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Л.Д. Ермолаева ESSENTIAL BUSINESS TECH (Современные бизнес технологии) Методическая разработка по обучению аннотированию и реферированию по английскому языку ![]() Министерство образования и науки Российской Федерации Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования «Владимирский государственный университет имени Александра Григорьевича и Николая Григорьевича Столетовых» Л.Д. Ермолаева ESSENTIAL BUSINESS TECH (Современные бизнес технологии) Методическая разработка по обучению аннотированию и реферированию по английскому языку [Введите цитату из документа или краткое описание интересного события. Надпись можно поместить в любое место документа. Для изменения форматирования надписи, содержащей броские цитаты, используйте вкладку "Работа с надписями".] Владимир 2014 Рецензент: Кафедра музеологии и истории культуры Владимирского государственного университета Доцент, кандидат филологических наук З.Н. Сазонова Ермолаева Л.Д., СОВРЕМЕННЫЕ БИЗНЕС ТЕХНОЛОГИИ. Методическая разработка по английскому языку. Владим. гос. ун-т, Владимир, 2014. 62 с. Цель методической разработки - развитие навыков чтения, аннотирования и реферирования на основе переработки информации оригинальных американских текстов и системы коммуникативно-ориентированных упражнений. Предназначено в качестве основного материала на занятиях по английскому языку на 3-ем и 4-ом курсах специальности 080500.62 «Бизнес информатика». Владимирский государственный университет 2014 [Введите цитату из документа или краткое описание интересного события. Надпись можно поместить в любое место документа. Для изменения форматирования надписи, содержащей броские цитаты, используйте вкладку "Работа с надписями".] UNIT I
ENTERPRISE STORAGE OPTIONS Storage is one of the cornerstones to the infrastructure foundation companies work so hard to build. But enterprises storage options now stretch far beyond traditionally used hard drives and tape drives and extend to virtualized environments on shared storage and cloud services where data is hosted entirely off-site. With so many choices, it can be difficult to narrow down which types of solutions fit certain use cases. It all starts with cost because if all storage was the same price, you’d put it all on main memory or solid state and be done with it. But that’s not how the business world works, and companies have to be concerned with their budgets and bottom lines. For that reason companies should choose storage solutions based on their industry and the types of application they use. Where instant messaging and email may be mission-critical for one company, it might be of relatively little importance to another. That’s why it’s worthwhile to look at all available options and compare them on a case by case basis to determine whether or not they fit your company’s specific needs.
IV. Study a special cliché for writing abstracts and summaries. 1. General characteristics of an article (text, passage): The paper (article) under discussion (consideration) is intended (aims) to describe (explain, examine, survey) … 2. Tasks set by the author: The author outlines (points out, reviews, analyses)… 3. Estimation of results obtained: The results obtained confirm (lead to, show)… 4. Summarizing (conclusion): The paper summarizes, in summing up to author, at the end of the article the author sums up...
below. The article deals with … As the title implies the article describes ... The paper is concerned with… It is known that… It should be noted about… The fact that … is stressed. Vocabulary
Local storage Local storage is the most common traditional form of enterprise storage. It consists of direct-attached spinning disks or other media that are only connected to one server or one piece of infrastructure. But a series of direct-attached solutions can be unable to communicate efficiently or at all. Still, there are proper uses for local storage, especially if your application or server just needs the simplest storage. Shared storage or virtualization Shared storage is where probably 95% of workloads will fit. In fact, shared storage is good for file shares, data-base support, server virtualization, and many other uses. Plus, there are many benefits to moving away from DAS (direct-attached storage) to a shared or NAS (network-attached storage) model for performance and consolidation. Shared storage solutions and virtualization are very popular in the IT industry and their growth is expected to continue for the foreseeable future. In fact, the efficiency and performance of virtualized environments have changed the way companies compare and evaluate storage options. And businesses are virtualizing more data and applications than ever before. As consolidation and virtualization efforts have matured, we’ve seen both increases to the density of virtual machines supported on physical hardware, as well as the virtualization of more mission-critical workloads.
environments changed?
expressions given below. A mention should be made about … It is spoken in detail about… It is reported that … The text gives valuable information on… Much attention is given to… It is shown that…. Vocabulary
Public cloud storage Cloud storage is beneficial to companies for many reasons, but to tie it back to local shared storage, it can be used to back up of non-premises data storage devices to great effect. In addition to backing up your on-premises storage, it can also be used directly as primary storage for collaboration purposes, like file-sharing. Backup is a perfect use for cloud storage, but that due to latency issues, it might not be the best fit for more intense use such as hosting applications that require fast response times. The cloud is a great solution for disaster recovery because it’s much less expensive to stand up a copy of your data in a cloud in case something happens than it is to set up a remote data center somewhere. Although, the three biggest benefits of cloud storage are anywhere access, agility and capital savings, many have found that the long-term total cost of storing data or hosting applications persistently in the cloud is greater than keeping it in-house. For that reason, some companies are trying to move their solutions back on-premises, whether that’s through the NAS or other types of cloud environments. Private cloud storage In addition to the public cloud, companies also have the option of building their own internal, private clouds. Many companies are building scale-out, white box storage, which is essentially a group of direct-attached disks connected via modes that create a very resilient, scalable storage environment. And one of the best aspects of the private cloud is you use software to control the system, so you can build it on inexpensive commodity storage. Private cloud storage, in addition to storage in public and hybrid environments, is a great solution for providing good, distributed access for mobile devices, so that no matter where somebody is they can access their file or holder. Private clouds also offer companies much more control over their data, because even though data appears to be in the cloud, it is still readily accessible on-site or at a company-owned facility.
the cloud?
over their data?
given below. The paper is devoted to (is concerned with) …. The paper deals with …. The investigation (the research) is carried out …. The experiment (analysis) is made …. The measurements (calculations) are made …. The research includes (covers, consists of) …. Vocabulary
Flash storage Another type of storage is flash storage, employed in SSDs (solid state drives). Flash storage is lauded for its high capacity, high speed, and overall excellent performance relative to other physical media, but it’s also much more expensive on a capacity basis. For that reason, some solutions are built as all-flash arrays and in server-attached forms, but flash isn’t typically seen as a pure replacement for spinning disks or HDDs. Flash storage is commonly used for caching or auto-tiering purposes. Some vendors offer SSDs as a tier of storage in an array in combination with automatic tiering capabilities that move hot data from spinning disk up to flash and cold data back to spinning disk. Others use SSDs or other flash devices as a cache to maintain a copy of that data on fast storage, while a primary copy of the data is maintained on disk. From a buyer’s perspective, these are really just different approaches to the same problem. At the end of the day, there are some advantages of each approach, but both will meet the needs of most organizations. When companies move some active input/output to flash they may well get an economic benefit for the entire system. Companies are also sidestepping the need for additional spinning disks and using solid state for extra bandwidth instead. In the end, it’s important to learn up front what uses are best for solid state in order to get the best ROI. |
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