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2 - 234 33 ![]() another way of referring to the same object or an aspect of the same situation. Consider the following sentence: Manson slung his bag up and climbed into a battered gig behind a tall, angular black horse. (A. Cronin) It confronts the translator with a number of problems. First, what should be said in Russian for "to sling a bag up"? Second, in Russian it seems so obvious that one gets into a gig behind and not in front of the horse that any mention of the fact is preposterous unless it is implied that the horse was in the gig, too. Third, "an angular horse" cannot be either «угловая» or «угловатая лошадь». All these translation problems can be solved with the help of contextual substitutes. "Slinging the bag up" evidently implies that the bag was placed into the gig, "climbing into the gig behind the horse" certainly means that this horse was harnessed to the gig and "an angular horse" is probably a horse with bones sticking out at angles, i.e. a bony or skinny animal. The Russian translation can therefore express these derived ideas to describe the identical situation, e.g.: Мэнсон поставил свой чемодан и влез в расхлябанную двуколку, запряженную крупной костлявой черной лошадью. In such cases the substitute often has a cause-and-effect relationship with the original: The window was full of clothes I wouldn't want to be seen dead in. В витрине были выставлены платья, в которых я не хотела бы даже лежать в гробу. A dead person is usually put in a coffin and "to be seen dead in a dress" logically implies lying in the coffin in such a dress. One more example. People who have tried it, tell me that a clear conscience makes you very happy and contented. (J.K. Jerome) A direct translation of "who have tried it" is hardly possible. But if somebody has tried something he has some experience about it. So, the translation may run as follows: Некоторые люди, ссылаясь на собственный опыт, утверждают, что чистая совесть делает человека веселым и счастливым. The third group of translating procedures comprises all types of transformations involving units of SL grammar. The translator may solve his problems by preserving the syntactic structure of the source text and 34 ![]() using the analogous TL grammatical forms or "a word-for-word translation". This may be called "a zero transformation" and can be easily exemplified, e.g.: John took Mary by the hand. Джон взял Мери за руку. In other cases the translator may resort to various types of grammatical substitutes. First, we may mention two types of transformations which change the number of sentences in TT as compared to ST. As a rule, the translator renders the original text sentence by sentence and the number of sentences remains the same. However, it may so happen that the structural and semantic problems of a translation event can be best solved by breaking an original sentence into two parts, i.e. translating it with two sentences in TL. Another type of such partitioning is to replace a simple sentence in the original with a complex one in the translation, comprising one or several subordinate clauses. The problems that can be solved through this technique are varied. First of all it may come handy in dealing with the English syntactic complexes which pack in two subject-predicate units, each unit making up a sentence or a clause in the Russian translation, e.g.: I want you to speak English. Я хочу, чтобы вы говорили по-английски. She hates his behaving in this way. Ей очень не нравится, что он так себя ведет. The partitioning of sentences in translation can also be used to overcome the difficulties caused by the idiomatic semantic structure of the original text, e.g.: This was a man to be seen to be understood. Чтобы понять этого человека, надо было его увидеть. Sometimes the translator can prefer partitioning to the other possible methods of translation, as producing a variant more suitable stylistically or emotionally. Consider the following examples: The annual surveys of the Labour Government were not discussed with the workers at any stage, but only with the employers. The contrast in the last part of the sentence can be best reproduced in Russian by making a separate unit of it, e.g.: Ежегодные обзоры лейбористского правительства не обсужда- 35 ![]() лись среди рабочих ни на каком этапе. Они обсуждались только с предпринимателями. And this is how this procedure can be used to reproduce the emotional implications of the original: How well I recollect it, on a cold grey afternoon, with a dull sky, threatening rain. (Ch. Dickens) Как хорошо помню я наш приезд! Вечереет, холодно, пасмурно, хмурое небо грозит дождем. The opposite procedure means integrating two or more original sentences into one or compressing a complex sentence into a simple one. This technique is also used both for structural and semantic reasons. Sometimes one of the sentences is grammatically too incomplete to warrant its separate reproduction in translation: It is not possible to do the work in two days. Nor is it necessary. Выполнить эту работу за два дня нет ни возможности, ни необходимости. The integration procedure may be necessitated by