lime must be stored in a dry place, otherwise it will absorb moisture. Limes may be divided into three distinct classes: 1. Rich limes that contain not more than 6 percent of impurities, slake very rapidly, and are entirely dependent *on external agents for setting power4. These are widely used for interior plasterer's works. 2. Poor limes that contain from 15 percent to 30 percent of useless impurities and possess the general properties of rich limes, only to a lesser degree. 3. Hydraulic limes that contain certain proportions of impurities, which when calcinated, combine with the lime and endow it with the valuable property of setting under water or without external agents. Lime is a basic building material extensively used all over the world, but it was not until the later years of the 19th century that a greater appreciation of the fuel-burning problems involved became apparent. Until this time the requirement for lime was largely agricultural and it was produced by farmers or by small builders who used it for making mortar and plaster. As industrial requirements increased "running" kilns were developed. These were lined with firebrick and charged at regular intervals with stone and fuel. Around the world there are many different types of kilns and variations in lime-burning practice. Find the following words and word combinations in the text жидкая масса _______________ изделия из стекла ______________________ природная смесь ___________________________ расплавленная масса _____________________ связующее вещество __________________________ цилиндрическая вращающаяся печь ____________________ нагревание известняка ______________________________ изготовление раствора и штукатурки __________________________ гашеная известь _________________________ Complete the sentences with the information from the text 1. A mixture of coarse and fine grains... 2 … often mixed with sand or gravel... 3. The production of ceramic goods is based on the property of clay... 4... .is moulded into bricks, which are then dried and baked. 5. The following sands are used for mortars: ... 6. Until this time the requirement for lime was largely agricultural... Group these phrases under the following headings: a) Cement Production b) Glass Production to roast in; large-scale construction; ordinary glass; to move through the kiln; building material; bath-shaped furnace; definite portions; cylindrical rotary kilns; to ignite at a temperature; a mixture of substances; cooling semi liquid mass; to press; the molten mass.
A to feel B feeling C feel
A to smoke B smoking C smoke
A to type B type C typed
A played B playing C to play
A marry B to marry C married
A not to feel B not feel C felt
A took B take C taken
A crossed B cross C to cross
A sang B sings C singing
A to avoid B avoid C avoided Задания для самостоятельной (внеаудиторной) работы обучающихся Работа над мини-проектом «Бетон. Производство бетона» Форма контроля самостоятельной работы:
Вопросы для самоконтроля по теме: Correct the false sentences (Исправьте неверные предложения)
Тема 3.3 «Гражданское строительство» (продолжение, VI семестр) План изучения темы 1. Асбест. Вентиляция. Архитектура (формы и функции). Биоклиматическая архитектура. Новые направления в городском строительстве. Новые направления маркетинга. Конкуренция. Современные методы управления в строительной отрасли. 2. Неличные формы глагола: Герундий. Краткое изложение теоретических вопросов: Герундий (the Gerund) – это неличная форма глагола, которая обладает свойствами как глагола, так и существительного. Герундий образуется от основы глагола с помощью суффикса – ing. В русском языке соответствия герундию нет. Герундий обозначает действие как название процесса и поэтому всегда отвечает на вопросы существительного (что? с чем? от чего? на чём? для чего?). Герундий имеет несколько форм, соответствующих по своему значению некоторым формам сказуемого и полностью совпадающих с формами Причастия I: Indefinite – ~ing Perfect – having ~ed (3) Active – being ~ed (3) Passive – having been ~ed (3) Smoking is bad for health. – Курение вредно для здоровья. She doesn’t like being looked at. – Она не любит, когда на неё смотрят. I called them to say about my having arrived. – Я позвонил им, чтобы сказать о том, что я приехал. Without having been seen we entered the house – Мы вошли в дом так, что нас не заметили. Простая форма герундия переводится на русский язык чаще всего неопределённой формой глагола или существительным. Reading is not begun yet. - Чтение ещё не началось. или Читать ещё не начали. Сложные формы почти всегда переводятся придаточными предложениями. He liked neither inviting people nor being invited. – Он не любил ни сам приглашать, ни быть приглашённым. Наиболее употребительные выражения с глаголом to be, после которых для обозначения