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1. The physical, mental and spiritual aspects of your life … . 2. A healthy lifestyle would be a way of living that would … in a healthy mind, body and spirit. 3. Sleeping right, having a positive … about life and having a balanced life are also the necessary components of a healthy lifestyle. 4. Yoga has a therapeutic affect and also helps to … your stress level. 5. Living a healthy lifestyle involves … of your physical, mental and spiritual health. 6. Managing stress … is a critical part of a healthy lifestyle. 7. It is essential that you … any kind of exercises in to your daily life to help keep you fit and … your weight at a healthy level. 8. You need to … yourself with appropriate knowledge that will … that you get the result you want. 9. A healthy lifestyle … of many components. 10. You must … and choose things that are good for you and your loved ones. Exercise 8. Read the text «Healthy Living» and answer the following questions. 1. How can you define a healthy living? 2. What components a healthy lifestyle comprises of? 3. What food should be avoided? 4. What kind of exercises should you incorporate in your daily life? 5. How can stress affect your life? 6. Is it important to have a positive outlook about life? 7. What living a healthy living involves? Exercise 9. Read and translate the following article into Russian with the help of a dictionary. Entitle the article and express its main idea in several sentences. A ![]() When a person drinks alcohol, it is absorbed by the stomach, enters the bloodstream, and goes to all the tissues. Most people who have alcohol-related health problems aren’t alcoholics. They’re simply people who have regularly drunk more than the recommended levels for some years. Alcohol’s hidden harms usually only emerge after a number of years. And by then, serious health problems can have developed. A series of diseases are entirely caused by alcohol, such as alcohol dependence and alcoholic liver cirrhosis. Alcohol consumption also clearly increases the risk of some cancers (including lip, tongue, throat, esophagus, liver, and breast cancer). Depending on the drinking pattern, alcohol can have a damaging or a protective role in the development of diseases of the heart and blood vessels. The fetus is at risk when the mother consumes alcohol during pregnancy. Effects range from slow growth to birth defects and mental retardation. Maternal drinking can also cause spontaneous abortion or premature birth. There is also a link between drinking too much alcohol and mental health problems such as depression. Heavy long-term drinking can also risk problems with memory loss. About 2 billion people across the world consume alcoholic drinks. Alcohol consumption can harm health as well as social relations, but the nature and the severity of the effects depend on both the amount of alcohol consumed over time, and the pattern of drinking. Alcoholism and Alcohol Abuse – Helpguide.org [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: www.helpguide.org/.../alcohol_abuse_alcoholis... Exercise 10. Read the statements and mark them as true (T) or false (F). Prove your point. In your arguments use: I quite agree with…; I don’t think so...; I can’t agree with...; I guess…; on the contrary; quite so; exactly; from my point of view; as for me; to tell you the truth. 1. Alcohol consumption can harm health as well as social relations. 2. Alcohol is linked with connotations of pleasure and sociability. 3. The effects of alcohol on your health will depend on how much you drink. 4. Most people who have alcohol-related health problems are alcoholics. 5. Alcohol consumption increases the risk of some cancers. 6. Health effects of alcohol have been observed in nearly every organ of the body. 7. Moderate alcohol consumption has been shown to lower some specific health risks. Exercise 11. Find information on a healthy lifestyle. Speak on your experience of maintaining your health. Exercise 12. In groups make a list of facts proving that a healthy living is very important to many people. Compare your list with other groups. Exercise 13. Comment on the proverbs:
Recall examples from life or literature to prove the proverb. Unit 2 You Are What You Eat ![]() Before reading Look at the pictures and answer the following questions: 1. What products that you can see in the pictures can be defined as unhealthy? 2. What products prevail in your diet? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Healthy Eating ![]() Healthy eating starts with learning new ways to eat, such as adding more fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains and cutting back on foods that have a lot of fat, salt and sugar. To feel great, have more energy, and keep yourself as healthy as possible – all of which can be achieved by learning some nutritional basics and using them in a way that works for you. A change to healthier eating also includes learning about balance, variety, and moderation. Most days eat from each food group – vegetables and fruit, grain products, milk and alternatives, meat and alternatives. Listen to your body. Eat when you’re hungry. Stop when you feel satisfied. Be adventurous. Choose different foods in each food group. For example, don’t reach for an apple every time you choose a fruit. Eating a variety of foods each day will help you get all the nutrients you need. Don’t have too much or too little of one thing. All foods, if eaten in moderation, can be part of healthy eating. Even sweets can be okay. Healthy eating will help you get the right balance of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. It will help you feel your best and have plenty of energy. It can help you handle stress better. Healthy eating is one of the best things you can do to prevent and control many health problems, such as: heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, some types of cancer. Healthy eating is not a diet. It means making changes you can live with and enjoy for the rest of your life. Diets are temporary. Because you give up so much when you diet, you may be hungry and think about food all the time. And after you stop dieting, you also may overeat to make up for what you missed. Eating a healthy, balanced variety of foods is far more satisfying. And if you match that with more physical activity, you are more likely to get to a healthy weight and stay there than if you diet. You Are What You Eat | FactMonster.com [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: www. factmonster.com › Science › Food Topical Vocabulary
EXERCISES Exercise 1. Practice the pronunciation of the following words: vegetables [ˈveʤɪtəblz], sugar [ˈʃʊgə], energy [ˈenəʤɪ], basics [ˈbeɪsɪks], balance [ˈbæləns], vitamins [ˈvɪtəmɪnz], diabetes [daɪəˈbiːtiːz], diet [ˈdaɪət]. Exercise 2. Find the correct pronunciation of these words in the dictionary, read and translate them into Russian: achieve, include, variety, moderation, cancer, weight. Exercise 3. Match the words with the opposite meaning: a) overeat, add, achieve, best, balance, prevent. b) worst, disproportion, allow, reduce, fail, diet. Exercise 4. Match the words with the similar meaning: a) choose, moderation, enjoy, handle, temporary. b) cope, short-lived, temperance, like, select. Exercise 5. Read and translate the text «Healthy Eating» consulting the topical vocabulary. Find in the text the information about: a) the difference between healthy eating and keeping a diet; b) the best pattern of healthy eating; c) direct recommendations of a balanced diet. Exercise 6. Complete the sentences with the phrases from the text. 1. A change to healthier eating includes … 2. Healthy eating starts with … 3. Eating a variety of foods each day … 4. Healthy eating will help you get … 5. Healthy eating can help you … 6. If you match healthy eating with more physical activity … Exercise 7. Fill in the gaps with the words from the box.
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