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MINISTRY of the education and science of RUSSIAN FEDERATION Federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education KRASNOYARSK STATE PEDAGOGICAL UNIVERSITY named after V.P. Astafiev (KSPU nam. V.P. Astafieva) The Departament of general history WORKER PLAN DISCIPLINE The General history HISTORY OF ANCIENT WORLD Part I Direction of preparation: 44 03 05 Pedagogical formations, profile "History and foreign language Krasnoyarsk 2017 Worker plan discipline Scholastic program is discussed on meeting of the department is of general history
The Departament of general history WORKER PLAN DISCIPLINE HISTORY OF ANCIENT WORLD Part I Direction of preparation: 44 03 05 Pedagogical formations, profile "History and foreign language Sheet of the co-ordination of the scholastic program with other discipline of the direction and profile in 2015/ 2016 years
3.1. The Explanatory note of Scholastic-methodical complex of discipline (SMKD) ANCIENT WORLD Part I. 1. The History of the ancient world 44 03 05 Pedagogical formations, profile "History and foreign language 1. Worker program of discipline, comprising provision, multimedia and electronic facility. 2. Methodical recommendations for students, which contain the advices and explanations, allowing students to organize the process of the study of discipline "History of the ancient world". 3. Bank of checking tasks and questions on discipline "History of the ancient world", is presented of different tests, logical, problem-solving tasks and exercises that allows to deepen and increase the theoretical material on under study subjects. Test questions are given to each subject for checking the students know ledges and for fastening the scholastic material. 4. Themes abstract, which reflects the most actual and the most significant problems of the modern history knowledge, and checks mastering the questions recommended for independent study by students. 3.2.1. Scholastic program of discipline Introduction The following primary tasks were realized in discipline OOP: 1) aquisition of the system of the knowledges in the field of history of the ancient world; 2) shaping the culture of thinking student the history; 3) preparation to conduct professional-pedagogical activity in the field of history discipline. By discipline were provided educational interests for personalities of the students, training on given OOP, concluding in: - aquisition of the beliefs about particularity of the history process in antiquity; - a shaping of knowledgebase for perception following stage of history development human society. By discipline were satisfied the requirements of customer graduate of the university on given OOP in their readiness to teaching "History of the ancient world" at a rate of general institutions and profil of the school. The Material which wasthing received student at study of discipline "History of the ancient world", will be necessary at study of the following history discipline (the history of the average ages, new and the most latest time), writing the term papers, exhaust functioning and them odern history. Shaping the certain interest to history knowledge and even attempt of comparisons experience ancient with modern society, creates special urgency in study of the histories to antiquities that comparisons were literate, and skilled. The Purpose of the teaching of discipline is acquisition is student the special competency in the field of histories of the ancient world. The Tasks of the teaching of discipline: 1) Reveal to students the value of history of the ancient world, as person of the stage in formation and development of human society, 2) to show manifestation of the history regularities, as general, so and quotient, of example of the histories to antiquity, 3) to present relationship to histories to antiquities with contemporaneity, influences ancient cultures on modern custodes. Technology of the process of the education on discipline "History of the ancient world" comprises of itself course of lectures, functioning on seminar occupation, performing the tasks on independent functioning, total checking the knowledges in the form of the exam. The General volume of discipline forms 314 hours. MODEL Professional-profil to competencies (PPK) as requirements to results of preparation on discipline ANCIENT WORLD Parts. I
3. 2. 1. 2. Contens of the oretical course of discipline The Module 1. The History of the primitive society. The Subject 1. The Subject and structure of discipline of history of the ancient world. The Place and importance in system humanitarian and general discipline, in formation value relations of the future teacher to achievements Mankind, to spiritual tradition folk ancient world. The Notion "history of the ancient world". Importance of the study of histories of the ancient world for understanding the key problems of worldwide history. The Sources of the study of primitive society. Archeological, ethnographic, anthropological, linguistical, ancient zoology, physician-genetic and others their particularities. The Subject 2. Antroposociogenez. Fossilized hominid. Ramapitek, gigantopitek, australopitek, habilis, pitekantrop, geidelberg person, homo sapiens neandertaliensis, newantropos. The Herd prapersons