close semantic ties between adjacent sentences: We did not want scenery. We wanted to have our supper and go to bed. Мы не хотели красивых пейзажей —мы хотели поужинать и лечь спать. The partitioning and integration procedures may be used together, resulting in a kind of syntactic and semantic reshuffle of sentences in translation. Here is an example: But occasionally an indiscretion takes place, such as that of Mr. Woodrow Wyatt, Labour M.P., when Financial Secretary to the War Office. He boasted of the prowess of British spies in obtaining information regarding armed forces of the USSR. (J. Gollan) ^ The end of the first sentence is replaced by the personal pronoun in the second sentence. The sentence can, therefore, be broken into two and its last part integrated with the second sentence, e.g.: Однако по временам допускается нескромность. Так, например, лейборист, член парламента Вудро Уайтт в бытность свою финансовым секретарем военного министерства хвастался ловкостью, проявленной английскими шпионами в деле получения сведений о вооруженных силах СССР. Another type of grammatical transformations is characterized by the 36 ![]() translator's refusal to use analogous grammatical units in TT. He tries to render the meaning of SL units by changing the grammatical form of a word, the part of speech or the type of the sentence. Such changes are very common and the translator should never hesitate to use them whenever necessary. Here are some examples: We are searching for talent everywhere. Мы повсюду ищем таланты. I am a very rapid packer. Я очень быстро укладываюсь. It is our hope that an agreement will be reached by Friday. Мы надеемся, что к пятнице будет достигнуто соглашение. Не does not mind your joining our group. Он ничего не имеет против того, чтобы вы присоединились к нашей группе. Finally, there is a group of transformations which ensure the required degree of equivalence by a number of changes of both lexical and grammatical nature. They involve a different arrangement of ideas, a different point of view and other semantic modifications whenever a direct translation of a SL unit proves impossible. A typical example of such a procedure is the so-called antonymous translation describing the situation, as it were, from the opposite point of view and rendering an affirmative SL structure by a negative TL one or vice versa: The door was not unbolted. Дверь была на засове. A complex change also occurs in explicatory translations in which a SL unit is replaced by a TL word combination describing or defining its meaning: A demonstration of British conservationists was held in Trafalgar Square yesterday. Вчера на Трафальгар-сквер состоялась демонстрация английских сторонников охраны окружающей среды. In conclusion, we should mention one more specific procedure which may come handy to the translator when he is baffled by an apparently un-solvable translation problem. It may be called the compensation technique and is defined as a deliberate introduction of some additional elements in translation to make up for the loss of similar elements at the same or an earlier stage. For instance, Eliza in B. Shaw's 'Tygmalion" makes a mistake typical for the speech of an uneducated person: 'Tm nothing to you — not so much as them slippers." And Professor Higgins corrects her saying: "those 37 ![]() slippers". The linguistic error in the episode is untranslatable and its loss makes this dialogue meaningless. But the loss can be compensated for by introducing a mistake — and its correction — at a point where everything is correct in the original but where an uneducated Russian speaker is likely to make it. As a result in the translation Eliza says: «Я для вас ничто, хуже вот этих туфлей»; And Higgins can self-righteously correct her: «туфель». The compensation method is often used to render the stylistic or emotional implications of the original. Consider the following example. They had reached the mysterious mill where the red tape was spun, and Yates was determined to cut through it here and now. (S. Heym) "Red tape" is translated as "bureaucracy but the latter cannot be spun at a mill. And the translator invents his own figure of speech to compensate for the loss: Они уперлись в стену штабной бюрократии, но Йейтс твердо решил тут же пробить эту стену. Suggested Topics for Discussion 1. What is traditionally meant by "translation"? What is the translating process? What mental processes make up the translating process? 2. How can the translating process be studied and described? What is a model of translation? How can translation models be classified? What are the strong and the weak points of translation modelling? 3. What are the relationships between the contents of a text and extralinguistic realities? What is meant by the "situation"? How does the situational model describe the translating process? 4. What are the basic assumptions of the semantic-transformational model of translation? What types of transformations can be used in the translating process? Do all such transformations involve semantic shifts? 5. What transformations are oriented towards the form of the SL units? What is the difference between transcription and transliteration? How are transcription and transliteration used in the translating process? What are loan translations? 