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Unit 8 The Constitution of the Russian FederationBefore you read Discuss these questions.
Can you compare it with the former one?
The New Russian Constitution The Constitution of the Russian Federation is the supreme normative legal act, holding the highest juridical power, superiority, and direct action on the Russian territory. All laws and other legal acts adopted in Russia must comply with the Constitution. The Russian Federation enacted the Constitution on 12 December 1993. The Russian Constitution, approved by the state referendum, is the basis of the Russian constitutional law and the most important source of domestic law. The Constitution provides for a federal state and introduces the concept of separation of powers. The Constitution provides for the separation of executive, legislative and judicial power. The legislature is structured as a parliament. The main legislative body, the Federal Assembly, is composed of two chambers – the Federation Council (the upper house) and the State Duma (the lower house). The Constitution deals with such matters as the national territory, the President, the Legislature, the Executive, the Judiciary of the Russian Federation and, of course, the fundamental rights. It is commonly said, that the executive branch consists of the President, elected directly by people for a four-year term, and the Government. However, the President of the Russian Federation states separate to the executive power. The President is the guarantee of the Constitution and possesses some executive, legislative and judicial powers. Amendments to the Constitution The Government is responsible before the President and is headed by a Head of the Government (unofficially called a Prime-Minister), who is nominated by the President and confirmed by the State Duma. The Russian Constitution is a rigid Constitution as to the complex procedure of adopting the amendments to the Constitution. The Federal Law No. 33-FZ On the Procedure for the Approval and Entry Into Force of the Amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, dated 4 March 1998, together with the Constitution establishes the procedure and conditions for making, adopting and approving amendments, as well as their entry into force. The Constitution cannot be altered by the State Duma alone. The Constitution can be amended as follows:
Certain modifications in the names of the subjects of the Russian Federation were brought in by the Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, dated 9 January 1996, 10 February 1996 and 9 June 2001. The Ruling of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation No. 15-P, dated 28 November 1995, empowered the President of the Russian Federation to adopt decrees on changing the names of the subjects of the Russian Federation, that is to be based on the decision of the correspondent subject of the Russian Federation. Vocabulary amend v вносить поправку, изменение, дополнение (в конституцию) amendment n поправка (к конституции) approval n одобрение, утверждение, санкционирование chapter n глава (конституции) alter v изменить, изменять(ся) comply with v соответствовать (чему-либо) confirm v 1 подтверждать; 2 утверждать, санкционировать Constitutional Assembly Конституционное Собрание convene v созывать, собирать decree n декрет, указ domestic law внутреннее/внутригосударственное право draft n проект electorate n контингент избирателей, избирательный корпус, электорат empower v уполномочивать, предоставлять право enact v принимать (закон) entry into force вступление в силу Federal Assembly Федеральное Собрание – парламент Российской Федерации (представительный и законодательный орган) Federal Council Совет Федерации (Верхняя палата парламента Российской Федерации) inviolability n неприкосновенность juridical adj юридический, законный, правовой nominative adj назначенный poll n голосование provide for v предусматривать provided conj при условии (что), если только, в том случае если provision n положение, постановление repeal n аннулирование, отмена rigid adj строгий, суровый, неукоснительный ruling n решение, постановление, определение (суда) state v 1 утверждать; 2 устанавливать State Duma Государственная Дума (Нижняя палата парламента Российской Федерации) stipulate v обусловливать, оговаривать в качестве особого условия submit v представлять на рассмотрение superiority n превосходство, преимущество variation n изменение, перемена Reading tasks A Answer these questions. 1 Why is the Constitution of the Russian Federation the supreme normative legal act? 2 When was the Constitution enacted? 3 What does the Constitution introduce? 4 What matters does the Constitution deal with? 5 What does the executive branch consist of? 6 What powers does the President possess? 7 Who is the Government responsible to? 8 Why is the Russian Constitution called rigid? 9 How can the Constitution be altered? 10 Who can initiate a proposal for an amendment? 11 When is a Constitutional Assembly convened? 12 What is the procedure of the modification in the name of the subject of the Russian Federation? B Decide which of the statements (a, b, or c) corresponds exactly to the meaning of the text and best completes the sentence. 1 The Constitution of the Russian Federation is the supreme normative act because a) it is approved by the President b) it deals with many matters c) it holds the highest juridical power. 2 The Constitution provides for a) the modification in the name of the citizen of the Russian Federation b) the separation of powers c) the nomination of the President of the Russian Federation. 3 The Constitution can be altered a) by the Federal Assembly b) by the President c) by the Constitutional Assembly. 4 A new draft of the Constitution of the Russian Federation shall be adopted a) by-two thirds of the deputies to the Constitutional Assembly b) by-two fifths of the electorate c) by-two thirds taking part in the poll. 5 The President is empowered to adopt decrees on changing the names of the subjects of the Russian Federation on the basis of a) the ruling of the Constitutional Assembly b) the decisions of the subjects of the Russian Federation c) his own decision. Language focus A Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple active or passive form. 1 The Russian Federation _______ (consist) of republics, territories, regions, cities of federal importance, and autonomous regions and areas. 2 The federal structure of the Russian Federation _______ (base) on its integrity. 3 The Russian Federation is a social state whose policy _______ (aim) at creating conditions for a worthy life. 4 Everyone _______ (guarantee) the right to qualified legal assistance. 5 The state _______ (provide) access to justice for victims of crimes. 6 The economic activity aimed at monopolization and unfair competition _______ (not to allow). 7 A citizen _______ (carry out) military service according to the federal law. 8 The state flag, coat-of-arms and anthem of the Russian Federation _______ (establish) by the federal constitutional law. B Complete these sentences using an appropriate preposition from the box. after about between before by for from in of on to with without
Vocabulary tasks A Below are the main chapter titles from the Russian Constitution. Link the titles to the details of the contents of each chapter.
B Match adjectives and nouns as they occur in the text.
C Word families. Complete the chart.
Over to you Below is the Preamble to the Russian Constitution. Judging by the contents of the Preamble and the Constitution of the Russian Federation can you say that the Russian Constitution adheres to the democratic principles? Justify your idea. Preamble to the Constitution of the Russian Federation We, the multinational people of the Russian Federation, united by a common fate on our land, establishing human rights and freedoms, civil peace and accord, preserving the historically established State unity, proceeding from universally acknowledged principles of equality and self-determination of peoples, revering the memory of ancestors who have passed on to us their love for the Fatherland and faith in the good and justice, reviving the sovereign statehood of Russia and asserting the firmness of its democratic basis, striving to ensure the well-being and prosperity of Russia, proceeding from the responsibility for our Fatherland before the present and future generations, recognizing ourselves as part of the world community, do adopt THE CONSTITUTION OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION. |
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