второстепенного действия используется только Герундий: to be aware of – знать to be busy in – быть занятым в to be capable of – быть способным на to be fond of – очень нравиться to be guilty of – быть виноватым в to be indignant at – негодовать to be sensible of – чувствовать, понимать to be severe in – быть строгим, суровым to be worth – стоить что-либо сделать They are aware of our living together. – Они знают о том, что мы живём вместе. Наиболее употребительные глаголы, после которых для обозначения второстепенного действия используется только Герундий: to avoid – избегать to burst out – разразиться to deny – отрицать to enjoy – наслаждаться to excuse – извинять to fancy – нравиться to finish – заканчивать to give up – прекращать to go on – продолжать to keep on – продолжать to mind – возражать to postpone – отложить, перенести на другой срок to put off – отложить, перенести на другой срок cannot help- не удержаться от He avoids looking at us. – Он избегал смотреть на нас. Наиболее употребительные глаголы и выражения в определённом сочетании с предлогами или другими словами, после которых для обозначения второстепенного действия используется только Герундий: to accuse of – обвинять в том, что to agree to – согласиться на то, чтобы to approve of – одобрять to complain of – жаловаться на то, что to depend on/upon – зависеть от того to feel like – чувствовать в себе желание сделать что-то to look like – выглядеть to insist on – настаивать на том, чтобы to object to – возражать против того, чтобы to persist in – упорно продолжать заниматься чем-либо to prevent from – удержаться от того, чтобы to rely on/upon – положиться на то to speak of – говорить о том, что to succeed in – добиться успеха в to thank for – благодарить за то, что to think of – думать о том, что to look forward to – с нетерпением ждать выполнения какого-либо действия She never complains of being poor. - Она никогда не жалуется на то, что бедная. Наиболее употребительные предлоги и предложные сочетания, после которых для обозначения второстепенного действия используется только Герундий: after / on / upon – после того как against – против (того, чтобы) apart / aside from – помимо, кроме (того, что) by – путём, при помощи because of – из-за / по причине (того, что) besides – кроме before – перед (тем, как) from – из / от for fear – из-за опасения, что in – в instead of – вместо того, чтобы of – обозначает родительный падеж owing to – благодаря (тому, что) / из-за (того, что) through – из-за (того, что) They voted against accepting the plan. – Они проголосовали против принятия этого плана. Задания для самостоятельного выполнения
Asbestos Asbestos has been known and used as a textile since the earliest times. The first written evidence of asbestos was recorded by Pliny in the first century A. D. It is told that one of the Emperors of Rome delighted guests by throwing a tablecloth made of asbestos into fire and then removing it unchanged from the flame. A few centuries later Marco Polo told his friends in Italy about a substance he observed in Siberia. He told that it could be woven into attractive textiles, which did not burn even in direct flame. Asbestos is one of the strangest of all the naturally occurring fibers. It is a rock, which has been subjected to unusual treatment during its formation2. Asbestos is the only mineral substance used as a textile fiber in the form it is obtained from natural sources. There are many varieties of asbestos rocks but only chrysotile is widely used for textile products. Chrysotile is mined in many countries of the world. The soft, long, white fibers of this mineral can be spun into yarn by the usual processes. Pure asbestos being very difficult to spin, a proportion of cotton fiber is usually added to help to bind the asbestos fibers together. The strangest characteristic of asbestos fibers is their resistance to heat and burning. This property determines the ways in which they are used. Early uses for asbestos included such articles as handkerchiefs and table coverings. The Chinese used asbestos to make false sleeves, which could be cleaned by putting them in the fire. All the dirt was burned off, leaving the asbestos clean. We know commercial development of the fiber to have started in the 19th century. Asbestos was used in flameproof clothing of many kinds, for laboratory, industrial and military purposes. Fabrics made of asbestos have good strength. Today the main applications are those in which non-inflammability is essential such as conveyor belting for hot materials, industrial packings, fireproof clothing, etc. Asbestos is sometimes used with glass fiber in making decorative fabrics for curtains used in hospitals, theatres and other buildings where the public assembles. Some grades of asbestos are used for electrical windings and insulation.