6. What are the main types of lexical transformations? Do lexical transformations imply semantic changes? How can the logical operations of specification and generalization be used in the translating process? What is modulation? 7. What are the main types of grammatical transformations? What is a word-for-word (blueprint) translation? What are the characteristic features 38 ![]() of the partitioning and integration techniques? In what way can grammatical units be transformed in the translating process? 8. What are complex translation transformations? What is the technique of antonymous translation? What is the role of compensation in translation? Text THE SHAPE OF THINGS TO COME (1) Until the close of World War II active speculation about the technological features of the future was restricted in the main to the literature of science fiction. (2) This literature was regarded until then as an exhilarating avenue of escape from the humdrum of the all-too-solid present. (3) Undeterred by premonitions, the reader's imagination could soar freely through time and space. (4) He might even smile at the naive reassurance provided by some of the tales of such pioneers of the genre as Jules Verne and H.G. Wells, in which contemporary society continued to move soporifi-cally along its customary grooves undetected by the cataclysmic discoveries of some scientific maniac. (5) And what could be cosier than a Wellsian time machine that, following a fearsome trip into the far future, could be depended upon to return the author to the present in good time for tea around the parlour fire? (6) It is this once-powerful sense of the here-and-now that has begun to recede since the War. (7) Much that was only yesterday relegated airily to the realm of science fiction is now recognized as sober scientific fact. (8) And there is virtually nothing in today's science fiction that is thought of as "impossible" tomorrow. (9) The increasing pace of technological and social change in the post-war world is actively dissolving the familiar signposts of our civilization before our media-soaked eyes. (10) Willingly or reluctantly we are impelled to give more and more of our attention to the shape of things to come. Text Analysis (1) What is a speculation? Does it differ from profiteering? How can a speculation be active? Is there any difference between "technology" and "technique"? Or between "technological" and "technical"? (2) How can "an avenue of escape" be paraphrased? Does "humdrum" here mean "monotony, "boredom" or something else? In what sense can the present be said to be "solid"? Does one need the rest of the text to understand the meaning of this word in the sentence? (3) What derivatives of "to deter" can you recall? Is a premonition a pleasant feeling? How are the words "imagination" and "imaginative" used in modern English? In what way do they differ from 'fancy" and "fanciful"? 39 ![]() (4) Why is "reassurance" referred to as "naive"? What does "soporifically" mean? Has the word "cataclysmic" a positive or a negative connotation? (5) In what sense is the time machine "cosy"? How can the phrase "can be depended upon to do smth." be paraphrased? What is the parlour fire? What idea is implied in mentioning "tea around the parlour fire"? Why is "the author" referred to as the traveller in the time machine? (6) What does "the here-and-now" mean? (7) What is the connotation of the word "airily"? Does it imply easiness or light-mindedness? Why is a scientific fact called "sober"? (8) Why is the word "impossible" used here in inverted commas? (9) What is "a signpost of civilization"? How can anything be dissolved "actively? When do we say that something is done Before our eyes"? What are mass media? What is the figurative meaning of "to soak"? What do mass media soak people with? Is it good or bad that our eyes are "media-soaked"? (10) Does "to be impelled" mean "to be forced" or "to be inclined"? Is there any difference between "future" and "things to come"? Does "the shape of things to come" mean "what will future be like" or something else? Problem-Solving Exercises A. Types of Transformations I. Identify the types of transformations related to the translating process of sentence (1): До конца второй мировой войны о технических достижениях в будущем любили порассуждать лишь авторы научно-фантастических произведений. II. Translate sentences (1) and (2) employing the method of syntactic inte- gration. Give some arguments for or against its use. III. Find two other sentences in the text where this transformation can be easily employed. IV. Is it possible to render the subject-predicate group in sentence (1) word-for-word, e.g.... рассуждения ограничивались литературой? If not, what other way can you suggest? V. While translating sentence (3) choose between the word-for-word translation of "the reader's imagination" and the transformed wording: читатель в своем воображении .... Give your reasons. VI. Evaluate the use of modulation and transcription in the following translation of sentence (4): |
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