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Grammar exercises Ex.2. Make up adverbs from the following adjectives. Remember that some adverbs have the same form as adjectives. Mechanical, common, straight, great, fast, basic, rough, left, real, early Ex. 3. Remember adverbs with and without –ly with different meaning.
Ex.4. Choose the proper form of the adjective/adverb.
Ex.5. Translate the sentences. Pay attention the words the same and some. the same – одинаковый, тот же самый some – несколько, некоторые
Ex.6. Make up degrees of comparison for the following adjectives and adverbs. Important, great, little, good, much, difficult, quick, quickly Ex.7. Translate the sentences paying attention to the degrees of comparison.
Ex.8. Translate the sentences paying attention to the word either. either – и тот, и другой; оба; любой (из двух): There was a village on either bank of the river. – Деревня располагалась по обоим берегам реки. either … or – либо … либо … I will phone you either at five o'clock or at six o'clock.- Я позвоню тебе либо сегодня, либо завтра.
Reading Read the passages of the text and perform the tasks for each.
In some aircraft, all the gyros are vacuum, pressure, or electrically operated. In other aircraft, vacuum or pressure systems provide the power for the heading and attitude indicators, while the electrical system provides the power for the turn coordinator. Most aircraft have at least two sources of power to ensure at least one source of bank information is available if one power source fails. 1. Find among the bold-typed words synonyms to the following words. characteristics, minimum, work, roll, to use, ordinary, ensure 2. Find in the text the antonyms to the following words. internal, flexible, depending on, consumer 3. True or false? 1) The turn coordinator belongs to the pitot-static system. 2) A gyro is made up of a source of power, a wheel and a heading indicator. 3) Ability to move with a high speed is of great importance for the gyro. 4. Answer the questions.
Heading Indicator
1. Find among the bold-typed words synonyms to the following words quickly, perform, roll, directional gyro, malfunction 2. Find among the bold-typed words antonyms to the following words fly straight, still, secondary, rare, prevent, accurately, easy 3. True or false? 1) The heading indicator is designed to indicate a turn. 2) The directional gyro readings are more reliable than those of the magnetic compass. 3) The heading indicator accurately displays the speed of the turn.
Turn Coordinator
1. Find among the bold-typed words synonyms to the following words. display, the part of the wing that is most distant from the fuselage, side, to arrange in a line or so as to be parallel 2. Find among the bold-typed words antonyms to the following words. neither… nor…, above, into, slowly 3. True or false? 1) The turn coordinator is designed to indicate a turn. 2) The miniature aircraft banks in the same direction as the real aircraft. 3) The turn coordinator accurately displays the speed of the turn. 4. Answer the questions. 1) What information does the turn coordinator provide? 2) What is the difference between the heading indicator and the turn coordinator? 3) What does the mark 2MIN mean? Attitude Indicator
Normally, the miniature aircraft is adjusted so that the wings overlap the horizon bar when the aircraft is in straight-and-level cruising flight. Every pilot should be able to interpret the banking scale. Most banking scale indicators on the top of the instrument move in the same direction from that in which the aircraft is actually banked. Some other models move in the opposite direction from that in which the aircraft is actually banked. The attitude indicator is reliable and the most realistic flight instrument on the instrument panel. Its indications are very close approximations of the actual attitude of the aircraft. 1. Find among the bold-typed words synonyms to the following words. dependence, lie over and partly cover something, momentary, the orientation of an aircraft's axes in relation to some plane, reading 2. Find among the bold-typed words antonyms to the following words. imaginary, up, the most noticeable variation, different 3. True or false? 1) The attitude indicator displays a realistic picture of the attitude of the aircraft. 2) The miniature aircraft banks in the same direction as the real aircraft in all models of the attitude indicator. 3) The adjustment knob is used to make the aircraft fly straight. 4. Answer the questions. 1) What two elements make up a picture of the attitude of the aircraft? 2) What is the function of the adjustment knob? ![]() Electronic Flight Display (EFD) Word-building Fill in the table.
Group the words and translate them.
Width, widen, wide, strong, strengthen, strength, deepen, depth, deep, long, length, lengthen Lexical Exercises Match the English and Russian equivalents.
Match the synonyms.
Match the antonyms.
Match the names of the systems with their acronyms and definitions.
Reading Electronic Flight Display (EFD) Advances in digital displays and solid state electronic components have been introduced into the flight decks of aircraft. In addition to the improvement in system reliability, which increases overall safety, electronic flight displays (EFD) have decreased the overall cost of equipping aircraft with state-of-the-art instrumentation. Primary electronic instrumentation packages are less prone to failure than their analogue counterparts. Multi-panel digital flight displays combine all flight instruments onto a single screen which is called a primary flight display (PFD). The traditional “six pack” of instruments is now displayed on one liquid crystal display (LCD) screen. Airspeed Tape Configured similarly to traditional panel layouts, the ASI is located on the left side of the screen and is displayed as a vertical speed tape. Attitude Indicator One improvement over analogue instrumentation is the larger attitude indicator on EFD. The artificial horizon spans the entire width of the PFD. This expanded instrumentation offers better reference through all phases of flight and all flight maneuvers. The attitude indicator receives its information from the Attitude Heading and Reference System (AHRS). Altimeter The altimeter is located on the right side of the PFD. The altitude is displayed in increments of 20 feet. Vertical Speed Indicator (VSI) The VSI is displayed to the right of the altimeter tape and can take the form of an arc or a vertical speed tape. Both are equipped with a vertical speed bug. Heading Indicator The heading indicator is located below the artificial horizon. As in the case of the attitude indicator, the heading indicator receives its information from the magnetometer which feeds information to the AHRS unit and then out to the PFD. Turn Indicator The turn indicator takes a slightly different form than the traditional instrumentation. A sliding bar moves left and right below the triangle to indicate deflection from coordinated flight. Tachometer The sixth instrument normally associated with the “six pack” package is the tachometer. This is the only instrument that is not located on the PFD. The tachometer is normally located on the multi-function display (MFD). In the event of a display screen failure, it is displayed on the remaining screen with the PFD flight instrumentation. Slip/Skid Indicator The slip/skid indicator is the horizontal line below the roll pointer. Like a ball in a turn-and-slip indicator, a bar width off center is equal to one ball width displacement. Turn Rate Indicator The turn rate indicator is typically found directly above the rotating compass card. Tick marks to the left and right denote the turn. Answer the questions.
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