Air-conditioning I Air-conditioning is the bringing of air in a building to a desired temperature, purity, and humidity throughout the year to maintain healthy and comfortable atmosphere. Air-conditioning may be divided into two main sections: one for the processing of materials in industry; the other for human comfort. It has been found that there is an optimum condition of temperature and humidity at which the processing of different materials may be carried out with the minimum of wastage and the maximum of goods of specification quality. The system is therefore designed to produce air of predetermined temperature and moisture content and to keep it so despite all external influences. Such air is filtered free of foreign material. Conditioning air for human comfort may also be divided into two main sections — winter and summer. Frequently, the systems installed in office buildings provide control during both seasons. Complete air-conditioning provides the following services. First, filtration of the air both in winter and summer to remove dust. Second, circulation of the air at low velocity and with proper diffusion to prevent draughts and maintain *a uniform temperature and humidity at all parts of the inhabited space. Third, introduction of enough fresh air from the outside atmosphere. Fourth, heating of the air in winter. Fifth, cooling of the air in summer below the outside atmosphere. Sixth, humidifying the air in winter to a relative humidity of at least 20-25 per cent. Seventh, dehumidifying the air in summer to a relative humidity not exceeding 55 per cent. The basic pieces of equipment are the filters, preheat coils, humidifiers, reheat coils, additional cooling coils, fans and controls. The control of air purity can be achieved in various degrees. As a control some sort of filtering must be done near the entrance of the air-conditioning system. Possibly the most efficient filtering device is the electrostatic precipitator. Air conditioning for human comfort is employed in both large and small installations, such as theaters, office buildings, department stores, residences, airplanes, railways, cars and submarines. II People are comfortable when they are neither too cold, nor too warm and when the air about them is neither too dry, nor too damp and is not stuffy or dusty. To bring about these desirable conditions the heating or air-conditioning apparatus must be capable of maintaining the following conditions inside the house, whatever the conditions outside may be. To avoid stuffiness, the air should be given a certain amount of motion. Under winter conditions this must be sufficient to distribute the heat uniformly throughout the rooms. It must not be too cold at the floor, not too hot at the ceiling. A stove causes the hot air around it to rise up toward the ceiling and cooler air to flow toward the stove. A radiator acts in this respect like a stove. Warm-air registers bring heated air into a room with a certain motion or velocity which imparts movement to the air already in the room. An outlet for this air should be provided in order to have good ventilation. In summer time much greater air motion is needed, enough to change the air in a room completely from three to ten times per hour. Sometimes a fan is placed in the attic to blow the warm air out and to cause the cooler night air to flow through open windows. When this is done, air in the house can be expected to be changed completely every two or three minutes. When air is brought into a house from outside, heated in a furnace and distributed through all the rooms, it ought to be cleaned by passing it through "filters" before it enters the furnace:
Architecture: Its Forms and Functions Architecture is the art or science of planning, building and structures. Without consideration of structural principles, materials, social and economic requirements a building cannot take form. But without aesthetical quality inherent in its form *a building cannot be considered as a work of architecture1 as well. From the very beginning of construction in human history lots of architectural skills, systems and theories have been evolved for the construction of the buildings, which have housed nations and generations of people in any kind of their activity. Writings on architecture are almost as old as writing itself. Books on the theory of architecture, on the art of buildings, and on the aesthetical view of buildings exist in great number. The oldest book, which sets forth the principles, upon which buildings should be designed and which aim is to guide the architect, is the work of Markus Vitruvius Polio written in the first century B. C. Architecture is an art. Its nowadays expression should be creative and consequently new. The heritage of the past cannot be ignored, but it must be expressed in modern terms. There exists an evident paradox in the coexistence of change and survival in every period of human civilization. This paradox of change and repetition is clearly illustrated in any architectural style. Architecture is also the style or manner of building in a particular country or period of history. There are widely known examples of Gothic architecture all round the globe. During many centuries mankind admires the architecture of ancient Greece or Roman Empire as well. Nearly two thousand years ago the Roman architect Vitruvius listed three basic factors in architecture. They are convenience, strength and beauty. These three factors have been present and are always interrelated in the best constructions till the 21st century. No true architect could think of any of them without almost automatically considering the other two as well. Thus, architectural design entails not only the necessity to study various solutions for convenience, structure, and appearance as three separate processes. Architectural design also includes the necessity to keep in mind the constant interaction of these factors. It's impossible for an architect first plan a building from the point of view of convenience, and then make the design of a strong construction around his plan to shelter it. Then, as a final touch, try to adjust and decorate the whole to make it pretty. Any design evolving from such kind of work will produce only a confused, incoherent, and unsatisfactory building. When speaking about any truly great building we cannot but say that every element in it has a triple implication or significance. This triple nature of architectural design is one of the reasons why architecture is a difficult art. It needs some unique type of imagination4 as well as long years of training and experience to make a designer capable of getting requite in the light of these three factors—use, construction, and aesthetic effect—simultaneously. The designer must have a good knowledge as of engineering so of building materials. This knowledge will enable him to create economically strong and practical construction. The designer, in addition, must possess the creative imagination, which will enable him to integrate the plan and the construction into the harmonious whole. The architect's feeling of satisfaction in achieving such integration is one of his/her (their) greatest rewards. 1. What is architecture? 2. What is the oldest book to set forth the principles of construction? 3. How should mankind deal with the heritage of the past? 4. What three basic factors in architecture were listed nearly two thousand years ago? 5. Why architecture is a difficult art? 6. What can we say about any truly great building? 7. What integration must an architect achieve?
