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III. Reading THE TRAINING OF A KNIGHT In medieval England if a boy wanted to be a knight - and what a boy didn't - he had to begin at about the age of seven. Usually he was taken from his home and sent to school at the castle of one of the great barons, perhaps that of his father's overlord. At first he was given over to the women who taught him table manners and how to behave in the house. These young boys were called pages and as they grew older they had an increasing list of duties to perform. They waited on the ladies. They ran errands. They began to learn the endless list of terms applied to hunting, to falconry, to serving a table. They might be taught to read and write by a priest, who also taught them religion. And always, they had the idea drilled into them that some day they would be knights. When the boys could find time, they loved to loiter about the stables or the armory, caring for the horses, or listening wide-eyed to the esquires or squires who were apprentice knights. When the pages reached the age of fourteen, they could hope to pass over to this high position themselves. From the time a boy graduated from pagehood until he won his golden spurs, he was an esquire and spent most of his time practicing with weapons. Esquire means "shield bearer," and when he grew older — sixteen or so - that's exactly what he was. He was assigned to the personal service of his lord, or of some other knight. He carried the knight's heavy shield for him on journeys. He attended to the knight and armed him for a tournament or battle. He kept his weapons in good condition, and got him out of danger if he were wounded. And all the time, of course, he was supposed to be learning the principles of chivalry from his master - courage, honor, faith, devotion to duty - and the use of arms. A39.The boys who were to become knights started with...
A40. What was the most important part of the education of pages?
A41. When did pages become squires?
A42. What were an esquire's duties?
A43.The esquires were called so because they had to..
IV. Country-Specific Studies 44.What can you find in the City? a) Saint Paul's Cathedral b) Westminster Abbey c) The National Theatre 45.Where can you find dinosaur skeletons? a) Natural History Museum b) National Gallery c) MOMI museum 46. What can you find in the West End? a) The Bank of England b) Hampstead Heath c) Oxford Street 47. Covent Garden is well-known for… a) cafes, clubs and clothes shops b) the Law Courts c) a huge park 48. What can you find in the Docklands? a) a royal palace b) the Canary Wharf Tower c) the Botanical Gardens 49. The Prime Minister lives at … a ) 10 Downing Street b) 10 Dean Street c) 10 Regent Street 50. If you go to Greenwich you can visit a) Camden Lock market b) the Cutty Sark c) the Planetarium Ключи
Темы эссе (сочинений) для текущего контроля 1.Дом моей мечты. 2.Семейный праздник. 3.Почему я выбрал МарГУ. 4.Мой вклад в защиту окружающей среды. 5. Что я делаю, чтобы быть здоровым. 6.Роль иностранного языка в современном обществе. 7.Моя будущая профессия. 8.Работа ради денег или ради карьеры. 9.Ничто не расширяет кругозор так, как сломанный телевизор. 10.Что я выбираю: электронную или «живую» книгу. Материалы (примерные задания) к зачету: 1. Аудирование текста на иностранном языке и выполнение теста на понимание. 1. Listening. Listen to the text A strange picture A rich American went to Paris and bought a very strange picture painted by a fashionable modern artist. The American thought the picture was very fine because he had paid a lot of money for it. But when he came to his hotel and wanted to hang the picture up on the wall, he couldn’t tell which was the top and which the bottom of the picture. The American turned the picture this way and that, but still couldn’t decide which was the top and which was the bottom. So he thought of a plan. He hung the painting in the dining-room and invited the artist to dinner. When the artist came, the American said nothing to him about the picture. When the artist began to eat the soup, he looked at the picture many times. When he began to eat his fish, he put on his glasses and looked at the picture again. Before he began to eat his fruit, he got up and walked over to the picture to look at it more closely. At last when they began to drink their coffee, he understood that picture was upside down. “Why, my friend”, he said,” my picture is hung upside down”. “Oh, is it?” said the American. “Why didn’t you tell me so at once?” “Well, you see, I was not sure myself at first”, said the artist. Choose the right answer: 1. An American bought a picture a) in New-York; b) in London; c) in Paris. 2. The American thought the picture was fine because a) the painter was famous; b) he had paid a lot of money for it; c) he paid almost nothing for it. 3. He hung the picture a) in the living-room; b) in the hall; c) in the dining-room. 4. The American invited a) the artist; b) the singer; c) the teacher. 5. The artist understood that the picture was upside down when a) he drank coffee; b) he ate soup; c) he ate fruit. 