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МИНИСТЕРСТВО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ И НАУКИ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования «Московский государственный лингвистический университет» (ФГБОУ ВПО МГЛУ)
Москва 2012
Раздел I Письменный перевод с английского языка на русский язык профессионально-ориентированных текстов TEXT 1 Тема 1. Определение перевода. Типы перевода. The Difference between Translation and Interpreting Interpreting and translation are two closely related linguistic disciplines. Yet they are rarely performed by the same people. The difference in skills, training, aptitude and even language knowledge are so substantial that few people can do both successfully on a professional level. On the surface, the difference between interpreting and translation is only the difference in the medium: the interpreter translates orally, while a translator interprets written text. Both interpreting and translation presuppose a certain love of language and deep knowledge of more than one language. The Skill Profile of Technical Translators The differences in skills are arguably greater than their similarities. The key skills of the translator are the ability to understand the source language and the culture of the country where the text originated, then using a good library of dictionaries and reference materials, to render that material clearly and accurately into the target language. In other words, while linguistic and cultural skills are still critical, the most important mark of a good translator is the ability to write well in the target language. Even bilingual individuals can rarely express themselves in a given subject equally well in both languages, and many excellent translators are not fully bilingual to begin with. Knowing this limitation, a good translator will only translate documents into his or her native language. This is why we at Language Scientific absolutely require our technical translators only translate into their native language, in addition to their subject matter expertise. An interpreter, on the other hand, must be able to translate in both directions on the spot, without using dictionaries or other supplemental reference materials. Interpreters must have extraordinary listening abilities, especially for simultaneous interpreting. Simultaneous interpreters need to process and memorize the words that the source-language speaker is saying now, while simultaneously outputting in the target language the translation of words the speaker said 5-10 seconds ago. Interpreters must also posess excellent public speaking skills and the intellectual capacity to instantly transform idioms, colloquialisms and other culturally-specific references into analogous statements the target audience will understand. Interpreter Qualifications Interpreting, just like translation, is fundamentally the art of paraphrasing—the interpreter listens to a speaker in one language, grasps the content of what is being said, and then paraphrases his or her understanding of the meaning using the tools of the target language. However, just as you cannot explain a thought to someone if you did not fully understand that thought, neither can you translate or interpret something without mastery of the subject matter being relayed. It simply cannot be overstated: when choosing an interpreter, his or her expert knowledge of the subject matter is equally as important as their interpreting experience.. Language Scientific's interpreters possess the following skills:
http://www.languagescientific.com/translation-services/multilingual-interpreting-services/interpreting-vs-translation-services.html Тема 2. Проблемы перевода. Требования к переводу. TEXT 2 Advice for Beginners After years of receiving long lists of questions, both personally and through our associations, and after answering hundreds of e-mails, we've decided to compile typical beginners' concerns into a few posts about how to enter the profession. Remember that building a business in the languages industry is a lot of work. We'd like to start the series off with this exercise. If you don't like to do at least five out of the following, you should reconsider running your own business. While in-house positions are rare, they do exist, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with not wanting to be an entrepreneur.
This is just a short exercise to get us started. Experienced translators: is there anything you'd like to add to this list? Beginning linguists: we would love to know if this introduction was helpful to you. http://translationtimes.blogspot.ru/2010/10/advice-for-beginners.html Тема 3. Понятие переводческих соответствий, трансформаций. Единицы перевода, переводческие приёмы. TEXT 3 How a Library Works Management: the brain, it makes decisions processes information. (Hey maybe they don't make great decisions, but they make the decisions :) Collection Development: The eyes, need to find good things to eat, books. If you can't find books that are good, you won't have a healthy body. Reference/Outreach: the mouth, the ability to speak. If you cannot speak, people cannot gain your knowledge or find out more about you. Circulation/Technology: The heart, keeps the body alive. Without the heart, the body would die (aka library would close). Technical Services: The digestion system, it digests and processes the food (new books) that enters the system. Without this function, the body cannot add new books and build a healthy body, eventually making it unhealthy and ultimately killing the body. Programming: The muscles, the body needs exercise, programming provides a variety of activities to keep the body (and mind) sharp. How the library works Libraries make it possible to freely partake of whatever information you seek. They also provide access to ideas and creativity. Libraries are resources for education and research. They support life long learning, independent decision making and cultural development. Libraries contribute to intellectual freedom and safe guard democratic values and human rights. In Sweden we have one national library, Kungliga Biblioteket (the Royal Library), 290 public libraries with over 1100 branches throughout the country; there are 90 book buses with 9000 stations; 70 research libraries with close to 200 service stations; approximately 4000 school libraries; several hundred libraries attached to authorities and institutions, as well as specialized libraries; there are close to 100 hospital libraries. On these pages we have assembled practical information about the International Library and other libraries of Sweden. Public Libraries in Sweden The Library Law in Sweden requires that every municipality have a library. Libraries are open to all citizens and borrowing books is free of charge. Most municipalities have one central library with a number of branches. The idea is that everyone always have access to a library. One can not only borrow books, but most libraries also have talking books, video films, newspapers and magazines. Many have computers and internet services for borrow or rent. The library is frequently a cultural center. Arrangements can be made for reading hours for children and childrens' theatre, visits by authors and poetry recitals etc. In some instances pupils are offered assistance with homework, or there are legal counsellors available for advice. Many libraries arrange writing courses for children and adults. For those who can not come to the library there are usually special services. Some times there are book buses, and in many places there is also a special service “the book comes” for the sick or handicapped. Тема 4. Понятие переводческой эквивалентности и адекватности. TEXT 4 |
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