and to form people, their particularities. The Area, motion, feeding, morphological signs. Gun activity. Dominirovanie. Arhantropy. "Universal" manual hacked. The Problem "primitive spectacler". The Effect "pavlovsky of the dog". The Taboo. The Relations of the distribution. Paleoantrops. The Neanderthal man and neanderthal problem. The Technology "levallua". The Particularities of the hunt. The Totemism and kinship. The Late neanderthal man. The Marriage relations and arising the sort. The Neanderthal burials. The Egoism and taboo. The Sectional relations (the ethnographic examples). Huntsman-sexual taboo. The Vendetta (Lex sakrum). Stareyshiny (Old chieftain). The Subject 3. The Primitive generic commune. Social-economic relations in generic commune. Late paleolithic technology and problem of the variety of the cultures. Mezolit. The Stages of the development of the hunt and collecting. Necessary and surplus product. Sectional, dividedical and grant-exchange relations. The Sort, sortical, family. The Huntsmans, collectors and fishermans. Primitive "democracy". The Sort, fratry, tribe, confederacy. The Prestigious economy. The Advices and their composition. Publical. The Subject 4. "Neolithic revolution" and its consequences. The Cultural collecting and arising the husbandry. The Hunt and taming animal as reserve spare of the food. The Surplus product. The Transformation of the generic commune in the neighbor's. Sakralinosti agnatos and cognatos of the groups. The Tiller and nomads. The First consolidated settlings. The Professionalism and arising the exchange. Sinoykizm and civil commune. Social-economic relations in the neighbor's commune. The Economic cell. Help-exchange, help-borrow, service-exchange, service-payment. The Conditions of existence of the commune and its fight for their conservation. The Subject 5. The Decomposition of primitive society beging forming the classes. Origin to usages. The Hunt for "head" as effect "overpopulations of" area. The Victims compelled, or ritual. The Cannibalism. The Adoption. Ecological and ethnic of the problem to usages. Mayorat and patronimy. «Iron principle» of history of ancient society. The Civil commune and state. The State as mechanism of the adjusting social contradiction and its change from civil commune. Klanovosti. The Treachery and new importance the public. The Subject 6. The Religion in primitive society. The Problem of the arising the religious presentations in historiographies XIX-XX сentury. Totemism, animism, magic, fetichizm. The Cults of power of the nature. Solyarnycal and astral cults. Mifologization consciousnesses. Origin usher of the cult. The Module 2. The most ancient civilizations. The Subject 1. The Civilization Mesopotamy. The Sources on history Mesopotamy. The Natural conditions of Mesopotamy. The Population of Mesopotamy. Protopisimenniy period and its particularities. Rannedinasticheskiy period and shaping states in Mesopotamy. The Creation the united state in Mesopotamy under power Akkada. Sargonis internal and external policy and his successor. The Invasion guty and disintegration of Akkadsky kindom. The Third dynasty Urh. The Reinforcement to centralizations and authorities reigning. The Large temples and tsarist manors and workshops. The Particularities of holdings slave. Trade. Military marches. The Fall III dynasties Ur. Age-Babylonian period Mesopotamy. The Association Mesopotamy under power Hammurapi. Mesopotamic on law Hammurapi. Fair-Babylonian period. The Particularities of economic and social relations kassitsky period. The External policy kassitsky tsars. The Subject 2. The Civilization of the Ancient Egypt. The Sources on history of Ancient Egypt. Egypt at period Early and Ancient Kindom. The Natural conditions nilsky of valleys. The Population. Begin shaping states. Egypt at period Ancient kindom (III-VI dynasties). The Features of despoty. The Deification of pharaon. The Bureaucratic device. The Worker troops and use the in manor grand gentelman. The Construction of the pyramids. Egypt at period Average Kindom. XII dynasty. The Shifts in economy. Mastering the new fields (irrigations work in Fayume). The Development of the craft. The Using the bronze instruments. Appearance average layers (the richs tiller and handicraftsme). The Conquest of Egypt gicsosy. Egypt at period New Kindom. Exile gicsosy and new association of the country. The Growing of production power (the most further spreading bronze instruments and weapons, the first appearance iron product). The Achievements in agricultures and different craft. Use the horses in military deal (the combat chariots). The Development the holdings slave. Military policy of pharaoh XVIII dynasties. The Ehnatons Religious reform. The policy Failures Ehnatons in external politician. Egypt under XIX and XX dynasty. The most Further reinforcement usher of the cult. The War with hittites. The Marches Ramsesa II against hittites and conclusion the peace treaty. The Weakening of Egypt under successor Ramses I. The Invasion "folk epidemic deathes" and libyan tribes. The Intensification of the social fight. The Appearance the poor person against abuses official. The Mastery usher of the cult and weakening the central authorities. |
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