2. Чтение со словарем и пересказ на иностранном языке текста по широкому профилю специальности или страноведению. TEXT A. History of agriculture For hundreds of thousands of years, prehistoric people lived by hunting, fishing, gathering wild plants. Then about 8000 B.C., people took the first steps toward the agriculture. Some tribes discovered that plants could be grown from seeds. They also learned that certain animals could be tamed and then raised in captivity. These two discoveries marked the beginning of the domestication of plants and animals. Scholars believe that domestication began in the Middle East and then spread to surrounding areas. People who farmed no longer had to travel in search of food. They could thus build permanent settlements. Some of these settlements developed into the first cities. Some of these cities, in turn, produced the world first civilizations. The first great civilizations arose in two regions of the Middle East. One region was the Nile River Valley of Egypt. The other was Mesopotamia. Both regions had fertile soil, but neither received enough rain for crops to grow. Farmers discovered, however, that they could raise crops during most of the year if they used river water for irrigation. By about 3000 B.C., Egyptian and Mesopotamian farmers had developed the world’s first large-scale irrigation systems and had invented a plow that oxen could pull. The Roman Empire began as a country of small farms on the Italian peninsula before 500 B.C. By the A.D. 200s the Romans had developed new farming methods, e.g. systems of crop rotation. The selective breeding of plants and livestock began in Europe during Roman times, too. During the Middle Ages European farmers invented a three- field system of crop rotation during the Middle Ages. In many areas, it replaced the Roman two-field system. On most European farms horses gradually replaced oxen as the chief source of power. Many special-purpose livestock breeds were developed. The European voyages of discovery that began in the 1400s greatly affected agriculture throughout the world. In various parts of the Americas, Indian farmers grew cocoa beans, corn, peanuts, peppers, rubber trees, squash, sweet potatoes, tobacco, and tomatoes. Europeans first learned of these crops, and how best to grow them, from the Indians. The Europeans, in turn, brought their seeds, livestock, and farming tools and methods to the regions they explored and settled. During the early 1700s, a great change in farming called the Agricultural Revolution began in the UK. By the mid-1800s, it had spread throughout much of Europe and North America. The Agricultural revolution was brought about mainly by three developments. They were improved crop-growing methods, e.g. a four-field rotation system; advances in livestock breeding by means of developing new, better breeds; and the invention of new farm equipment, such as the seed drill, the cotton gin, the harvester, the thresher and the steel plow. |
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Пояснительная записка 5 Планируемые результаты освоения обучающимися... При разработке ооп ноо учтены материалы, полученные в ходе реализации федеральных целевых программ развития образования последних... |
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«Пояснительная записка. Планирование результатов освоения ооп ООО.... |
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Пояснительная записка Планируемые результаты освоения обучающимися... Программа формирования универсальных учебных действий у обучающихся на ступени начального общего образования |
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Пояснительная записка. Планируемые результаты освоения обучающимися... Планируемые результаты освоения обучающимися основной образовательной программы начального общего образования |
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Основная образовательная программа (ооп) магистратуры Нормативные... Компетенции выпускника ооп магистратуры, формируемые в результате освоения программы |
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Основная образовательная программа основного общего образования Система оценки достижения планируемых результатов освоения ооп ООО |
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Основная образовательная программа (определение) Нормативные документы... Компетенции выпускника как совокупный ожидаемый результат образования по завершении освоения ооп впо |
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Основная образовательная программа (определение) 3 Нормативные документы... Компетенции выпускника как совокупный ожидаемый результат образования по завершении освоения ооп впо 7 |
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Основная образовательная программа (определение) Нормативные документы... Компетенции выпускника как совокупный ожидаемый результат образования по завершении освоения ооп впо |
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Основная образовательная программа (определение) Нормативные документы... Компетенции выпускника как совокупный ожидаемый результат образования по завершении освоения ооп впо |
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Программам среднего профессионального образования являются Итоговая аттестация представляет собой форму оценки степени и уровня освоения выпускниками образовательной программы, проводится... |
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Пояснительная записка 7 1 Цель и задачи реализации ооп ООО мбоу «сош№4» г. Аргун 6 Система оценки достижения планируемых результатов освоения образовательной программы |
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Планируемые результаты освоения обучающимися ооп ООО Описание организации и содержания государственной (итоговой) аттестации обучающихся, промежуточной аттестации обучающихся в рамках... |
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2. Характеристика профессиональной деятельности выпускника магистерской ооп Компетенции выпускника ооп магистратуры, формируемые в результате освоения магистерской ооп |
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Пояснительная записка Планируемые результаты освоения обучающимися... Система оценки достижения планируемых результатов освоения основной образовательной программы основного общего образования |
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Пояснительная записка 5 Планируемые результаты освоения обучающимися... Особенности, основные направления и планируемые результаты учебно-исследовательской и проектной деятельности обучающихся |
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