"BIOCLIMATIC ARCHITECTURE" What Is Meant by "Bioclimatic Architecture" Bioclimatic architecture is a way of designing buildings and manipulating the environment within buildings by working with natural forces around the building rather than against them. Thus it concerns itself with climate as a major contextual generator, and with benign environments using minimal energy as its target. Bioclimatic architecture aims to protect and enhance the environment and life. It is developing on many different levels from rethinking basic concepts about our need for shelter and the function of the "city" in our lives to developing recycled or sustainable building materials. The impact of traditional building on the environment and natural resources is enormous. However, the ideal of designing and building structures that are environmentally friendly has become fairly widespread throughout the community of architects and builders in developed nations. In many areas there is the necessity of complying with new regulations and standards aimed at protecting the environment. In addition, there are an increasing number of incentives for putting up buildings with more efficient energy consumption and that reduces the negative impacts on natural resources by using recycled or sustainable materials. While these vary around the world, there is awareness that our need for shelter must not jeopardize the environment. There is growing interest in "green" building practices, which offer an opportunity to create environmentally sound and resource efficient buildings by using an integrated approach to design. "Green" buildings promote resource conservation through energy efficiency, renewable energy, and water conservation features. They take into consideration the environmental impact of the building and minimize waste. Other goals are to create a healthy and comfortable environment, reduce operation and maintenance costs, and address issues such as historical preservation, access to public transportation and other community infrastructure systems. The entire life cycle of the building and its components is considered, as well as the economic and environmental impact and performance. As public awareness of environmental issues increases1, the construction developers are also beginning to see that "green building" can be profitable and a selling point. Market surveys are showing that a surprising number of potential buyers are interested and will pay the higher prices for a home that is environmentally friendly. In the last few years there has been much talk concerning environmentally responsible architecture, that is, architecture respectful of the earth's resources and its natural beauty. Unfortunately, many of the architects and designers *who profess interest in the concept of sustainable architecture do not practice it in their own work for whatever reason, be it their client's lack of interest or their own lack of conviction. In fact, most architects ignore the issue altogether, preferring to regard architecture as fashion. This is a terribly irresponsible view, because in terms of energy use and visual pollution, ""buildings have had an increasingly severe and damaging impact on the environment, this makes the issue of sustainable architecture not only an important consideration but also a necessary one. As for a building philosophy for national parks, which were created to conserve nature for future generations, it seems that sustainable architecture, or "integrated bioclimatic architecture", is the only logical and responsible approach. What is integrated bioclimatic architecture? It is the architecture that arises out of the landscape, with the site determining the orientation and construction of a building, not just aesthetically, but also mechanically, determining its heating, cooling, and lighting too. Thus, it is an architecture that respects nature and its resources and provides its occupants with the most comfortable and pleasing environment possible. However, this architectural approach need not be a restrictive one for imaginative practitioners. As integrated bioclimatic architecture encompasses examples of vernacular architecture, like the typical "white stucco Mediterranean fishing village", as well as mimetic architecture, which draws on the materials, textures, even the plants of the surrounding landscape for its inspiration. Indeed, good integrated bioclimatic architecture should exist in harmony with the site. Find Russian equivalents: 1. environmentally friendly ___________________________ 2. bioclimatic architecture _____________________________ 3. more efficient energy consumption ____________________ 4. to promote resource conservation ______________________ 5. an irresponsible view _______________________________ 6. to exist in harmony with the site or nature ________________ 7. public awareness of environmental issues ________________ 8. resource-efficient buildings ___________________________ 9. the environmental impact of the building ________________ Translate from Russian into English 1. арка, поддерживаемая колоннами _____________________ 2.создание здоровой окружающей среды ___________________ 3.плодоносная почва___________________________________ 4.разрушающее воздействие______________________________ 5.пересмотр основных взглядов(понятий) ___________________ 6.строительство, запланированное в этом районе _____________ 7.повторное использование материалов _____________________ 8.возобновляемые ресурсы________________________ 9.развитые страны _______________________________ 10.отсутствие убежденности _______________________ Answer the questions to the text 1. What is bioclimatic architecture? 2. The impact of traditional building on the environment and natural resources is not enormous, is it? 3. Why is there growing interest in "Green" building practices? 4. What makes the construction developers see that "green" building can be profitable? 5. Do most architects regard architecture as fashion? 6. What is integrated bioclimatic architecture? 7. Explain the words "vernacular architecture". 8. Good integrated bioclimatic architecture should exist in harmony with the site, shouldn't it?
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