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Таблица перевода результата выполнения тестов в пятибалльную систему
Промежуточная аттестация Дисциплина «Иностранный язык (Английский)» Семестр 6 Форма промежуточной аттестации: зачёт Зачёт складывается из: 1. Текущего контроля успеваемости студента, в результате которого он должен сдать преподавателю: - чтение, перевод текстов по разделу: Функциональная организация компьютера; - монологические и диалогические высказывания на основе текстов: «Аналоговые и цифровые компьютеры», «Функциональная организация компьютера», «Некоторые свойства цифровых компьютеров», «Логические элементы схемы». 2. Контрольной работы №3 по пройдённым грамматическим темам. Содержание контрольной работы охватывает материал, изученный в разделе «Функциональная организация компьютера». Контрольная работа предназначена для проверки знаний студентов по основным грамматическим темам раздела: модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты. Она включает задания, направленные на проверку понимания содержания прочитанного текста, на выбор предлога, правильной формы глагола, составление вопросов. Время выполнения: 90 минут. Контрольная работа №3 1. Работа с текстом 1. Прочитайте и письменно переведите 1 и 2 абзац A Computer. A computer is an electronic device that stores information and allows changes in it through the use of instructions. A modern computer is capable of doing various tasks, like word processing and accounting. Personal computers (PCs) are widely used but working on them requires some techniques. After turning on the computer a PC user should log into the network by entering their user name and password. Allow some time for the operation system to load. Soon you'll see a menu (or icons) on the monitor screen. With the help of the mouse or the keyboard choose the needed icon and start the programme. The programme allows the user to type texts, draw objects and diagrams. While drawing one can shape, move, transform, copy and fill objects. When creating texts we format, edit and copy them. Both drawings and texts can be saved or deleted. If you have a printer, you can print the information displayed on the screen. Don't forget to save your file onto your hard disk and back it up onto the floppies. CD-ROMs can be used to produce images on the computer screen. The user can move around the programme by clicking on different parts of the screen with a mouse. Clicking on the text will provide a new screen with more information, either in the form of text and diagrams, or as an animated cartoon. Computers give us access to the Internet — an international computer network connecting other networks and computers from companies, universities or individuals etc. You can spend a lot of your free time surfing the Internet and get all sorts of information from it. You can enter the chat room with other Internet users and debate urgent problems on line. If you are connectable by e-mail (have an e-mail address), you can correspond with your friends or open your own web page (web site) and place there information about yourself. 2. Выпишите из текста интернациональные слова. 3. Соотнесите английские слова с их русскими эквивалентами. 1 external speaker a) клавиатура 2 mother board b) звуковая колонка 3 user’s manual c) коврик для мыши 4 power switch d) материнская плата 5 mouse pad e) руководство пользователя 6 keyboard f) выключатель II. Выполнение грамматического теста: Количество заданий: 35 Тип задания: задание закрытой формы Рекомендованное время выполнения теста: 40 минут Ориентировочное время выполнения одного задания: 1 минута За правильный ответ студент получает 1 балл За неправильный или неуказанный – 0 баллов Грамматический тест №1 1. Выберите правильный вариант ответа: 1. “I'm waiting for my parents,” Nick said. a) Nick said that he is waiting for my parents. b) Nick said that he was waiting for his parents. c) Nick said that he was waiting for my parents. 2. “I can't fix the engine myself,” my brother admitted. a) My brother admitted that he can't fix the engine myself. b) My brother admitted that he couldn't fix the engine himself. c) My brother admitted that he can't fix the engine himself. 3. “You should be careful,” my friends said to me. a) My friends said to me that I should be careful. b) My friends said to me that I should have been careful. c) My friends told to me that I should have been careful. 