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Содержание 1. Праздник алфавита (1-4 классы). 2. Инсценирование сказок (1-4 классы). 3. Знакомство со страной изучаемого языка (1-4 классы). 4. My favorite books (проекты о жизни М.Твена и Ч. Диккенса) (6-8 классы). 5. Инсценировка произведений М.Твена и Ч. Диккенса. 6. English humor, Riddles, Puzzles (5-11 классы). 7. Страноведческая викторина. «Some facts about Ehgland and USA» (6-9 классы). 8. Конкурс английской песни (все классы). 9. Литературная гостиная (11 класс). 10. Конкурс газет (6-8 классы). . 1. Праздник алфавита (Начальные классы) На праздник приглашаются учителя и родители. Все предлагаемые игры должны быть знакомы детям, иначе на ознакомление с ними уйдет много времени. В празднике могут принимать участие как две группы одного класса, так и параллельные классы. Сценарий праздника Выходят 26 учеников. У каждого прикреплена на груди одна буква алфавита, а в руках – предмет, игрушка или картинка, о которой он будет говорить. Каждый из учеников говорит о своей букве, показывая предмет, игрушку или картинку, о которых он упоминает. Letter A A is for Apples and Apple-trees. You can see apples on apple-tress. Letter B B is for Books and Bookcase. I have many books in my bookcase. Letter C C is for Cat. My cat is grey, And with me it likes to play. Letter D D is for Dog and for Doggy. I have a dog, not a doggy. Letter E. E is for Eight and for Eleven How much is eight and eleven? Letter F F is for Flowers: red and blue, White and yellow and rosy, too. Letter G G is for Girl, and also for Garden I see a girl going to the garden. Letter H H is for Hand. I have two hands. This is the way I clap my hands. Letter I I is for I. I'm a boy, and I'm ten. I like to play with my brother Ben. Letter J J is for Jam. This is apple jam. Jimmy likes it, and so does Sam. Letter K K is for Kite. Kate has a kite. It is little, and it is white. Letter L L is for Letter. This letter is for me. It is from my sister, as you can see. Letter M M is for May and for May Day, For March and for Mother's Day. Letter N N is for Nine, Ninety and Ninety-nine. Children, how much is ninety and nine? Letter O O is for One. One and two is three. Three little cats are in a tree. Letter P P is for Pencils. With them I can draw: A red pen, a green tree or a blue door. Letter Q Q is for Questions: How are you? How old are you? And How do you do? Letter R R is for Red. Many things are red. What can be red? Do you know, Fred? Letter S S is for Street. This is my street. There are a lot of trees in my street. Letter T T is for Tick and for Tock. “Tick-tock”, says the clock. Letter U U is for Under, but not for At. “I'm under the tree”, says Pat. Letter V V is in Five and also in Seven, It is in Twelve and in Eleven. Letter W W is for Winter when it is cold. But I like winter and I like cold. Letter X X is in Six. Let’s count up to six! One, two, three, four, five, six! Letter Y Y is for a Yard where children play. They play in the yard every day. Letter Z Z is for the Zoo. Let’s go to the Zoo. I like to go to the Zoo. And you? Teacher: Now let’s sing the song. The ABC. The ABC ABCDEFG HIJKLMNOP QRSTUVW QRSTUVW XYZ XYZ Now we know the alphabet. Учащимся предлагаются несколько конкурсов. 1 конкурс Соедини последовательно и произнеси следующие числа: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 2 конкурс На какой цветок прилетят эти пчелы? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Цветы и пчелы вырезаны из цветной бумаги. Количество цветов и пчел учитель определяет сам. 3 конкурс Кто знает больше английских слов? Конкурс проводится с мячом. 4 конкурс Зачеркни лишние звуки в каждом треугольнике. ![]() ![]() ![]() [s] [k] [v] [w] [f] [I] ![]() ![]() [b] [k] [b] [t] 5 конкурс С какого звука начинается слово? Учитель говорит слово, а дети находят карточку со звуком и произносят его. Конкурсы учитель подбирает сам, опираясь на пройденный материал, отрабатывая изученную лексику. Приведем еще несколько примеров конкурсов. Эстафета «Алфавит» Учащиеся делятся на две команды. Напротив каждой команды стол с разложенными в произвольном порядке карточками (буквы алфавита). По сигналу учителя первые участники команд добегают до своих столов, находят карточку с буквой А, откладывают отдельно и бегут назад. Вторые находят В, кладут рядом с А и т.д. Выигрывает та команда, которая быстро и правильно расставит буквы в алфавитном порядке. Каждая буква должна поймать свою рыбку. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() S ![]() ![]() ![]() C A 2. Инсценировка сказок Cinderella Characters: Stepmother Pat Liz Cinderella Postman Stepmother: We’ll go to the ball today. What shall we wear, I wonder? We haven’t got new clothes. And I want some new clothes for the ball. I want a party dress. Pat: And me, too. I want a beautiful white evening dress. And I want a blue hat and white shoes. Liz: And me, too. I want a beautiful blue evening dress, blue shoes and a white hat. C ![]() Stepmother: Pat: You?.. Liz: Cinderella: Yes, me. Stepmother: You can’t go to the ball. Pat: No, you can’t go to the ball. Liz: No, you can’t go to the ball. Postman: Oh yes, she can look here. The invitation card says: “To Lord Basil and Lady Sybil and their three daughters. “So she can go to the ball”. Stepmother: Oh, no she can’t. Postman: Oh yes, she can. Pat and Liz: Oh, no, she can’t. Stepmother: Oh yes, she can. Pat and Liz: What? Stepmother: Yes, she can go to the ball. Of course she can. Thank you, postman. You have a very busy day today. Goodbye, postman. Cinderella, you