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10 класс Итоговая контрольная работа за год Цель: контроль усвоения основного лексического и грамматического материала учащихся за учебный год Задание №1 Прочитайте интервью со студенткой колледжа Софией. Установите соответствия между вопросами, которые ей задали (A - F), и её ответами (1 - 7). Используйте каждую букву только один раз.
think for yourself and follow your dreams! People at home can give you useful advice, but it’s your decision, it’s your life. It’s not only the smartest who achieve, it’s those who work the hardest. If you work hard, you can make chances for yourself. Задание №2 Прочитайте интервью с Софией еще раз. Выполните задания 8 – 14, выбрав букву a), b) или c), соответствующую номеру выбранного вами варианта ответа.
Задание №3 Прочитайте утверждения 15 – 24. Поставьте артикль the там, где это необходимо.
Задание №4 Закончите предложения 25 – 38, выбрав букву a), b) или c), соответствующую номеру выбранного вами глагола или сигнального слова в Past Simple, Present Perfect или Present Perfect Continuous .
- No, she … yet.
- Yes, I’ve … finished a letter to him.
- Yes, i know. We’ve met … .
11 класс Контрольная работа к разделу № 1 Цель: контроль усвоения лексического и грамматического материала, навыков чтения с полным пониманием содержания по теме раздела Задание №1 Прочитайте статью, вставьте в задании пропущенные по смыслу слова ( не более 2 в пропуске) Is it easy to be young in the 21st century? There is an opinion that youth is the best part of a person’s life. What is it – a fact or a stereotype? Happy Youth supporters’ arguments sound very convincing. According to them, when you are fifteen or sixteen, the future seems cloudless, the world around you is beautiful and friendly, and you feel strong and optimistic. Neither health nor other problems trouble you yet. You have the parents who protect and support you. You have friends who never betray you. Conflicts are certainly unavoidable, but they don’t last long, and it’s usually not a problem to survive through them. This is a conventional idea about young people. But is it true? Psychologists insist that they have lots of work with teenagers. In their “happiest” years they have too many problems, and in most cases they don’t know how to solve them. They lack life experience and are not self-confident enough. They are often too categoric and can’t forgive other people’s faults and mistakes. A quarrel or misunderstanding can lead to serious suffering. “I don’t feel happy at all”, says Jack Green, 14. “I have no friends. It always works the same. At first it seems that I’ve found a real friend, but then I feel very disappointed because he betrays me – tells silly stories about me in the school, or doesn’t help when I need help. It has happened many times.” “The thing which worries me a lot is my future job”, says Helen Carter, 15. “To have a good life in the future, I have to find a good job. If I want to find a good job, I have to get a good education first. But how am I supposed to choose my career line?! I don’t know what’s good and what’s bad for me. I cannot make an informal choice. I need to make some decision about my education very soon and I feel awfully scared. What if I make a mistake and get an education for a wrong job? This means that I’ll have to do the job which I don’t like or even hate. This makes me feel sick.” On reading these words we, adults, realize that being young is not so easy. It’s rather challenging to be a teenager of the 21st century, when the world changes so rapidly and people have to work very hard to keep pace with it (успевать за ним). Who can help young people feel less stressed out and more self-confident? Who can provide them with information and advice? The answer, I suppose, is evident. ___________________________ The author of the article thinks that the opinion that the youth is the best of human life may be true. He presents rather (1)_____________ arguments for the idea. The strongest argument is that teenagers have fewer (2) _____________ in comparison with adult people, let along the elderly. And it goes without saying that healthy people feel stronger, more energetic, more optimistic and consequently happier than people in poor health. However, the author also presents some facts which do not go with the (3) _____________ idea that “youth” and “happiness” are synonyms. Psychologists say that teenagers do have problems. Most of them are caused by their lack of (4) _____________ and lack of self-confidence Another typical teenage problem is that they cannot compromise. Looking for an ideal relationship they often feel bitterly (5) _____________ with their friends who are not able to meet high requirements. Worries about the future career add up to the teenager syndrome. It’s extremely difficult for a 15-16 year old person to make an (6) _____________, as they don’t have enough information yet. At the end of the article the author concludes that being a teenager in our dynamic world is rather (7) _____________. Adults should realize that teenagers often need their support and advice. Задание №2 Модальные глаголы 1.Переведите на русский язык.
2. Вставьте модальные глаголы may, must или need.
3. Вставьте модальные глаголы can, may, must или need.Переведите.
Контрольная работа к разделу № 2 Цель: контроль усвоения лексического и грамматического материала, навыков аудирования и чтения с полным пониманием содержания по теме раздела Задание №1 Прослушайте диалог и выберите правильный ответ (Текст для прослушивания) Receptionist: Dr. Carter's Office. Ronald: Yes, I'd like to make an appointment to see Dr. Carter, please. Receptionist: Is this your first visit? Ronald: Yes it is. Receptionist: Okay. Could I have your name please? Ronald: Yes. My name is Ronald Schuller. Receptionist: And may I ask who referred you to our office? Ronald: Uh, I drove past your office yesterday. Receptionist: Okay. How about the day after tomorrow on Wednesday at 4:00 O'clock? Ronald: Uh. Do you happen to have an opening in the morning? I usually pick up my kids from school around that time. Receptionist: Okay. Um . . . how about Tuesday at 8:00 A.M. or Thursday at 8:15 A.M.? Ronald: Uh, do you have anything earlier, like 7:30? Receptionist: No. I'm sorry. Ronald: Well, in that case, Thursday would be fine. Receptionist: Okay. Could I have your phone number please? Ronald: It's 643-0547. Receptionist: Alright. And what's the nature of your visit? Ronald: Uh . . . Receptionist: Yes sir. Ronald: Well, to tell the truth, I fell from a ladder two days ago while painting my house, and I sprained my ankle when my foot landed in a paint can. I suffered a few scratches on my hands and knees, but I'm most concerned that the swelling in my ankle hasn't gone down yet. Receptionist: Well, did you put ice on it immediately after this happened? Ronald: Well yeah. I just filled the paint can with ice and . . . Receptionist: And so after you removed the paint can . . . Sir, sir, Mr. Schuller, are you still there? Ronald: Well that's part of the problem. Uh, the paint can is still on my foot. Receptionist: Look, Mr. Schuller. Please come in today. I don't think your case can wait. Задания для учащихся 1. What is the man's name? A. Russell B. Randall C. Ronald 2. From the conversation, how did the man probably find out about Dr. Carter? A. He saw the office on his way home from work. B. A friend referred him to Dr. Carter's office. C. He found Dr. Carter's number in the phone book. 3. What time does he schedule an appointment to see Dr. Carter? A. Tuesday B. Wednesday C. Thursday 4. Why does the man want to see the doctor? A. He hurt his knee when a tall ladder fell on him. B. He injured his ankle when he fell from a ladder. C. He sprain his hand when he fell off the roof of his house. 5. What does the receptionist suggest at the end of the conversation? A. The man should put some ice on his injury. B. The man needs to come into the office right away. C. The man ought to take it easy for a few days. Задание №2
Задание №3 |
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