4. “The Sun isn't a planet, it is a big star,” the teacher explained. a) The teacher explained to us that the Sun is a big star. b) The teacher explained us that the Sun is a big star. c) The teacher explained us that the Sun was a big star. 5. "Don't make so much noise, will you?" the neighbor said to Pete. a) The neighbor asked Pete to not make so much noise. b) The neighbor asked Pete not to make so much noise. c) The neighbor asked to Pete not to make so much noise. 6. “Do you know where Kate is living?” Anne asked me. a) Anne asked me if I know where Kate was living. b) Anne asked me if I know where Kate is living. c) Anne asked me if I knew where Kate was Living. 7 “Why didn't you say that to me?” she asked her boyfriend. a) She asked her friend why didn't he say that to me. b) She asked her friend why he didn't say that to me. c) She asked her friend why he hadn't said that to her. 8. “I promise I'll write to you as soon as I arrive, Jane,” said Nick. a) Nick promised Jane that he will write to her as soon as he arrives. b) Nick promised Jane that he would write to her as soon as he arrived. c) Nick promised Jane that lie would write to her as soon as he arrive. 2. Переведите следующие предложения в косвенную речь: - Jake told his father, "I have lost my note book". - I told the policemen, "I saw the thief in the garden". - I said to Jack, "Please give me your dictionary". - The bus-conductor said to the passengers, "Don't get off the bus while going". - Mary said to her brother, "Take the letter to the Post Office, please". - The teacher said to Tom, "Collect the exercise-books and put them on table". - I asked the old gentleman, "Are you filling tired?" - The hotel manager asked the visitors, "Did you sleep wel1?". - He asked his wife, "Is the baby asleep or awake?". - The teacher asked Tom, "Do you come to school by bus or on foot?". - I asked my friend, "How do you feel after your holiday". - Margaret asked Richard, "Where are you going for your holidays?". - Ann asked Mary, "What do you usually have for breakfast?". - Jack's father asked him, "Who are you writing a letter to?". - "He always has dinner there", she said. 3. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на употребление времен в русском и английском языках: - When he learnt that his son always received excellent marks in all the subjects at school, he was very pleased. - When he learnt that his son had received an excellent marks school, he was very pleased. - We did not know where our friends went every evening. - We did not know where our friends had gone. - She said that her best friend was a doctor. - She said that her best friend had been a doctor. - I didn't know that you worked at the Hermitage. - I didn't know that you had worked at the Hermitage. - I knew that you were ill. - I knew that you had been ill. - We found that she left home at eight o'clock every morning. - We found that she had left home at eight o'clock that morning. Критерии оценки теста
Ответы к тесту №1
Таблица перевода результата выполнения тестов в пятибалльную систему
Грамматический тест №2 Количество заданий – 15 Тип заданий: задание закрытой формы Рекомендуемое время выполнения теста: 10 минут За правильный ответ студент получает 1 балл За неправильный или неуказанный ответ – 0 баллов 1. Is the anything in that new magazine worth … ? A. to read B. reading 2. Although I was in a hurry, I stopped … to him. A. to talk B. talking 3. I really must stop … . A. to smoke B. smoking 4. Would you mind … the front door? A. to close B. closing 5. You should remember … him. He`ll be an home. A. to phone B. phoning 6. All parts of London seem … to different towns and epochs. A. to belong B. belonging 7. Do you enjoy … ? A. to teach B. teaching 8. Why have stopped? Go on … . A. to read B. reading 9. The teacher asked us come questions and went on … about the climate of England. A. to tell B. telling 10. When we had finished … , the waiter brought the bill. A. to eat B. eating 11. My elder brother went to college, and I hope … these too. A. to go B. going 12. My car needs a service badly, and Tom offered … me with. A. to help B. helping 13. Avoid … and you`ll feel better soon. A. to overeat B. overeating 14. I can`t help … about that awful accident. A. to think B. thinking 15. The Brains want … Boston this week. A. to leave for B. leaving for Ответы к тесту
Таблица перевода результата выполнения тестов в пятибалльную систему
Критерии оценки контрольной работы
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