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Комплект заданий для учащихся 7-8 классов Конкурс понимания устного текста - Listening В комплект материалов, необходимых для проведения теста по аудированию, входят: 1.Методические рекомендации 2. Текст задания 3. Лист ответа (для каждого участника) 4.Ключи (для членов жюри) 5. Cкрипты (для членов жюри) 6. Аудиозапись Методические рекомендации Задания по аудированию состоят из двух частей (всего 20 заданий). На выполнение всех заданий отводится 15 минут, в которые входит и внесение ответов в ответные листы. Первое задание – прослушивание текста по теме «Покупки». После прослушивания (запись прослушивается 2 раза) участникам предлагается из двух вариантов ответа на вопрос выбрать один, который передаёт содержание соответствующего сообщения (True-False). Второе задание представляет собой интервью с женщиной, написавшей книгу об искусстве изучения характера человека по форме его лица. Участникам предлагается заполнить пропуски в предложениях. При подготовке материалов для конкурса понимания устного текста методическая комиссия исходила из следующих положений:
Правильность выполнения заданий проверяется по ключам (см. Ключи). Критерии оценивания: За каждый правильный ответ дается 1 балл. Максимальное количество баллов – 20. Орфографические ошибки в заданиях не учитываются.
Task 1 You are going to listen to a woman talking about shopping. Listen and for questions 1-10 indicate whether you think each statement is TRUE (A) or FALSE (B). You will hear the extract twice.There will be a short pause (15 seconds) between the first and the second listening. 1. There are very few shops near her house. A. True B. False 2. Her favourite shops are shoe shops. A. True B. False 3. She always buys presents from the same shop. A. True B. False 4. She often goes to supermarkets. A. True B. False 5. She likes doing her shopping at lots of different places. A. True B. False 6. She prefers shopping by herself. A. True B. False 7. She hates buying books and swimsuits. A. True B. False 8. She enjoys shopping in the sales. A. True B. False 9. She can often find something cheap at a street market. A. True B. False 10. She has sometimes bought theatre tickets online. A. True B. False
Task 2 You are going to listen to an interview with a woman who’s written a book about face-reading, the skill of judging a person’s character from the shape of their face. For questions 11-20, complete the sentences. You will hear the extract twice. FACE READING The skill of face-reading is believed to have come from 11.___________originally. The title of Lillian’s book is 12._______________. Lillian explains that the face contains approximately 13._____________ muscles. Lillian says that when people look ina 14.___________, they usually manage to look their best. Lilian says that people oftenfeel 15._____________ when they see themselves onvideo. Experts say that the left side of the face is regarded as more 16.____________ by mostpeople. Lillian says that successful 17.______________are often people with wide cheekbones. Lillian says that the shape of a person’s 18.________and________ may show how determined they are. Lillian advises women against using too much 19.___________ atinterviews. . Lillian suggests 20.__________and________ when listening to people at interviews.
Listening Keys
Near my house there are a lot of small Indian shops selling vegetables and spices. I love walking around them, looking at everything. I suppose my favourite shops are delicatessens. I just love food. I don’t think I really have favourite shops for buying clothes, shoes, and books. For presents, it obviously depends what I am buying and who it’s for. I don’t have one favourite shop. I regularly shop at markets, supermarkets, and shopping centres. I like variety, it makes shopping more interesting. I go shopping when I need to and I generally go on my own as it’s easier. I enjoy buying books and I absolutely hate buying swimsuits. Shopping in the sales is a nightmare as everything is in a mess and there are thousands of people. I hate it. I go to street markets sometimes – you can often find bargains there. I have done quite a lot of shopping online. It is so easy. I have bought flight tickets, films, and books.
PR = Presenter; L = Lillian PR:In today’s programme, we’re talking about faces and what they can tell us about a person’s character. In the studio is Lillian Scott who’s written a book about the skill of face-reading. Lillian, welcome. L: Hi. PR: So is this idea that you can tell a person’s character from the shape of their face a new theory? L: Oh no, it goes back centuries actually, but it’s only now that people are studying it more seriously. The idea has reached us in Europe via Australia and New Zealand, but the skill was originally developed in China. I go into this in some detail in my book. PR: And the book’s called ...? L: Well, it took a long time to find a title. I wanted to call it Face to Face, but apparently there’s already a book with that title, so that wasn’t allowed. In the end, someone suggested The Naked Face, which sounded good because I wanted to focus on things which everyone can see, but which we tend not to notice. So we went for that. PR: And the book begins by describing how the face works, doesn’t it? L: Yes, for example there are 14 bones in the face with around 95 muscles working around them. This means that we can do all sorts of things with our faces, revealing a great deal about ourselves in the process, because our faces are changing all the time as we speak, as we react towards the world around us. PR: And can you observe this in your own face? L: Well, yes, I mean when people look in a mirror, they tend to adopt a particular facial expression, the one they think looks best. They try to do the same thing when posing for photographs, but usually without success because you can’t actually see what you look like till later. That’s why people are always saying ‘I look awful in that photo,’ when to the rest of us they look perfectly normal. And of course, seeing yourself on video can be quite an uncomfortable experience, because then you see all your changes of expression and so on. PR: And then some people think they have a best side, don’t they, which they always turn towards the camera? L: That’s right. And, of course, each side is always different. It’s a fact that’s puzzled scientists for years, but it is true. Some face-reading experts say that people generally want to show the right side of their face to the world, because they feel the left is the personal side, you know, they want to keep it to themselves. PR: Really? And what character traits can you see in people’s faces? Give us some examples, things we could look out for. L: Well, good managers generally have wide faces with the cheekbones wide apart, which is meant to indicate a strong desire to achieve things and meet targets. PR: OK. Anything else? L: Other good signs for success at work are a strong chin, which represents determination, and of course the shape of the lips, has long been associated with that as well. PR: Right. But what about if you don’t look like that? Can you make the most of what you’ve got, in a job interview, for example? L: Yes, you certainly can, and of course women especially try to do this. The first thing to remember is that you should look people straight in the eye when you speak, even if it means moving your chair. Some people use make-up or a new hair-do to emphasise or play down certain facial features, but it’s best to get professional advice because too much, or badly applied make-up, for example, would be a mistake. It actually puts people off. PR: Sure. L: But basically it’s more a question of how you behave at interviews. If you’re tense, your face is likely to look tight and unrelaxed and people will think that’s also your character. Whereas if you keep nodding and smiling to show that you’re really interested in what they’re saying, people tend to like you better. PR: Thank you Lillian. And if you’d like to buy Lillian’s book, it’s ...
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