can go to the ball. But first there’s some work for you to do. Make beds, go to the shop and buy food and drink, make tea, wash my clothes… Liz: Wash my clothes. Pat: And my clothes! Liz: Wash my dress! Pat: And my dress! Liz: My stockings! Pat: My socks! Stepmother: And only then can you make your dress for the ball. And then you can go to the ball. Cinderella: Oh no! I can’t do all that today! How can I go to the ball now?! Puff-The-Ball Wants To Have Friends Characters: Story-teller Puff-the-Ball Cat Dog Hare Frog Story-teller: Puff-the-Ball hasn’t got parents. He wants to have friends. One day he goes out to look for friends. He walks on and on. He sees a Cat. Puff-the-Ball: Hello, Pussy. I’m looking for a friend. Do you want to be my friend? Cat: Of course. Please, take me with you. Puff-the-Ball: With great pleasure. I want to have a friend. Come with me. Story-teller: So Puff-the-Ball and Pussy-the-Cat walk on and on. Then they see a little Dog. Dog: Hi! Are you looking for a friend? You are two and I’m alone. Please take me with you. Puff-the-Ball: And who are you? Dog: I’m Rex-the-Dog. Cat: OK. Come with us. We want to have a friend, too. Puff-the-Ball, Pussy-the-Cat and Rex-the Dog walk on, and on, and on. Soon they see a Hare. Hare: Hi! Are you looking for a friend? You are there and I’m alone. Please, take me with you. I want to be your friend. Puff-the-Ball: And who are you? Hare: I’m Jack-the-Hare. Dog: Then come with us. We want to have a friend, too. Story-teller: So Puff-the-Ball, Pussy-the-Cat, Rex-the-Dog and Jack-the-Hare walk on, and on, and on. Soon they see a Frog. Frog: Hello! Are you looking for a friend? Please, take me with you. You are four and I’m alone. Cat: And who are you? Frog: I am Flop-the-Frog. I want to be your friend, too. Story-teller: So Puff-the-Ball, Pussy-the-Cat, Rex-the-Dog, Jack-the-Hare and Flop-the-Frog walk on, and on, and on. Soon they come to a nice house. Puff-the-Ball: Look! What a nice house. The house is very big. We can all live in this house. Pussy-the-Cat: OK. Rex-the-Dog: Good. Jack-the-Hare: Very good. Flop-the-Frog: Very, very good. Story-teller: Now Puff-the-Ball has got four friends: Pussy-the-Cat, Rex-the-Dog, Jack-the-Hare, Flop-the-Frog and now they are living happily in this nice big house. How the Tail of the Fox Became White The Bear The Wolf The Fox The Old Woman The Cocks The Story-teller The Hens Scene I (An Old Woman walks slowly across the stage She has a stick in her hand) Story-teller: Once upon a time there was an old woman, who had a large farm. She had many cows, sheep, pigs and chickens. She had to take care of her animals and do all the housework. This was too much for her, so one day she went to find someone to help her. (The Story-teller goes off. The Old Woman appears from the right, the Bear – from the left). Bear: Where are you going, lady? Old Woman: I’m looking for someone to take care of my cows, sheep, and pigs. Bear: Ah! That’s just the work for me. I have wanted to find that kind of work for a long time. Old Woman: Oh? I’m glad. Will you help me? But can you call the sheep to come home? Bear: Yes, yes, just listen. (He calls loudly). Ouff! Ouff! Old Woman (sadly): No, no, you will never do. Your voice will frighten all the sheep in the country. They will never come home. (She goes to the left and the Bear – to the right. In a few seconds she appears again and meets the Wolf). Wolf: Where are you going, lady? Old Woman: I’m looking for someone to take care of my cows, sheep and pigs. Wolf: Why not take me? That’s just the work for me. Old Woman: Do you know how to call animals? Wolf: Oh, yes, just listen. Ow-w-w! Ow-w-w! Old Woman: Oh, you will not do, your voice is so unpleasant that my cows will never come home. (They part. Soon the woman enters again. The Fox follows her). Fox (very politely): Where are you going, my good woman? Old Woman: I’m looking for someone to take care of my animals. Fox (happily): Ah! That’s just the work for me. My voice is very soft, and the animals will come at once when I call them. Old Woman: Let me hear you call them. Fox: Certainly. Tum-ta-ta. Tum-ta-ta! Old Woman: That’s very good, indeed. I’ll take you. (They go out). Scene II (A room in the Old Woman’s house) Story-teller: All went well for a few days. In the morning the Fox drove the sheep and cows to the field. He fed the pigs and looked after the ducks and chickens. But one morning the Old Woman missed her little black pig. Old Woman (with a broom in her hand): Where is my little black pig, Mr. Fox? Fox: He is out in the field. He will soon come home. Old Woman: And where is the old black hen and her little chickens? Fox: Oh, she found a new nest down by the river. (The woman goes out). Story-teller: Now imagine you are looking at the yard behind the Old Woman’s house. There is a can of milk in the yard. The cocks and hens are eating corn. The Fox comes in and tries the to catch a hen. Cocks and Hens (running about): Chuck-chuck-chuck! Ca-darcut! Ca-darcut! (The Fox catches a hen. The woman comes back with a broom in her hands. She sees the Fox with a hen in his month). Old Woman: You are a cruel fox! You’re a thief! (She throws the broom at him). You ate my little black pig and my old black hen and her chickens. Shame on you! (The Fox tries to run away but upset a full can of milk). Story-teller: Look at the Fox! The tip of his tail has touched the milk on the ground and it has become white. (The Fox runs away). |
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